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Title Challenges in using authentic assessment in 21st century ESL

2. Author Muhammad Noor Abdul Aziz, Nurahimah Mohd Yusoff, Mohd Faiz
Mohd Yaakob School of Education and Modern Languages, Universiti
Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
3. Journal name International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2020, pp. 759~768 ISSN: 2252-8822,
DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v9i3.20546
4. Research Problems a. What are the challenges faced by the excellent teachers in preparing
Reseach Questions for authentic assessment in the classroom?
b. How do excellent teachers prepare for authentic assessment to be
used in their classroom?
5. Objectives of the to identify the challenges faced by the excellent teachers in preparing
study authentic assessment in the classroom and also to explore the
preparation methods for authentic assessment in their classroom
6. Design Qualitative case study
7. Setting Primary schools in a northern state in Malaysia
8. Subject (s) Six excellent teachers from six primary schools in a northern state in
9. Data and Source of Classroom observation
Data A series of semi-structured interviews with the excellent teachers

10. Data Collection the interview question about the teachers’ views and use of authentic
Technique assessment in the classroom

11. Data Analysis Thematic analysis

12. Finding (s) Challenges faced by teachers in preparing for authentic assessment:
- lack of support from the school administration and parents,
- overwhelming documentation,
- burdening teaching hours,
- too many school activities on weekends
- lack of training on authentic assessment
13. Shortcoming - Lack of discussion of previous research on the topic raised the
literature review
- The author didn’t show the novelty of the article and the gap is not
shown. A qualitative case study needs a theoretical GAP.
- Refer to the limitation of the study, the author didn’t explain about
that. It seems they are not able to identify their study limitations
This essay reviews an article entitled Challenges in using authentic assessment in

21st century ESL classrooms written by Muhammad Noor Abdul Aziz, Nurahimah

Mohd Yusoff, Mohd Faiz Mohd Yaakob from School of Education and Modern Languages,

Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia. Objectives of this study are to identify the challenges

faced by the excellent teachers in preparing authentic assessment in the classroom and also to

explore the preparation methods for authentic assessment in their classroom. But I cannot

find the discussion about previous research that have the same topic about using authentic

assessment in class. Aziz, yusoff, and Yaakob did not give some the others articles review

about using authentic assessment in classroom in the literature review. The authors did not

give the novelty of this article and the gap is not shown. They did not describe the urgency

why should held this study in nowadays. I review this article to look for how important using

authentic assessment in classroom especially for generation Z and the urgency of using this

assessment. But, unfortunately, I cannot find it in this article. The authors only showed the

challenges that faces the Malaysian teachers when teach in ESL classrooms.

The design of this article is qualitative case study which the setting is in primary

schools in a northern state in Malaysia. The authors had chosen six excellent teachers from

six primary schools who the participants in this research are all excellent teachers who have

been awarded by the Ministry of Education and highly recommended by their headmasters

for their outstanding contribution and performance in and out of their respective schools. In

this study, sources of data that used are from classroom observation and series of semi-

structured interviews with the subjects. The questions are two: a. what are the challenges

faced by the excellent teachers in preparing for authentic assessment in the classroom? b.

How do excellent teachers prepare for authentic assessment to be used in their classroom?

The first findings of this study are about the challenges faced by teachers in preparing for

authentic assessment. The first point is lack of support from the school administration and
parents, the second point is overwhelming documentation, the third point is burdening

teaching hours, the fourth point is too many school activities on weekends and the fifth point

is lack of training on authentic assessment. The second findings of this study are about the

method of preparation for authentic assessment in the classroom. The excellent English

teachers used quizzes, songs, paragogy (peer learning and peer assessment), and an

immediate feedback system.

After I read the article I find that this article does not give me a details discussion on

how authentic assessment works to improve students skill in learning English as Second

Language. Moreover, the article suggests me to investigate learners’ perspectives to examine

how authentic assessment helps them in their learning. This statement drives me to be more

enthusiastic to do my future research about authentic assessment.

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