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Quarter 2 - Module 9
Electric Motors and Generators

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Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Quarter 2 – Module 9: Electric Motors and Generators
Second Edition, Revised 2021

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cebu City Schools Division
Superintendent: Rhea Mar A. Angtud, EdD

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Bonnie James A. Saclolo, Teacher III, Cebu City National Science HS

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Dr. Deogenes R. Adoptante, Principal I, Mambaling National HS
Mrs. Arnolfa A. Demellites, Principal I, Guba National HS

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Mrs. Wilma Y. Villaflor, Principal III , Don Vicente Rama Mem. ES

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This module is based on DepEd’s Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)

Number 6 for Science 10, Quarter 2.
Learning Competency:
“Explain the operation of a simple electric motor and generator (S10FE-IIj-54).
There are three lessons in this module, namely:
• Lesson 1 – Interaction of Electricity and Magnetism
• Lesson 2 – Electric Motor
• Lesson 3 – Generator

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you are expected accomplish the following specific learning
objectives unpacked from the competency:
1. Review basic concepts of electricity and magnetism
2. Describe how electricity induces magnetism
3. Describe how magnets are used to generate electricity
4. Explain how electric motors operate
5. Explain how generators work

What I Know

Before starting the learning process, it is important to know how familiar you
already are with the concepts in this topic. Please answer the pre-test before

PRE-ASSESSMENT: Write the word or phrase that completes the following

concepts. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1) To determine the direction of the magnetic force we use the ___________.

2) A version of the hand rule states that if the direction of the magnetic field is
pointed by the 4 fingers and the flow of charge is directed by the _____, then
the magnetic force should be where the palm is facing towards.
3) The output energy of an electric motor is ____________.
4) According to ________, the faster the change in magnetic flux is, the larger the
electromotive force or voltage produced is.

5) The scientist credited for discovering that electricity is able to produce
magnetism is _________________.
6) The ___________ states that the induced magnetic field will always be
opposed to the changing magnetic field that created it.
7) A coil that “feels” a changing magnetic field will develop a _________.
8) The ____ generator is designed to produce electricity that oscillates between
the positive and negative directions.
9) When a charge moves inside a conducting wire, a ________ is generated.
10) An AC generator uses ________ in its connection to the coil to ensure that the
same wire is connected to same side of the coil as it rotates.
11) A _________ force is exerted to a charged particle that crosses the magnetic
field of another magnet.
12) Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry were able to demonstrate experimental
evidence for the concept of ________________.
13) When a positive charge moves into the page crossing a magnetic field that is
directed upwards it will be subjected to a force to the _________.
14) If a south pole of a magnet is moved away from a coil, the end of the coil facing
the south pole will become a _____ pole.
15) A simple electric motor uses a _______ to ensure that the current in the coil
reverses every half a turn.


Interaction of Electricity
1 and Magnetism

What’s In

Let us review some concepts about magnetism and electricity that you have
already learned from previous grade levels. Write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper.
1. The north pole of a magnet will ________ the south pole of another magnet.
2. Same poles of two magnets will _______ each other.
3. A type of current that flows only in one direction is called _____________.
4. A/An _________ current flows in a circuit such that it oscillates the electrons
back and forth.
5. A complete and closed path around which a circulating electric current can
flow is called a ___________.

What’s New

The picture below involves a set-up that you might have encountered in an
experiment in grade 5 science.

When electricity flows through the wire, what would happen to the
iron nail?
Will the nail be able to attract the metal paper clips if we cut off the
What does this tell you about electricity and magnetism?
Write your answer on a piece of paper.

What is it

Scientists used to think that magnetism was a separate and distinct
phenomenon from electricity. This changed when Hans Christian Oersted
accidentally discovered that a circuit is able to deflect a compass needle. He
concluded that the flow of electricity generated a magnetic field that influenced the
compass needle to move.
Fast forward to today, we now know that generally, when a charge such an
electron moves, it creates a magnetic field. Using this concept, we can do a lot of
interesting things. For example, by letting electrons flow through a wire that is looped
several times into a coil or solenoid, the magnetic fields generated by the electron flow
mimic that of a permanent magnet. Thus, it becomes a magnet, so long as there is
electricity flowing through it. It is an electromagnet.

Magnetic Magnetic
Field in a Field in a
Coil / Permanent
Solenoid Magnet

When scientists learned that electricity can produce magnetism, they wondered
if the reverse could be done – that is – if it is possible to induce electricity from
magnetism. This concept is called electromagnetic induction.
This question was pursued by many, but Michael Faraday was the first to
demonstrate this affirmatively in an experiment. Another scientist named Joseph
Henry was also able to come up with the same conclusion in an independent
Both Faraday and Henry realized that a loop of wire, coil or solenoid needed to
be exposed to a changing magnetic field before electricity can be induced.


