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Republic of the Philippines


Bilar Campus
Zamora, Bilar, Bohol

Vision : A premier Science and Technology university for the formation of a world class and virtuous human resource for sustainable development in Bohol and the Country.

Mission : BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and technological fields; undertake research and development, and extension services for the sustainable

development of Bohol and the country.

2nd Semester AY: 2016-2017

Course Component Professional Education

Course Code Educ.Strat 8
Pre-requisite NONE
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours/week 3 hours
Course Description The purpose of this course is to improve your reading skills through the practice of vocabulary
enrichment, reading comprehension exercises, speed reading strategies, written responses,
discussions, and reflections. Exploring and examining the entire reading process, you will become
a more confident, independent, effective, and efficient reader.
Course Objectives At the end of the semester, the student must have:
1) Identify the topic and purpose of a reading sample
2) Distinguish between main ideas and supporting details
3) Locate specific information
4) Distinguish between stated and implied ideas; make inferences
5) Draw conclusions and predict outcomes
6) Recognize the structure and organization of paragraphs
7) Use strategies to think critically about reading
8) Use various reading aids such as the dictionary
9) Use appropriate technology to enhance reading comprehension, reading speed, and
vocabulary development
10) Demonstrate techniques for improving vocabulary such as using contextual clues, word parts,
and other reading devices.
Methodologies/ Lecture, Group/Class Discussion, Mini-Researches, Sharing of Experiences, Role Playing,
Strategies/ Techniques Brainstorming, Team-Building Activities, Outdoor Experiences, Micro/Macro-Teaching, Concept
Formation, Portfolio Development, Journal Entry/Narratives, Cooperative/Collaborative Learning
Activities, Lesson Planning, Question-generation strategies, Reciprocal teaching, Brainstorming,
Facilitation of assigned topics, Story grammar/expository, Text analyses, Analyzing narrative and
expository texts, Question generated activities, Vocabulary Building, Picture Analysis, Reading
Aloud, Jigsaw Reading, Show and Tell, Buzz sessions, Presentation of outputs, Observation,
Teaching Demonstration, Story Telling, Round Robin Reading
CONTENT/TOPICS Time Frame Remarks
Orientation Session (including VMGO)and Leveling off 2 days

| Developmental Reading 1 1
A Preview on Reading WEEK 1-5
The History of Reading
Reading as a Physiological Process
Reading as a Cognitive Process
Reading as a Communication Process
Reading as Skill/Skills
Reading as a Psycho-Social Process
Reading as a Process of Development

Kinds of Reading
Obstacles to Reading
Reading Comprehension
A Basic Technique in Reading Comprehension
An Overview of Speed Reading
CHAPTER 2: Theories on Teaching Reading

The Top-Down Approach

Bottom-Up Reading Model
Interactive Reading Model
Literary Appreciation Skills
CHAPTER 3: Reading for Specific Purposes
Reading for Information
Reading for Appreciation and Enjoyment SEMI-FINALS
Reading for Critical Understanding WEEK 15-18
Reading for Study
CHAPTER 4: Applied Reading Skills
Vocabulary Skills
Comprehension Skills
Study Skills
Integration of Values Genuine love for reading, awareness on comprehension skills, self- confidence, commitment,
self- worth/ esteem, optimism, resourcefulness, creativity, self- control, adaptability, initiative,
interdependence/ independence, honesty
Course Requirements Midterms: Prelim and Midterm Exams, Individual/ Group outcome- based projects may
include lesson plans
Finals: Semi and Final Exams, micro-teaching
Grading System 1. 60% passing mark/ transmutation of raw scores or cumulative related scores.
2. Major Examinations - 30%
Major Outcome- Based Projects (product or performance) - 30%
Class Standing (quizzes, class participation/ assignments/ other outputs/ performances) - 40%
TOTAL 100%

Main Textbook:

Villanueva, A., R. Delos Santos. (2008). Developmental reading 1. Manila, Philippines.: Lorimar
Publishing, Inc.

Suggested Textbooks:

Gregory, G., L. Kuzmich. (2008). Differentiated teaching strategies. California: Corwin Press

Mackey, T.P., T. Jacobson. (2007). Information literacy: A collaborative endeavor. College Teaching

Designed by: Checked by: Approved by:

MEARIE JEAN A. FAUSTINO ________________________ MAE P. BAS, Ed.D.

Instructor Chairperson, COEd Dean, COEd

| Developmental Reading 1 2

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