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Cellulose (2014) 21:1075–1086

DOI 10.1007/s10570-013-0121-2


Cellulose microfibril orientation in onion (Allium cepa L.)

epidermis studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM)
and vibrational sum frequency generation (SFG)
Kabindra Kafle • Xiaoning Xi • Christopher M. Lee •

Bernhard R. Tittmann • Daniel J. Cosgrove •

Yong Bum Park • Seong H. Kim

Received: 9 July 2013 / Accepted: 19 November 2013 / Published online: 3 December 2013
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract Cellulose microfibril orientation in plant determine the orientation of cellulose microfibrils
cell walls changes during cell expansion and devel- averaged over the entire thickness of the cell wall. We
opment. The cellulose microfibril orientation in the found that the average orientation of cellulose micro-
abaxial epidermis of onion scales was studied by fibrils inside onion abaxial epidermal cell walls as
atomic force microscopy (AFM) and sum frequency revealed by SFG is similar to the orientation observed
generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy. Onion at the innermost cell wall surface by AFM. The
epidermal cells in all scales are elongated along the capability to determine the average orientation of
onion bulb axis. AFM images showed that cellulose cellulose microfibrils in intact cell walls will be useful
microfibrils exposed at the innermost surface of the to study how cellulose microfibril orientation is related
abaxial epidermis are oriented perpendicular to the to biomechanical properties and the growth mecha-
bulb axis in the outer scales and more dispersed in nism of plant cell walls.
the inner scales of onion bulb. SFG analyses can
Keywords Onion epidermis  Cellulose
microfibril  Microfibril orientation  Sum
frequency generation spectroscopy  Atomic
Electronic supplementary material The online version of force microscopy
this article (doi:10.1007/s10570-013-0121-2) contains supple-
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.
K. Kafle  C. M. Lee  S. H. Kim (&)
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Cellulose microfibril orientation in plant cell walls is
Research Institute, The Pennsylvania State University,
considered to be an important determinant of wall
University Park, PA 16802, USA
e-mail: biomechanics and growth of plant cells (Cosgrove
2000; Baskin 2005). Several models have been
X. Xi  B. R. Tittmann proposed for the role of cellulose microfibril orienta-
Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics,
tion in actively growing plant tissues (Roelofsen and
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
PA 16802, USA Houwink 1953; Roland et al. 1977; Green 1964;
Neville et al. 1976). It is known that the movement of
D. J. Cosgrove  Y. B. Park (&) cellulose synthase complexes (CSCs) located in the
208 Mueller Laboratory, Department of Biology,
underlying plasma membrane determines the initial
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
PA 16802, USA orientation of cellulose microfibrils that are deposited
e-mail: at the innermost surface of the cell wall (Giddings Jr

