Psychological Inflexibility and Adherence To The T

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Psychological Inflexibility and Adherence to the Therapy

among Parents of Autistic Children
Inflexibilidad psicológica y adherencia a la terapia entre padres de niños autistas
Inflexibilidade psicológica e adesão à terapia entre pais de crianças autistas

Jaime Humberto Moreno Méndez*

Claudia Stefany Giraldo Jiménez
Bertha Lucía Avendaño Prieto
Universidad Católica de Colombia


Abstract Avoidance Scale (aaq-II). The analysis was done using

The parenting strategies applied to address the de- a retrospective simple ex post facto group design. The
velopmental demands of children with autism generate structural equation analyses revealed that parents show
emotional difficulties, affect the emission of behaviors patterns of psychological inflexibility, which affect the
related to their children’s psychological processes, and behaviors related to treatment adherence.
consequently influence therapeutic adherence. This study Keywords: Autism; psychological inflexibility; adhe-
aimed to determine the relationships among the different rence; parents.
processes of psychological inflexibility (experiential
avoidance, obstruction, cognitive fusion) and therapeutic Resumen
adherence (communication and actions) among parents Las estrategias de crianza aplicadas para abordar las
of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder demandas de desarrollo de los niños con autismo ge-
(asd). The sample consisted of 25 parents between 30 neran dificultades emocionales, afectan la emisión de
and 62 years old (M = 40; ds = 1.45) of children di- conductas relacionadas con sus procesos psicológicos
agnosed with asd who were undergoing behavioral y, por consiguiente, influyen en la adherencia terapéu-
modification therapy. The data were collected through tica. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las
a sociodemographic data survey, the Therapeutic Ad- relaciones entre los diferentes procesos de inflexibilidad
herence Scale, the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (cfq), psicológica (evitación experiencial, obstrucción, fusión
the Valuing Questionnaire (vq), and the Experiential cognitiva) y adherencia terapéutica (comunicación y

Address corresponding to: Jaime Humberto Moreno Méndez, Universidad Católica de Colombia. E-mail:

How to cite this article: Giraldo Jiménez, C. S., Moreno Méndez, J. H., & Avendaño Prieto, B. L. (2020). Psychological In-
flexibility and Adherence to the Therapy among Parents of Autistic Children. Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana, 38(2),

Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana / Bogotá (Colombia) / Vol. 38(2) / pp. 1-13 / 2020 / ISSNe2145-4515 1
Jaime Humberto Moreno Méndez, Claudia Stefany Giraldo Jiménez, Bertha Lucía Avendaño Prieto

