English Ursus and The Tartar Princess 1961

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well do you mind if we asked where you

ran off


get in the cart we're leaving I'm not

coming what's that I'm going with the

tur Stein hot-wired bar you'll do

nothing at the time meat aisle you know

perfectly well that no one's seen a wild

boar around these parts just seen one I

guess it was that piglet that escaped

from those friends of ours a wild bar I

tell you you know your mother is a hard

woman to convince but I believe you

What's Wrong Mikayla Yvonne went off to

be a lawyer and so did meat guy and so

did the other I know what you want to

ask but if you want to reply you'll have

to ask your mother

well do we have to explain our decisions

to a little monkey like you I know your

father is staying with us he's fought

enough Wars already your mother's right

but if the Tartars show their ugly faces

around here that would be another matter

run along make island hunter wild boar

will be back this evening and for heaven

sakes don't get into trouble for once

mate I am you be careful

Hey ho Chan I'm all worn out it's time

to turn around because we're getting too

far away from home did you hear that

hear what huh all day long you've been

listening to leaves rustling but I

haven't seen any wild boars there aren't

any you stay here if you like I'm going

on on ourselves






I think your grace already knows Dylan

who doesn't know of his great deeds

under the battlements of loeben and Kev

and oh man I'm delighted that you have

him with you

the Tartars have kidnapped his son

mikail I am truly sorry to hear that

the Tartars have taken a great many

prisoners already but I assure you

they'll be liberated my army is ready

for action I shall confront the enemy as

soon as the Khan starts moving and not

before the way to win this war is to

concentrate our tactics and fights but

one single battle in the meanwhile I

must have some information this is to be

your assignment I want you to go to the

frontier of Crimea Keep Watch on the

enemy's movements and report them we

shall need some prisoners capture

several and force them to speak the

truth by whatever method I thank you and

wish you the best of luck

please keep in mind Prince Stefan that

your assignment is to explore the area

and not to attack anyone you can't

expect us to give any ransom for you if

you fall into the hands of the enemy

still nothing we're having a run of bad

luck print step up I think it will

change in a few days when we're near the

Crimea Mountain forward

destroyed another village there encamped

over there in a clearing will word

Prince Stefan


you men take that direction and you go

the other way


the enemy




look there goes our toner don't shoot

him I want him alive






are there any other Tartars in the

neighborhood yes there are how many how

would I know that they're spread out

over the entire step here behind every

clump of bushes there's a Tartar you

were asked how many targets are around

here come on you tell us everything you

know or I'll make you spit it out I

swear they like two stars that shine in

the midnight sky are you able to count

them Yvonne

leave him alone now we'll make him tell

what he knows when we get him Dilmun

you'll never set eyes on it look around



what shall we do Prince Stefan we're

surrounded yes I'm afraid so

and it's useless wants to try to break

through the encirclement we'll make a

stand where we are the TARDIS will never

attack us before daybreak we have time

to put the horses in the safe place

Unseld your horses men

pick your target


run fear look at that


are you the leader yes dori mom wants a

word with you


you and your men have fought well in


you certainly deserve a better fate than

living yourselves be wiped out to the

last man which will happen to you if you

continue this battle with us the

fortunes of war have already placed our

lives in the balance of the scale it

remains to be seen how many of the

tartar lives will be sacrificed in the

other balance you're a young man of

great courage now hear what my proposal

is your men will go free and unharmed

but you'll stay as my prisoner

do you accept who will guarantee that

you will keep your word Ramirez ARIMA

has never been known to break his word

to anyone

nevertheless it's a risk you'll have to

take my men are at least fifty times

more numerous than yours

we have you completely surrounded you

haven't a single way of escape


sit down come make yourself comfortable

sit down and eat something you're my


help yourself to anything you must be

exhausted and famished the March we had

was a hard one I know tomorrow I'll have

them find you another horse I am not

such a savage as you obviously have been

led to believe make yourself at home

with us I think on my part that I'm

acting more than fairly with you five

thousand or at the most to ransom of

$10,000 who knows no one will pay a

single taller till I am a poor man where

the scabbard and a gold inlaid sword

belt like these they are the only things

of value I inherited from my father we

are an old family but we are not wealthy

I might have guessed it from a pole like

you you always say your poor men to

avoid having to give us any ransom

perhaps they think they'll be rewarded

in the next world for the torches they

suffer from us there are a lot of

fanatics but we know how to cure them of






you must be a valuable hostage more so