1076 Cellulose (2014) 21:1075–1086

and Staehelin 1988; Heath 1974). The CSC movement the absorbance of specific vibration modes parallel
is related to the orientation of the underlying cellular and perpendicular to the anisotropic growth axis of the
microtubule cytoskeleton (Paredez et al. 2006; Li and cell to determine the net orientation of cellulose
Gu 2012). However, the factors regulating the orien- microfibrils inside cell walls (Chen et al. 1997).
tation of cellulose microfibrils in growing plant walls However, this method could suffer from spectral
are not fully understood yet (Baskin 2005; Sugimoto interferences from other, noncellulosic matrix poly-
et al. 2000; Richmond et al. 1980; Preston 1974; mers in the cell wall. Polarized-light imaging can be
Kutschera 2008; Neville 1985). According to the used to determine the average orientation of Congo
multinet growth hypothesis (Roelofsen and Houwink Red dye adsorbed onto cellulose with its molecular
1953; Green 1960), cellulose microfibrils are depos- axis parallel to the cellulose chain (Suslov et al. 2009).
ited along the transverse direction with respect to cell However, Congo Red also binds to xyloglucan (Wood
elongation and then passively reoriented along the 1980; Wood et al. 1983), which can complicate the
longitudinal direction during cell elongation (Baskin interpretation of such results.
2005). Such passive reorientation has been observed in Study of cellulose microfibril orientation could
actively growing Arabidopsis roots (Anderson et al. benefit from a nondestructive and noninvasive spec-
2010) but was not observed in in vitro extension troscopic characterization method that can distinguish
studies in cucumber hypocotyls (Marga et al. 2005). cellulose from noncellulosic components in plant cell
The cellulose microfibril deposition and reorientation walls. The noncentrosymmetry requirement of non-
behaviors in intact plant cell walls could be studied linear optical spectroscopy, such as sum frequency
with analytical techniques that can selectively probe generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy, makes
the cellulose microfibrils in intact cell walls. These differentiation between cellulose and noncellulosic
techniques can also provide critical insights into components possible (Barnette et al. 2011). Selective
understanding the biomechanics and elongation of detection and quantification of crystalline cellulose by
plant cell walls at various developmental stages SFG has been demonstrated for intact woody cell
(Kutschera 2008). walls (Barnette et al. 2011, 2012). Although SFG is a
High-resolution electron microscopy has been well-known surface-sensitive analytical technique, the
widely used for direct visualization of cellulose SFG response of cellulose is dominated by the signal
microfibrils in onion parenchyma cell walls after fast from the bulk crystal (Lee et al. 2013a).
freeze/deep etch followed by metal deposition (McC- In SFG, two high-intensity laser pulses with
ann et al. 1990; Satiat-Jeunemaifre et al. 1992; Wells infrared and visible frequencies are temporally and
et al. 1994). In electron microscopic imaging, fixative spatially overlapped on the sample. When the fre-
and staining agents were used to prepare the cell wall quency of the infrared beam resonates with the
samples. Removal of noncellulosic polysaccharides vibration modes that are arranged without centrosym-
was often required for high-resolution imaging of metry in the sample, a new photon whose frequency is
primary cell walls (Davies and Harris 2003). However, the sum of the two input frequencies ðxSFG ¼ xVis þ
pretreatment of cell wall samples might alter the xIR Þ can be generated. The intensity of the SFG signal
native arrangement of microfibrils (McCann et al. is proportional to the square of the second-order
1990). Recently, the organization of cellulose micro- nonlinear susceptibility of the vibration mode (Lam-
fibrils has been visualized by atomic force microscopy bert et al. 2005). This second-order nonlinear suscep-
(AFM) for celery parenchyma (Thimm et al. 2000), tibility is zero for a noncrystalline or centrosymmetric
cucumber hypocotyls (Marga et al. 2005), maize medium. Thus, disordered polysaccharides such as the
primary cell walls (Ding and Himmel 2006), and wall matrix components cannot generate SFG signals.
onion epidermis (Zhang et al. 2013). The AFM Cellulose has noncentrosymmetrically arranged func-
imaging technique allows visualization of cellulose tional groups in its crystal structure and can thus have
microfibrils exposed at the cell wall surface. However, nonzero values for the second-order nonlinear sus-
the average orientation through the entire cell wall ceptibility. The magnitude of this term is highly
cannot be visualized through surface imaging only. sensitive to the density and preferential alignment of
Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy crystalline cellulose microfibrils within the optical
with a polarized-light source has been used to measure coherence range of the SFG process (LaComb et al.

