1998 Surface Structure of Native Cellulose Microcrystals by AFM

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Appl. Phys.

A 66, S559–S563 (1998)

Applied Physics A
Science & Processing
 Springer-Verlag 1998

Surface structure of native cellulose microcrystals by AFM

A.A. Baker1 , W. Helbert2 , J. Sugiyama2 , M.J. Miles1
1 H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TL, UK
(Fax: +44-117/925-5624, E-mail: andy.baker@bristol.ac.uk)
2 Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uji Kyoto 611, Japan

Received: 25 July 1997/Accepted: 1 October 1997

Abstract. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used Microdictyon that these two different crystal phases can co-
to study the surface of native cellulose I microcrystals from exist within a single microfibril [4]. One of the unresolved
Valonia ventricosa. High-resolution images show clear struc- problems of structural research into native cellulose I is pre-
tural details of the surface, namely the 0.52 nm repeat along cisely where the triclinic and monoclinic phases exist within
the cellulose chains resulting from the glucose sub-unit and a microfibril [4].
the inter-molecular spacing of ∼ 0.6 nm. Cellulose from Val- We have applied the technique of atomic force mi-
onia exists naturally in both a triclinic (Iα ) and a monoclinic croscopy (AFM) to image the surface of native cellulose I
(Iβ ) crystal form within the same microfibril; the main differ- microcrystals at ultra-high (sub-nanometer) resolution. The
ence between them being a displacement of adjacent chains AFM images under both propanol and water have clearly
by a quarter of the c-axis period to give either a diagonally shown the pitch of 0.52 nm along the molecule due to the
shifted or staggered arrangement of the cellobiose units. The asymmetrical glucose unit and the inter-molecular spacing of
most significant finding in this work is that it has been pos- approximately 0.6 nm.
sible to image the cellobiose repeat along the chain because The topographical differences associated with the screw
of topographic differences associated with the asymmetric symmetry along the cellulose chain have enabled us to iden-
glucose unit, and thus identify triclinic structure on the mi- tify the triclinic phase by direct imaging [5]. To support our
crocrystal surface. Computer modelling has been used to con- interpretation of the images, we have compared them with
struct pseudo-AFM topography images from Connolly sur- computer-generated Connolly surfaces [6, 7] based on crys-
faces of the facets of the two different crystal forms, and the tallographic data from diffraction experiments [4, 8], assum-
triclinic models are in excellent agreement with the real im- ing no molecular relaxation at the surface compared to the
ages obtained by AFM. interior.

1 Materials and methods

Cellulose is a homopolymer of β-[1,4] D-glucose molecules Valonia ventricosa was harvested from a seabed in Florida
linked in a linear chain, with alternating sub-units in crys- Keys, and the microcrystals were prepared by using the
talline cellulose rotated through 180◦ . Native cellulose I method from Revol et al. [9]. Cellulose fragments were dis-
microfibrils are highly ordered crystals and evidence from integrated in a homogeniser and sulphuric acid was added
C NMR spectroscopy and electron diffraction suggests that slowly to improve the dispersion. The mixture was then heat-
they consist of both triclinic (Iα ) and monoclinic (Iβ ) allo- ed to 70 ◦ C with strong stirring for 30 minutes. The resultant
morphs [1–4]. In both allomorphs, the molecules have very dispersion was washed with distilled water and finally a drop
close to strict two-fold screw symmetry along the chains, of chloroform was added before storage as a protectant.
which means that the true repeating unit is cellobiose, com- Samples of Valonia for atomic force microscopy were
prising two glucose units. The difference between them is prepared by depositing a 5 µl drop of a diluted sample of
a shift of adjacent hydrogen bonded sheets along the chain the cellulose (approximately 20 µg/ml) onto freshly cleaved
axis, resulting in either a stagger or a diagonal shift of the mica. For imaging under water, APTES-mica was used to im-
cellobiose unit by a quarter of the c-axis period. prove the binding of the cellulose to the mica substrate. The
The cellulose used in this work is from the green alga Val- APTES-mica was prepared by exposing freshly cleaved mica
onia ventricosa, consisting of Iα and Iβ phases roughly in the to an atmosphere of aminopropyltriethoxysilane for several
ratio 65 : 35 [2]. It is known from studies of cellulose I from hours [10].

1.1 Atomic force microscopy

A NanoScope III controller with a MultiMode head (Digi-

tal Instruments, Santa Barbara, CA) was used to image the
cellulose crystals. Images were acquired by using the con-
tact mode under propanol or water, with both deflection (or
error signal [11]) and height signals recorded [5]. Unmodi-
fied, 200-µm-long silicon nitride cantilevers with a nominal
spring constant of 0.06 Nm−1 were used. Scan rates were
typically 10–20 lines per second, with the scan angle being
varied to obtain maximal contrast of the desired features. No
real-time filtering was applied and images are unprocessed,
except for flattening and plane-fitting where appropriate.