As we learned earlier, when a charged particle (such as an electron) moves, it
creates a magnetic field. So, what happens if that moving charge enters the magnetic
field of a stationary magnet?
Take note that there are now two magnetic fields in this situation – one that the
charge generates because of its movement and one that comes from the stationary
magnet. In this case, the two magnetic fields will interact. What is the result of this
The result is a magnetic force that the charge will “feel”. When a charged
particle crosses the magnetic field of a stationary magnet, it gets subjected to a
magnetic force which will push the charged particle to a certain direction.


What happens to a stationary charged particle (like an electron) when a magnet
moves towards it?
From the perspective of the stationary charge, the strength of the magnetism
changes as the magnet approaches it. It “feels” a changing magnetic field. The total
magnetic flux (magnetic field lines passing through the area around the charge)
increases or decreases depending on which pole of the magnet is approaching.
Scientists like Faraday and Henry discovered that when a charge is subjected
to changing magnetic field, it also gets pushed by a magnetic force. It is as if the
magnet was the one which is not moving, and the charge was moving and crossing it.
This means that motion between the two is relative. As long as there is relative
perpendicular motion between a charge and a magnetic field, a magnetic force is
generated. It does not matter which one is moving and which one is not.

What’s More

In the first two modules, we discussed about electromagnetic waves as waves

oscillating in the electric and magnetic fileds.

What we learned in this lesson is ultimately connected to electromagnetic

waves. Note that a changing magnetic field generates a magnetic force that pushes a
charged particle to flow. But also remember that whenever a charged particle moves,
it also creates a magnetic field.

Just as a magnet has a magnetic field, a charge also has an electric field. So
therefore, in terms of these fields, we can conclude that: “A changing magnetic field
creates an electric field and a changing electric field also creates a magnetic
This is what makes the generation of an electromagnetic wave possible. When
we move a charge at a constant velocity, we are changing the electric field associated
with it. But when we “vibrate” a charged particle, not only are we changing the electric
field associated to it, we are accelerating that change. This means that the oscillating
electric field generates a not just a static magnetic field but a changing or oscillating
magnetic field. The changing magnetic field then creates a changing electric field and
so on and so forth. Thus, we create a wave that is vibrating in the electric and magnetic
fields – an electromagnetic wave.
For example, when electrons pass through an incandescent bulb they vibrate
because the flow of current is constricted due to how thin the bulb filament is. As a
result they produce an electromagnetic wave whose rate of vibration corresponds to
the frequency of visible light. This is how a bulb converts electricity into light.

What I Have Learned

Complete the summary below by filling in the appropriate words to each blank.
Write your answers as numbered on a separate sheet of paper.
A scientist named _______(1)__________ discovered that electricity can
create magnetism. Generally speaking, a moving _____(2)_____ creates a magnetic
field. This concept can be observed in a single straight wire looped around several
times to form a coil or solenoid. This device becomes a/an ___(3)___ whenever
electricity is allowed to flow through it.
Whenever a charge crosses the magnetic field of another magnet, it will “feel”
a force. This is called the ___(4)____ force. This force is the result of two magnetic
fields interacting namely the magnetic field generated by the __(5)__ charged particle
and the magnetic field from the __(6)___.
The concept called _____(7)______ states that magnetism induces electricity.
This was confirmed in experiments done by the scientists _____(8)______ and
______(9)______. In order for electricity to flow in a wire, it must be subjected to a
___(10)____ magnetic field.

What I Can Do

On the next page is a diagram of a CRT (cathode ray tube) monitor. This
technology is used in old bulky TVs and computer monitors.

In order to “paint” a picture on the screen, a beam of electrons is used. Analyze
the picture carefully and explain how the beam of electrons is manipulated to land at
different parts of the screen even if the source of electrons (cathode) is stationary and
cannot move up and down or side to side. Write your answer on a separate sheet of
paper. (Hint: It is related to the interaction of charges and magnetic fields.)

Additional Activities

This activity is optional and is only for additional learning. You DO NOT have to do it
if you do not have access to the internet.
1) Open a web browser on your device and go to “”.
2) Click on “Log in as a guest”.
3) Select YES to agree to the privacy policy of the site.
4) Navigate to the course titled “Module 9: Electric Motors and Generators”.
5) Click on “Lesson 1” listed on the course.


2 Electric Motor

What’s In

On the next page is a diagram of the three most common types of nuclear
radiation (alpha, beta and gamma) passing through a magnet. One of them has a -1
charge. The other has a charge of +2. The third one has no charge at all.

Based on what you have learned from the previous lesson, explain which of the
three radiation has no charge. What can you say about the path of the negatively
charged particle compared to the path of the positively charged particle?

