SoloPlay Russian-American Railroads v2

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Russian Railroads

(including American Railroads)

SoloPlay Rules
Original game design by Helmut Ohley & Leonhard Orgler 2013 (Hans im Gluck Verlags / Z-Man Games)
Additional rules 2018 SoloPlayTM (BGG User: GameRulesforOne)

Introduction: It is tough to make a living in the rail industry. Only those who can run with 100%
efficiency will survive in this challenging market. It will be up to you to determine the best course of
action given the setup. This variant can be played with the base game or the American Railroads
expansion. Additionally, there are different scoring goals for both sides of the main action board. This
provides four scenarios to explore. The BGG promo pack can be used with this variant.
Goal: To reach a target scoring goal after 6-7 rounds of play have been completed
1) Place the main action board in an accessible location
a) You may choose either the 2 player or the 3-4 player side of the board
2) Setup the engineers: (depends on which side of the main action board you are using)
a) 2 player side: Shuffle the engineers and retrieve 3, “A” and 3, “B” engineers
b) 3-4 player side: Shuffle the engineers and retrieve 3, “A” and 4, “B” engineers
i) Place the engineers onto the action board using normal rules
3) Prepare the card decks: (Note: Actions which gain a card, permit you to view 1-2 cards and keep 1)
a) Shuffle the end game bonus cards and place facedown next to the action board
b) Shuffle the “?” cards and place facedown next to the action board
c) Shuffle the 4, “2/3/4” turn order track cards and place facedown next to the action board
4) Retrieve one set of track tokens:
a) You will need 3 black, 3 gray, 3 brown, 2 cream a one white track token.
b) Place the 3 black tokens on the first space of each track
5) Retrieve a set of locomotives: (one of each #2-9)
a) Shuffle the tiles and depending on the side of the action board they will be split into 2 or 3
i) 2 player board: Randomly split into 2 piles and stack in increasing value with the lowest
value on top. The stack with the highest total (adding the locomotive values) is placed on
the 3 worker space. The other is placed on the one worker space.
(1) In case of a tie, (22), the stack with the higher valued “top” locomotive is placed on the
one worker space.
ii) 3-4 player board: Randomly split into 3 piles (stack of 4 and 2 stacks of 2) and stack in
increasing value with the lowest value on top. The stack of 4 is placed on the 3 worker
space. The highest total of the remaining stacks is placed on the 2 worker space with the
last placed on the one worker space.
(1) In case of a tie, the stack with the higher valued “top” locomotive is placed on the 2
worker space.
6) Expansion “?” tokens:
a) Mix the tokens facedown and flip 2 faceup. If you choose to activate the appropriate “?” tile
you may choose from one of the 2 faceup tokens.
7) Retrieve a set of player markers:
a) Place a scoring token on the zero space of the score track
b) Take 6 workers into your supply
8) Place the 2 blue workers on the indicated board space (3-4 player side)
9) Setup up your player board:
a) Retrieve a player board
b) Place a “1” locomotive on the indicated space next to the longest track
c) Take 6 workers into your supply (the 2 other workers may become available through track

