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SCOTT RIGELL (VA-02) Top Headlines

With $11 million in assets, Rigell is region's wealthiest congressman [Daily Press, 6/15/11]


Going overboard in quest for oil [Virginia Pilot, editorial, 5/10/11]

Budget Issues
Urged Colleagues To Give Up Their Retirement Pensions Until the Deficit is Reduced In March 2011, Rigell sent a Dear Colleague letter to fellow Representatives, urging them to support The Lead By Example Act, which would prohibit Members of congress from receiving matched contributions to their Thrift Savings Plans until Congress passes a concurrent budget resolution that reduces the deficit from the previous fiscal year. [Rigell Dear Colleague Letter, 3/15/11; Virginian-Pilot, 3/22/11] Rigell Supported $100 Billion Dollar Budget Cuts In July 2011, Rigell said that was studying the bill closely. Rigells spokesman explained that he was "studying the Boehner bill really closely and is hopeful that he can come to the decision that it does in fact, move us in the direction of a better fiscal path. He has consistently said that default is not an option. He has also said the nation's spending trajectory is not an option." According to the Daily Press, Rep. Scott Rigell, R-Virginia Beach, was a proponent of the Cut, Cap and Balance Act, but has said that defaulting on the nation's debt is not an option. [Daily Press, 7/26/2011] Rigell Supported Boehner Plan In July 2011, Rigell announced that he would vote in favor of the Boehner bill. "I've given this careful consideration, and I've decided this is what's best for our country," freshmen Rep. Scott Rigell, Republican of Virginia, said. "I respect the process the leadership went through." [Washington Post. 7/28/2011] said, Were borrowing more than 40 percent of what were spending to say that our spending is simply unsustainable, that doesnt quite capture in my mind the gravity of our situation. To meet the deep obligation that we have to pass on to the future generations the blessings of liberty and freedom, we must act now and act decisively. [Rigell Floor Remarks, 2/11/11]

Claimed US Debt Could Hit $99 Trillion This Year In June 2011, Rigell claimed that the US debt could hit as high as $99 trillion just this year. Rigell was quoted as saying that "When $14.3 trillion is cited as the total of our national debt, that is only taking into account one part of the equation. When the unfunded liabilities of mandatory entitlement spending are accounted for, the debt really added up to $75 trillion in 2010 and is on track to hit $99 trillion this year." But Politifact rebuked his statements, arguing that his numbers are not based on actual totals of entitlement spending and the debt in any given year. His figures are based on pessimistic 75-year projections of what it would cost to continue entitlement programs under present-day conditions. A lot can change over 75 years. Politifact concluded by saying that We rate his claim False. [Politifact, 06/03/2011] Not Afraid to Vote Against Leadership In July 2011, Rigell said in an interview that "I've had no problem with voting against leadership." Rigell also explained that "I don't lose sleep over that, but as I look at where we are and the alternatives before us I think it's critical that we have given the president not one but two options, he said, referring to both the cut cap and balance measure and the debt-ceiling measure being rewritten by Boehner. [Nasdaq, 7/29/2011] Said Tax Reform On Table Even After Deal In July 2011, Rigell said that tax reform still needs to be worked on, even after a debt ceiling deal. Riegll explained that I'm a businessman. I'm a job creator, a first-time elected official, still own a medium-sized business in our district. So I think the key is that we can still continue to work on tax reform, even after this bill is passed. [Bloomberg News, 7/30/2011] Rigell Voted in Support of Boehner Budget Control Act In July 2011, Rigell released a statement of his support for the Boehner Budget Control Act of 2011. Rigell explained that I cast my vote in support of the Budget Control Act of 2011 and was pleased with the changes made to it. There has been spirited debate on this plan, and I started out the week undecided on this bill. He continued by saying Ive been a business man all my life. And one thing Ive learned is that the best indicator of future performance is past performanceI have very little confidence that Congress or the President -- unless forced to send a Balanced Budget Amendment to the States -- will do what is necessary to meet the obligation we have to the next generation of Americans. Now some will argue this bill doesnt cut spending enough. Frankly, I dont disagree; we need to

continue to press our colleagues in Washington to cut more federal spending. [Rigell Press Release,