What’s New

In the previous lesson, we learned about the magnetic force felt by a moving
charge crossing the magnetic field of another magnet. The direction of the magnetic
force depends on two factors – the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of
the movement of the charge. In practice, we can determine this direction by using the
hand rule.
thumb – points to the
direction of the movement of
the charge
4 fingers – points to the
direction of the magnetic
palm – points to the
direction of the magnetic

Important: There are several versions of the hand rule. We will use this version
because it is the easiest. In this version, we use the right hand when the charge is
positive but we use the left hand when the charge is negative. In terms of wires in a
circuit, we use the right hand when are tracing from the end connected to the positive
terminal of the battery moving around the circuit to the end connected to the negative
terminal of the battery (+ to – or conventional current). We use the left if it is the
opposite direction (- to + or electron flow current).


Example 1:
Let us practice how to use the hand rule using the example on the next page.
There is a magnetic field (represented by solid arrows) flowing from the north pole of
magnet B to the south pole of magnet A. Remember that magnetic fields always flow
out of the north pole and enter the south pole of magnets. An electron (represented

by the dot) crosses this field by moving upwards. The movement is represented by the
dashed arrow.

First, determine if you should use the left hand or right hand. Remember that
an electron has a negative charge. Next with your four fingers curled in and your thumb
popped out, point your thumb to the direction of the movement of the electron – in this
case, upwards. Next, uncurl or straghten out your four fingers. Do your four fingers
follow the direction of the magnetic field? Note that in this example, the magnetic field
moves from right to left as shown by the solid arrows in the diagram. If the answer to
the question is “NO”, rotate your hand such the upward direction of your thumb is
maintained but still changing the direction of your 4 fingers so that it follows the
direction of the magnetic field.
If you did this exercise correctly, you should be using your left hand, the thumb
should be pointing up with the four fingers pointing right to left. So, where is the
magnetic force directed to? It is the direction where your palm is facing. In this case,
it should be pointed forward towards the paper/diagram. This means that as the
electron moves upwards (along the Y-dimension), it crosses the magnetic field which
is directed right to left (along X-dimension). As a result, it experiences a force directed
forward or into the paper/diagram (along the Z-dimension). The interaction of charges
and magnetic fields happen in three-dimensions. This makes the whole thing quite
challenging but not unachievable with practice.

Example 2:
Let us have another
example. This time, we
have a magnetic swing
set-up (shown on the
next page). In this case,
electrical current flowing
inside the wire at the
center crosses the
magnetic field of the
magnet at the bottom. As
a result, the wire is
pushed by a magnetic
force causing it to swing.
Let us assume that the top of the magnet is the south pole. This means that the
magnetic field flows towards it in a downward direction since magnetic fields always
flow from north pole to south pole. The aligator clip at the right side of the set-up is
connected to the positive terminal of the battery while the aligator clip on the left side
is connected to the negative terminal. Using the hand rule, determine what the
direction of the magnetic force is. Take note that since we are dealing with a current,
we use the left hand when tracing from the negative terminal to positive terminal (left
to right in the example above). We use the right hand when tracing from positive side
to negative side (right to left in the image).

10 | P a g e
How was it? Were you able to determine the direction of the magnetic force on
the exerted by the magnet on the wire using the right hand? Did your answer change
when you used your left hand instead? Here is the correct way to do it:
The four fingers should be pointing
downwards since the magnetic field lines are
entering the south pole which is at the bottom of
the set-up.
If you use the left hand, the thumb should
be pointed left to right since this is the direction
when we trace from - to +. If you use your right
hand, thumb should be pointed right to left since
this is the direction when we trace from + to -.
In both cases, you will get the same
answer. The magnetic force is directed towards
the reader / you (or away from the

What is it

An electric motor is a device that uses electricity to produce rotational motion.
It uses the concept of the magnetic force generated from the interaction of moving
charges (current) and magnetism. It converts electrical energy into rotational kinetic
mechanical energy.
Electrical Energy Mechanical Energy
Electric Motor


These are the basic parts of an electric motor:
1) Coil – the current flows in the coil which is subjected to a magnetic force because
it crosses the magnetic field of the magnet
2) Magnet – this could be a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. It provides the
magnetic field that the current in the coil will cross
3) Brush – wires that come from the battery connecting to the commutator of the coil
4) Commutator – the ends the coil which is responsible for the reversal of the current
every half turn as the coil rotates
5) Battery – provides current to the coil
When electricity flows through the coil in an electric motor, the current crosses
the magnetic field of the magnet. As a result, it feels a magnetic force which pushes
the coil. If we use the hand rule to determine the direction of this force, we find out that
one side of the coil is pushed up, while the other side is pushed down. These two
forces cause the coil of the electric motor to rotate.
Let us examine what happens at each position /quarter turn of the coil.