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d) Place a factory marker on the starting position(s)
e) Shuffle the “?” tokens that you are using facedown, discarding 2 unseen tokens from the game.
i) If any cannot be used during the game due to setup, set these aside first before discard.
f) Set the variable track restrictions:
i) Retrieve a set of #4-9 locomotives from those in the box. Shuffle the locomotives.
(1) The top 2 (added together) sets the farthest you will be permitted to advance on the long
(top) track. If this is greater than the length of the track there will be no restriction.
Place a coin on the space after the limit, if needed, as a reminder.
(a) If you drew a 6 & 7 locomotive, place a coin on space #14. The coin cannot be
collected or removed from the track.
(2) The next locomotive will determine the limit of the 2nd (middle) track. Place a coin as
you may have done for the top track, if needed.
(3) The next locomotive will determine the limit of the 3rd (bottom) track. Place a coin as
(4) Reveal the next 2 locomotives: (make a setup choice)
(a) One locomotive will limit the coin supply while the other will limit the “main” factory
track (lower track of the American Railroad player board)
(i) Factory Track: 9 = no limit, 8: cover the 30 space with a coin, 7: cover the 25
space, 6: cover the 20 space (15 on the American board), 5: cover the “?” space
(10 on the American board) or a 4: cover the 15 space (5 on the American board).
In a way, the coins are 1. American Board Note: The upper factory track is not blocked by the coin.
your competition. You may advance it to the end, if desired.
The supply is limited, (ii) Coin Supply: The value of the locomotive chosen will set the coin supply.
they are used to block Retrieve the number of coins indicated, placing the remaining out of play. Take
worker spaces and can 2 coins from those available for your supply.
make your actions 1. Score Setup Points: If you chose to start with a max supply of 5 coins
more efficient. It is
advance your score marker 2 spaces (not recommended for the 3-4 board
important to take note
of how the coins flow and can make the game extremely challenging). If a 6, score 1 VP.
during the game. Otherwise, score no VPs. A “4” cannot be chosen as this is not enough for
the mechanisms in this variant.
2. Easy Game: If there are 2+ coins placed out of play, add 2 to the supply.
(5) Place all “setup” locomotives used for this setup step out of the game
g) Place 2-3 coin blockers onto the action board:
i) 2 player side: Place a coin on top of the worker(s) image of the 3 worker locomotive space
and the single factory advancement
ii) 3 player side: Place a coin on the 3 locomotive, 2 factory and 2 black track advancement
(1) Playing Note: At the end of each round the player will be able to remove a certain
amount of blockers from the action board. This is will be 2 points worth on the 2 player
board and 4 points on the 3-4 player board. This is explained in the round cleanup
section below.
h) American Board Additional Setup:
i) Stock Market Board: Depending on how many advancement spaces are blocked on the two
transcontinental tracks setup your competition: (2 neutral markers)
(1) None blocked: Place one on 4th advancement space and the other on 3rd advancement
space (move to the extreme left)
(2) One blocked: Place one on 4th space and the other on 2
(3) Two blocked: Place one on the 3rd space and the other on 2
(a) A locomotive draw of 4 or 5 would block the transcontinental west advancement
while a 4-6 would block the east advancement.
(4) Shuffle the advancement rewards facedown and place one on each advancement space
placing the remaining tiles out of the game.
ii) Place the detonation blockers on their appropriate spaces.
(1) Game play note: Detonating the blockers will not gain you any points but will permit
the advancement on the respective tracks.
10) Setup is complete

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Game Play Phases:
1) Place 1+ workers (coins can substitute) onto an unoccupied worker space
2) Advance your VP total based on how many points tallied during the current round
3) Mark the spaces that you used this turn (still have your worker(s) on them with some exceptions)
4) Clear 1+ worker space(s) occupied by a blocker coin (no workers)
5) Perform end of round clean up
6) After 6-7 rounds are completed score game and determine victory rating
Action Space Functions: Coin blocker removal cost is noted / * indicates a change in base function
and/or cost (for the 2 player side) / Annotated explanations follows:

