RW Narrative Essay

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way back 2018, Our faamily decided to take a vacation..

My mother suggested that instead of

having lunch with our family, why not spend our day at the beach.  Surprisingly, everyone was in
deal. Tomorrow is our beach day, and we're very excited because after so many months, we'll
finally be able to see our grandparents, I missed them so much.  From what I recall, they called
the beach "KALABUSO" . I actually forgot what exactly the meaning behind that name was  , but
some kids out there told me it's because of the numerous rock formations. Fast-forward, I and
my sister were walking on our way to the cave. It looks so pretty inside and out, you can surely
say that it is very much an old cave.We took pictures here, there, and everywhere.  When we're
already done taking some photos we decided to swim already because the sun is setting down. 

While I was having fun in the water,  Something strange happened to me.   It's like some
species tickles my arms and thighs, which I didn't mind at first because I was just thinking 
maybe it is because of the water," but then I suddenly  fell into the water. So I went up and tried
to escape. Sadly, I realized it was a jellyfish.  So I started shaking my entire body to get rid of
the tentacles, while sobbing uncontrollably. It was extremely itchy and painful.   My  sister called
our parents, who were worried because they noticed the redness on my body.  I'm so afraid at
that moment it feels like my life has become fifty fifty.   Thankfully, the rescuer arrived and
handed me the tiny coconut.  It acts as a medicine for my skin, preventing itching and redness.
They instructed me to scrub it all over my body and not to rinse it until the itchiness subsided.  

Things started to become a little different  After that incident. Because of the scars left by the
jellyfish, I was hesitant to wear a sleeveless top and shorts  in public for several months. 
Whenever we go to the beach, I always check the water to see if it is clear and clean. If there is
a species roaming around. It was a very traumatizing experience to me but i'm so thankful that I
am still alive and chasing my dreams.But as time passed, I learned to love all of my flaws
because, at the end of the day, the things that hurt you may have left scars, but they did not
destroy you. You survived, and there is hope in that. 

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