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From the positive terminal of the
battery, the current passes through part A of
the coil moving towards the page/diagram. The
current follows the turn of the coil so when it
reaches part B, the current will be flowing
towards the reader/you or away from the
page/diagram. Because of the difference in
Position 1 direction, the current at part A will experience
a magnetic force directed downwards while the
current at point B will be experiencing an
upward force. This causes the coil to rotate
At the second position, notice that the
brushes do not touch the commutator. This
means that electricity from the battery cannot
flow through the coil. Because there is no
current in the coil, there is also NO magnetic
force generated by the magnetic field on the
coil. The coil here continues to move
counterclockwise, not because of a magnetic
Position 2 force but simply because of inertia. The coil
was already rotating because of the force in
position 1, so its momentum will carry it to
continue rotating.
Because of the rotation of the coil, part
A becomes the side connected to the negative
terminal and part B becomes the side
connected to the positive terminal by the time
we get to position 3. At part B, we use the right
hand, tracing from the positive terminal with
the thumb directed towards the diagram/page
and the 4 fingers directed left to right. This
would mean that the palm faces down. Part B
Position 3 is pushed downwards by the magnetic force.
The result is the same even if we use the left
hand as long as we trace from the negative
terminal. Using the same rules, you should be
able to figure out that part A of the coil is
pushed upwards. All in all, this implies that
even if the sides connected to the terminals are
switched, the counterclockwise rotation is
maintained. In fact, if the commutator does
NOT reverse the connection, the coil’s rotation
will reverse every half a turn – which is NOT
what we want. The commutator is important to
keep the rotation in the same direction.
In position 4, the electricity is again cut
Position 4 off because the commutator and the brushes
are not in contact. The momentum of the
rotation from the previous positions will cause
it to rotate in the same direction even without
any magnetic force until the configuration
returns to position 1.

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What’s More

At home, there are many appliances that use electric motors. The construction
of these motors might be different from the one discussed in this module, but they still
use the same principle. It involves current flowing through a coil which gets subjected
to a magnetic force exerted by a magnetic field causing its rotation.
Name at least five appliances that you can find at home that use electric motors
to do their functions. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Complete the summary below by filling in the appropriate words to each blank.
Write your answers as numbered on a separate sheet of paper.
A device that takes electricity as input and produces rotational motion as output
is called a/an ____(1)_____. Essentially, it converts __(2)___ energy into __(3)___
energy. The three most essential components of this device are battery, __(4)___ and
magnet. The ____ (5)_____ exerted by the magnetic field on a current passing
through the coil makes the production of rotation possible in an electric motor.

What I Can Do

Using simple materials, you can make your own electric motor. The simplest
design that you can use is shown below. Try to see if you can make one on your own.
You will need a magnet, magnet wire,
battery, metal paperclip, tape and tools.
The magnet wire (gauge #22) can be
bought from an electronics store or it
can be scavenged from old defective
appliances like fans, radios, electrical
ballast of fluorescent lamps, etc.
The paperclip used must be metal and
so that it can conduct electricity.

1) Loop the magnet wire into several turns until you can make a coil. Leave
some length of the wire at the ends of the coil to project outwards. This is
what will connect to the paperclips.

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2) Secure the loops of the coil by tying it with extra magnet wire. This to prevent
the turns from separating. You may use the wire in the coil itself to do this.
3) A magnet wire has a paint-like enamel insulator coating around it. Strip the
enamel coating off the tips of the wire projecting from the coil. This is to
allow electricity from the paperclip to flow into the coil. You can use
sandpaper or any sharp metal tool to do this. Be careful in using sharp
objects. Ask assistance from an adult if necessary.
4) Straighten out one end of the paperclips. The other end of the paperclips
should still have a bend. This is where the coil can be suspended from. Tape
the straightened ends to the terminals of the battery. Make sure to have
good contact so that electricity can flow into the paperclips.
5) Suspend the coil into the paperclips as shown in the diagram.
6) Place the magnet underneath the coil.
7) Adjust the set-up until the coil rotates.
You can take a video of your working electric motor. It is up to your teacher how
your video will be submitted or if this project will even be requirement or not.

Additional Activities

This activity is optional and is only for additional learning. You DO NOT have to
do it if you do not have access to the internet.
1) Open a web browser on your device and go to
2) Click on “Log in as a guest”.
3) Select YES to agree to the privacy policy of the site.
4) Navigate to the course titled “Module 9: Electric Motors and Generators”.
5) Click on “Lesson 2” listed on the course.


3 Generator

What’s In

In lesson 1, we learned that scientists eventually figured out how to induce electricity
by using magnetism. Answer the following question on a separate sheet of paper.
1) Who were able to demonstrate that we can use magnetism to induce
2) What is the name of the concept referring to the use of magnetism to induce
electrical current?
3) What kind of magnetism or magnetic field is able to induce electricity?