Cellulose (2014) 21:1075–1086 1077

2008). When the SFG photons are detected in a reflection different angles, their relative intensities can provide
geometry, the SFG coherence length along the direction the net orientation of the crystallites. When the electric
normal to the surface is expected to be on the order of vector of the IR beam is aligned with the transition
hundreds of nanometers (LaComb et al. 2008). dipole of the vibration mode, the SFG intensity of that
In cellulose I crystals, the methine (CH) groups at the vibration mode can be enhanced (Hieu et al. 2011). In
axial position of the glucopyranose ring are positioned on cellulose, the O3–H and O2–H hydroxyl groups are
the opposite sides of the planar sheet: (200) in involved in intrachain hydrogen bonding with oxygen
cellulose Ib and (110) in cellulose Ia (Zugenmaier O5 and O6 in the adjacent glucose unit, respectively
2008). The oppositely pointing transition dipoles of the (Marechal and Chanzy 2000). Thus, the O3–HO5
methine stretch vibration cancel each other, making and O2–HO6 groups are aligned along the cellulose
them SFG inactive. Thus, the methine peak at chain axis (Lee et al. 2013b). In contrast, the stretch
*2,900 cm-1 is absent from cellulose SFG spectra, mode of the exocyclic CH2 groups has its vibration
although it is a dominant peak in infrared (IR) and dipole moment directed off from the chain axis (Wiley
Raman spectra (Barnette et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2013b; and Atalla 1987; Lee et al. 2013b). Thus, the relative
Wiley and Atalla 1987). In contrast, the exocyclic CH2 intensity of these SFG peaks can provide the cellulose
groups and intrachain hydrogen-bonded OH groups microfibril orientation in the sample.
point in the same direction within the cellulose I crystal; In this study, we employed SFG spectroscopy and
thus, their dipoles add up, forming net dipoles across the AFM imaging to investigate the net orientation of
entire cellulose crystal (Lee et al. 2013a). This polar cellulose microfibrils in the abaxial epidermal cell
ordering of the CH2 and OH groups in the cellulose I wall of onion scales. Onion was chosen since it has
crystal meets the noncentrosymmetry requirement on the been studied widely as a model for primary cell walls
nanoscale. In the case of fully grown secondary cell walls (McCann et al. 1990; Suslov et al. 2009; Ha et al.
such as those of woody cells, the sharp CH2 vibration 1997; Wilson et al. 2000; Ng et al. 2000; Mita and
peak appears at 2,944 cm-1 and the intrachain hydro- Shibaoka 1983). The outer and inner scales of onion
gen-bonded OH vibrations are centered at *3,320 cm-1 could represent various developing stages of primary
(Barnette et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2013a, b). cell walls, with inner scales being younger and outer
Preferential alignment of these polar crystallites scales being older. Thus, onion scales provide an
within the optical coherence length scale is critical for opportunity to investigate cellulose microfibril orien-
SFG. The SFG intensity of a specific vibration mode tations at various developmental stages. A single
depends on the angle between the direction of net onion bulb scale is composed of three distinct parts:
transition dipole in the sample and the electric field abaxial epidermis at the convex side (away from the
vectors of the laser beams (Wang et al. 2005). When bulb axis), fleshy parenchyma tissue in the middle, and
two SFG-active vibration modes are directed at adaxial epidermis at the concave side (facing the bulb

Fig. 1 White onion bulb

showing scales with
annotation (1st: outer, older
scale; 11th: inner, younger
scale). Schematic shows
abaxial and adaxial
epidermis in one onion scale
(cartoon schematic not to

1078 Cellulose (2014) 21:1075–1086

axis) (Fig. 1). The abaxial epidermis cell is split open The first fresh scale from the outside was numbered 1,
along the sidewalls when the skin is peeled from each and higher numbers were assigned to subsequent inner
bulb scale (schematic in Fig. 1). Thus, the peeled skin scales. Onion bulbs used in this study typically
is the outer wall of the epidermal cell and the contained 11 or 12 scales. Abaxial epidermal layers
cytoplasm can be washed off. The inner side of the from the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th scales were carefully
peeled skin exposes the newly deposited cellulose peeled (Fig. 1) and mounted on a glass slide with the
microfibrils (Green 1962). Thus, AFM could be cell wall surface close to the plasma membrane facing
readily used to image cellulose microfibrils of such up, following the procedure of Zhang et al. (2013).
inner cell wall surface (Zhang et al. 2013). Also, the Epidermal cell sizes were measured from optical
peeled abaxial epidermal walls are thinner than the images taken with an inverted transmitted-light
probe depth of the SFG process; thus, the average microscope (Fig. 2). In all epidermal images, cell
orientation of microfibrils inside the cell wall can be nuclei were not seen, which confirmed that the peeled
determined by the polarization dependence of SFG. layer contained only the outer half of the epidermal
cell. Image analysis software (Scion, NIH) was used to
measure cell length and width. The statistical average
Materials and methods of cell size was obtained from optical images of
43–174 cells from three onion bulbs, depending on the
Preparation of cell walls of abaxial epidermis cell size variances in each scale. Cell size increases
of onion scale from the inner scale to the outer scale. In the 11th scale
images, several cells showed division planes (marked
White onion (Allium cepa L. cometa) bulbs (bulb with arrows in Fig. 2d, inset). Table 1 summarizes the
diameter 8–10 cm) were obtained from a local average cell size measured for each abaxial epidermal
grocery, and the outermost dry scales were removed. layer with the standard error of the mean (SEM).