1.2 Connolly surfaces

Computer-generated models of the cellulose crystal structure

were used to study the cellulose surface. The monoclinic and

1 µm
triclinic unit cells were constructed according to the parame-
ters of Sugiyama et al. with atomic co-ordinates from electron
diffraction [4], which were further characterised by molecu-
lar dynamics simulations [8]. The crystal structures were built
Fig. 1. AFM topography image taken in contact mode under propanol show-
in Cerius2 TM (Molecular Simulations Incorporated). Crystal ing a typical field of Valonia cellulose microcrystals
surfaces were then cleaved from these bulk structures, and
the Connolly surface generation algorithm in the Cerius2 TM
program used to produce a surface [6, 7]. The size of the
probe rolling over the surface in the figures presented here
was 0.2 nm, comparable with the size of a water molecule.
2 nm
Larger probe sizes simply smoothed the surface and revealed
less detail, but did not obscure the key structural features of
the surface. The size of the probe is considerably smaller than
the 20–50 nm average radius of a typical AFM tip (Digital In-
struments specification), but the high resolution of the images
obtained is very likely to result from the presence of much
smaller micro-asperities at the end of the tip.
The generated surfaces were exported to custom-written
software to convert the surface co-ordinates into a pseudo-
AFM topography image.

2 Results and discussion

Figure 1 shows a typical low-resolution image of a sam-

ple of Valonia microcrystals imaged under propanol. The
long, straight microcrystals are evenly distributed and range
slightly in size. The measured heights and widths are in agree-
ment with the known size of 20 nm × 20 nm [12–14] if we
take into consideration the well-known effect of tip broad-
Fig. 2. A deflection mode image of the cellulose surface taken under
ening and the difficulty in making precise vertical measure- propanol. The cellulose chains run parallel to the arrowed line on the im-
ments [15, 16]. age. The spacing between the bands is 0.55 nm, in good agreement with
A high-resolution deflection image is shown in Fig. 2, the known crystallographic spacing. The arrow on the 2D FFT of the image
where parallel features orthogonal to the chain axis direction data in the top corner highlights this spectral periodicity
(indicated by the arrowed line) can be clearly seen. The peak
intensity in the 2D Fourier transform shown in the corner of
the image is at 0.55 nm, which is in good agreement with the effect as the feedback electronics respond to the gradient of
diffraction measurements of the pitch along the chain due to topographic features [5].
the glucose sub-unit. At this scan angle, the inter-molecular Figure 3a shows the most interesting structural details.
spacing is not clearly resolved since it is features orthogonal The cellulose chain axis runs almost vertically in the image,
to the fast scan direction, which will be seen most clearly. In and at least two regions can easily be seen where there is
deflection mode images, the high spatial frequency compo- a pattern of bright spots oriented diagonally at 64 ± 2◦ to the
nents of the surface will be enhanced by the differentiation chain axis. The line profile in Fig. 3b was taken from the

we believe is mainly responsible for the pattern illustrated

a 5 nm in Fig. 3a.
To compare our AFM results with the known crystal struc-
ture of native cellulose I, we used a computer modelling
package to generate Connolly surfaces [6, 7] of the cellulose
crystals. The Connolly surface is formed by rolling a probe
sphere over the crystal surface; if the rolling probe has zero
radius, then the van der Waals surface is generated. Our mod-
elling was simplistic in that no attempt was made to account
for other interaction forces and scanning parameters (such as
orientation, imaging force, and scanner hysteresis) which are
well known to be important in AFM.
In the introduction it was stated that two crystal forms
exist in native cellulose, one having a triclinic unit cell and
the other being monoclinic. Figure 4 shows the differences
between these two crystal forms as modelled at the cellu-
lose surface. The differences are immediately obvious; the
triclinic surfaces (Fig. 4a,b) show a diagonal shifting of the
bright spots, whilst the raised topographic features are stag-
gered on the monoclinic surfaces (Fig. 4c,d). The spacing of
the brightest spots along the chain is that of the cellobiose re-
peat (1.04 nm), as expected from the screw symmetry referred
to earlier in this discussion. The structural difference between
b 1.09 nm c these two phases is a shift of adjacent chains by a quarter
of the c-axis period, and the thermodynamically metastable
triclinic form can be converted into the monoclinic form by
1 nm
annealing at high temperatures [17, 18].
Connolly surfaces have been used before to classify the
Fig. 3. a A software zoom from a larger deflection mode image of the crystallographic face of the cellulose surface, although it was
cellulose surface taken under propanol. The molecular chains run almost
vertically in the image. Several regions can be seen where there is a pat-
tern of bright spots oriented diagonally at 64 ± 2◦ to the chain axis. The two Triclinic (100) Triclinic (010)
arrows indicate where the line profile shown in b was taken from. b Line
profile taken along the cellulose chain between the arrows shown in a, and
averaged across the width of the chain. The main bright features are spaced
1.04 nm

at 1.09 nm, in close agreement with the cellobiose repeat interval. No ordi-
nate scale is shown since the line profile is taken across a deflection image,
and the grey-scale has no direct relationship to height. c Fourier transform
along the line profile highlighting the spectral peak at 1.09 nm

