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Excerpts taken from Character & Neurosis by Claudio Naranjo

E1 x E3
Though alike in regard to self-control and formality they differ in that E1 is restrained and
serious while E3 is expansive and cheerful. Also, E1 is more tradition directed; E3, other-

E1 x E5
Though both are controlled and perfectionistic they differ in that they identify more with the
dignified or the guilty sub-self, respectively, and E1 is assertive and straightforward while E5
shy and inhibited in expression.

E1 x E6
The predominantly dutiful variety of E6 may be difficult to discriminate from E1; one
difference lies in the greater assertiveness of the latter; another" the greater difficulty of the
fearful in coming to decisions. Also, E1 is more active.

E2 x E3
Though both share the concern for personal appearance and the thirst for attention, E2 is
comparatively free and spontaneous, while E3 controlled, fearful of letting-go. Also, E2 tends
to be invasive, E3 more mindful of limits.

E2 x E7
Though both are seductive and hedonistic, E2 is a truly emotional type, while in E7 a warm
amiability exists in the context of a greater independence and in a background of cool non-

E2 x E8
Though the proud can be impulsive, arrogant and disdainful, E2 is definitely emotional while
E8 is active. E2 is predominantly seductive, E8 more oriented to power and explicit dominance.

E2 x E9
While sometimes I have seen E9 and E2 confused in view of their generous disposition, no
character could be called less histrionic and less egocentric than E9, while E2 is minimally
resigned or routine-oriented, and E9 is consciously disinterested while E2 is manipulative and
self-centered in his giving. Also, E9 is patient; E2, impatient. E9 "matter-of-fact;" E2, romantic.

E3 x E4
As in the case of the distinction between E2 and E3, that of E3 and E4 involves the contract
between over-control and emotional expressiveness. If the stereotype of E3 is Barbie Doll, that
of E4 is a ballerina. Most distinctively, there is the contrast between the E3 elated disposition
and a greater contact with sadness in E4 — which echoes good and bad feelings about
themselves, respectively. Though both can display an interference with spontaneity, this takes
in E3 the form of formality and in E4 that of affectation. Also, comparatively speaking, E3 is
more intellectual and E4 more emotional.

E3 x E5
These are difficult to confuse since E3 is efficient and E5, in its otherworldliness, inefficient and
impractical. Both can be called narcissistic in that sometimes E5, just as E3, seeks being and
love through performance, but their style is different in that E3 is more social and confrontive
than the schizoid (E5), while the latter avoids confrontation and social contact.

E3 x E6
These may be difficult to distinguish in some instances since E6 can display much vanity and E3
may be prone to anxiety. The content of this anxiety is usually different, however more in
connection to self-disclosure and separation in E3; more in relation to making mistakes or not
knowing what course of action to follow in E6. Even though E3 can be highly intellectual, his
intellectual orientation is that of needing rational support for practical action, whereas E6
generally is more interested in theoretical and metaphysical issues, beyond the practical.
Perhaps more striking than the introversion-extroversion contrast between the types is the
inner-directedness of E6 vis a-vis the other-directedness of E3.

E3 x E7
These may be confused in that E7 usually regard themselves vain and extroverted. Frequently
the motivation to achieve is stronger in E3, while in E7 it is tempered by a self-indulgent
aversion to effort. Also, while E3 may regard him or herself as an enjoyer, E7 is more exactly a
hedonist in that the desire for pleasure exists in the context of tnle permissiveness and little
concern for social conventions. More decisive still is the contrast between them in terms of
discipline vs. control and in that of permissiveness vs. control vis-a-vis others.

E3 x E8
These can occasionally be confused in that the E3 individual may be aware of having
developed self-assertive competitiveness in a vindictive manner, and may be both dominant as
well as competitive. The main difference, as in the distinction between E3 and E8, is the
impulsiveness and rebelliousness of E8 in contrast to the typical self-control and conformity of

E3 x E9
While the contrast between these may be striking in terms of perceived achievement motive,
both can be workaholics and both live on the surface of their being. Also, E9 can be as
unemotional as E3 seems to be, and E3 as affectionate as E9 typically is. One difference
between them is that E9 is the most tradition-directed of characters, while E3 the most other-
directed; also, E9 character exists in the context of viscerotonia while E3 in that of a
somatotonic background. While both are practical, the former is relaxed, and the latter
energetic and direct-not only in physical but psychological posture.

E4 x E5
E4 and E5, sharing the bottom of the enneagram, share the underdog identification that
implies feelings of inferiority and guilt as well as a submissive tendency. While E4 hangs on to
relationships in face of frustration, however, E5 gives up, and while the depression typical of
E4 is-in line with its emotional background-one of grief, weeping and self-accusation, the
depression of E5 is a dryness and hollowness, a forlorness in which grief seem to have been
buried under a layer of resignation. On the whole, we may say that E4 is intense, E5 the least
intense of personalities after E9.

