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Caitlin Hardee

Administrator Observation
Student/ Class: Preschool/ Small Group

Time: 9:45 - 10:15 am

 1 Extra yarn circle – if time allows
 1 Large yarn circle
 5 small yarn circles
 Shape cards
 Shape memory – if time allows

Learning Target:
I can identify and describe shapes.
I can make shapes while thinking about their attributes.
I can persist and try new things.

Iowa Early Learning Standards:

Standard 2.3.PS children develop small motor skills
2.3.PS.1 – Uses hand-eye coordination to preform self-help and small motor tasks with a variety of
manipulative materials, such as beads, pegs, shoelaces, puzzle pieces, and musical instruments
Standard 3.2.PS Children purposefully choose and persist in experiences and play
3.2.PS.1 – Maintains concentration on a task, despite distractions and interruptions
3.2.PS.2 – Stays engaged and completes a variety of both adult-directed and self-initiated tasks,
projects, and experiences of increasing degrees of difficulty
Standard 3.3.PS Children demonstrate strategies for reasoning and problem solving
3.3.PS.2 – Recognizes and solves problems through active exploration, including trial and error,
and through interactions and discussions with peers and adults
Standard 6.1.PS Children understands and uses communication and language for a variety of
6.1.PS.1 - Demonstrates a steady increase in listening (receptive language) and speaking
(expressive language) vocabulary.
6.1.PS.6 – Demonstrates knowledge of the rules of conversations, such as taking turns while
Standard 7.3.PS Children understand shapes and spatial relationships
7.3.PS.2 – Identifies and describes two- and three- dimensional shapes
7.3.PS.3 – Notices characteristics, similarities, and differences among shapes such as corners,
points, edges, and sides.

Gold Concepts for skills within the Learning Target:

7. Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination
a. Uses fingers and hands
8. Listens to and understands increasingly complex language
b. Follows directions
9. Uses Language to express thoughts and needs
a. Uses an expanding expressive vocabulary
10. Uses appropriate conversational and other communication skills
a. engages in conversations
b. uses social rules of language
Caitlin Hardee
Administrator Observation
11. Demonstrated Positive Approaches to Learning
a. Attends and engages
14. Uses symbols and images to represent something not present
a. Thinks symbolically
21. Explores and describes spatial relationships and shapes
b. Understands Shapes

Opening: (Time: 2-4 mins.)

 Introduce Small Groups – if we have not already done
 Thank everyone for coming to carpet and acknowledging their ability to follow the listening rules.
Eyes watching, ears listening, mouth quiet, and body calm.
 Hold up shapes and review with students what the shapes are. All basic 2D shapes.
 Share the song we are going to sing and tell the group that today we are going to work on making
fences for the farmer using what we know about shapes.
 Song: The farmer builds a fence, the farmer builds a fence, Hi-ho the derry-o, the farmer builds a
fence. Second verse: Make the fence a (shape) , make the fence a _____, Hi-ho the derry-o, make the
fence a _____.

Body: (Time: 10 mins.)

 We are going to start making our fences together with Mrs. Bauer’s yarn. Once we have practiced a
few, you will get to make the shapes with your own yarn. Let’s start with our first shape. Listen
carefully, “sing first verse and then add shape: make the fence a triangle, make the fence a triangle,
Hi-ho the derry-o, make the fence a triangle.” Let’s think about triangles. What does a triangle look
like? How many sides? How many corners? Okay, now we know how many sides and corners let’s
see if we can make a triangle. Model how to make a triangle for the group.
 Continue as a group through the shapes: square, rectangle, circle, oval, heart, rhombus, maybe
 Hand students their piece of yarn. Have them create shape mentioned in the song, Look to see who
might need support.
 If time allows, get out extra-large piece of yarn and have students work together to hold and build
a shape.
Closing: (Time: 1 mins.)
 To close, we will review the shapes that we made and discuss different attributes.

Other Notes to Self:

After 15 minutes, groups will rotate. We will go through the same small group again with the second
group of students.

Independent group 1:
- Making shapes out of play dough
Independent Group 2:
- Rolling dice and stringing beads
Mrs. S’s group – rhyming cupcakes game

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