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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)

In Fish Product Packaging NC II

A. Learning Objectives
At the end of the 60-minute class discussion, the learners are
expected to:
a. Understand sanitation standard for packaging materials,
b. Identify the different methods of sanitizing packaging materials,
c. Recognize the importance of sanitizing packaging materials.

B. Content Standard (From CG)

The learner demonstrates an understanding of the core concepts,
theories and principles in packaging processed fish by bottling.

C. Performance Standard (From CG)

The learner independently performs packaging processed fish by
bottling based on industry standards.

D. Learning Competencies (From CG)

Sanitize packaging materials, tools, and equipment according to
standard operating procedures.

E. Values Integration
Value the importance of Sanitation Standard of Packaging Materials

Sanitation Standard of Packaging Materials
o Visual Aids (Lesson content, pictures of packaging materials, and methods of
o Module – Fish Product Packaging NC II - Module 2
o Video Presentation
o Activity sheet

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Good afternoon class! Good afternoon, ma’am.
How are you today? We’re good ma’am.
That’s good to know.
Now, may I request everyone to please stand
up for the prayers?
Who wants to lead the prayer?
(One student raised hand)
In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Heavenly Father and Your Beloved Son Jesus
Christ, we thank you for giving us another life,
we thank you for another beautiful Morning. As
we go on through our lessons today, may you
make us instruments to do good things. Please
enlighten our minds, give us the strength to
participate in our subject today. Thank you for
this opportunity to learn and serve others and
help me to always remember the Truth of Your
Glory! In Jesus’ name. Amen

Amen. You may now take your sit.

-Checking of attendance with a twist.
I’m going to check your attendance but this
time you’re not going to say present but
instead you’re going to say your favorite fish
product/any food that made of fish/fish dish.
We’re going to do this for me to be familiar
and to know you more. Is that okay class?
Yes, ma’am.

Okay thank you for that class.

Who among you here already experienced
bottling fish product?
Okay, it seems that some of you already tried Some student raised hands.
bottling fish product.
Last time sir Jairo discussed to you about
inspecting packaging materials for visual
defect, right? Based from the previous
discussion, why it is important to inspect first
the packaging material?

Ma’am to maintain the quality and freshness of

the product during distribution and storage.
Very Good. What else?
To make sure the product is in good condition
and safe to eat.
Excellent. Yes, correct. What they’ve
mentioned are the reasons why inspecting
packaging materials are important.

Since inspecting packaging material for visual

defects is the first thing that we need to
consider in bottling fish product, what do you
think is the next step or procedure that we
need to consider? Anyone?
Okay, I’ll give clue. I’m going to paste
gibberish words here in the board and try to
guess what word it is. (Gibberish is a
language game. In this game you need to
read the group of unrelated or nonsensical
words presented and you’re going to decipher
them into real phrases). I’ll give prize to the
students who will guess the correct answer.
Some students raised their hands.
Ma’am Sanitation or Sanitize.

Very Good. Correct, it is sanitation or sanitize.

Sanitation of packaging materials are the next
thing that we need to consider after inspecting
defects from the packaging materials. We
need to sanitize them to make sure that the
product is free from any microorganism,
viruses, and bacteria and to make that the
finished product is safe to eat.
Now let’s have a short activity. I’m going to
paste picture of packaging materials here and
you’re going to identify if what procedure or
method of sanitation are applicable to the
packaging materials.
Once I call your name, I want you to come in
front pick 1 method here in the table and
paste it to your chosen packaging material. Is
that clear, class?
It’s okay to make mistake here. This is just a Yes, ma’am.
pre-test/pre activity for me to know your prior
knowledge about our topic for today.