than you gave me to understand if your

soldiers were ready to risk their lives

for you your king and your family would

be willing to pay at least $10,000 to

have your return over there with the

others no no no you must have all gone

crazy what possessed you to do it I have

to find my son we couldn't possibly

leave you here alone is this why you let

yourselves be taken maybe me Kyla's it's

a remorseful egde I must find him if I

have to look all over the Crimea very

well then I'll give you all the help I



that word they're saying doesn't sound

like a compliment harder ignorant

untrustworthy that's what the word means

literally in their language


I'm a little we'll take good care of you

you have nothing to fear you will be

treated with all the respect you're a

nobleman of your rank welcome back

father Thank You Eli at last I'm home


if there is anything you need ask for it

man it has been ordered to satisfy your

side of desire for a prisoner which is

all I really am I have been too well

treated already I hope nothing disturbs

your rest

good evening


that Villa her father's or EEMA pretty



I don't want that door locked after this

I have confidence in the world of Prince

Stefan as he has in mind you've eaten

you've been resting nothing to complain

of nothing I'm glad to hear it

but perhaps for your companions it's a

bit different come and have a look for



look there


and they are working on our

fortifications don't think that they're

overworked but unfortunately this war

prevents us from giving them enough food

every day there's at least one who falls

down and never gets up speak clearly

zalamar two of my couriers are witty

with a horse's saddle to depart for whom

on they're only waiting for you to

consent to write a certain letter I'll

write it but on one condition

that your soldiers are not to use their

whips on my companions and then I'd be

permitted to associate with him whenever

I want well that will increase the

amount of your ransom shall we make it

then 20,000 I shall write to the voivod

in person

let ink and pen be given this wise

Polish Prince they are ready and this

evening you'll be my guest at dinner

and let me tell you Prince Stefan that

this time the Polish Knights will not

save their land the Kahn is about to

invade you with all of his golden horde

and it will be from my village that he

begins this great offensive which will

destroy the fighting forces of our

enemies ever since I was only this high

I've heard the echo of your war drums

beating in my country however in all

these years of slaughtering each other

you haven't gained a single foot of our

land you have left destruction and

disaster this I grant you but haven't

you always suffered enormous losses why

do you persist in making war on us

why do we persist in making war on you

what else do you expect of us must be

rot away in our huts are under our tents

instead the Tartars have to keep moving

we need open spaces pastureland and

plunder to keep us alive the torture

doesn't know what common trade is he's

not a laborer he's a warrior but pardon

what they used to buy agreeable ELA has

never approved she's more like her

mother she was the gentlest of women

born in the shadow of the Great Wall of

China unfortunately I lost her too soon

what is your name

Mika their ass but you're not a tired no

not yet but he'll become one one of my

patrols found him in your forest I'm

giving him to the Great Khan do you know

who you are


have you seen me before

no do they treat you well yes they're

very kind to me


you promised to let me visit my

companions in your prison you can do it

tomorrow I will go with you

bring Stefan I'm Nikki

I imagine you where why didn't you say

so before I saw my father among the

prisoners here if he let himself be

captured he did it for me to get me out

of here that's why I didn't want anybody

in this place rather than his son you're

a brave little fellow your father will

set you free and I'll help him you must

do it faster the Rema wants to give me

as a present he's going to send me away

to the great clan before long they've

already given me the new name of Duras

and they say that had to overcome a taja

just the same as they are but I'd rather

be burned alive first I tell you know me

Cal don't you be upset about it don't

you worry now tomorrow I'm permitted to

talk with your father

but we haven't much time please hurry



keep calm now go wait in the cave Michal

will join you

we've all been worrying about what could

have happened to you hey Pam are you all

right fine I'm sure they're treating you

well very well

keep your courage up friends I know you

won't be prisoners for very much longer

now sorry Mars determined to be friendly

with me bother me Kyle


me kind my son

thank you thank you

I'm happy to see you Prince but do I

know you

the earth Isles have told me all about

you are you a prisoner for the last two

weeks you don't look like a soldier to

me tell me what you are I was a scholar

I volunteered to educate the Tartars

dissuade them to live peacefully with us

I see the tardis don't believe you I'm

as persevere in teaching them peaceful

vocations it's not going to happen

you'll see I'll stop them so don't worry

mikail I'm here now but I'm afraid



are you spying on us he's my father um

yeah you're not gonna tell on us how you

know me Kyle I won't tell on you

but now you'd better come away from here

I'm real not very well become suspicious