Fig. 2 Optical microscopy images of cell walls from onion directions with respect to the cell elongation axis. The
abaxial outer epidermis of a 2nd layer, b 5th layer, c 8th layer, longitudinal direction is along the onion bulb axis. The inset
and d 11th layer (scale bar 200 lm). In b, two-headed arrows to d shows walls of recently divided cells (arrows)
indicate the longitudinal (dashed line) and transverse (solid line)

Cellulose (2014) 21:1075–1086 1079

Table 1 Cell size measurements from four abaxial epidermal layers

Onion scale no. Total number of Longitudinal (lm) Transverse (lm) Aspect ratio
cells measured (n) AVG ± SEM AVG ± SEM AVG ± SEM

2 47 336 ± 17 70 ± 2 5.2 ± 0.4

5 81 206 ± 7 85 ± 2 2.6 ± 0.1
8 150 178 ± 4 55.5 ± 0.8 3.4 ± 0.1
11 174 67 ± 2 23.5 ± 0.2 2.9 ± 0.1

Table 2 Cellulose content and wall thickness measured by The cell wall thickness of onion layers air-dried on
profilometry (air-dried cell walls) a glass slide was measured by optical profilometry
Abaxial Cellulose content Air-dried cell (Zygo NewView 7300). For each epidermal layer, 25
epidermis in alcohol-insoluble wall thickness cells from three different onions were imaged, and the
from onion residue (%) (lm) average cell wall thickness is presented in Table 2.
scale no. AVG ± SEM AVG ± SEM
(n = 4) (n = 25)
AFM measurements
2 36.6 ± 1.4 4.9 ± 0.1
5 31.3 ± 1.4 3.4 ± 0.1 Onion epidermis samples were prepared for AFM
8 28.2 ± 1.1 3.2 ± 0.2 imaging as described previously (Zhang et al. 2013).
11 27.0 ± 0.9 1.7 ± 0.1 Freshly peeled cell walls were fixed onto glass slides
with double-sided tape. The epidermal strips were then
immersed in phosphate-buffered saline solution (pH
Cellulose content and wall thickness of abaxial 7.4) containing 0.1 % Tween-20 for 1 h. After that,
epidermal cell walls the samples were rinsed with distilled water. Epider-
mal wall strips were scanned by AFM (Veeco
The cellulose content in the abaxial cell wall was Dimension ICON from Bruker) in Peak Force QNM
estimated by the phenol–sulfuric acid method (Dubois in fluid (maximum force 1–3 nN; scan rate 1 Hz).
et al. 1956). Epidermal layers from each scale were Nanoscope (v 8.10b44) was used to control AFM
collected from several white onion bulbs, pulverized operation, and Nanoscope Analysis software (v 1.40)
into powder in liquid nitrogen, and lyophilized. For was employed for image processing. A cantilever
each sample, 5 mg alcohol-insoluble residue was holder from Bruker for liquid imaging was used to
treated three times with 20 mM cyclohexane diamine keep samples fully hydrated in water during the scan.
tetraacetic acid (CDTA, pH 6.5) at room temperature The AFM tips used for imaging were ScanAsyst
(RT) overnight, followed by 39 treatments with Fluid? probes from Bruker. The AFM cantilever
50 mM Na2CO3 containing 20 mM NaBH4 at RT normal spring constant was *0.7 N/m. The spring
overnight, incubation in 4 M NaOH containing constant of each cantilever was calibrated using a
20 mM NaBH4 at RT overnight (with three thermal tuning method before experiments (Hutter and
exchanges), washed with distilled-deionized water Bechhoefer 1993). All images were generated by
(ddH2O) until neutralized, and then lyophilized. The scanning in the direction along the longitudinal
4 M NaOH-insoluble residues were hydrolyzed by direction of the cells (Fig. 3). Five representative
72 % H2SO4 at RT for 1 h, and then diluted with topography images for each scale from five different
ddH2O to 2 M H2SO4 and incubated at 100 °C with onion bulbs were chosen for microfibril angular
frequent vortexing (every 10 min) until the solid distribution analysis. Each image was overlaid with
matter was fully dissolved. The sugar amounts a 10 9 10 mesh grid, and at each mesh point, the angle
digested by H2SO4 were pooled and estimated by the of either intersecting or the nearest microfibril was
phenol–sulfuric acid method (Dubois et al. 1956) to measured with respect to the transverse axis of the cell.
provide an estimate of cellulose content. Table 2 Zero degrees was defined as the microfibril angle
compares the cellulose content in each cell wall. along the transverse axis of the cell. In this way, a total