63o 67o
image between the two marker arrows, averaged across the
width of the chain. It should be noted that this is a line pro-
file from a deflection image, so the ordinate of the line profile 0.53 nm 0.62 nm
does not correspond to height changes and is presented in ar- (d010) (d100)
bitrary units. The prominent peaks are separated by 1.09 nm,
Monoclinic (110) Monoclinic (110)
as is clearly shown in the Fourier transform of the line pro-
file in Fig. 3c. This pattern can easily be seen along the chains
adjacent to the one profiled. A similar analysis from a line
1.04 nm

profile taken across the chains shows an inter-molecular pe-

riodicity of 0.56 nm, which is in good agreement with the
values found from diffraction (see Fig. 4).
This ∼ 1 nm spacing along the chain axis is extremely
significant. The cellulose chain has a two-fold screw sym-
metry because of the 180◦ rotation of the glucose sub-unit.
Thus although the glucose repeat is about 0.52 nm, the crys-
tallographic repeat of the cellobiose unit is 1.04 nm, and glu- 0.61 nm 0.54 nm
cose units alternately display the C2-C3 and O5-C5 faces. (d110) (d110)
The C5 atom on the glucose ring is bonded to a large hy- Fig. 4. Artificial AFM topography images generated from Connolly surfaces
droxymethyl group, whereas the C2 and C3 carbon atoms of the appropriate crystal faces. The cellulose chain axis is oriented verti-
bind smaller hydroxyl groups. The spatial arrangement of cally in all of the images. The spacing between the highest points along the
chain is 1.04 nm in all of the images, corresponding to cellobiose interval
these chemical groups must be such that the large hydrox- between prominent hydroxymethyl groups on the O5-C5 face of the glucose
ymethyl group on the O5-C5 face will be presented as a raised ring. The inter-molecular d-spacings at the surface are shown for each of the
topographic feature. It is this topographic difference which crystal faces

necessary to make the comparisons in reciprocal space [19]. bands. The line profile shown in Fig. 5b, averaged across the
The similarity of the triclinic Connolly surfaces shown in width of the dotted white box, again clearly shows the repeat
Fig. 4a,b with several areas of the image shown in Fig. 3a will of about 1 nm between the most prominent peaks. Most of
be apparent immediately. This pattern is not visible over the these peaks are split into two, for example on the right-hand
entire image, possibly because of some disruption of the cel- extreme of the line profile. These larger and smaller inter-
lulose surface. It is also difficult to achieve the highest quality vals appear prominently on the Fourier transform of the line
contrast over the entire image at this resolution because of profile.
noise and scanning influences. As referred to in the introduc- This again shows the effect of the two-fold screw sym-
tion, cellulose from this source is likely to show other areas metry along the chain. It is interesting that in Fig. 2 there is
of the surface with monoclinic character (although the tri- apparently no increased significance given to the cellobiose
clinic phase is dominant) and this is the subject of on-going repeat. We have obtained many images of the cellulose sur-
investigations. Although the AFM image shown is a deflec- face, some of which emphasise the cellobiose interval whilst
tion image, the contrast will primarily be due to topographic others do not seem to stress the difference. The interaction
features. Other influences are expected to be present such as between the tip and the surface, as well as the scanning and
elastic deformation and frictional forces [20, 21], but these do feedback parameters are certainly very important in this re-
not detract from the fact that alternate sub-units are inverted gard. The change of environment from propanol to water may
along the cellulose chain, which manifests at the crystal sur- also be important; either because the chemical groups ex-
face as a topographic change. posed to the surface are surrounded by a different medium,
Figure 5 supports this hypothesis further. This deflection or because the tip–sample interaction is modified. Further ex-
image of the Valonia surface was taken under water, with the periments are in progress to assess this.
chain axis parallel to the dotted white box. A repeating feature
can be seen with some qualitative indication that the bright,
wide band is split in two, such that there is a “pairing” of sub- 3 Conclusions

We have applied atomic force microscopy to the study of the

surface of cellulose microcrystals and clearly resolved the
a 2 nm
intra-chain periodicities of 0.52 nm and 1.04 nm due to the
glucose and cellobiose units respectively, as well as the spac-
ing between adjacent cellulose chains on the surface.
Most importantly, we have observed the cellobiose repeat
as a result of the bulky O6 group being detectable topo-
graphically. Direct comparison in real-space between AFM
deflection images and computer models of the cellulose sur-
face clearly demonstrate that the triclinic character known
in the crystal has been identified on the cellulose surface.
This real-space differentiation between the triclinic and mon-
oclinic allomorphs, which differ only by a displacement of
the cellulose chains along their axis by 0.26 nm, was achieved
without the need for filtering or averaging. To our knowledge
this is one of the highest resolution studies of a biological
sample at the present time.
Acknowledgements. AAB would like to thank the EPSRC and IACR-Long
Ashton for financial support.

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