I'll get away from here there isn't a

power on earth that could stop me you

will if only our luck doesn't desert us

I have written a letter to the voivod

begging him to ransom us I know very

well he'll never pay but I did it to

gain some more time Zoe Mott permits me

a certain freedom in my movements and

I'll keep my eyes open at night the

guards are gathered round their fire and

that's the right time for us to act but

we must take them by surprise before

they can give the alarm I've explored

this cave and that discovered a blocked

tunnel that must have formerly led to

the open air somewhere on the other side

Zota mark can't refuse anything to his

daughter I will ask her to come back

here tomorrow we'll decide on a plan


I've come here too


what is it


I want to be your leg


what what are they doing is he one of

your men yes what's he done here I've

guarding the prisoner but he refused to

torture them

he confessed it made him ashamed and for

that they are killing him in this

horrible way no one is allowed to break

our laws you have checked me Prince

Stefan what do you mean the lord has

replied to the letter you wrote how

could he possibly the distance to man is

almost 200 miles and your couriers left

my two careers have been intercepted and

beheaded that is all the reply again

from your voice on from the very first I

want you that no one would pay you any

ransom no Prince Stefan when you wrote

that letter you were deliberately

deceiving me perhaps because you thought

you would be gaining time perhaps

because you thought you might escape by

taking advantage of my hospitality you

know what you can expect now don't you

don't tell me I know now listen the only

compassionate faith there is for you and

for all your companions is to let you be

sold to some wandering merchant there's

a lot of slaves unless I get a better

idea in the meantime do you want to pay

me in the same coin as the Voivod did

you wait for me outside

I am more kind-hearted than the voidbot

is infinitely more than you believe you

shall live you shall be free happy and

powerful what do you mean now sorry mark

isn't it plain to you how about the

explanation is simple you see and has a


ela ela as she asks for me to be


no he las asked nothing it is I alone

who give you this chance I'm offering

you even more than that my daughter

loves you and you have some affection

for her don't you Prince Stefan ela is

an angel it's just what I've been

expecting I have no one else and I want

her to live as she wishes you were marry

her then and ever mean of course that

you will become a title chieftain and

live by plunder and accept our enemies

as your enemies how dare you suggest

such a thing to me that I could betray

my people and everything that I hold

sacred do you think I've become a savage

that's enough of that be careful what

you say if you want me to show you mercy

for her sake no one is asking you to for

me it's even less happiness that counts

not yours I beg you to think it over

while you still have time

there's no point in my thinking it over

I will never become a renegade I will

seize ermintrude with the other

prisoners and let him feed on scraps

left by the dog it appears that sarima

has opened his eyes at last come with me

Paul you will soon curse your days on




it works better without his boots on I

have orders from Selena to birth a stake

anyone who tries to give assistance to

this polish dog you had your warning


welcome in the name of universal

brotherhood peace and freedom and the

progress of all truth

brothers let us understand our

oppressors as they act only in ignorance

we rejoice at the opportunity to

enlighten them we must prove to them

that they are our brothers we must go

among them and show them the blessings

of a life of peace and progress and that

the error of their ways is not immutable

if they will learn


why have you come here Ella it down


so you have scorned me I have not

forgotten you you are far better than I


what makes you believe that I have

scorned you tell me that you love me yes

I love you

but you must understand what I tell you

because I believe in Brotherhood and a

better life but what is this better life

that unites everyone and for which you

are ready to suffer and die what is this

idea that makes you my people sending me

we are not your enemies we want to live

in peace with each other if you were

lettuce I don't understand can there be

two truth no Allah there is only one

real truth and it holds for all of us

knowledge is important to mankind as a

means to mutual understanding men

shouldn't take each other's lives or rob

each other with cruelty and hatred as

your people do I love you either but

perhaps I can tell you something with

more to you than my love your father

could still be led to the truth but why

are you telling me this you know a



my humble house and everything that I

possess this village and all of my loyal

people are yours

glorious sovereign great lord of the

flowering almond tree khan of the golden

horns well-spoken zouri man shall we go


my daughter Eli


many have spoken to me of your exquisite

beauty but the reality surpasses all I

imagined I would see believed is going

to marry her even a second you know he

lies in love with Prince Stefan quiet

and forget what I told you how many

fighting men

never mind the wagons and horses I can

muster 3000 cavalry and 20 pieces of

