Masinon 3eed-A Env101 Article Review 1

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Name: Masinon, Catherine R.

Subject: Environmental Science (ENV101)

Year & Section: 3EED-A Professor: Sir. John Kenneth Bautista

“Article Review”

I believe that there is a disconnect between the academic literature's theoretical study of
environmental education and the environmental education that occurs in schools. The books or
textbooks that we use in school are constantly discuss the benefits of nature and the advantages of living
in a healthy environment, but they never teach us on how to preserve it, because soon it is going to be
destroyed. I believe it is acceptable to express one's opinions because doing so can simply raise people's
awareness of your situation that you want to deliver from them and they satisfy their interest in what
you plan to do. We all agree that protecting the environment is important, not only for the present, but
also for the future of our generation and ourselves. I am aware that a teacher's job is to instruct students
on the topics covered in their curriculum, but as a future educator, I am prepared to go above and beyond
to discuss what’s going on to our environment. I would advise my students to use their voices for
positive environmental advocacy because, as we all know, doing so can benefits not only the
environment but also the next generation. According to Grace and Sharp (2006), they discovered that
the student teachers who were attempting to apply a method of environmental education that had been
promoted in their reading, encountered continuous rejection from the other teachers at the school where
they were employed. As a role models for the younger generation, I believe that teachers should stand
together rather than be opponents to one another. However, I also believe that neutrality should be
avoided because it can appear as though you are hiding the fact that your opinions diverge from the
person you are speaking to, which will make you appear as unprofessional even to those who share your
standpoints. The government should also provide teachers who want to educate their students about
environmental issues by advance technology and other tools or materials, since they can easily improve
and strengthen both teacher and student environmental knowledge. We cannot ignore the fact that each
student has a unique perspective on life. As a teacher, we cannot hide to the students the current
environmental problems because we are all aware that they are aware of right and wrong and they will
act appropriately by widening their eyes and to promote environmental awareness.

If a teacher can grab their students' hearts and minds, they can also guide them to where they need
to go, show them how to learn the skills they need to continue studying, and inspire them to choose to
read for the information and enjoyment. A child's education is not limited to what they study in school
yet they are also can learn from their experiences and they can form their own opinions on various
aspects of life. Choosing a side in every topic is preferable than being neutral, since it seems you are
taking the safe option. Being neutral and being balanced are completely unique things, since neutral
implies that you are in the middle of opposing viewpoints, while balance implies that you are
considering both sides equally. So, in this world where everyone is neutral, be balanced.

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