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What’s New

A changing magnetic field is able to push a charge to move – thereby producing

current or electricity. But how much current is induced? And what would be its


Michael Faraday formulated a law stating that any amount of change in the
magnetic environment of a coil or wire will result into the induction of a voltage
or electromotive force in the wire which eventually will “push” electrons to flow
– thereby producing current. This is called Faraday’s Law. Furthermore, the faster
the change of the magnetic environment is, the bigger the voltage and consequently
the induced current will be. For example, if you move a magnet towards a coil faster,
the coil will develop a bigger current than if you move the same magnet at a slower


To determine the direction of the current induced in a wire or coil by a changing
magnetism, we use Lenz’s Law. This law was formulated by Heinrich Friedrich Emil
Lenz. It states that when a coil or wire feels a changing magnetic field, it will
produce a current that creates another magnetic field that opposes the change.
Consider the example below. It has a stationary coil of wire, and a magnet is
moving towards it with the north pole facing the coil.

Case 1: N-pole facing the coil,

A B magnet is moved towards the coil

To resist the change of magnetic field imposed by the magnet means that the
coil will also become another magnet whose poles are oriented such that it prevents
the motion of the first magnet.
In the example above, the north pole is moving towards the coil. To “prevent”
or resist this motion, the end of the coil facing the magnet must become a north pole
to repel the first magnet from moving closer.
As a result, the left end of the coil becomes a south pole while the right end
becomes a north pole. This the orientation of the induced magnetic field.


Once we know the direction of the induced magnetic field in the coil, we can
use the hand rule used in lesson 2 where the 4 fingers point to the direction of the
magnetic field and the thumb points to the direction of the current. In this method we
15 | P a g e
can use either hand as long as we remember that left hand traces from the negative
to the positive terminal while right hand traces from positive terminal to the negative
Using the left hand, we insert the 4 fingers inside the south pole of the coil. This
is because magnetic field lines always enter the south pole. Then, we grab the first
loop of wire with the thumb as
shown in the diagram below.
The direction of the thumb
left tells us the direction of the
current. Since the left hand is
used, this current is electron
flow current which flows from
the negative terminal to the positive terminal. Tracing the wire with the thumb we end
up coming out of the end of the wire labeled A. Since electron flow current terminates
in the positive terminal (- to +), this means that it is as if this induced current was
produced by a battery whose postive terminal is connected to A. The end of the wire
labeled B is where the negative terminal is connected.
If we use the right hand, we still insert the 4 fingers inside the coil at the south
end of the coil because magnetic field lines always enter the south pole. Then, we
grab the first loop of wire
right with the thumb. But since
the right hand is used this
time, this current is
conventional current which
flows from the positive
terminal to the negative
terminal. Tracing the wire with the thumb, we end up coming out of the end of the wire
labeled B. This means that this is the terminal which is negatively charged since
conventional current flows towards the negative terminal (+ to -). The end of the wire
labeled A is therefore the positive terminal.
NOTE: It does not matter which hand we use, we still end up with the conclusion
that A is the positive terminal while B is the negative terminal.
The example above is just one case - which is when a magnet is moved
towards a coil or loop of wire with N-pole facing the coil. There are three other cases:

Case 2: North pole facing the coil, magnet is moved away from the coil

Case 3: South pole facing the coil, magnet is moved towards the coil

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Case 4: South pole facing the coil, magnet is moved away from the coil

In Case 2, as the N-pole of the magnet is moved away, the coil resists the
change in magnetic field by developing a S-pole at the right end of the coil to attract
the magnet and prevent it from moving away.



The thumb points out of B. Therefore, B must be the positive terminal since left
hand means – to +. It starts from the negative and exits out of the positive terminal.
End of the wire labeled A is the negative terminal.

Do this whole exercise but with the right hand. Remember, always insert the 4
fingers at the south end of the coil. You should still get the same answer – B is the
positive terminal and A is the negative terminal.

Complete the table below as you examine all 4 cases:

Pole of Magnet Movement of ELECTRICITY PRODUCED
facing the coil magnet
1 North moved towards + -
2 North moved away - +
3 South moved towards ? ?
4 South moved away ? ?