acciones) entre los padres de niños diagnosticados Children with autism spectrum disorder (asd)
con trastorno del espectro autista (tea). La muestra have deficits in socio-emotional reciprocity, com-
consistió en 25 padres de entre 30 y 62 años (M = 40; munication difficulties, and a limited behavioral
de = 1.45) de niños diagnosticados con tea, quienes repertoire marked by stereotyped actions that af-
se sometieron a una terapia de modificación de la fect the relationship between parents and children
conducta. Se administraron una encuesta de datos so- (Kirkpatrick, Louw, & Leader, 2019; Pérez Ribero &
ciodemográficos, la Escala de Adherencia Terapéutica, Martínez Garrido, 2015) and the parents’ adherence
el Cuestionario de Fusión Cognitiva (cfq), el Cues- to the treatment of their children (Hock, Kinsman, &
tionario de Valoración (vq) y la Escala de Evitación Ortaglia, 2015). Within the psychoeducational ap-
Experiencial (aaq-II). Para el análisis, se utilizó un proach, behavioral interventions are based on teach-
diseño retrospectivo de grupo simple ex post facto. Los ing new behaviors through sructured and specialized
análisis de ecuaciones estructurales revelaron que los strategies; family-based interventions fundamentals
padres muestran patrones de inflexibilidad psicológica are the inclusion of the family in the child’s treatment
que afectan los comportamientos relacionados con la and to promote their acceptableness and attendance
adherencia al tratamiento. of parents (Edwards, Zlomke, & Greathouse, 2019;
Palabras clave: autismo; inflexibilidad psicológica; Kirkpatrick et al., 2019; Li & Lo, 2016).
adherencia; padres. Smith (2013) argued that it is essential to en-
sure that users receive interventions with empiri-
Resumo cal support. The characteristics that determine the
As estratégias de criação aplicadas para abordar as deman- usefulness of behavioral interventions in natural
das de desenvolvimento das crianças com autismo geram contexts are the constant measurement of the ef-
dificuldades emocionais, afetam a emissão de condutas fects of the procedures, the continuous evaluation
relacionadas com os processos psicológicos de seus filhos, of their effectiveness, and the caregiver training.
e, portanto, influem na aderência terapêutica. Este estudo The predictors of effectiveness in therapies based
teve como objetivo determinar as relações entre os dife- on an applied behavioral analysis include the early
rentes processos de inflexibilidade psicológica (evitação initiation of treatment, constancy, individualized
experiencial, obstrução, fusão cognitiva) e aderência te- interventions focused on the skills required by each
rapêutica (comunicação e ações) entre os pais de crianças child, the use of multiple techniques for acquiring
diagnosticadas com transtorno do espectro autista (tea). skills, the gradual inclusion of groups, the estab-
A amostra consistiu em 25 pais de entre 30 e 62 anos (M lishment of goals oriented toward the normal course
= 40; de = 1.45) de crianças diagnosticadas com tea que of development, and the participation of parents as
se submeteram a uma terapia de modificação da conduta. co-therapists (Schopler, Mesibov, & Hearsey, 2006;
Se administrou uma enquete de dados sociodemográfi- Virués et al., 2010).
cos, a Escala de Aderência Terapêutica, o Questionário From a behavioral approach, learning sustains as
de Fusão Cognitiva (cfq), o Questionário de Valoração a change in behavior, generated by the interaction
(vq) e a Escala de Evitação Experiencial (aaq-II). Para established between the child’s behavior and the
a análise, se utilizou um desenho retrospectivo de grupo events in their environment (Domjan, 2014). Ac-
simples ex post facto. As análises de equações estruturais cording to Virués et al. (2010), a determining factor
revelaram que os pais mostram padrões de inflexibilidade in behavioral modification is the manipulation of
psicológica, que à sua vez afetam os comportamentos environmental conditions that enable children to
relacionados com a aderência ao tratamento. choose new behaviors. In this sense, the parents
Palavras-chave: autismo; inflexibilidade psicológica; —as the immediate context of the children— are
aderência; pais. the primary source for behavioral feedback.

2 Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana / Bogotá (Colombia) / Vol. 38(2) / pp. 1-13 / 2020 / ISSNe2145-4515
Psychological Inflexibility and Adherence to the Therapy among Parents of Autistic Children