Voted in favor of final Budget Control Act of 2011 In August 2011, Rigell voted in favor of the final debt ceiling compromise. Rigell explained that As fellow Americans we face a debt of more than $14.5 trillion, which is a direct result of this citys addiction to over-promising and over-spending. That debt, which increases by approximately $4 billion per day, threatens the very fabric of our society. Because of my commitment to job creation and to bring fiscal discipline to Washington, I supported the Budget Control Act of 2011. This agreement provides a fundamental change of direction for Washington; for the second year in a row, we are decreasing discretionary spending [] This legislation requires that we cut spending more than we increase the debt limit. [Rigell Press Release, 8/1/11] He continued, Some express frustration at how long it took us to agree on a solution. I understand and share that frustration! But given that we have moved this debate from how much we can spend to how much we can cut, I believe the fight was worth it. [Rigell Press Release, 8/1/11] He concluded by saying that As a businessman, I understand well the repercussions that America would inevitably face if we failed to meet our financial obligations. Rising interest rates because of our damaged credit rating would hurt every family and make it even more difficult for our smaller business owners to create jobs. [Rigell Press Release, 8/1/11] Does Not Expect Debt Deal to Hurt Constituents In August 2011, Rigell said that he didnt expect his district to be harmed by the cuts. Rigell explained that Im just convinced we can keep the American people safe and also set our country on a better fiscal pathI believe that when you see the trends of where weve been and where were going, that our region will navigate through this satisfactorily. [Virginian-Pilot, 8/2/2011] Rigells Response to President Obamas Joint Address on Jobs In September 2011, Rep. Rigells office issued the following response to President Obamas joint address on jobs I appreciate the Presidents renewed focus on job creation. Far too many Americans are hurting because our economy is stagnant. Entrepreneurs are afraid to invest and grow jobs; those with a job are fearful of being laid off; and those searching for jobs too often hear these words [] the President and I certainly agree on this priority: creating job opportunities for our veterans. [Rigell Press Release, 09/08/11].

Business and Consumer Issues

Voted Against Providing Competitive Grants To Small Businesses For Commercializing Research

In 2011, Rigell voted in the Science, Space and Technology Committee against an amendment that would authorize $538 million for fiscal 2012 for the National Institutes of Health to issue competitive grants to help small businesses commercialize the research they produced as a result of Phase II awards. The amendment failed, 13-15, on a party line vote. [Tonko Amendment to HR 1425, 5/04/11] Voted Against Extending Competitive Small Business R&D Grants Through 2016 In 2011, Rigell voted in the Science, Space and Technology Committee against an amendment that would extend the Small Business Innovation and Research (SBIR) and the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs through fiscal 2016. [Wu Amendment to HR 1425, 5/04/11] The amendment failed, 8-15, on a party line vote. [Wu Amendment to HR 1425, 5/04/11] Voted To Bar Foreign-Owned Companies From Participating in Small Business Grant Program In 2011, Rigell voted in the Science, Space and Technology Committee for an amendment that would bar large and foreign-owned companies from participating in the SBIR and STTR programs. The amendment failed, 10-19. [Tonko Amendment to HR 1425, 5/04/11] Rigell A No Vote on Debt Ceiling In May 2011, Scott Rigell voted against raising the debt ceiling saying that We simply cannot afford a continued reckless spending agenda with yet another blind increase in the debt limit. [Scott Rigell Press
Release, 05/31/2011]

Defended Ryan Budget Plan In May 2011, Rigell strongly defended all aspects of Paul Ryans budget plan. According to the Chincoteague Beacon, Rigell said that he has signed the "Path to Prosperity" plan as a part of controlling spending, saying the plan addresses in a responsible way some challenges including some entitlements and ensuring that the plan changes absolutely nothing for those age 55 or older and if 54 or younger changes would be in a most graduated way to increase age of eligibility to 67. [Chincoteague Beacon,

Rigell: Received 70% from Heritage Action for America Based on 30 key votes from January-August 2011, Rigell received a 70% score from the Heritage Action for America. [Heritage Action for America, accessed 9/6/11]

Campaign Finance Issues

Rigell Sponsored Legislation to Eliminate Matching Contributions to TSP

In March 2011, Rep. Scott Rigell sponsored legislation that would prohibit members of Congress from receiving matching contributions to their Thrift Savings Plan accounts, a benefit also available to federal employees, in the absence of a budget resolution that reduces the deficit from the previous year. [, 8/24/2011]

