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They are looking at me. The people around me is always chasing me. They see me as nobody. They see as one
of the worms of the society. That I cannot contribute anything for the improvement of our country. I cannot blame
them for they see me as nobody because I once failed in my journey. I stopped for one year in my study but they don’t
know my reason and they don’t care for me. I am being judge by the society based on my failure and dignity. That
dirty mind of society once stops me chasing my dream, affected my faith and believe to myself. The reality that if you
failed, they will judge you negatively. But who can stop chasing my dream? NOBODY just like they see me as
NOBODY. The challenges and trials that makes me stronger, makes me believe that I can achieve what I want to be. I
can still chase my dreams and try to be the best perfume of the society. Try to please everybody, try to be successful in
my own way.
Being silent is the best way to chase your dream. No arrogant and no arguments to the people who judge you. Just
continue dreaming and give everything you need. Don’t mind the failure. It’s just an ingredient of the journey to
success. According to Michelle Colon-Johnson Everyone has the ability to dream, but not everyone has the
willingness to truly chase their dreams.

When people aren’t living their dreams, they often have limited belief systems.

They believe that their current circumstances and/or surroundings are keeping them from achieving the things they
want to do in life. We all have unique sets of circumstances in our lives that we can use as excuses, but learning to
find those workarounds in our life that give us the ability to succeed can inspire us to start implementing changes in
our lives that need to be made to make our dreams come true.
You are never too old, too poor, too young, or too sick to live your dreams. You might not get there the same way as
others, but if you start to believe in your dreams and chase them now, you’ll eventually get there.

Michelle Colon-Johnson

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