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Logic : L

1st logic (LFVE, LFEV, LEFV, LEVF, LVFE, LVEF) :

people with first logic at first are mainly guided by their desire of knowledge and understanding of
truth. They have a desire of precision and intellectual rigor. They want to discover abstract, formal
rules that influence the world (Einstein: LVEF, Heraclitus LVFE). Those people tend to like
spending their time alone thinking and reasoning in their head and solving intellectual problem that
stimulate their mind. They can be prone to rigidity and disdain against people who lack of
intellectual rigor. Their reasoning often take the form of intern monologue or axioms accumulation
(Spinoza: LVFE, Pascal LEVF), even Plato (LFVE) who tried to use socratic dialogue end up to
create monologue where his Socrate’s opponents have a role of simple student that have to agree
with the master. They are prone to be bookish. They are extremely common in philosophy,
mathematics and other scientific field . They tend to have firm and absolute opinion despite basing
their work on a methodological skepticism.


People with 2nd logic are driven by a natural curiosity and a desire of controversy. Unlike 1st logic
they prefer to openly philosophize and arguing with others in debate rather than having an inner
personal research of truth (Socrate : VLEF or Epicurius FLEV both share 2nd logic). They are quick
thinker and sharp critic who like to play the devil advocate. They are interested about abstract idea
and like to play with it. Unlike 1st logic they don’t mind arguing about all and nothing no matter the
lack of scientific value of a subject or their lack of expertise on a subject. They are often gifted at
vulgarization and in rhetoric. They have a wide range of knowledge and interpretation that they like
to expose with talkativeness and pride(Stalin: FLVE, Lenin:VLFE was both boastful about their
Marxist knowledge). They share their opinion with confidence but always with a request of debate
on it.


3rd logic are seeking accuracy and justification, but unlike for 1st logic this desire is not a
consequence of their natural desire of intellectual rigor but mainly because they are suspicious
about what seem simplistic conclusion. 3rd logic is representative of a love-hate relation (like all 3rd
function). Those people distrust their mind and fear harsh judgment. This fear can be healthy
skepticism but at pathological level it can turn into a desire of ignoring the truth that may hurt them
(combined with 1st will those type are prone to censorship due to their intellectual insecurities like
Adolf Hitler: VELF or Napoleon VFLE). Those people even when extremely intelligent (which is
not a rare thing) tend to fear being in an intellectual competition with opponents too rough
intellectually for them.


4th logic, like the 2nd logic is very good on the accumulation of diverse source, some may be gifted
in academic field but unlike 2nd logic they tend to think that intellectual discussion is just talking
and disconnected from their life. They rarely burn for intellectualism and is more thinking that’s
“it’s just the thing what I study” but nothing more.
Emotion : E


1st emotion are deeply in touch with their inner passion, and value their emotional reaction with
authenticity. They are often gifted eccentric artist who like making exaltation of their emotion. The
1st function is the function where people are the most confident but can also be called the
narcissistic function, it’s even more visible in the 1st function. The 1st Emotion subordinate all to it’s
feeling (Rousseau ELFV was the rock star of the philosopher!). They easily hypnotized people by
their enthusiasm or on the contrary by their aura of tragic soul. They openly show their indignation
about a subject or someone. They show their artistic gift with pride. They are the most common
type among poet and singer. They are confident and capricious lover.

2nd emotion (VELF, VEFL, LEFV, LEVF, FEVL, FELV)

while 1st emotion bend their surrounding to their emotion 2nd emotion adapt their emotion to their
surrounding. They are gifted to make deep emotional connection with other. They are gifted to
include other into emotion. They often have sympathy for outsider. They like sharing emotion with
people rather than having a solipsistic emotion. They make other feel even more than they feel.
They are gifted in communication and can be charming and often charismatic (combined with 1st
will it can bring in the world the most influential leader like Martin Luther King VELF or the
prophet Mohamed VEFL) . They are reassuring lover.

3rd emotion (VLEF, VFEL, FLEV, FVEL, LFEV, LVEF)

People with 3rd emotion appear as insensitive and cold based on the fact that they tend to distrust
emotion, but it is quite the opposite. People with 3rd emotion distrust feeling not because they don’t
feel but because they are terrible at dealing with their own feeling. Those people are haunted by
their feeling but are terrible at expressing it. They are insecure about their ability of connecting on
an informal level with other (especially in romance) and express weirdly or in an overly formal way
when doing it. They are the type the most prone to alcoholism. They often have artistic tendencies
unexpected of them who help them to express emotion that they are unable to express directly. They
are insecure lover.