An aspect to be considered regarding the par- promoted when linked to personal goals (Levin,
ents’ role in the treatment of children with asd is Potts, Haeger, & Lillis, 2018).
caregiver wear and tear, which is the result of the Few studies have focused on parental adherence
children’s low social functioning, their marked to asd treatment. Moore and Symons (2011) found
difficulties in expressing affection and reciprocity that adherence to behavioral treatment recommen-
toward their parents, communication problems, and dations was significantly lower than adherence to
the manifestation of stereotyped behaviors. In addi- drug-based treatments among parents of children
tion, knowledge regarding the etiology and prog- with asd. The low adherence to behavioral recom-
nosis of the disorder are lacking (Jennings-Dunlap, mendations is likely to have important consequences
2019). Additionally, previous studies have reported for children with asd because their treatments often
emotional difficulties in parents associated with involve generalized changes in parental behavior
the situation of having a child with asd. Parents (Hock, Kinsman, & Ortaglia, 2015).
of children with autism experience chronic stress This study aims to be a reference in the ma-
characterized by guilty feelings toward themselves jor needs of parents of children with asd, given
or emotions of anger toward their partner associated the effects that exposure to situations of high de-
with their child’s condition, as well as depression, mand and little control have on mental health. In
denial, and confusion after the autism diagnosis addition, it seeks to clarify the strategies used to
(Blackledge & Drake, 2013; Crowell, Keluskar, address child interventions and investigate how
& Gorecki, 2019; Eikeseth, Klintwall, Hayward, & these strategies affect adherence to the programs
Gale, 2015). offered to treat children with asd.
Thus, autism has been identified as one of the Therefore, we evaluated the processes of psy-
most complex childhood disorders; it has also been chological inflexibility based on contextual therapy,
determined that intervention models that apply a specifically, and the Acceptance and Commitment
behavioral approach have shown higher levels of Therapy (act). Psychological inflexibility occurs
effectiveness (Szabo, 2019; Virués et al., 2010). In when the person is unable to get out of the verbal
these interventions, parents are crucial for achieving rule that governs their behavior in a given situation
important, lasting changes. Therefore, treatment and creates difficulty in making their behavioral
adherence should be considered a fundamental repertoire more flexible (Spiedel, Lecomte, Kealy,
factor with regard to the success of interventions & Daigneault, 2018).
established by professionals addressing this issue According to act, the primary source of psycho-
(Burnham Riosa, Khan, & Weiss, 2019; Fteiha & pathology and human unhappiness is associated with
Al Bustami, 2018). Adherence is understood as the way language and cognition interact with the
the ability of parents to comprehend and perform circumstances of each individual’s life, producing
behavioral modification procedures in a conscious an inability to persist or make changes focused on
and consistent manner (Allen & Warzak, 2013). achieving valuable long-term goals (Hayes & Wals-
Bagner and Eyberg (2003) studied the effects er, 2007; Ribero-Marulanda & Agudelo-Colorado,
of parental adherence on their children’s treatment. 2018). As such, act is organized into six components
They concluded that when parents are involved or processes: acceptance, cognitive diffusion, being
in the intervention process, the skills learned by present, self as a context, values, and committed
the children in a formal training context achieve action toward these values (Hayes, Wilson, Robin-
generalization, and children acquire higher levels son, & Strohsal, 2014). These processes interrelate,
of independence and self-care in daily life. Addi- overlap, and complement each other to achieve
tionally, it has been emphasized that adherence is psychological flexibility (Hayes et al., 2006).

Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana / Bogotá (Colombia) / Vol. 38(2) / pp. 1-13 / 2020 / ISSNe2145-4515 3
Jaime Humberto Moreno Méndez, Claudia Stefany Giraldo Jiménez, Bertha Lucía Avendaño Prieto

Each act process determines a particular feature Method

that explains psychological inflexibility: a) a lack
of self-knowledge related to a lack of self-contact Participants
in the present moment; b) a lack of clarity when
people engage in actions that are inconsistent with The participants were selected via convenience.
their values; c) attachment to the conceptualized The sample was composed of 25 parents between
self as the way in which people define themselves the ages of 30 and 62 years old (M = 40; ds = 1.45)
with qualifying language; d) cognitive fusion, whose children were diagnosed with asd and who
where the contents of thoughts, emotions, bodily were attending to behavioral modification therapy
sensations, and memories are taken as the true at an institution specialized in the treatment of asd.
interpretations of experience, and e) experiential A total of 28 % were teachers, 36 % had profes-
avoidance expressed as the unwillingness to con- sional training, and 72 % were married (table 1).
tact unpleasant psychological events or as attempts
to change the content or reduce the frequency of Table 1.
Sociodemographic characteristics of the participants
these undesirable experiences (Ciarrochi, Bilich,
& Godsel, 2010). Variable Category F %
Thus, the relevance of thorough studies (such
30-40 years 13 52
as the current research) that account for issues of 40-50 years 6 24
clinical significance includes three fundamental Age
50-60 years 5 20
aspects: the increased prevalence of children with Older than 60 years 1 4
autism, the development of emotional and affec- Technical 4 16
tive alterations among the parents of children with Engineer 5 20
this diagnosis, and the clinical need for effective Occupation Independent 3 12
processes with positive effects on the development Homemaker 6 24
and quality of life of caregivers and children with Teacher 7 28