Crime & Public Safety Issues Defense Issues

Pledged to Push to Block Navy from Moving Carrier from Norfolk Rigell he would fight the Navys attempt to move carriers out of Norfolk. [Virginian Pilot, 2/01/11] Suggested Troop Presence in Afghanistan Has Not Been Necessary In June 2011, Rigell suggested Troop Presence in Afghanistan Has Not Been Necessary. We should, in the shortest time that we can reasonably and wisely do so, extricate ourselves from that country [Afghanistan] and go into a different forma different methodto disrupt and dismantle AlQaeda. [CSPAN Washington Journal, 6/23/11] This larger effort [troops on the ground as opposed to long-range warfare] that were apart of I dont think is necessary. [ The armed services efforts have] not been in vain. We have been safe for almost 10 years now from a terrorist attack. And we will not declare victory in the traditional sense [as in WWII]. [CSPAN Washington Journal, 6/23/11] I think this is unwise [excessive spending to build good will between the Afghan people and the US], and I dont think its necessary. To believe that we can change the hearts and minds of the Afghan people, an ancient society, isits quite a stretch for me. Im not sure its required to protect the American people. [CSPAN Washington Journal, 6/23/11] Disagreed with Senator McCains Position on a more Cautious Withdrawal In June 2011, Rigell responded to John McCains position statement, which explained that our position in Afghanistan is too tenuous and critical to give up the fight and walk away. Rigell maintained, I do hold a different view than the Senator and Ive made my position clear on that and I would go back again to what we do agree onthat Afghanistan cannot be a place where Al-Qaeda can plan and train for and execute a terrorist attack. We need a lighter footprint in Afghanistanand continuously disrupt Al-Qaeda and other trans-national terrorists. [CSPAN Washington Journal, 6/23/11]

Economic and Financial Issues

Rigell Supported Virginia Beach Funding

In May 2011, the US Government, with the help of Rigell, announced that it would pay $9 million of the $14 million cost of building up the [Virginia] Beach. According to the Virginian-Pilot, the federal government, facing astronomical deficits and criticism that government should not be paying for such luxuries, said last year it would no longer be in the beach widening business. But the Virginian-Pilot reports that Rep. Scott Rigell, a freshman congressman from Virginia Beach elected on his pledge to cut federal spending, worked to find the money for his district.
[The Virginian-Pilot, 05/29/2011]

Rigell Defended Vote Against Bill To Stop Government Shutdown In April 2011, Rigell defended his vote to shutdown the government by saying that the deal cut did not adequately address the nations financial problems. According to the Virginian-Pilot, Rigell said Monday that the severity of the nation's large federal deficit outweighs his desire to keep funding the government. The measure approved Friday and a companion bill being discussed this week to make cuts in federal spending don't go far enough, he said. Rigell said that the deficit "threatens the foundation of our countryI have a deep resolve that it needs to be addressed now. It needs to be this Congress, this year." [Virginian-Pilot, 04/18/2011] Wanted Cuts Immediately, Not Down the Road In July 2011, Rigell said that he would be looking for cuts to 2012 since he did not believe that Congress can be trusted to implement them in the future. Rigell said that he will be looking closely at the level of discretionary cuts for 2012 since he does not trust promises that more cuts will be made down the road. He signaled that he would be open to only requiring a vote on a balanced-budget amendment rather than full passage. [The Hill, 7/26/2011] Rigell: On Congressional Perks and Privileges In November 2010, Rep. Rigell discussed the 10 point proposal to limiting Congressional perks. According to the Virginian Pilot, Rigell rolled out a 10-point proposal for scaling back congressional perks and privileges and vowed to adhere to it himself regardless of whether it becomes law. Rigell acknowledged his proposals won't make steep cuts in federal spending but argued they would signal to the public that lawmakers want to set a good example .Congress has developed a culture of privilege, a culture of unaccountability. [Virginian Pilot, 11/4/2010] Rigell: Long Term Debt a Greater Concern Than $600 Billion in Defense Cuts In September 2011, Rep. Rigell discussed the his concern over the nations debt. Business Week reported, Nearly half of the economy in the coastal region known as Hampton Roads, which spans the states southeast, is generated by military bases and contracts, making it vulnerable

