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Synthesis Paper

“Mathematics as the Key: It Helps Organize Patterns and Regularities”

Submitted by: Margaret Faye B. Macarandang - ARCH 1C

Some people consider math as a requirement to pass classes, while others have
struggled with it, stating, "Ah, I won't be able to apply this in the future." Mathematics.
What is really the consensus towards it? But mathematics' allure goes beyond numbers
and mathematical notation. The ability to recognize patterns and comprehend universal
rules is one of the many benefits of knowing mathematics. Because mathematics
supports us in all we do—from millions of numerical patterns to countless
configurations to several schools of thought regarding how to evaluate things—it is a
common yet significant item. As a result, mathematics helps to organize patterns and

Young Mathematicians assert that mathematical patterns are more than merely
attractive designs. We are able to foresee the future because the patterns adhere to a
predictable law. According to mathematicians, mathematics is the study of patterns,
including geometrical patterns and patterns in numbers. A crucial mathematical habit of
mind that newborns learn from birth is the ability to recognize pattern and structure in
the environment around them. Children are naturally drawn to patterns because they
aid in predicting future events and helping them make sense of their immediate
environment. Similar to how we can foresee what would happen when we perceive
patterns, we also feel more secure and confident.

By just being present in everything our eyes view, it organizes the patterns and
regularities in the world. Mathematics will be employed to measure what currently
exists rather than to build our reality. Today's culture still uses the Fibonacci sequence,
which first emerged in the Old Generation. The Fibonacci sequence makes a significant
contribution to having the correct measurement while creating artwork, photography, or
anything else involving measurements. The Fibonacci series includes the golden ratio,
which has a profound effect on how we live (Bulaong, K., 2018).
Furthermore, Bui, J. stated (2020) that it is clear that patterns and regularities
exist, and that studying them greatly aids in comprehending symmetrical structures and
organizational patterns. As a result, mathematics developed into a great tool for figuring
out the best measurements, even though the basis for such measurements comes from
nature. Accordingly, De Los Reyes, L. E., (2021) noted that in order to make sense of the
information that is now available, we need mathematical tools to aid in our analysis and
decision-making. Mathematics has contributed in the organization of patterns and
regularities because it is present in practically everything in the universe.

As a result, we perceive patterns, correlations, and logical connections through

mathematics. It reveals the secrets and inner workings of the world, showing how
patterns, numbers, and formulas can be used as doors to understanding and empathy.
In addition to multiplication, division, fractions, percents, multiplication, algebra, and
calculus, there are more concepts involved. It is about how individuals may take a
general perspective on things they take for granted, spot patterns, and extrapolate them
to create equations. One must be able to combine the truth of the world utilizing a
fundamental mathematical formula and its pattern in order to understand the nature of
understanding in the cosmos.

Because individuals are attracted to an art's beauty just as they are to the art
itself, mathematics and the arts share this characteristic. As a result, even though many
people like your work, very few understand it. However, as you proceed, patterns,
correlations, and connections will gradually emerge that will demonstrate both your
progress and how little of an astounding new creation you have actually experienced. In
conclusion, Mathematics is not just a subject and a requirement, it is a key to
embarking on an expedition into a wide new world full of patterns and

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