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Assalamu'alaikum Wr.


Dear tutors, as well as my friends are happy. Let us praise to God Almighty who gave us
Scott be health.

And as we know, our health depart from a healthy pattern of our lives anyway. The pattern
of healthy living is indeed important. Besides being able to make a healthy body, it can also
make us avoid diseases. There are a few healthy living patterns to consider, among others,
diet, exercise and rest. Diet should be maintained so as not to give rise to things we don't
want, such as obesity or even malnutrition.

Next is sport. Well as we know, sport is an activity that's easy to do, but many ignored. But
regular exercise can be memberikan benefit for the health of the body. Next is the issue a

Enough rest will restore our bodies are tired and give enough time for the body to restore
the power that has been used. All right. Healthy life pattern that starts with a good diet,
regular exercise and adequate rest, it is necessary also supported the attitude which is
always optimistic. Because, there is nothing that can hinder one's step that is optimistic,
even failures and impediments to even be considered as a lesson. Optimism is also good for
the health impact of the body.

So I tell them, the apoa. So, the pattern of healthy living is indeed we need because the
benefits of healthy living Patterns must be applied starting from ourselves. Originally indeed
heavy, but when done repeatedly, then the time will also be used. Enough so that I can
convey, may be useful. Sorry if there is wrong.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr Wb.

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