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Instructions & Consumption

Congratulations! Your life is about to change for the better. Plasma GANS
technology is a key component of mother nature and was originally discovered
by Mehran Keshe.

These plasmatic field energies will support your body in it’s natural self-healing process
and/or assist you in sustaining your good health all while improving your energy and

Plasma GANS has many many applications and you can visit the protocol database at​ to find protocols for ailments, growing plants and much more.

Copyright 2020 - - ProActive Network Solutions, Inc - Thousand Oaks, CA

In this document we will help you get things set up and give you basic protocols to begin
consuming your plasma GANS everyday.

Your Plasma GANS Starter Kit includes five different types of plasma GANS
(CO2/carbon dioxide, ZINC/ZnO, COPPER/CuO, CH3/Carbon and Hydrogen, and
GOLD/AU) and a 60ml syringe that you can use to draw out plasma water from your
jars/containers everyday.

You can use almost any type of container as long as it’s clear (glass preferred but
plastic can be used as well). Most people use large mason jars and they work really

You will want to put each bottle itself into each of your jars/containers. The GOLD
plasma GANS bottle should NOT be placed inside of a jar as it is used in a different
way. We’ll discuss how to take the GOLD GANS further down in this document.

You can slide the bottle of GANS down the side of the jar/container to allow it to reach
the bottom.

Copyright 2020 - - ProActive Network Solutions, Inc - Thousand Oaks, CA

It’s best to label each of your jars/containers and you may find stickers with your Starter
Kit to do this or you can easily use a marker to do that as well as seen below.

Copyright 2020 - - ProActive Network Solutions, Inc - Thousand Oaks, CA

Now that your jars or containers are set up it’s time to fill each of them with water. We
highly recommend that you use living quantum water made by our ​Quantum Energy

If you are not using quantum water from the Quantum Energy Machine (QEM) then we
recommend that you use distilled water, reverse osmosis water, filtered water (Zero
Water filter recommended), or spring water to fill each of your jars/containers.

Once filled, place your jars/containers at least 18 inches (45cm) apart so that each of
the unique fields don’t overlap. When these fields overlap they create new unique fields
so it’s best to keep the space between them so that they can stay in their uniqueness. If
you’ve had them close together it’s not a big deal. Once they are separated their
uniqueness will return.

The plasmatic fields from the GANS in the bottle has now transferred into the water in
your jars/containers.

Use your 60ml syringe (included) to draw out the water to consume. You can simply
squirt the plasmatic water in your mouth.

Do ​NOT​ swallow the plasmatic water immediately. Swish the plasmatic water in your
mouth for up to a minute (60 seconds).


Start by taking 30ml of CO2 and 30ml of ZINC (ZnO) twice a day.

IMPORTANT:​ ​Take the CO2, then wait 10 minutes before taking the ZINC (ZnO)

After a few weeks, you can increase the intake to 60ml of CO2 and 60ml of ZINC and
you can take them up to 3 times per day.

As you begin taking plasma GANS watch for signs of your body reacting. For example,
you may experience a loosened bowel movement for a few days as your body adapts.
This is nothing to be concerned about and is very normal when you make changes to
what you consume.

Copyright 2020 - - ProActive Network Solutions, Inc - Thousand Oaks, CA

COPPER/CuO and CH3 should be used only for specific ailments or other non-daily
protocols. See the protocol database at ​​ for the many uses of plasma
GANS water.

GOLD GANS:​ The GOLD GANS (AU) are very unique to all the other plasma GANS. It
is made with a proprietary formula and delivers a feeling of euphoria when it is

Here’s how to prep and consume your GOLD plasma GANS for the best results.

Shake your bottle of GOLD plasm GANS, open the bottle and pour it into a jar/container
that you can seal it after each use like the other jars/containers you used for your other
plasma GANS.

Now add approximately 12 to 16 ounces of living quantum water or other forms of water
listed above if you do not have living quantum water made by the ​Quantum Energy
Machine (QEM)​. Use a bit of water to rinse all the GOLD plasma GANS from the 1oz
bottle it came in so that no GANS are left in the small 1oz bottle.

Now add ½ teaspoon of baking soda and one freshly squeezed lime or lemon into the
GOLD GANS. Tighten the top on to your jar/container and gently shake the

Use your syringe to consume 20ml to 30ml of the GOLD GANS water. Again, do ​NOT
swallow the plasmatic water immediately. Swish it around in your mouth for up to a
minute so that your body can absorb as much of the energetic fields as possible.

The tissues in the mouth can absorb far more energetic fields than your digestive
system can.


Breathing in air that passes through plasmatic waters of GANS can provide huge
benefits to the body. By simply putting 60ml of CO2 and 60ml of ZINC into a small
water bong or hookah so that you can easily breathe in plasmatic waters whenever
you’d like.

Copyright 2020 - - ProActive Network Solutions, Inc - Thousand Oaks, CA

Using the information in this document can open up new doors of health and energy in
your life and in the life of your family.

Please check out more protocols and content at ​​.

Now you can unlock your true potential!

HAVE QUESTIONS?​ Feel free to email us at ​​ or use the

live chat feature on our website at ​​.

Copyright 2020 - - ProActive Network Solutions, Inc - Thousand Oaks, CA

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