should the stalemate in Congress prevail. Nevertheless, Rigell, []said the threat of a national fiscal crisis from the spiraling debt was a greater concern. Its putting the foundation of our country at risk, he said. If each and every person brings to Washington a parochial mindset that never, never in my district should we experience any pain, then were in for a very difficult time. [Business Week, 9/19/11] Rigell: Oil Subsidies on the Table In August 2011, Rep. Rigell commented about oil subsidies being cut. The New York Times reported, Mr. Rigell who invited the other three House members for his meeting, which was focused on health care because they are medical doctors said that he thought at least a few forms of tax subsidies provided to oil companies should be on the table. Government should not subsidize one industry over another, Mr. Rigell said. [New York Times, 8/9/11] Rigell: We Are Using a Tone That is Far Less Harsh and Rely Upon Facts In August 2011, Rep. Rigell held a town hall chat forum. The Daily Press reported, John Fredericks asked Rep. Rigell, Do you support repealing Obama - Care, Dodd-Frank, and Sarbanes-Oxley? Rigell replied, I was sent to Congress in part to change the culture, and I believe in our own office that we are serving in a way that would lead to a more effective Congress. We are using a tone that is far less harsh; we search out and rely upon facts to guide our decisions; and I have been deliberate in not questioning the motives of those who disagree with me. The answer is: yes, with the goal of replacing each with lighter, smarter regulations that protect consumers and would lead to a stronger, healthier economy and increased job opportunities. [Daily Press, 8/12/11] Rigell Agrees with Obama on Creating Job Opportunities for Veterans In September 2011, Rigell said he agrees with Obama on creating job opportunities for veterans. "I look forward to studying the specific legislation the President referred to tonight. I will look for areas of agreement those proposals that I know from my more than 25 years of entrepreneurial experience will create the right environment for our small business owners to again want to start a business or grow an existing business. The President and I certainly agree on this priority: creating job opportunities for our veterans. [Rigell Press Release, 9/8/11] Claimed that Reducing Federal Spending is in and of Itself an Act of Job Creation In June 2011, Rigell claimed that reducing federal spending in itself an act of job creation. I truly believe that reducing federal spending is in and of itself an act of job creation. [] I know as an entrpreneur that these [jobs] bills [originating in the House and awaiting action from the Senate] would move America forward. [CSPAN Washington Journal, , 6/23/11]

Education Issues

Energy Issues
Co-Sponsored Legislation to End Federal Moratorium on Off-Shore Drilling In March 2011, Rigell co-sponsored a bill that would end the federal moratorium on off-shore drilling along much of the East Coast including federal waters off Virginias coast. [Virginian-Pilot, 3/30/11] Rigell Expressed Support for Off Shore Drilling in VA According to the Virginia Pilot, both U.S. Reps. Scott Rigell and Rob Wittman - who represent Virginia's coast - have joined a push by a Washington state congressman to open Virginia's ocean to oil companies. [Virginia Pilot, 4/20/11]

Environmental Issues
Environmentalists Criticized Rigells Vote to Cut EPA Budget In 2011, Rigell faced criticism for supporting funding cuts to the EPA as well as funds to restore the Chesapeake Bay. Rigell, who represents the Virginia Beach area, has faced criticism from The Natural Resource Defense Council as well as Chesapeake Bay Boosters. The Natural Resource Defense Council released a poll showing that 66 percent of Rigells constituents opposed the vote to cut EPA funding. [Daily Press, 02/28/11] Suggested that We Open Up American Lands for harvesting Natural Resources In June 2011, Rigell suggested that we harvest the natural resources that we have in America. We want to open up in an environmentally responsible way the natural resourcesto harvest the natural resources that we have here in America. $500 billion a year is flowing outside of our country to other countries that dont, oftentimes, share our values. And I connect the dots: some of that $500 billion goes to Saudi Arabia, some of that money goes to Pakistan to fund these madrassas. Thats indisputable.
[CSPAN Washington Journal, 6/23/11]

Ethics Issues
Promised No More than Two Pieces of Franked Mail Per Year In February 2011, Scott Rigell promised to reduce the amount of franked mail sent to constituents. He said, No more than two pieces per year. Plain recycled paper. I think its wrong to use taxpayer money to build name identification. [Washington Post, 2/14/11] Promised to Return 15 Percent of Salary to Government