4) / 5) / 6)
3) -* P* P*
1 2 1 1 1

1 2 2 2 2

1 2 3* 7) 2* 8) P*

1 2
1 2 9)
1) -*

2) -*

1) Advance any 2 rails: [Coin required to activate and remains on the space until end of round
cleanup has been completed then return the coin to the supply] ** No coin is placed to block space
for the next round.
2) Advance black or gray rail one space per worker: No coin is placed to block space for the next
round. May place here as many times as desired and at different times during your turn.
3) Turn Order Spaces: You may only occupy one “turn order” space may be occupied during a round.
a) #1 Player Seq: [Remove 1 blocker coin of cost 1 then after all workers had been activated move
the turn order worker and activate one of the engineer action(s)] ** No coin is placed to block
space for the next round.
b) #2 Player Seq: [Remove 1 or 2 blocker coin(s) of a total cost of 2 and draw/execute the top
2/3/4 card, if all 4 cards had been played, no card is drawn/played] ** No coin is placed to
block space for the next round.
c) #3 Player Seq (3-4 player side): [Remove 1 to 3 blocker coin(s) of a total cost of 3 and draw/
execute the top 2/3/4 card, if all 4 cards had been played, no card is drawn/played – during
cleanup the space is permanently blocked by a supply coin, there must be one available]
d) #4 Player Seq (3-4 player side): [Remove 2 to 4 blocker coin(s) of a total cost of 4 and draw/
execute the top 2/3/4 card, if all 4 cards had been played, no card is drawn/played – during
cleanup the space is permanently blocked by a supply coin, there must be one available]
4) 1 Worker Locomotive: [Take top locomotive, you may not “overpower” any track (power may not
extend beyond the end of the track or past a blocker]
5) 2 Worker Locomotive (3-4 player side): [Take top locomotive, you may not “overpower” any track
(power may not extend beyond the end of the track or past a blocker]
6) 3 Worker Locomotive: (2 cost (2 player side) / 3 cost (3-4 player side)) – [Take the top 2
locomotives, choose one to use as a locomotive and the other as a factory – if there is only one

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locomotive, the action cannot be taken, you may not “overpower” any track (power may not extend
beyond the end of the track or past a blocker]
7) 1 Factory Advance + 1 Black Rail: [Additionally, you may take a coin from the supply]
8) 2 Temporary Workers: May only be taken once per game – after used the space is permanently
blocked by a supply coin, there must be one available] – Restriction: Normal/Expert: Cannot be
chosen after the 3rd round (only during “A” rounds)
9) Engineer Action(s):[May only be taken as a result of placing on the #1 player seq]
10) Buy Engineer: [Coin cost to buy the engineer is 1+ the number of engineers already taken]
How to Play:
1) Placing Workers: Important Note (Cards/Disks)
a) To take an action, follow the normal rules of the game. If a coin has When drawing end game or ? cards or
been paid to take an action, it must remain on the action space, flipping ? disks; flip 2 faceup and
choose 1. Return the other to the
blocking it, until cleanup has been performed. Place the coin in a bottom of its stack.
way that it is not in a “blocker” position or confused for one.
i) Restriction: You may only take actions/tokens that can be fully executed. In the rare
instance when drawing/flipping faceup 2 tokens you are unable to perform either action,
place one of the tokens facedown on its track location and tally 10 points instead.
2) Scoring: (scoring is handled differently in this variant: tally, divide by 10, advance VP marker)
a) VP marker is only advanced at the end of the round:
i) Tally all points scored during the round. You might consider using the “black worker” to
track the points scored during the round. Normal/Expert Game: Any single scored item of
value 20+ points can be scored only once during the game (Kiev medal, for example)
(1) End Game Scoring: At the end of the last round to be played, add any end game card
scoring to the “in round” tally from the last round played.
(2) For every 10 points scored during the round (including end game scoring during the
final round), score 1 VP.
(a) You may pay 1+ coins from your supply to add to your “in round” tally. Return any
coins paid to the supply. You may only pay coin(s) to gain an additional VP. You
may not “donate” coins. Example: 38 points scored = 3 VPs, if 2 coins are paid, this
raises your tally to 40 thus increasing the round score to 4 VPs.
(3) Return the “in round” scoring marker to zero for the next round
3) Place Blocker Coins: From the supply, place a single coin on the right side of each board action
space (not engineers) that contains one of your worker(s) (not black nor temporary nor coin) unless
noted above. This includes the “3” and “4” turn order spaces if being used.
a) Scoring Penalty: Lose 1 VP for each coin that cannot be placed on a used action space. You
can choose which non-permanent space(s) does/do not get a coin placed.
4) Clear Blocker Coin(s): Only those placed during setup or in a previous round can be removed
a) 2 Player Side: You may move exactly 2 cost in blocker coins from the action board to the
supply (placed in a previous round), see the cost noted above. If unable, remove nothing.
b) 3-4 Player Side: You may remove exactly 4 cost in blocker coins from the action board to the
supply (placed in a previous round), see the cost noted above. If unable, remove nothing.
i) Take note of the action spaces where the blocker coins cannot be removed. These will
further limit the coin supply.
(1) Summarized removal costs:
(a) No cost (no blocker is placed): advance any 2 rails, advance black or gray one
space per worker or #1 or #2 turn order space
(b) 1 cost spaces: advance 2 black rails, advance 2 gray rails, advance 1 brown rail,
advance 1 cream rail, advance 1 white rail, single worker locomotive, single factory
advance and doubler.
(c) 2 cost spaces: advance 3 black rails, advance 3 gray rails, advance 2 brown rails,
advance 2 cream rails, advance 2 white rails, 2 worker locomotive, 3 worker
locomotive (2 player board only), double factory advance, factory + 1 black rail
advance and 2 coins.
(d) 3 cost spaces: 3 worker locomotive (3-4 player side)
5) End of Round Cleanup:

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a) Remove the workers that were placed to take actions to your supply
b) Remove the coins placed on action spaces that paid for actions to the supply
c) Slide all coins left on its action board space to block the same action space (cover workers)
d) Move the available engineer next to the game board, if not purchased for end game comparison
e) Slide all of the engineers to the right/flip (as needed) to fill the spaces for the next round
6) End Game Condition: Once 6 (2 player side) -7 (3-4 player side) rounds have been completed,
proceed to end game scoring
End Game Scoring:
1) Scoring Opportunities:
a) Score 1 VP - for each of the following which applies:
i) Accumulated 6+ doubler tiles (Expert: Cannot be combined with like end game card)
ii) 2+ coins in the game supply (after coins are placed on the action board)
iii) Exact power needed to power the top/long track (Reminder: cannot be over-powered)
iv) Exact power needed to power both shorter tracks (Reminder: cannot be over-powered)
v) Fill all factory slots
vi) All black rails are at the end of their respective track (completed)
vii) No engineers bought during the game
b) Score 2 VPs - if you have the most engineers (value breaking the tie)
2) American Railroads:
a) Stock Market: Resolve normally adding the points awarded to your tally for the last round.
You will score 0, 1 or 2 VPs at game end. (0, 10 or 20 tallied points)
b) Subtract 2 VPs for using this expansion (Reason: the additional scoring opportunities this
expansion provides)
Determine Your Victory Condition:
1) 2 Player Side:
a) <17: Game Loss
b) 17-18: Marginal Victory
c) 19-20: Game Victory
d) 21-22: Major Victory
e) 23-24: Complete Victory
f) 25+: Perfect Game
2) 3-4 Player Side:
a) <26: Game Loss
b) 26-27: Marginal Victory
c) 28-29: Game Victory
d) 30-31: Major Victory
e) 32-33: Complete Victory
f) 34+: Perfect Game
Strategy Session:
1) The setup should give you a direction to focus on for your game.
2) It is important to balance the removal of coins and the taking efficient actions. The use of coins to
take actions will aid in gaining a greater number of actions over the period of your game.
3) The amount of luck in this variant is small. The intention of this variant is to challenge the solo
player’s skill in optimization. Take your time and work the solution. Each board side and
expansion will provide different experiences.
4) Take particular note of the end game scoring opportunities that this variant provides. Coins have
additional possibilities to improving your scoring than just taking actions.
Engineer Clarifications:
1) A-4: You may use the black (or another color) worker to place on an available engineer action. The
engineer is now considered blocked.
2) A-7: You may choose to gain 8 points instead of drawing the top 2/3/4 card. Reminder: the 2/3/4
cards are not reshuffled and each will only be used once during the game. If you choose to score
the points, flip the engineer facedown for the following round. Every other round you can take the
points. Whether faceup or facedown the engineer still counts towards in game actions.

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