autism. Therefore, the following research question High school 4 16

was posed: What is the relationship between the Technical 2 8
Technologist 5 20
psychological inflexibility of parents with children Education
Professional 9 36
with asd and their children’s treatment adherence?
Postgraduate 4 16
This study hypothesizes that the psychological in- Doctorate 1 4
flexibility of parents to address the developmental
Free union 6 24
demands of their children with asd, characterized
Civil status Married 18 72
by cognitive fusion, experimental avoidance, ob- Separated 1 4
struction, lack of clarity in values, difficulty in
Total 25 100
being in the present moment, inactivity, or im-
pulsivity generate greater emotional disturbances
that affect the emission of ineffective behaviors Instruments
related to the psychological processes of their chil-
dren and, consequently, interfere with therapeutic Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II —
adherence. For that reason, we seek to determine aaq-II— (Ruiz, Langer, Luciano, Cangas, & Bel-
the role that psychological inflexibility plays in trán, 2013). This questionnaire, initially designed
parents of children with asd on their children’s by Hayes et al. (2004) for the North American pop-
treatment adherence. ulation, was subsequently adapted and validated for

4 Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana / Bogotá (Colombia) / Vol. 38(2) / pp. 1-13 / 2020 / ISSNe2145-4515
Psychological Inflexibility and Adherence to the Therapy among Parents of Autistic Children

Spain by Ruiz et al. (2013) to assess psychological Therapeutic Adherence Scale. It consists of
inflexibility and experiential avoidance. The items two subscales: communication (e.g., when you
reflect the unwillingness to experience unwanted have a concern, you communicate with the thera-
emotions and thoughts, and the inability to be in pist) and actions (e.g., implements the procedures
the present moment and behave in accordance with that have been trained at home). The final scale
value-driven actions while experiencing undesired comprised 18 items. It qualifies on the Likert scale
psychological events. It uses a seven-point Likert- of three response options (never, sometimes, al-
type scale (7 = always true, 1 = never true). The ways). It was elaborated and validated by five
instrument has been validated in Colombia and expert judges (three in the treatment of parents
shows excellent psychometric properties (mean with children with asd and two methodologists).
alpha between 0.88 and 0.91). The mean of the This instrument was completed by the therapists
clinical sample was significantly higher than who performed act . Subsequently, a concor-
the scores of the nonclinical samples. dance analysis was performed through Kendall’s
Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire —cfq— W, which obtained acceptable consistency, with
(Ruiz, Suárez-Falcón, Riaño-Hernández, & Gil- a score of .77 (which exceeds the value of .05).
landers, 2017). This questionnaire was adapted for Sociodemographic Data Questionnaire. This
Spain to measure cognitive fusion as a fundamental questionnaire was developed to collect information
construct of the psychopathology model accord- for the study, including personal data such as age,
ing to act. It applies a seven-point Likert scale (7 marital status, social stratum, educational level,
= always true, 1 = never true). The original cfq occupation, health status of the mother during preg-
was adapted into Spanish, and the psychometric nancy, number of children, and period of diagnosis.
properties were determined using a sample of
1 763 participants. The internal consistency was Procedure
high (Cronbach’s alpha between 0.89 and 0.93).
The mean of the clinical sample was significantly This study was conducted across three phases.
higher than that of the nonclinical one. First phase: The Likert scale was constructed
Valuing Questionnaire —vq— (Smout, Davies, to identify the adherence level of the parents, and
Burns, & Christie, 2014). This questionnaire evalu- a content validation was performed through the
ates the aspects of life established as valuable, and establishment of inter-rater reliability.
the committed actions performed, oriented toward Second phase: The institution provided accep-
those aspects. It uses a six-point Likert scale (6 = tance for the study and participant recruitment.
always true, 1 = never true). The vq has shown strong The participants were presented with the objec-
internal consistency, as well as convergent and in- tive of the research project, and informed consent
cremental validity. It had high internal consistency was explained for subsequent agreement. The re-
across the different samples (Cronbach’s global al- searchers applied the psychological inflexibility
phas of 0.83 for progress and 0.82 for obstruction). and sociodemographic data instruments to each
The bifactorial model showed a strong fit to the data, parent. Then, the adherence scale was administered
and measurement invariance was found throughout to the therapists in charge of the intervention of
the sample and with regard to gender. The means each child with autism.
of the clinical sample for progress and obstruction Third phase: The data were processed using the
were lower and higher, respectively, than those of Rasch and Winsteps model. Once the data were
the nonclinical samples. The correlations with other obtained, a structural equation analysis was used
constructs were in the expected direction. to establish the predictive model.

Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana / Bogotá (Colombia) / Vol. 38(2) / pp. 1-13 / 2020 / ISSNe2145-4515 5
Jaime Humberto Moreno Méndez, Claudia Stefany Giraldo Jiménez, Bertha Lucía Avendaño Prieto

Ethical Considerations (Non-Standardized Adjustment Index or Tuck-

er Lewis) and cfi (Comparative Fit Index) vary
According to the Declaration of Helsinky between 0 and 1, where 0 means no adjustment
(World Medical Association, 1964) and Ley 1090 and one means optimal fit; values higher than .90
of 2006 (Congreso de Colombia, 2006), the objec- represent an acceptable fit, while values of .95 or
tives were explained to the participants and their higher are considered excellent. The rmsea (square
informed consent was requested to participate in error approach to medium roots) needs to be less
the study, emphasizing the willingness of partic- than .08, and preferably less than .06 because if
ipation and the confidentiality of the information the model is greater than .10, it must be rejected
provided. This study is classified as a minimum (Pilatti, Godoy, & Brussino, 2012).
risk according to the guidelines of Resolution 8430
(Ministerio de Salud, 1993) since no manipulation
of the variables was made, and only the scales were Results
applied to the participants.
The results are presented in three sections. First,
Data Analysis Plan the results of the content validity of the adherence
scale are shown; then, the descriptive and cor-
Initially, the content validation of the adherence relational analyzes of the variables are presented.
scale was performed, seeking inter-rater reliabili- Finally, the adjustment model between the study
ty. As such, the instrument was evaluated by five variables is analyzed.
expert judges, three of whom had knowledge of Relevance was evaluated using Kendall’s W
and experience with asd cases; two were experts coefficient of concordance, a nonparametric statis-
in methodology. The evaluation was performed tic for ordinal scale data, which allows researchers
using a Likert scale and three evaluation criteria: to establish the degree of agreement between ranks
pertinence, writing, and language clarity. Once the of n individuals. This analysis produced a score of
results were obtained, the data and the respective .77, which exceeds the value .05; thus, the null
analyses were performed in spss version 22.0. hypothesis was rejected.
The technique of structural equations was used The extension and use of technical language
in order to establish the relationship between the were adjusted to facilitate understanding among
variables: psychological flexibility and adherence non-expert therapists. In addition, items with an
to treatment, and analyze the best fit model between agreement greater than .05 were selected, whereas
these variables. items with lower scores were eliminated. The final
A model fitted to the sample was obtained and scale comprised 18 items that evaluated the two
subjected to exploratory factor analysis (efa) using concepts addressed by the definition of adherence
the software amos version 22. To determine the used for this study (communication and action).
fit of the data to the model, the cmin/df (X2 ratio, Statistical analyses were performed depending
over the degrees of freedom) requires less than on the normality of the sample, which was verified
3.0. When the sample is small, the non-centrality using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. All of the
parameter (ncp) is used, which is an alternative variables of psychological inflexibility (obstruc-
measure of Chi-square; values less than 2 are tion, experiential avoidance, and cognitive fusion)
acceptable (Escobedo, Hernández, Estebané, & but actions variable was not normal, considering
Martínez, 2016). The gfi (Goodness of Global the level of measurement of each variable for the
Adjustment Index), ifi (Incremental Fit Index), tli use of different statistics.