Note: For all 4 cases above, we used a right-handed coil. The results would be
different if we used a left-handed coil. Results would also differ if we placed the magnet
at the left side of the coil.

right-handed coil left-handed coil

17 | P a g e
What is it

A generator is a device that is the reverse of an electric motor. It takes rotational
motion as input in order to produce electricity. It uses the concept of electromagnetic
induction stating that changing magnetic fields are able to exert a magnetic force and
therefore push electrons in a coil of wire to flow into a current. It converts rotational
kinetic mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Mechanical Energy Electrical Energy


These are the basic parts of an AC generator:
1) Coil / Loop of Wire – this part is connected to the armature which will be
intentionally rotated in the presence of a magnetic field to induce electricity
2) Permanent Magnet – AC generators use strong permanent magnets
3) Brush – wires that connect to the slip rings
4) Slip rings – conductive rings that makes sure that the ends of the coil are always
connected to the same brush/output even when the coil / loop rotates


When a coil or loop of wire is rotated inside the magnetic field of permanent
magnets, the coil or loop of wire “feels” a changing magnetic field as it moves closer
and farther from the north pole and south pole of the magnets. The changing magnetic
field in turn pushes the electrons of the coil / loop to flow as current. The magnitude of
the current is dependent on how fast the change in magnetic field is as implied by
Faraday’s law. The direction of the current induced follows Lenz’s law.
Let us take a look at what happens at each quarter turn of the generator coil.

18 | P a g e
The coil is rotated inside the
Position 1: magnetic field of two magnets. The two
opening ends of the coil are labeled X
and Y and the ends of the wire are
X Y labeled A and B for reference.
Notice that at position 1, Y is
farthest from the N-pole but at position
A B 3, Y is nearest to the N-pole. So as the
coil rotates from position 1 to 2 to 3, the
Y becomes closer and closer to the N-
pole. This is similar to the example
where the coil is stationary, and the N-
pole is moved closer toward the coil.
Position 2: This will make A the positive terminal
and make B the negative terminal

according to Lenz’s law.


Conversely, as the coil rotates

from position 3 to 4 and back to position
1, the Y becomes farther and farther

away from the N-pole. This is as if the

coil was stationary, and the N-pole is
moved away from it. This configuration
makes A the negative terminal and
make B the positive terminal according
to Lenz’s law. This is a reverse direction
Position 3: from the current induced by turning from
B A position 1 to 3.
To summarize, this means that
the current induced in the coil will
Y X reverse direction every half turn of the
coil. (First half = position 1 to 3, Second
half = position 3 back to position 1). In
other words, since the terminals
alternate, the current produced is
Alternating Current.
An alternating current voltage
source is what is used at home in our
Position 4: outlets. Appliances at home take AC
voltage as input. If we can only see the

electrons in the electrical wirings at


home, we would see the electrons move

forwards and backwards because of the
alternating current source.

This also means that power

generation companies like NAPOCOR
(National Power Corporation) use
equipment whose basic construction is
a loop of wire that rotate in the presence
of a magnetic field to produce AC
electricity – a generator.

19 | P a g e
How about the magnitude of the current produced in an AC generator? It stems
from the electromotive force (emf) mentioned in Faraday’s Law:
EMF = induced voltage
N = number of turns in the coil
ΔФ = change in magnetic flux
Δt = change in time
Magnetic flux is the amount of magnetic field lines entering the surface area of
the enclosed by loop of the coil. This is the surface area of the circle formed at the
ends of the coil in our example. When the opening end of the coil is facing the pole of
a magnet, the magnetic flux is maximum since the field lines can enter the surface of
the loop directly. When the area of the opening end of the coil is not facing the pole or
oriented perpendicular to the pole of the magnet, the magnetic flux is minimum or zero.
If we refer to our generator coil at different positions, we will know that:
Position 1 = maximum magnetic flux
Position 2 = zero magnetic flux
Position 3 = maximum magnetic flux
Position 4 = zero magnetic flux
Calculating the term (ΔФ)/(Δt) read as “the change in magnetic flux per change
in time” requires calculus and so we cannot do it here. But this is the result:
At Position 1 = change in magnetic flux per unit time is zero
At Position 2 = change in magnetic flux per unit time is maximum
At Position 3 = change in magnetic flux per unit time is zero
At Position 4 = change in magnetic flux per unit time is maximum
Since “change in magnetic flux / change in time” is equal to the electromotive
force or voltage, this means that:
At Position 1 = zero voltage
At Position 2 = maximum voltage
At Position 3 = zero voltage
At Position 4 = maximum voltage
But based on Lenz’s law, we have already established that the direction of the
current reverses every half a turn.
Position of Coil According to Lenz’ law According to Faraday’s Law
Position 1 Zero voltage
Position 2 Forward current (+Voltage) Maximum Voltage
Position 3 Zero voltage
Position 4 Reverse current (-Voltage) Maximum Voltage
Position 1 Zero voltage
To merge the results of the two laws we can conclude that:
At Position 1 = Voltage is zero
Immediately after Position 1 = Voltage increases to positive value
At Position 2 = Voltage has the maximum positive value
Immediate after Position 2 = Voltage is positive but decreases towards zero
At Position 3 = Voltage is zero
Immediately after Position 3 = Voltage increases in value but negatively
At Position 4 = Voltage has the maximum negative value
Immediately after Position 4 = Voltage decreases in negative value toward zero
At Position 1 = Voltage is zero
20 | P a g e
This is the
profile of
by an AC

What’s More

The generator that is used in the example above uses slip rings. This ensures
that the ends of the coil are always connected to the same output wire. The simple
electric motor discussed in lesson 2 used a commutator. It ensures that the connection
of the coil to the output wire reverses every half turn. We can also build a generator
that uses a commutator instead of slip rings. This is called a DC generator.

