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7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the past simple, past perfect
simple or past perfect continuous.

1 By the time he arrived at the cinema, the film had already started (already /
2 Julia
had never been
(never / be) to the theatre before, so she
(be) thrilled when her parents
(buy) her tickets for her birthday.
3 We
had been sleeping
(sleep) for four hours when she suddenly
(wake) us up.
4 That evening, the children
(tell) their father which animals they
had seen
(see) at the zoo.
5 We
(be) disappointed to hear that the show
had been cancelled
(cancel) because the singer was unwell.
6 They
(be) very tired in the evening because they
had been helping out
(help out) in the shop all day.
7 We
(visit) the exhibition that our friend
had told
(tell) us about the week before.
8 Before she
(become) an actor, Melissa
had been working
(work) as a waitress for four years.
8. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1. It had sold 20 million copies, making it the best-selling book of the year.

2. The film was hilarious. My friends and I couldn’t stop laughing.

3. Personally, I found the ending really confusing but everyone else seemed to get it.

4. From the lighting to the stage design, the whole set was incredible.

5. The book was so compelling that I just couldn’t put it down.

6. The play was so awful that everyone walked out halfway through

7. It’s a work of contemporary fiction, set in modern-day China.

8. The film had an unexpected twist at the end that nobody had seen coming.

9. Find and replace the words in the poster which have a similar meaning to the words in the

Critics are calling it the most entertaining musical of the year

An all-star cast, with John Day in the lead role as Tommy Smith

Costumes designed by the award-winning Jenny Summers

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