6 Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana / Bogotá (Colombia) / Vol. 38(2) / pp. 1-13 / 2020 / ISSNe2145-4515
Psychological Inflexibility and Adherence to the Therapy among Parents of Autistic Children

The three variables that compose the psycho- avoidance, obstruction, and cognitive fusion) and
logical inflexibility construct have a significant and adherence to the therapy (actions) are significantly
inverse correlation with the actions of adherence related. A negative effect of the first variable on the
to treatment. The correlations between experiential second was found since the relationship between
avoidance and cognitive fusion with the actions these two variables has an estimated value load of
were significant at the .05 level. The correlation -.51. In addition, it was found that the three variables
between the obstruction and the actions was sig- (experimental avoidance, obstruction, and cognitive
nificant at the .01 level (table 2). fusion), that make up the construct of psychological
The analysis of the structural equations shows inflexibility, have loads of significant factors, which
that psychological inflexibility (experimental explain this variable from .78 to .98 (figure 1).

Table 2.
Correlation analysis of the psychological inflexibility and adherence scales

Obstruction Cognitive fusion
(n=24) avoindance

Rho - - -
Sig. - - -

Rho -.575** -.413* -.419*

Sig. .003 .045 .041

Note: ** The correlation is significant at the level .01

* The correlation is significant at the level .05


Psychological .83

.78 avoidance

Cognitive fusion

Figure 1. Structural model of psychological inflexibility and its correlation with adherence. Adapted from Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 (IBM, 2013)

Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana / Bogotá (Colombia) / Vol. 38(2) / pp. 1-13 / 2020 / ISSNe2145-4515 7
Jaime Humberto Moreno Méndez, Claudia Stefany Giraldo Jiménez, Bertha Lucía Avendaño Prieto

As the actions’ variable was not distributed in a flexibility and the variables used to approximate a
normal way, the procedure used to analyze the fit predictive model in relation to the processes that
of the model was asymptotically distribution-free. constitute treatment adherence.
Using a structural model, the implications of a The design and validation of the adherence
theory are integrated into a model that reflects its scale led to the creation of a valuable tool to ob-
conceptualization and relationships. Latent vari- jectively quantify the communication and actions
ables are included, their relationships and effects evidenced by parents, regarding the behavioral
are evaluated, and the complete structure of these treatment their children with asd receive (Allen
relationships is subjected to simultaneous verifi- & Warzak, 2013; Buela- Casal, 2008), given that
cation (table 3). the ranges assigned by the experts coincided sig-
According to the above results, significant rela- nificantly (Escobar-Pérez & Cuervo-Martínez,
tionships were found among obstruction, experien- 2008). As such, it was possible to establish a
tial avoidance, cognitive fusion, and the category of measurement of the level of communication that
actions regarding the assessment of the adherence parents maintain with the work team, as well as
scale. The degrees of freedom are less than 3 (with implement the recommendations and procedures
a value of 2), showing fit to the data; the goodness- delivered by the professional in charge of the in-
of-fit index was .99, and the cfi was 1.00, which are tervention. Thus, this study provides an approach
within the expected range of 0-1 for an optimal fit; to obtain relevant and useful psychological in-
and the rmsea was .00., the non-normed fit index struments. These tests become a necessary tool
was 1.00, and the ifi was 1.00. These data support and must be subjected to a rigorous process of
the unidirectional relationship that was established permanent construction and evaluation so that
between psychological inflexibility and adherence. they have high levels of validity and reliability
(Hernández, Tomás, Ferreres, & Lloret, 2015).
Discussion The levels of adherence shown by the parents
evaluated from the observer’s perspective can be ef-
Based on the objectives proposed by this research, fective in identifying the parents’ committed actions
this section has the following structure: First, the on the therapy of their children (Suppo & Floyd,
contributions of the adherence scale are indicated; 2017). In addition, with act, parents increase their
then, the levels of psychological inflexibility and competencies to participate in treatment, probably
treatment adherence of the parents of children with because greater psychological flexibility is achieved
asd are analyzed; finally, the findings of two aspects and, therefore, more resistance to distress and great-
are considered the most conclusive of this study. er acceptance of the emotional experience of having
Specifically, we analyze parental psychological in- a child with a disability (Spiedel et al., 2018).

Table 3.
Analysis of the structural model of psychological inflexibility and adherence


25 2 .79 .000 .99 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00

Note: χ2 / df (Chi square on degrees of freedom); ncp (Non Centrality Parameter) gfi (goodness of fit index); ifi (Incremental Fit Index),
tli (non-standardized adjustment index or Tucker Lewis); cfi (Comparative Adjustment Index); rmsea (Root of the Average Squared Error
of Approximation).