1080 Cellulose (2014) 21:1075–1086

electric field of the light within and out of the laser

incidence plane, respectively. The SFG signal was
detected in the reflection geometry with a beam
collimator to increase the signal collection efficiency.
The s-polarized SFG signal was filtered through a
monochromator and recorded with a photomultiplier
tube. SFG spectra were taken at a 4 cm-1 interval in
the C–H stretch vibration region (2,700–3,050 cm-1)
and an 8 cm-1 interval in the O–H stretch vibration
Fig. 3 a Schematic view of the AFM tip imaging the inner
surface of the epidermal cell wall under water. b The AFM scan
region (3,100–3,800 cm-1). The SFG signal was
direction along the longitudinal axis of the cell (parallel to the averaged over 100 laser pulses and normalized by
bulb axis) the IR and visible input laser intensities at each shot.
Due to the local heterogeneity of the onion epidermis
of 500 microfibril angles were measured for each sample, individual SFG spectra from ten different
scale. locations were averaged to create the most representa-
tive spectra for each sample. The SFG spectra shown in
Polarized FTIR measurements this paper are the averaged ones. The probe volume of
our SFG system was estimated to be about
To compare with the conventional analysis method 200 lm 9 150 lm wide over the sample and approx-
(Chen et al. 1997), infrared spectra were collected imately 20 lm deep from the external surface of the
using a Nicolet 8700 FTIR spectrometer (Thermo sample (Figs. S1 and S2 in the Electronic Supplemen-
Scientific), a KBr beam splitter, and a deuterated tary Material). Since the onion epidermal cell walls
triglycine sulfate (DTGS) detector. A strip of dry were much thinner than this probe depth, the SFG signal
onion layer was attached on a 3 mm 9 3 mm hole of a from the epidermal cell wall was the average over the
sample holder. An IR wire grid polarizer (Harrick entire thickness of the wall. To study the polarization
Scientific Products, PWG-U1R) was used to produce a dependence of the SFG signal of each layer, spectra
polarized infrared light source. IR spectra were taken were recorded with the laser incidence plane along the
with the IR polarization axis along the longitudinal longitudinal and transverse directions of the cell as
and transverse directions of the sample. A background shown in Fig. 2. The peak areas of CH2 and OH stretch
spectrum was taken before each polarization spec- regions reported in this paper were calculated by
trum. A total of 200 interferograms were averaged integrating the major peaks centered at 2,920 cm-1
with spectral resolution of 4 cm-1. (mCH2 ) and 3,320 cm-1 (mOH), respectively.

SFG spectroscopy measurements

Results and discussion
Air-dried onion epidermal layers were analyzed by
vibrational SFG spectroscopy. Details of the SFG Surface cellulose microfibril orientation assessed
system (EKSPLA) were described previously (Bar- by AFM
nette et al. 2011). Briefly, it consisted of a picosecond
Nd:YAG 1,064-nm laser operated at 10 Hz repetition. Figure 4 shows AFM topography images of the inner
A 532-nm visible laser pulse was generated through surface of the abaxial epidermal layers. The bright-
frequency doubling of the Nd:YAG output. A tunable contrast lines in the images represent cellulose
2.3–10-lm infrared laser pulse was generated through microfibrils, possibly coated with pectins and xylo-
optical parameter generation and amplification pro- glucan (Davies and Harris 2003; Zhang et al. 2013).
cesses. The p-polarized infrared beam and s-polarized Preferential orientation of the microfibrils along the
visible beam were temporally and spatially overlapped transverse direction was observed in the epidermis of
at the onion epidermal layer at incidence angles of 56° the 2nd layer (Fig. 4a), whereas the cellulose micro-
and 60° with respect to the surface normal, respec- fibrils were found to be less oriented in the 11th layer
tively. The p- and s-polarizations are defined as the (Fig. 4d). The orientation distribution plots clearly

Cellulose (2014) 21:1075–1086 1081

Fig. 4 Cellulose
microfibril orientation in the
plasma-membrane-side cell
wall of the abaxial epidermis
of onion scales. AFM
images of hydrated onion
abaxial epidermis cell wall
from the a 2nd layer, b 5th
layer, c 8th layer, and d 11th
layer (scale bar 0.5 lm).
The insets show the angular
distribution of the cellulose
microfibrils. The transverse
direction (horizontal
direction in the figure) is set
to zero degrees in the

