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Devops is a culture / Software developement approach , which involves continueosly

combing the code , continueosly testing the code ,

continueosly integrating the tools , continueosly deploying the applications,

continueosly monitoring the applications through out entire

its software developement life cycle.


Continueos Integration :

CI means continueosly developing the code , continueosly combining the code, so

that we can fix the bugs as per the time line
and also we can reduce the time during the release in your line.

Continueos Delivery: ( Manual approach)

It is nothing but what ever we generate the package into your environment. suppose
If I want continueosly delivery into each and
every environment. If we can do review and then we can deploy into the environment.

continueos Deployment :( with out manual)

CD is peace of practice to design ensure the code can be rapidly or safely deployed
into live environment production by delivering each
and every change in the production.

Devops workflow / Jenkins work flow :

1. code commit (github)

2. Build ( maven)(war / ear / jar )

3. code quality ( Sonarqube --->> critical / major / blocker )

4. release package (war / ear / jar )

5. uploading package into Nexus ( Artifactory)

6. deployment ( tomcat ) ---->> dev/qa/uat/prod

7. Test


SDLC : software developement life cycle

1. waterfall model (dev and client )--->> 24/7 --->> end user-->> issues-->>
overcome ==>>> Manual approach.

2. agile methodolgies : dev and ops -->> client--->>24/7 -->endusers-->>>issues

Build and release engineers


Devops: ?? --->>> Automation tools ==>> devops engineer.

Devops is a culture / Software developement approach , which involves continueosly

combing the code , continueosly testing the code ,

continueosly integrating the tools , continueosly deploying the applications,

continueosly monitoring the applications through out entire

its software developement life cycle.

dev --->> code --->> github(push) --->> time save , bugs fix easy

deploying the applications --->> DEV / QA / UAT / PROD

cloudwatch , newrelic , datadog , Nagious, grafana , prometheous--->>> moniroing


Dev (java) testers(test) ops (ours)====>> CI , CD , CM

git config --global “surya1tenpath”

git config --global “”


git config --global “tejaswi0701”

git config --global “”

git push origin master ==>> githubaccountname and github passsowrd ==>>> remote.

history :

501 git clone

502 ls
503 cd myweb
504 ls
505 touch surya
506 git status
507 git add .
508 git status
509 git commit -m 'surya1'
510 git push origin master
511 history
srinu@DESKTOP-OAV8881 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/myweb (master)

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