(Students participate in the activity)







Thank you for that, class.
Now, let us proceed with our lesson proper.
We will discuss about sanitation standard for
packaging materials.
Sanitation Standard for Packaging
Sanitation plays a significant role in all aspect
from selecting, preparing, processing, and
storing of packaging materials.
Sanitation standard Operating Procedures
(SSOP) as a component of Good
Manufacturing Practices (GMP) may
emphasize the preparation of glass/bottle
containers for packaging processed foods
under SSOP no. 2 where old jars need to be
rinsed and sterilized in boiling water for 10
minutes, whereas new jars just need rinsing in
disinfecting solution regardless of the food
being packed.
Sanitizing is a procedure that treats food-
contact surfaces to destroy most disease
producing bacteria and viruses, reduce the
number of other undesirable organisms, and
does not adversely affect the product or its
safety for consumer.
Direct food contact surface must be clean
prior to operations to ensure the food that is
produced is safe, wholesome, and
Who among here know what is food contact

Excellent. Yes, food contact surfaces Food Ma’am, anything that are related or used in
contact surfaces in food processing can preparing food product.
include all equipment, utensils and facilities
used during processing; as well as, worker
clothing and hands, and packaging materials.
Why do you think will happen is food contact
surfaces or anything used in processing food
product are not cleaned and sanitized.

Very good. If direct food contact surfaces are

not clean, they will be contaminated with Food will be contaminated with
pathogenic microorganisms, which can lead microorganisms, ma’am.
to disease transmission.
Sanitizing can be done with heat or with
chemicals. The process of sanitizing using
heat is called sterilization. This process refers
to statistical destruction and removal of all
living organism.
Based on the activity that we did earlier, what
are the different method that uses heat to
remove completely the microorganism in
packaging materials? Anyone?

Ma’am, dishwasher method, stove top method,

Excellent! Yes, those are the different
oven method, and microwave method.
sterilization method for glass container.
Here in the Philippines, the dishwasher, oven,
and microwave methods seem not practical to
use for economic and industry standard
compliance. However, the stovetop method is
more practical and may be used by the micro-
and small-scale food processing industries.
Why does the other sterilization method are
not practical way to use? Anyone?
Ma'am, because those methods are sometimes
complicated and costly. Those methods use
equipment such as the oven, microwave, and
dishwasher. Those are expensive compared to
the stove-stop method because, in this, you’re
Very Good. She’s correct. Those methods are just going to use a stove, a water bath canner,
sometimes complicated, and not all people or and water.
small business owners have them. That’s why
the stovetop is a more practical method to
I’ll show video of stove top method.
That was the stove top method.
Students are attentively watching the video
D. ELABORATE presentation.

Okay, now I have a question. Does sanitation

or sanitizing procedure are only applicable to
packaging materials?
Okay, very good. Since you said no, what
else or in what materials sanitation are No, ma’am.

Ma’am sanitations are also applicable to the

materials, tools, and equipment used in
preparing any food product.
Correct. Sanitation or sanitizing are not only
for packaging materials but also any food
contact surfaces. And even in our working
area/preparation area. We need to make sure
that it is all clean and sanitizes. Is that clear?
Now, I’m going to give you sheet of paper and
you need to write 1 example of materials,
tools, or equipment you can see in your house
or here in your classroom that need to be
sanitized or sterilized before using. Then also
write what are the method needed for the
example you give. Are you ready class?

Yes, ma’am.
Are you done? Okay, I want you to read what
you’ve written in your paper. Is that okay
class? (Students start to present their answer to the

Job well done class. Thank you for

participating in our activity.
That was totally a job well done class. That
concludes our discussion this afternoon.
Self-Check 1.2
Direction: Read and Analyze the items
carefully. Circle the best answer for each
1. What is the method of killing or
complete removal of microorganism
from processing jars?
a. Sterilization
b. Storing
c. Exposing to sunlight
d. Cooling

2. What is the equipment that you can

use that does not required jar
sterilization prior to processing?
a. Pressure canner/cooker
b. Steamer
c. Water bath
d. Kettle

3. Which sterilization method are more

practical to use here in the Philippines?
a. Oven method
b. Stove top method
c. Microwave method
d. Dishwasher method

4. When washing the jars for canning,

what water will you prepare to make
the jar clean?
a. Distilled water.
b. Chlorinated water
c. Soapy water
d. Mineral water

5. Why it is good to use racks when

sterilizing jars? What will it prevent?
a. Breakage
b. Slipping
c. Discoloration
d. Submerging
The lesson was presented to the learners in a way that they could understand it. This can be
seen in the results of their activity and evaluation tests.
If the activities provided to the students are special or have a twist, the students are more
engaged. Also, rewarding students increases their interest in the lesson.

Prepared by:
Student Teacher

Cooperating Teacher

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