artillery a considerable force but

remember what I told you the first thing

is to force them to attack you and then

I will attack with my whole army and now

let us speak of something very close to

my heart my son Armour will marry your

daughter Ella

before the great offensive begin if you

take her away from me my heart my life

itself will go with her you can console

yourself with the thought that your

daughter will become a royal princess

and someday a queen if all goes well

with our plans no doubt all will go well



what is it she's here go back to the

others false alarm then you can all get

back to work

my father is completely his power nobody

can stand up against the will of the

time when Prince Armour asks for me I'll

be given to him as if I were king

without any solowheel of my own I will

defeat myself

don't be frightened dealer you can

always use persuasion if your father

would obey our laws but how could I

persuade him I don't know how to do it


mati of me entity me how to commit my

father I mean funny you could preach



get out out I said no you remain here we

must continue our previous conversation

you and I I have decided to marry what

do you say you seem to be more

frightened at this than surprised I

don't know what to say I'm confused I

don't know how bad are you but I don't

want to hear your words all I want is

you and I think that this is reply

enough for both of us rosamma

please forgive me Prince ama I was just

returning to quarters and without

intending to I saw you get out of here

you'd do well to hear what I say if you

do you might learn many unknown in

interesting facts about the daughter of

de Rima yes what about her


how's mercy on him happened to tormented

him enough

those are my orders


time to the state

stand back stop don't interfere don't

let any blood be shed for my sake

deliver me that prisoner standing there

the Khan wants to see him hand him over

to him



on your knees our honor you are Prince

Stefan Keita exactly many years ago I

knew your father in that case it

shouldn't be much of a surprise that I

remain standing in your presence why do

you refuse to bow down to me doesn't

your law exact obedience from those who

are your prisoners only in body am I

your prisoner not in spirit honor if you

ever fall into enemy hands I hope you

will behave as courageously as this

young man I have considered your words

in my wisdom what he says is true your

valor should earn you a better fate than

ending your days in chief here is what

I'm going to do for you listen I will

give you a uniform to wear and you shall

become chief groom in charge of all my

stables I will never ask you to take up

arms against your own people but you

will serve me faithfully and this you

must swear I am certain my lord that if

I had a sword in my hand you would not

propose that I become the servant of a


you carry your insolence too far I shall

have you tortured for this and your

suffering will force you to crawl like a

worm and grovel at my feet

sorry Mar has already tried this I don't

think you'll be more fortunate no

torture would ever break his stubborn

pride father he boasted of his prowess

let's give him a sword then I will fight

him alone and you may be sure that his

tongue will prove more Swift than his

swordplay but what if he should win then

you shall set him free you will have to

admit for it Stefan that my son is very

generous with you the term I would use

is incautious hmm would you

we shall see I like the suggestion

tomorrow the holiday this trial of yours

will be most timely the people will be

entertained tomorrow you'll see your

hero begging for mercy listen to my last

words now I forgive my persecutors you

must forgive those brothers hatred leads

only to hatred revenge - revenge drive

for peace and understanding



if the remar only knew about this he'd

be back to be burned at the stake you

know that but I think Prince our mayor

should know it possibly would interest

him I'm afraid you would want revenge or

not for his brutal death there's no

reason to look for vengeance but

forgiveness and mercy

brothers do as I say forgive them

forgive all they do we've already seen

signs of a new life so they will change

we are these signs that we were changed

in this market Who am I the only one who

cannot see them why are we blind and

deaf to so much suffering


she said she is from joy there is no

fear only happiness but why why

Thank You mr. fun I don't have to be

like you I want to be like your friend I

want to believe in a better world why

don't you help


I deny the title oh I believe in your

brother for the Peace in love I believe

I believe I believe there is the sign

that you were trying to see

you have discovered the truth and I have

lived to see our efforts rewarded please

forgive us brother forgive my people who

carry on our work now

I forgive or






what's that improvement you're making

huh he'll fight the dust when this takes

effect because prince armor doesn't

believe in taking chances





Oh can you save him

we'll do everything we can great can't

but your son's life is now hanging by a

slender thread

I am sorry as well as you my lord be

still if I had had the opportunity oh I

would have spared your son Oh Doug you

shall receive what you deserve you shall

die a painful death courageously you saw

that and so did everybody what are you

accusing him of do you know yourself how

dare you speak that way okay