In February 2011, Scott Rigell promised to return 15 percent of his salary back to the government. [Washington Post, 2/14/11] Wanted to turn Fort Monroe into National Park In August 2011, Rigell introduced a bill that would turn Fort Monroe into a national park, a move that would probably cost close to $600,000 annually. The examiner explained that It just goes to show that not every Republican congressional representative is innately opposed to federal spending. [The Examiner, 8/2/2011]

Foreign Policy Issues

Criticized President for Consulting UN instead of Congress In March 2011, Rigell criticized the President for consulting the UN instead of Congress before ordering the Libyan mission. Its troubling to me that the President found it necessary to go and get United Nations approval for this, yet did not come to the United States Congress, Rigell said. There was certainly time. He had time to go to the United Nations, so he should have had the time to take council from our Congress. [WAVY-TV, 3/22/11] Supported Delay in Dismantling Joint Forces Command In 2011, Rigell supported an amendment that would delay the dismantling of Joint Forces Command Amendment. While encouraging his colleagues to support the amendment, Rigell claimed it was cost neutral. However, according to the Association of Defense Communities, the closure was expected to save about 430 million a year. [Association of Defense Communities, 2/22/11; Rigell Floor Remarks on Forbes Amendment 145 to
HR1, 2/17/11]

Opposed to Continued Participation in Libya In May 2011, Rigell introduced legislation that would prohibit spending any more federal dollars on the Libyan Campaign. According to the Virginian-Pilot, Rigell said Friday that he wants American forces to end their participation in United Nations military actions against Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi immediately. The Pilot also noted that Rigell said his bill is meant to force the issue by challenging the president's authority to act without first seeking the support of Congress and whether the United States should be involved in another country's internal conflict. [The Virginian-Pilot, 05/07/2011] Against Libyan Occupation In June 2011, Rigell released a statement about his feelings towards Libyan involvement.

Rigell said that I have been against our involvement in that country since day one of operations. He continued by explaining that An egregious, ongoing breach of the Separation of Powers is taking place, specifically the usurpation of a power given only to Congress, found in Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution: only Congress can declare war. A careful review of the Administration's case for support of actions in Libya leads me to this sobering, but firm conclusion: the Presidents use of force in Libya is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and UNWISE. [Rigell Report, 7/08/2011]

Gay and Lesbian Issues

Voted for Defense Authorization Bill and Anti-Gay Provision In May 2011, Rigell voted for a provision that would make it so the military would, according to the Virginian-Pilot, only recognize marriages between a man and a woman and would effectively prohibit military installations from hosting same-sex weddings and would bar Defense Department chaplains or civilians from performing such ceremonies as part of their official duties. Rigell said that the provision keeps with his personal beliefs, stating that When it comes to the institution of marriage, I hold the view that human history teaches us and what Ive learned is that marriage between one man and one woman is best. [The Virginian-Pilot, 06/01/2011]

Gun Issues Health Care Issues

Politifact Rated Statement About Medicare Barely True In June 2011, Rigell said that the GOP Medicare plan offered those under 55 the same options enjoyed by Congress. Politifact disagreed, rating this statement barely true. Politifact explained that At a minimum, the premium supports of the Medicare plan would not keep pace with the historic record of rapidly increasing health care costs. Additionally, seniors make significantly less income than members of Congress and would not likely have the same options to buy more expensive plans. And, finally, they would not receive the same protection against rising costs that "Fair Share" provides members of Congress. [Politifact, 6/23/2011] Added to American Action Network Vulnerable Freshman list In August 2011, the American Action Network added ten vulnerable freshman House Republicans to its campaign defending Republicans on Medicare. Rigell was among the 10. [The Hill, 8/3/2011]


Immigration and Border Issues Israel Labor and Working Family Issues
Rigells Office was Scene of Postal Rally In September 2011, postal workers gathered outside Rigells office to urge him vote for HR 1351, which would release $6.9 billion in pension obligations to replenish USPS coffers. Some of the affected postal centers would be in Rigells VA district. Rigell acknowledged he would study their arguments, but added "The numbers out there in the general press are different from what you're [the postal workers] showing me here. [] I'll go where the facts lead me as best as I understand them." [Virginian-Pilot, 9/28/11]