4th emotion (VLFE, VFLE, LVFE, LFVE, FVLE, FLVE)

people with 4th emotion are emotionally stable, often skilled and quite confident about their
relationship but rarely put it as a first. They tend to be interested in art as a detached and critical
spectator but rarely make career in art themselves. They rarely resist to the emotion of other (the
powerful Napoleon himself (VLFE) was unable to resist to the caprice of his wife). They are
compliant lover.
Physics : F

1st physics (FLEV, FELV, FLVE, FEVL, FVLE, FVEL)

1st physics is deeply involved in the material world but this materialism can express itself in many
form. Some of 1st physics materialism will become a seeking of basic sensory pleasure (can be food,
sex, violence or drugs), it can also became an obsession about material possession and economic
interest or a deep attention towards it’s own physical state (it can be beauty like Marilyn Monroe or
strength like Arnold Schwarzenegger). 1st physics have a strong sense of cost-effort thinking, they
are the type the less likely to be interested by something that will not bring result. This type is the
one who differ the most depending on the gender and the sexuality of the person. Women of this
type are common among cooker, model or prostitute (respectable job by the way) while Men of
this type are common among body builder soldier or entrepreneur.

2nd physics
2nd function is by far the most positive function on a social level, 2nd physics does not make
exception. 2nd physics unlike the 1st is not based or an inner rapport towards the physical world, it is
about taking care of other’s physical need and taking care of the material need of the group. But that
does not always mean that those people are particularly compassionate, this caring is based on a
strong pragmatism (Otto Von Bismark (VFLE)’s social security system was based on pragmatic
politic goal rather than generosity). Those people tend to encourage sport and value a lot physical
beauty (Plato (LFVE) in the republic encouraged physical training of students and assimilate beauty
and goodness).

3rd physics
3rd physics are focus on the material world but unlike the 1st physics or the 2nd this focus cause
mainly trouble for them. They can be over-worried about their body (often hypochondriac or feeling
ugly), fear economical trouble, disgust about their own physical desire. This love-hate relationship
towards physic is even more visible about sexual example, some people of this type is at the same
time obsessed by sex and ashamed by it (Rousseau’s work is extremely puritan despite being a
sexual masochist himself, Mohamed's disgust toward the material world especially sensory pleasure
is also a good example) . On the other hand this rapport towards the material world, make them very
sensitive towards the physical pain of other’s (Lenin was disgusted by the material condition of the
working class). They often are compassionately socialist and anti-bourgeois (like Rousseau or

4th physics
4th physic are oblivious of their material surrounding and rarely care about their material possession.
They appear to other as completely disconnected of everyday life. They are often disconnected of
their body’s sensation. They have a very low effort-results thinking which mean that they are more
likely to fight for a lost cause than everyone else (Socrate’s trial show it). They often have an
interpretation of the world somewhat disconnected from material reality (Hegel’s reason in history,
Charles Maurras’s ideal of an eternal France, or Hitler’s total lack of connection with germany’s
military power)
Will: V

1st will

1st will is guided by affirmation of willpower in a given society. People with 1st will want to have
an impact on the external world and crave for social eternity and personal pride. They don’t fear
affirm themselves by going against the social norm. Those type can affirm their willpower in two
different manner, oppose themselves to the establishment as a rebel lone wolf who will inspire
other(like Socrate, Marx or Wagner) or becoming the leader of the pack (like Robespierre,
Napoleon or Lenin). They don’t fear confrontation and enjoy it. They often have a confident and
slightly arrogant attitude when asserting their views. They often have an authoritarian but
paternalist worldview.

2nd will
2nd will unlike 1st will is a democratic function based on collective deliberation and healthy
negotiation to accomplish a common goal, those types are able to confront to other if necessary but
will try to find a compromise rather than trying to crush other’s willpower. The notion of fairness
and impartiality in the distribution of task is the core motive of this type. They always express their
opinion with humility and respect other will. They are advocate of freedom of expression more than
any type ( even more if white logic leading like Kant: LFEV or Spinoza LFVE). They are likely to
play the role of the peace-maker in a confrontation. 2nd will take leadership by duty rather by
childish power seeking.

3rd will
3rd function is always the most painful and problematic function , but 3rd will is without doubt one of
the function the most linked with pathological behavior. People with 3rd function want to be
assertive and forceful but rarely can be because they feel pushed by the external world who crush
their potential. 3rd will turn this feeling of injustice in different manner depending on their 1st
function.1st Emotion with 3rd will are likely to have martyr syndrome. 1st logic will become
embittered and haughty intellectual paranoid about the crowd's savageness ( Plato’s Authoritarian
Republic is an answer to this fear as well as pascal’s desire to mask the artificiality of law by fear of
political disorder) . 1st physics will answer to this feeling of powerlessness by impulsive outburst of
violence or/and sadism (like Sade and Stalin). Unlike 1st will who are at their ease in an open
conflict, 3rd will answer to their opponents by different form of back stabbing (Leibniz was not
honorable at all, he met Spinoza in person and did not openly disagree with his philosophical
though in person, but after made a whole book of metaphysics writed against the ethic of Spinoza
based on it and answered that he was not inspired at all by it and that he despised this work, despite
the fact that his monade theory is greatly inspired from Spinoza's monism.) .

4th will

4th will don’t have any aspiration for power or leadership and are unlikely to want to assert
themselves more than necessary. They prefer either to be dutiful follower or passive observer of
events. They are likely to follow Cartesian morality. They are unlikely to go against social norm but
often because they don’t want to be bothered rather than because they agree with it.

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