Test On MOtion

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I.True or False.

Directions: In your Science activity notebook, write T if the statement is TRUE

and F if the statement is FALSE.

1. Kilogram is a unit for distance.

2. The quantity 2 meters is a distance.
3. The quantity 2 kilometers is a displacement.
4. The quantity 2 meters to the left is a distance.
5. The quantity 2 meters to the left is a displacement.
6. Distance is the length of the entire path travelled by an object.
7. Displacement includes both distance and direction of the object’s
8. The displacement is equal to zero when an object’s initial and final
position is the same.
9. The shortest distance between the initial and final position of the object
is called displacement.
10.The total distance travelled of an object from its initial position to a certain
position and back to its initial position is zero
II. Direction: Determine the following quantities whether it is speed or velocity.

III. Problem Solving:

1. You decided to have a morning jog to keep your body fit. You jog 100 m East in 150 s, made a left turn and jog 150 m
in 180 s, and finally made another left turn for 100 m in 90 s.

1. Make an illustration to represent the problem.

2. What is your average speed for the entire jog?
3. What is your average velocity for the entire jog?
4. How do you compare the magnitude of the average speed and velocity?

2. A jeepney moves along a straight road at an average speed of 10m/s. What is the
distance travelled by the jeepney in 2.5 s?

IV. Directions: Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks using the correct

word/s from the box.

1. ______________ is defined as the change in position over an interval of time with respect to a
reference object. An object is said to be 2. __________ when it has travelled a certain distance from
the reference point, or it is displaced from the reference point. In other words, the distance travelled
by an object, how fast the object is travelling, and the direction in which the object travels to, are
measured with respect to a 3. __________. 4. __________ is a scalar quantity. It has magnitude but
no direction. To get the total distance travelled by a body, all we have to do is 5. __________ all the
distances travelled. On the other hand, displacement, a vector quantity for it has both magnitude and
6. __________, is the 7. __________ between two positions.Moreover, distance does not always
follow a straight line unlike with displacement that always follows a straight line. 8. __________
measures the length of the straight line that connects the object’s point of origin and its point of
9. _______________ .Distance and displacement, speed and velocity, and acceleration are ways to
describe motion. Distance is a 10. ________ quantity having magnitude but no direction while
11. __________ is a vector quantity having both magnitude and direction. 12. __________ speed refers
to the total distance travelled divided by the total time and 13. __________ is displacement divided by
total time of travel. A 14.__________ measures instantaneous speed/velocity.

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