E4 x E6
Perhaps the most striking difference between these types is the emotionality and
expressiveness of E4, in contrast to the intellectual centeredness and inhibition of E6. They are
not easy to confuse.

E4 x E7
The contrast here is between depression and elation, and also between guilt and the feeling of
"being OK". E4 also has more of a super-ego characteristic than E7. In most cases E4 expresses
more anger than E7, who is compulsively gentle.

E4 x E8
Though these types have much in common, there is a more emotional intensity in the former,
and an intensity of the active life in the latter. Also anger in the former lasts longer, while in E8
it is dissipated through its explosive expression. More important yet is the contrast between
the impulsiveness of E8, that goes after what it wants, and the inhibition of E4, whose strong
desiring goes hand-in-hand with self-prohibition and an inward condemnation of over-desiring.
As a consequence, E8 invades, E4 complains or manipulates through suffering.

E4 x E9
The one feature in common between these characters is that they can constitute the
background for depressive states. Even in these cases, however, E4 goes together with a
"claiming type" of depression, while in E9 there is a depression of pure grief and passivity, in
which we do not sense the dramatic element and the attention need of the former. Though
both have received the label "masochistic", E4 is emotional and hypersensitive, E9 practical
and long-suffering, E4 histrionic and E9 phlegmatic.

E5 x E6
May be confused in virtue of the schizoid features of E5 as well as the sad moods of the more
avoidant subtype. Also, E5 can be, as E6, distrustful, yet the distrust is more avoidant than
even in the avoidant or phobic E6 who is more dependent, more affectionate and generous,
both in terms of availability and in the quality of being good hosts. Also, E6 is comparatively
more disciplined, and takes external authority more into account, both in terms of
submissiveness to conventional or actual authority, and dominance towards those lower in the
authority hierarchy.

E5 x E9
It is possible to confuse these characters, for, in spite of the contrast between the
hypersensitive introvert and the "undersensitive" extrovert, in both we may speak of
resignation and self-forgetting. The difference is that between a resignation away from people
(isolation) and a resignation with participation (contactfulness) which implies the contrast
between a non-generous and an abnegated characteristic, respectively. Most characteristic,
however, is the contrast between generosity of E9 and the limited availability, cooperation and
support volunteered by E5.

E6 x E7
E7 is much more likely to be charming than E6 and considerably more adaptable. The
experience of anger, in the other hand, is more prominent in E6. Most striking is the difference
in regard to guilt as characteristic in the latter by its presence as it is in the former by its
absence. Whereas E6 has a hierarchical view of relations E7 approaches people as equals and
is little intimidated by authority. While E7 is, in a broad sense of the word, a fear type, he is not
prompt to anxiety as E6, and fear is only a psychodynamic aspect behind compulsive

E6 x E8
The distinction here is quite clear in terms of unassertiveness vs. over-assertiveness, and
manifest fear vs. manifest fearlessness-except in the case of one of the subtypes of
cowardliness, the counter-phobic character, in which the pursuit of strength and pugnacity
may simulate the phallic-narcissistic character. One difference between them is the greater
intellectual orientation of E6 — which contrasts with the anti-intellectual orientation that is
more frequent in E8 — and also the greater presence of guilt and concern for intellectual
authority, as well as a measure of introversion of the former, and the greater impulsiveness
and indiscipline of the latter.

E6 x E9
One difference here is that of introversive-extraversive characteristic. Another related to the
above, the predominance of an intellectual and sensory-motor orientation, respectively. While
E6 orients itself to hierarchy, E9 rejects a hierarchical perspective. Also, while E6, together with
E5, is the most inner-directed, E9 is the most pure expression of tradition-directedness.

E7 x E8
The difference between these two characters may be conveyed in terms of the contrast
between tender-mindedness and tough-mindedness. Though both are impulsive, the former is
intellectual, the latter active. Also, while E7 tends to be submissive, E8 is dominant.

E7 x E9
These may be confused, because the passive and lazy characteristics, sometimes present in E7,
are interpreted as an expression of the E9 ruling passion. One difference is that the intense
fantasy life of E7 contrasts with the lack of interiority of E9. Another, the foxy astuteness and
subtlety of E7 which contrast to the lack of subtlety and the naivete of the "Sancho Panza"
syndrome. Furthermore, the self-indulgence of E7 contrasts markedly with the capacity of E9
to postpone his desires and to over-adjust to the milieu. Furthermore, while gluttony leads to
psychological complexification, however, psychological laziness leads to over-simplification.

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