Other Social Issues Personal Finance

Regions Richest Congressman In June 2011, the Daily Press reported that Rigell is the regions richest Congressman. According to the Daily Press, Rigell reported assets of at least $11 million, including several car dealerships, bank accounts, real estate holdings, insurance policies and stock investments scattered throughout the United States. The Virginia Beach Republican, who ousted Rep. Glenn Nye, D-Norfolk, netted at least $1 million after selling the Lincoln franchise of the Freedom Lincoln Mercury dealership he owns in Chesapeake. He also made $500,000 selling vacant land in Chesapeake. He listed liabilities of $500,001 to $1 million for a line of credit for ATTAP LLC, a Virginia Beach-based real estate company that he manages. He also reported up to $50,000 in credit card debt. Rigell, who rode a wave of turnout from Hampton Roads' conservative voters to beat Nye, invested at least $2 million of his own money, including loans, in the campaign. He also spent more than $1 million, including money from donors, in the Republican primary. [Daily Press, 06/15/2011] Filed 2011 Financial Disclosure


In 2011, Scott Rigell reported earnings between $1.89 million - $12.5 million for calendar year 2010. Scot Rigell holds assets valued between $11,066,003 - $44,568,000. Scott Rigell reported liabilities were valued between $515,000-$1,050,000. In 2010, He received $9,361 in earned income from Freedom Ford for vehicle use. Under earned income, Rigell reported his assets are from Freedom Ford Norfolk LLC and Freedom Investments which is valued at a combined value of $5,566,000-$26,165,000. Rigell sold part of his Freedom Lincoln Mercury dealership valued at $1,000,000-$5,000,000. Rigell receives at least $472,500$4,170,000 in income from properties that he rents. Rigell has between $200,000 and $778,000 in 401K and IRA assets. In 2009, his income he received from assets ranged from $675K-$4.73 million. As of April 30, 2010, he also held assets valued between $12.17 million and $52.24 million. Rigell reported $15,000-$50,000 for Credit Card Debt under liabilities. He also had $500,000-$1,000,000 for ATTAP LP. Rigell reported that he was President and Director of Rigell Investments (uncompensated), Manager and Tax Partner at various positions and Chairman, Secretary and Director at Freedom Automotive, Freedom Ford and Freedom Lincoln Mercury. [Scott Rigell Financial Disclosure, Filed 05/13/2011] Rigell Had At Least $50,000 in Credit Card Debt He listed liabilities of $500,001 to $1 million for a line of credit for ATTAP LLC, a Virginia Beachbased real estate company that he manages. He also reported up to $50,000 in credit card debt. [Daily Press, 6/15/11] Rigell is 24th Richest Member of Congress In August 2011, Rep. Rigell was listed as the 24th richest member in Congress. According to Roll Call, Rigell has 11.21 million in assets and 0.52 million in liabilities, this ranks him as the 24th richest member in Congress. [Roll Call, 8/19/11] Rigell: His Summer Break In August 2011, a spokeswoman for Rep. Rigell discussed what Rigell would be likely doing over the August recess. The National Journal reported, Ive never known Scott Rigell to relax or have a vacation, so Im not expecting him to take one this August, said Kim Mosser, a spokeswoman for the Republican House member from Virginia. [National Journal 8/16/11]

Stem Cells

Tax Issues
Supported the Fair Tax Rigell said The fair tax represents a viable alternative for us as a country, when asked if he supported a national sales tax. [Virginian Pilot, 2/01/11] Supported Replacing Federal Income Tax With National Sales Tax During a January 2011 town hall meeting, Rigell spoke about his support of replacing the federal income tax with a national sales tax. An idea that is called the fair tax by supporters. The fair tax represents a viable alternative for us as a country, he said. [The Virginia-Pilot, 2/01/11]

