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Read the text and fill the missing gasps with the correct pronouns.


It is often said that the

world has changed more in
the last 100 years than (1)
______________ has in all (2)
______________ early history.
While (3) ______________ may
be difficult to prove this state-
ment, is true that 20th cen-
tury technology has changed
people and (4) ______________
lives a great deal. Changes in
communications and trans-
portation make it possible
for people to live and work
very differently from the way
people lived and worked 100
years ago.
Of all the changes in recent
years, (5) ______________ is
the computer that is chang-
ing life the quickest. Using
computers, it is now possi-
ble to do many things quickly
and efficiently. By using com-
puter, it is possible to do diffi-
cult problems in a very short
time, and this means hu-
mans energy can be used for
more useful things. But it is
not possible for a computer to solve problems on (6) ______________ own. It is necessary to
`programme' the computer to do the things (7) ______________ want it to do. To programme
a computer means to give it the instructions it needs to solve problems or do other kind
of work. Once a programme is set, the computer is ready to work for (8) ______________.
It is difficult to imagine what the business world today would be like without computers.
It is simple to use a computer to reserve airplane tickets, to book a hotel room, to keep
accounts, to order goods and supplies, and so on. It would take much longer to do jobs
like these without a computer.
It is hard to believe how much of (9) ______________ lives is controlled by computers. With-
out (10) ______________, (11) ______________ lives would be much more difficult. It is clearly
much better to use a computer to do boring and uninteresting jobs that would take a long
time for humans to do. By using computers, (12) ______________ is possible to free (13)
______________ for more useful and worthwhile work.

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