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Final Interview - Mock Call


Company A Property Solutions hired you as a Virtual Assistant. One of the tasks of a
Virtual Assistant is to do cold calling. Kindly call a potential lead and get all the
important information needed. Below are some details that might help you in
accomplishing the said task.

Suggested Opening Spiel:

Hi! My Name is (state your name) and I work for Company A Property Solutions. We buy
property in your area and was wondering if you are still looking to sell?

Suggested Transition Spiel:

I am calling about your property at (property address).

Would it be alright to ask a little bit about the home to see if it would be a good fit for us?

Name of Client John Smith

Property Address 123 Main St. West Hartford CT

Email Address

Phone Number

No. of Bedroom

No. of Bathroom

Repairs Needed

Asking Price

Suggested Closing Spiel:

Thank you for your time, I’ll have my senior associate get in touch with you within 24-48 hours.
Have a great day!

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