DC Generator AC Generator

Because a commutator reverses the output connection every half a turn, the
direction of the voltage also reverses. In an AC generator, the voltage goes into the
positive and negative direction. A DC generator flips the negative voltage into positive
voltage. Therefore, the electricity will only have one direction – Direct Current.
However, the value of the voltage still oscillates between zero and the maximum value.

21 | P a g e
Notice the graph of voltages produced in AC and DC generators. It is as if the
negative curve of voltages of the AC generator graph are flipped vertically into the
positive side axis in the DC generator graph.

What I Have Learned

Supply the missing words to complete a summary of what you have learned in
this lesson. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper as numbered.


A device that is designed to convert rotational motion into current is called a/an
____(1)_____. Essentially, it converts ___(2)___ energy into __(3)___ energy. The
two most essential components of this device are coil or loop of wire and a __(4)__.
When the coil or loop of wire is rotated inside the magnetic field of the magnet, it
detects a ___(5)____ magnetic field. This in turn results to a __(6)___ force that
pushes electrons in the coil to move. The movement of electrons result to a current
and thus ___(7)___ is produced.
There are two types of generators. A/An __(8)___ generator uses slip rings in
its connection to the coil. This type produces voltages that alternate between positive
and negative directions. A DC generator uses a __(9)___ instead of slip rings. This
ensures that even if the voltage is oscillating, its direction is always __(10)__.

What I Can Do

Using simple materials, you can make your own generator. The easiest design
to execute uses a rotating magnet inside a coil of wire. This will work since the coil still
feels a changing magnetic field. Try to see if you can make one on your own.
You will need – #30 magnet wire, magnets, a 1.8 V LED bulb (the lower the
voltage, the better), rigid cardboard, tools to strip the ends of the magnet wire and glue
gun with glue stick. The magnet wire can be scavenged from old defective appliance.

22 | P a g e
Assembly the materials as shown:

Make sure the magnet and iron nail assembly can be rotated freely.

Wind the magnet wire around the cardboard without restricting the magnet-iron nail
assembly from being able to rotate. Strip off the enamel coating of the ends of coil
and attach them to the ends of the LED bulb.

You should be able to see the LED light up as you rotate the magnet.

Note: The longer the wire and the more turns there are in the coil, the larger the voltage
will be produced. If the LED bulb does not light up, you probably need a longer wire.

You can take a video of your working generator. It is up to your teacher how your video
will be submitted or if this project will even be requirement or not.

Additional Activities

This activity is optional and is only for additional learning. You DO NOT have to
do it if you do not have access to the internet.
1) Open a web browser on your device and go to
2) Click on “Log in as a guest”.
3) Select YES to agree to the privacy policy of the site.
4) Navigate to the course titled “Module 9: Electric Motors and Generators”.
5) Click on “Lesson 3” listed on the course.

23 | P a g e


It is time to check what you have learned through lessons 1, 2 and 3. Write the
letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1) When is a magnetic field generated in a wire? It is when __________________.

A. electrons do not move C. charge inside it is positive
B. current flows through it D. wire is thick and conductive

2) Which charge feels a magnetic force from a magnet? A charge that is__________.
A. not moving C. crossing the magnetic field
B. moving at a velocity D. very near the magnetic pole

3) How is a DC generator able to produce voltage that does not alternate directions?
It is by _________. A. using slip rings C. reversing polarity of magnet
B. using a commutator D. increasing strength of magnets

4) How is a current induced in a coil of wire? It is by exposing it to_________.

A. a strong magnet C. steady magnetic field
B. a weak magnet D. changing magnetic field

5) Who observed that electric current can interact with magnetic fields?
A. Joseph Henry C. Hans Christian Oersted
B. Michael Faraday D. Heinrich Friedrich Emil Lenz

6) Which of the following is NOT a correct pair?

A. thumb – current C. 4 fingers – magnetic field
B. palm – magnetic force D. positive charge – left hand

7) What is the correct energy conversion in an electric motor?