our team has only one word you want to

put him to death instead of giving him

his freedom as you promised your people

would be ashamed of that king of you

wait let her speak if she wishes perhaps

perhaps she will tell you she's a

renegade that only last night she went

into the prisoners compound and begged

forgiveness for the tartars crimes is

that true what he's saying speak up

before I kill you with my own hands

yes you can't kill me but you will never

be able to destroy what is eternal my

love pasta fan and my faith in

forthright black

and if the titles wish it I will die

with the Molalla strike me strike me and

forgive me the pain I'm quoting you your

daughter has acted in bad faith she has

committed treason in the name of our law

and the law says she must die and it is

you her father who must put her to death

today is the last day of the great

festival and faithful tatars cannot kill

tomorrow you shall both die together if

that is what you wish to do if she

escapes you will be put to death instead

of your daughter I want all the people

to continue with their festivities

according to our law but if my son

should die I shall order a terrible

vengeance on my enemies

I want those two brought to my house




get on the wait I know what I'm doing

listen you know the Cossack dance he

knows how to perform it better than any

way perfect now I can learn it from you

but not in this place I think we better

go to my house

you also need someone to beat the time

for you and the best one is Ursus

you take him to let's be off tonight I

want you to dance till you drop

so come on mo will you give me a bowl of

soup I'll give you two this is a real

stroke of luck I never expected such an

honor is this what the change back of

that performing bear I feel safer that



why have you stopped dancing come on I


go through the garage at night play

bring me a long chain quick not a sound

out of here you'll get that same

treatment now hook them all together I

find a lot of weapons inside there let's

go help ourselves

come on here they come we put both

Amaral and vomit out of action for a

good while we also saw that Sora Mars

tables are unguarded the whole of the

village is sound asleep if we act with

speed we can get away with it for you

now go and distribute the weapon

now listen to your father Eli convince

yourself that you're only infatuated

with Stefan your heart has deceived you

can't you drive the memory of that

polish dog out of your mind

you must forget him no father even for

you I burn ever forget him I will die

with him


soon it will be daybreak I must talk to

the car he knows what he owes us he

cannot have forgotten all the services

which I have rendered him I shall ask

his indulgence for you he'll not deny it

but you will have to throw yourself at

its feet and make a retraction in full

of your conversion you'll have to ask

him to pardon you


no Claire are you going you know

if I am the dad let this be now

do you read the only hope I have go with

you I wish you peace and happiness



this is my sword I'll take care of


hurry go sprint stephan1


because I loved him I couldn't have

loved him more if he'd been my heart


Corral's the camp

my son is dead and you would let his

murderer escape I shall know no peace

until I have destroyed my enemies I am

launching my great offensive but you

will not be with us you die a traitor's

death as do all who defy our laws


catch up with us soon from Stefan we

still have a good lead on him to the



some more coming






the Khans army he's become as great

offensive your heart is faster taken

we can reach the village of : perhaps

we'll find resources we must warn the

boy at all cost


Brinn step up we searched the whole

village and we found only two horses

take them and leave at once I want you

to write to the camp where the voidbot

is in for a minute

the Great Khan is on the March with all

his hordes I'm certain you will do the

impossible and reach him in time

that's the sure that I'll do it you can

count on me good luck to you


and wherever the enemy afforded the

river in the lowlands underneath the

heights of : they're advancing now

towards the open plain well done even

you have done your duty as a foot

soldier have him taken into my own tent

and give him some food give the order to

strike camp immediately and to prepare

for a forced march to reach the plains

Arthur :

I want an open field when I face the

army of the Great Khan and in a single

battle we shall decide the outcome of

this war those your command


here come the Tatars


it looks like the end of it this time

Harmon is over the village of Poland and

is advancing across the open plain

confirm the orders to the artillery

station by concentrated volleys when in





all the cavalry cavalry charge




the Great Khan has been killed after the


our men have gained a splendid and

lasting victory and the merit is in a

large part due to you for all of you

this will be ample reward even who was

able to guide our forces in the right

direction is commissioned an officer

Mitka is a sergeant and that's for you

my dear Prince Stefan even if you have

already been handsomely rewarded given a

regiment on the frontier this is ask us

for anything that you wish and it shall

be granted I have found my son and

Poland is safe now I want nothing more I

have my family and my freedom and my

wood that's all I need


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