Tea Party
Rigell Said He Shouldnt Be Singled Out to Pay More Taxes In October 2011, Rigell agreed with Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) who said "I am unapologetic in saying we, who make a large income ... should be paying their fair share," but Rigell maintained that the real problem was reforming the tax code, not taxing the rich specifically. Rigell said, "To the extent that there are loopholes, or provisions, that are available to some taxpayers and not to others, I have a real problem with that. [] I [hope] that Congress, both parties, can come together and simplify our tax code. That is an effort that every one of us must embrace regardless of political party affiliation." Rigell was one of 12 Congressmen who would be affected by the proposed Buffet Rule to tax capital gains at a higher rate than middle class income. [Roll call, 10/11/11] Rigells 3rd Quarter 2011 FEC Report In October 2011, Scott Rigell for Congress filed its October 2011 Quarterly FEC Report. Rigell raised $313,281.22 in the 3rd quarter of 2011, has $ 618,318.35 cash on hand and spent $87,386.16. Rigell received $142,865.62 from PACs. [Scott Rigell for Congress, filed 10/15/11] Contributions of Note: Contributed $25,000 to His Campaign. In September 2011, Rigell made a personal contribution of $25,000 to his campaign. Rigell still has $324,500 of personal loans owed to himself. His total raised without personal contribution is $288,281.22. Received a $10,000 personal contribution From Congressman Mike Kelly and Wife. On September 29, 2011, Mr. George J. Mike Kelly Jr. and wife, Victoria Kelly contributed $5,000 each to Rigell for Congress. Congressman Mike Kelly lists his occupation as President of Mike Kelley Automobile. Additionally, three days before Rigell and his wife, Terri, contributed $5,000 each to Mike Kelly For Congress. Rigell lists his occupation and an automobile dealer at Freedom Automotive. [Mike Kelly for Congress 2011 October Quarterly, filed 10/15/11]


Received $5,000 for Cantors Leadership PAC. In September 2011, Rigell received $5,000 from Every Republican is Crucial (ERIC PAC). His cycle total is $10,000 from Cantor. Received $5,000 from Paul Ryans Prosperity PAC. In September 2011, Rigell received $5000 from Ryans Prosperity PAC. Received $14,000 from Speaker John Boehner. In September 2011, Rigell received $10,000 from Boehners Freedom Project PAC. In September 2011, Rigell received $4000 from Friends of John Boehner. Received $500 from One of CREWs Most Corrupt Congressman, Vern Buchanan. In September 2011, Rigell received $500 from Vern Buchanans PAC Vote to Elect Republicans Now. Received $8037 from Patriot Day II Joint Fundraising Committee. In October 2011, Rigell received $8037 from the Patriot Day Joint Fundraising Committee. Received $7,057.22 in Media Credits from On Message Inc. In September 2011, Rigell received $7057.22 in media credits from On Message Inc. Received $1,000 from NRA Pac. In September 2011, Rigell received $1000 from the NRA PAC. Received $5,000 from Ford Motor Action Fund. In September 2011, Rigell received $5000 from the Ford Motor Company Civic Action Fund. Received $2500 from the McCarthys Leadership PAC. In September 2011, Rigell received $2500 from the Majority Committee PAC. Received $10,000 from the Family Research Council Action PAC. In July 2011, Received $10000 from the Family Research Council Action PAC. Expenditures of Note: Paid $1,500 to Own Company for Rent. From July-September 2011, Rigell paid $500 a month to Freedom Properties in Norfolk, VA. Paid Over $45,000 for Consultations. From July-September 2011, Rigell paid over $45,000 to fundraising, political and compliance consultants. Rigells Formed Leadership PAC In October 2011, Scott Rigell formed a leadership PAC, Better Leadership Better America. [Statement of
Organization, filed 10/12/11]

Rigell Used Taxpayer Money to Purchase Google Ads


In September 2011, a Google ad appeared that linked to Rigells official website.

[, 9/27/11]

Transportation Issues Campaign 2012

Rigell: I Didn't Say I Can Fix Everything Rigell promised to focus on promoting job creation and making government smaller, but acknowledged I didn't say I can fix everything. [Virginian Pilot, 2/01/11]

Veteran Issues
Supported Free Health Care for Retired Veterans In February 2011, Rigell criticized Defense Secretary Robert Gates plan to increase by $5 a month the fee retired working-age military personnel pay for family health-care coverage known as TRICARE. Rigell told Gates that based on his conversations with retirees who had enlisted with the expectation that they would get free health care for life, the proposed increase was a breach of trust to change the deal. Gates said that it was Congress in 1995 that approved a $460 annual fee for retiree TRICARE family coverage and added that Congress never said the fee would stay the same. [Washington Post, 2/17/11]

Womens Issues


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