A. electrical energy to heat energy
B. heat energy to mechanical energy
C. electrical energy to mechanical energy
D. mechanical energy to electrical energy

8) How can the induced current in coil be increased? It can be done by _________.
A. changing the shape of the coil to be rectangular
B. making the rate of change of magnetic field slower
C. decreasing the number of turns present in the coil
D. increasing the speed at which the magnetic field changes

9) Who formulated a law that determines the direction of the induced current?
A. Joseph Henry C. Hans Christian Oersted
B. Michael Faraday D. Heinrich Friedrich Emil Lenz

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10) Why does a coil rotate in an electric motor set-up?
A. both sides of the coil are pushed by forces of the same magnitude
B. one side of the coil is pushed up while the other side is pushed down
C. the electrons inside the coil are rotating which cause the coil to rotate
D. current flowing inside the coil makes one side of the coil heavier than the other

11) A magnetic field that flows upwards is crossed by a negative particle moving away
from the page. What will be the direction of the magnetic force?
A. to the left B. to the right C. downwards D. towards the page

12) Which component is present in an electric motor but NOT in a generator?

A. coil B. battery / voltage source C. magnet D. wire

13) Which of the following set-ups will NOT result into an induced current in the coil?
A. coil is moving towards a magnet C. magnet is moving away from a coil
B. magnet is moving towards the coil D. coil is beside a strong non-moving magnet

14) Analyze the set-up. What will happen when the magnet is moved towards the coil?

1 2
A. no current will be induced in the coil
B. the current induced in the coil is alternating
C. 1 will be the positive terminal and 2 will be the negative terminal
D. 1 will be the negative terminal and 2 will be the positive terminal

15) Evaluate the electric motor set-up below. What will happen to it when electricity flows
through the coil?

A. The coil will NOT rotate.

B. The coil will rotate clockwise.

C. The coil will rotate counterclockwise.

D. The coil will rotate halfway and then reverse every half turn
- +

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26 | P a g e
Lesson 1
What I Have Learned
1) Hans Christian Oersted 6) magnet
2) charge / charged particle 7) electromagnetic induction
3) magnet / electromagnet 8) Michael Faraday
4) magnetic 9) Joseph Henry
5) moving 10) changing
Lesson 1
What’s New
- The iron nail will become a magnet.
- NO, it will not be able to attract the metal paper clips when electricity
is cut off.
- Electricity can create magnetism. The two are related.
Lesson 1
What’s In?
1) attract 4) AC (Alternating Current)
2) repel 5) circuit
3) DC (Direct Current)
Answer Key
27 | P a g e
Lesson 2
What’s More
There are several answers. Almost all appliances that create some kind of
movement or rotation involves electric motors – blenders, electric fans, vacuum
cleaners, washing machines. Even TVs, smartphones and computers have
integrated electric motors on their cooling systems. Air conditioners, freezers,
refrigerators, exhaust fans, heaters and ovens use electric motors to circulate cool
and hot air.
Lesson 2
What’s In
Gamma rays (y-rays) is the radiation with no charge because it is the only one
which was NOT deflected by the magnetic field of the magnet.
The deflection path of the negatively charged radiation is opposite the deflection
direction of the positively charged particle. This means that the magnetic force exerted on
them are opposite in direction.
Lesson 1
What I Can Do
The cathode ray tube uses magnets to steer the electron beam.
Magnetic fields from the electromagnets are able to change the
direction of the electron beam because of the magnetic force exerted on
the electrons as they cross the magnetic field. The magnets used are
electromagnets and so the amount of magnetism, magnetic force and the
direction of electron deflection can be controlled by changing the amount
of current.
28 | P a g e
Lesson 3
What I Have Learned
1) generator 6) magnetic
2) mechanical 7) electricity
3) electrical 8) AC
4) magnet 9) commutator
5) changing 10) positive / the same
Lesson 3
What’s New
Movement of
the coil A B
1 North moved towards + -
2 North moved away - +
3 South moved towards - +
4 South moved away + -
Lesson 3
What’s In
1) Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry
2) Electromagnetic Induction
3) a changing magnetism
Lesson 2
What I Have Learned
1) electric motor 4) coil
2) electrical 5) magnetic force
3) mechanical


SCIENCE 10 Learner’s Module, Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines

SCIENCE 10 Teacher’s Guide, Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines

Images: (2021). Retrieved 22 March 2021, from


(2021). Retrieved 22 March 2021, from


Electromagnetic coil - Wikipedia. (2021). Retrieved 22 March 2021, from

(2021). Retrieved 22 March 2021, from


(2021). Retrieved 24 March 2021, from

(2021). Retrieved 24 March 2021, from,_Gamma_Rays_in_a

(2021). Retrieved 24 March 2021, from


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Parts and functions of a simple AC generator. #engineeringstudents | Engineering, Nursing

student tips, Learn physics. (2021). Retrieved 25 March 2021, from

29 | P a g e
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30 | P a g e

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