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Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012

Inventory transaction
Concept Paper

This document explains the details of inventory transaction

statuses in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

August 2011

Table of Contents

Understanding how statuses impact the inventory.....................................3

Statuses involved in order flows.................................................................4

Detailed descriptions of the StatusIssue statuses......................................5

Detailed descriptions of the StatusReceipt statuses...................................6

Architecture of the inventory transaction statuses in Microsoft Dynamics



The statuses of inventory transactions represent different process steps in a normal demand and
supply flow. The status impacts the different on-hand balances that are kept in the inventSum table.
 StatusIssue statuses represent demand and can be thought of as subtractions from the
 StatusReceipt statuses represent supply and can be thought of as additions to the inventory.
Table 1 describes the statusIssue and statusReceipt statuses that are used in Microsoft Dynamics®
AX 2012. These statuses are explained in further detail later in this paper.
Table 1 Overview of statuses in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

StatusIssue status Value StatusReceipt status Value

None 0 None 0

Sold 1 Purchased 1

Deducted 2 Received 2

Picked 3 Registered 3

ReservPhysical 4 Arrived 4

ReservOrdered 5 Ordered 5

OnOrder 6 QuotationReceipt 6

QuotationIssue 7

Understanding how statuses impact the inventory

The status of inventory transactions can impact the inventory in different ways. Some statuses have a
financial impact, because the cost that is associated with the transaction is used when the cost of the
inventory is evaluated. Other statuses have an impact on the appearance of the physical inventory.
Table 2 shows the impact that each status has on the inventory.
Table 2 Effect of statuses on the inventory

StatusIssue/StatusReceipt Effect on the physical Effect on the financial

status evaluation of inventory evaluation of inventory
None No No

Sold Yes Yes

Deducted Yes Yes

(depending on the cost evaluation)

Picked Yes No

ReservPhysical No No

ReservOrdered No No

OnOrder No No

QuotationIssue No No

None No No


StatusIssue/StatusReceipt Effect on the physical Effect on the financial
status evaluation of inventory evaluation of inventory
Purchased Yes Yes

Received Yes Yes

(depending on the cost evaluation)

Registered Yes No

Arrived No No

Ordered No No

QuotationReceipt No No

Statuses involved in order flows

Figures 1 and 2 illustrate how the statuses of inventory transactions change to reflect business

Figure 1 Statuses involved in a normal sales flow


Figure 2 Statuses involved in a normal purchase flow

Detailed descriptions of the StatusIssue statuses

 StatusIssue::none – The transaction is not an issue. Therefore, it must be a receipt.
 StatusIssue::QuotationIssue – The transaction was created from a sales quotation.
 StatusIssue::OnOrder – The quantity on the transaction is on order. This status is reached
when, for example, a sales line is created.
 StatusIssue::ReservOrdered – The quantity on the transactions is reserved against an
incoming transaction (for example, for a purchase order).
 StatusIssue::ReservPhysical – The quantity on the transactions is reserved against the physical
 StatusIssue::Picked – The quantity on the transactions is picked from the physical inventory.
While the transaction has this status, the pick operation can be reversed, so that the items are put
back into the inventory.


 StatusIssue::Deducted – The quantity on the transactions is removed from the inventory.
Ledger postings can be generated as a result of an update to this status. This status is reached
when, for example, a sales order packing slip is completed.
 StatusIssue::Sold – The quantity on the transactions is removed from the inventory and
invoiced. Ledger postings are generated as a result of an update to this status. This is the final
issue status of the transaction. This status is reached when, for example, a sales order invoice is

Detailed descriptions of the StatusReceipt statuses

 StatusReceipt::none – The transaction is not a receipt. Therefore, it must be an issue.
 StatusReceipt::Ordered – The quantity on the transactions is ordered.
 StatusReceipt::Arrived – The quantity on the transactions is being, or is about to be,
transported by using a pallet transport. The quantity is not yet registered as part of the physical
 StatusReceipt::Registered – Receipt of the quantity on the transactions has been registered.
The quantity is now part of the physical inventory and can be consumed by an issue. The
registration can be reversed, provided that the quantity has not yet been consumed.
 StatusReceipt::Received – The quantity on the transactions has been received. The quantity is
now part of the physical inventory and can be consumed by an issue. Ledger postings can be
generated as a result of an update to this status. This status is reached when, for example, a
product receipt is completed.
 StatusReceipt::Purchased – The quantity on the transactions has been invoiced. The quantity is
now part of the physical inventory and can be consumed by an issue. Ledger postings are
generated as a result of an update to this status. This status is reached when, for example, a
purchase order invoice is completed.


Architecture of the inventory transaction statuses in
Microsoft Dynamics AX
Various classes have the main responsibility for performing the business logic that is related to
changes of status on inventory transactions. Some classes are dedicated to a single status, and others
can handle multiple statuses. Figure 3 illustrates the classes that are responsible for each status.

Figure 3 Architecture of the inventory transaction statuses


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