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Plywood-wood that consists of several thin layers of wood stuck together:

volcano boarding
Otherwise known as Volcano surfing or ash boarding, this sport is practised on the
slopes of a volcano. Surfers usually hike up to the top of the volcano and surf
down either sitting or standing on a board. This sport was invented by an
adventurer journalist. The inventor of the sport classifies volcano surfing into two
types, surfing on active volcanoes, and surfing on inactive volcanoes, the only
difference being that, the lava and gases from an active volcano presents more
challenges and makes the ride more difficult. Volcano surfing is not contested at a
competitive level but is rather practiced only at a recreational level. It is totally
reserved for the high adrenaline adventurers who cannot get enough out of sand
Most riders use sand surfing boards with binding and boots. But volcano surfing
can also be done with thin plywood of any other metal board. Riders also wear
goggles and other safety gear as needed.
There's only two places in the world to try volcano boarding – in Nicaragua and
Chile. In parts of South America and Africa, you can also try sand boarding, but
this is nothing like volcano boarding
This sport has no specific rules, however it is necessary to be equipped with
special equipment. You should also concentrate on what you are doing, find the
right position, and most importantly, overcome your fear.
The negative side of sports is that a person can get injured, and in extreme cases,
die. . Potential dangers include falling and getting cut by the rough volcanic ash,
breathing poisonous gases, being hit by flying molten lava and etc. Therefore, a
person has to be very careful.
The positive side of this sport is that a person releases adrenaline at this time.
This sport is interesting, enjoyable, fun and dangerous. During this sport, a person
releases several emotions at once, which is good for the person himself.
Also ,during this sport, a person is given the opportunity to face his fears and
overcome them.

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