show a progressive change in the microfibril orienta- with IR beams polarized along the longitudinal and
tion anisotropy. The microfibrils were highly oriented transverse axes of the cell are shown in Fig. 5. In the
along the transverse direction in the second layer C–O and C–C stretch region (950–1,250 cm-1) of the
(Fig. 4a). The microfibrils in the fifth layer spanned a second-layer spectrum, the peak intensities at 1,018,
slightly broader angular distribution (Fig. 4b). The 1,066, 1,103, and 1,153 cm-1 were slightly stronger
preferential orientation along the transverse direction when the IR polarization was parallel to the transverse
was reduced in the eighth layer (Fig. 4c). In the 11th direction (red line in Fig. 5) compared with the
layer, the microfibril angle varied over a wide range longitudinal direction (black line in Fig. 5). Since
without specific directionality (Fig. 4d). noncellulosic matrix polymers (such as pectins and
hemicelluloses) can also contribute peaks in this
fingerprint region (Wilson et al. 2000; Wellner et al.
Average orientation measured by polarized FTIR 1998), the difference between the two polarizations
was not drastic. Moreover, it has been reported that
Since AFM can detect only microfibrils exposed at the pectins could be aligned along the cellulose microfi-
cell wall surface, the question of whether microfibrils brils (Yoneda et al. 2010). Although such overlaps and
inside the cell wall have the same orientation or not closeness in IR absorption bands may pose ambiguity
must be examined independently. Polarized transmis- in determining the accurate orientation of cellulose
sion FTIR analysis has been used to probe the average microfibrils in intact cell wall samples, the data shown
orientation across the entire thickness of the cell wall in Fig. 5 suggest that there is anisotropy in the
(Chen et al. 1997). The transmission FTIR spectra microfibril orientation in the outer layers.

1082 Cellulose (2014) 21:1075–1086

Thomas et al. 2013). The peak positions of these

hydroxyl groups would be sensitive to interactions
between the cellulose chains at the crystal surface and
surrounding hemicelluloses or pectins. The
3,450 cm-1 peak is negligible for pure microcrystalline
cellulose (Barnette et al. 2011), flax fibers (Lee et al.
2013a), and pure cellulose Ia and Ib isolated from
Glaucocystis and Halothyncia (Lee et al. 2013b).
Another difference from the cellulose SFG spectra of
secondary cell walls is that the CH2 asymmetric stretch
region is broad and centered at *2,920 cm-1 with a
shoulder peak at *2,964 cm-1 for the second, fifth,
and eight layers. The peak center and width of the CH2
SFG peak of the second, fifth, and eighth onion
epidermis cell walls are similar to those observed for
the primary cell walls of Arabidopsis (Park et al. 2013).
These onion cell walls also have the characteristics of
primary cell walls; i.e., the cells are still growing, and
Fig. 5 FTIR transmission spectra of onion abaxial layers the cell walls do not contain any lignin. It is noted that
collected with the IR polarization along the longitudinal (black) the weak CH2 SFG peak of the innermost 11th layer is
and transverse (red) directions. (Color figure online)
centered at 2,944 cm-1. The origin of this difference is
not clear yet, but it may be due to the difference in the
Net cellulose microfibril orientation measured cellulose microfibril ordering and bundling. Further
by SFG details will be the subject of future work.
In Fig. 6, we note that the relative intensities of the
The ambiguity in assigning FTIR fingerprint bands can CH2 and OH peaks change greatly when the direction
be avoided in SFG analysis since SFG selectively of the laser incidence plane changes from longitudinal
detects crystalline cellulose inside the sample (Barnette to transverse. In previous SFG study of inflorescence
et al. 2011). The SFG spectra of the abaxial epidermal stems of Arabidopsis, the CH2/OH intensity ratio
layers collected with the laser incidence plane aligned changed in a similar way along the maturation and
along the longitudinal and transverse axes of the development gradient (Park et al. 2013). This raises
elongated cell are shown in Fig. 6. The overall SFG the question of whether changes in cellulose orienta-
signal intensity decreased from the outer to inner tion along the Arabidopsis inflorescence stem might
scales. This can be attributed to the decrease in the be the basis for the axial gradient in CH2/OH intensity
thickness and cellulose content of the cell wall ratio. We deem this unlikely because the Arabidopsis
(Table 2). The peak at 3,320 cm-1 in the OH stretch samples were composed of finely ground cell walls
region is consistent with the SFG spectra observed for where the sample volume included many wall frag-
secondary cell walls (woody cells and flax fibers) as ments in randomized orientation. In that study the
well as Avicel cellulose (Barnette et al. 2011; Lee et al. change in the CH2/OH intensity ratio was attributed to
2013a). The shoulder peak at 3,450 cm-1 is much more alteration in lateral ordering or packing of cellulose
prominent than that observed for woody cell walls along the stem axis. Thus, the CH2/OH intensity ratio
(Barnette et al. 2011). This peak was also observed in can be influenced by multiple features of cellulose
SFG for the secondary cell walls of Arabidopsis (Park organization (both orientation relative to the laser
et al. 2013) as well as in FTIR from spruce wood beam and packing order).
secondary cell walls (Fernandes et al. 2011) and celery The ratios of the CH2 and OH peak areas for the
collenchyma primary cell walls (Thomas et al. 2013). longitudinal and transverse SFG spectra are plotted in
In previous IR studies, the peak near 3,450 cm-1 was Fig. 7. The CH2/OH ratio is significantly smaller in the
assigned to the hydroxyl groups at the microfibril transverse direction compared with the longitudinal
surface accessible to water (Fernandes et al. 2011; direction; the exception is the epidermal layer of the