8 Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana / Bogotá (Colombia) / Vol. 38(2) / pp. 1-13 / 2020 / ISSNe2145-4515
Psychological Inflexibility and Adherence to the Therapy among Parents of Autistic Children

This research revealed that parents generate undesirable experiences, which is counterproductive
communication strategies with professionals who and harmful and restricts living.
care for their children regarding treatment in order As such, the results showed that these behaviors
to reinforce at home the same guidelines established consist of control strategies whose function is re-
in therapy. However, important work must be done lated to the avoidance of sensations, emotions, or
regarding the committed actions that must be tak- aversive thoughts that are usually related to value
en to successfully treat children to improve the interactions within the family or the couple and
quality of parent-child interaction. This is consis- vary for each participant according to their learn-
tent with studies that have indicated that behavioral ing history (Neff & Faso, 2015). In this sense,
training for parents is a critical component of the the inverse relationship between high scores in
treatment of children with autism (Caron, Bérubé, & cognitive fusion and adherence to treatment could
Paquet, 2017; Edwards et al., 2019; Gould, Tarbox, indicate that when mothers have difficulties in dif-
& Coyne, 2018; Robertson, Sobeck, Wynkoop, & ferentiating thoughts from their reality, they may
Schwartz, 2017). Nevertheless, involving parents have difficulties in evidencing committed actions
effectively can be a challenge. Despite the evi- to follow the indications of therapies on the treat-
dence that shows that private events can strongly ment of their children with asd. They could also
influence the behavior of parents and the therapy avoid actions related to taking care of household
of their children, this issue has not yet received demands and stop exercising their other roles —for
more than minimal attention in behavior literature. example, those related to their work and social
From a perspective of functional contextual- environment— (Virués et al., 2010).
ism, the results obtained revealed that participants According to the model tested, it was discovered
featured high and medium levels of psychological that the psychological inflexibility of the parents
inflexibility according to the classification of the has an inverse relationship with the actions of ad-
clinical scores established by Hayes et al. (2004). herence to the treatment, which means that such
Thus, parents exhibited behaviors characterized inflexibility could interfere in parents applying the
within a behavioral spectrum of high demand with suggestions given in the therapy for the behavior
regard to their children’s upbringing (Smith & management of their children with asd (Edwards
Anderson, 2014). et al., 2019; Kirkpatrick et al., 2019; Li & Lo, 2016).
On the other hand, parents frequently exhibit In addition, because the structural equations
behaviors related to focusing their attention on model showed an inverse correlation between the
particular situations such as planning the next day’s variables that explain psychological inflexibility (cog-
activities and concerns regarding issues that might nitive fusion, experiential avoidance, and obstruction)
arise with their children (anticipation). These behav- and greater adherence with the actions committed
iors fit with the explanation of Bond and Flaxman in therapy, we conclude that working with parents
(2006), who stated that in the process of cognitive is crucial for progress within the intervention pro-
diffusion, people are not generally aware of the cess (Allen & Warzak, 2013). In this sense, another
processes of thinking, feeling, remembering, or starting point can be emphasized based on behavioral
living the experience of the present moment, and modification programs, where the initial axis that
their actions are determined by fused psychological might show greater effectiveness is the approach of
content. Additionally, experiential avoidance occurs the needs of parents as fundamental agents regarding
when people are unwilling to experience unpleas- interventions with their children.
ant psychological events and instead attempt to The study might serve as a tool for the compre-
change the content or reduce the frequency of these hensive contextualization of the needs of parents

Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana / Bogotá (Colombia) / Vol. 38(2) / pp. 1-13 / 2020 / ISSNe2145-4515 9
Jaime Humberto Moreno Méndez, Claudia Stefany Giraldo Jiménez, Bertha Lucía Avendaño Prieto

who face the challenges of teaching their children References

at different learning paces. It is essential to con-
tinue with this work by designing and validating Allen, K., & Warzak, W. (2013). The problem of
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Received: August 14th, 2019

Accepted: April 7th, 2020

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