Cellulose (2014) 21:1075–1086 1083

Fig. 6 SFG spectra of

abaxial epidermal layers
from four different scales.
The polarization
combination was s for the
SFG signal, s for visible, and
p for IR. The laser incidence
plane was aligned along the
a longitudinal and
b transverse directions of the
cell. Inset diagrams above
the spectra show the onion
epidermis strip orientation
with respect to the laser
incidence plane in each case

11th scale. In the second and fifth scales, the OH

intensity increases significantly in the transverse
direction compared with the longitudinal direction,
whereas the CH2 intensity does not change substan-
tially. This implies that the OH intensity from
cellulose microfibrils has a strong polarization depen-
dence in outer scales; this trend was not observed for
inner scales. Polarization dependence of second-
harmonic generation ðxout ¼ 2  xin Þ has been
observed for cellulose microfibrils in algal and plant
cell walls (Brown Jr et al. 2003; Cox et al. 2005). In
previous SFG study of flax, the orientation of cellulose
microfibrils was shown to correlate with the SFG
intensity of the OH peak at 3,320 cm-1 (Lee et al.
2013a). When the laser incidence plane with p-polar-
ized IR was aligned along the flax fiber direction (the
direction of most cellulose microfibrils), the
3,320 cm-1 SFG intensity was significantly enhanced Fig. 7 Ratio of peak areas in the CH2 and OH stretch regions of
(Lee et al. 2013a). Similarly, the OH SFG peak the SFG spectra of abaxial cell walls obtained along the
longitudinal and transverse directions of the cell. Error bar is
intensity was substantially enhanced when the p-polar- SEM (n = 10)
ized IR beam was aligned along the cellulose chain
axis within uniaxially aligned cellulose Ib nanowhis-
kers; the orientation dependence of the OH SFG peak cellulose in primary cell walls (Fig. S4 in Electronic
was also consistent with the alignment orientation Supplementary Material).
found by two-dimensional (2D) X-ray diffraction The 3,320 cm-1 peak originates from the hydroxyl
(XRD) analysis of the same samples (Lee et al. groups involved in intrachain hydrogen bonding along
2013b). Similar 2D XRD analysis results for the onion the chain (Lee et al. 2013a, b); thus, the strong
epidermis samples were not as clear as for those model enhancement of this peak upon the alignment of the
systems (Fig. S3 in Electronic Supplementary Mate- input IR polarization along the transverse direction of
rial); this might be due to the low crystallinity of the the cell indicates that cellulose microfibrils in the

1084 Cellulose (2014) 21:1075–1086

second abaxial layer of the onion bulb are preferen- Office of Science, and Office of Basic Energy Sciences under
tially aligned along the transverse direction. The award number DE-SC0001090. We acknowledge Anthony J.
Barthel for help with optical profilometry measurements, Liza
degree of net orientation is the greatest in the most Wilson with FTIR, and Lin Fang with 2D XRD measurements.
mature (outer) scales and gradually decreases for
younger (inner) scales (Fig. 7); this trend is consistent
with the progressive changes of surface microfibrils References
observed by AFM (Fig. 4).
Anderson CT, Carroll A, Akhmetova L, Somerville C (2010)
It is important to note that the SFG signal comes Real-time imaging of cellulose reorientation during cell
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