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How Humanity Will Be Saved

My heart goes out to all who are afraid during these times. Therefore I want to give a
quick encouragement.

Please understand that this is not the end of the world, but a very dearly needed
rebirth of many good things on the earth.

Although we are seeing the rolling out of the insane plans of the most wicked entities in
existence - both on earth as in the invisible realm - this is having a very different effect
than they planned.

Recently I have prayed for Australia... I feel for the people in that majestic continent,
who are being imprisoned by criminals with no conscience and no morals. The answer I
got surprised me. This is what I heard:



That puzzled me at first, because you would expect to hear: “Great deliverance will
come TO Australia.” Instead, I heard “... deliverance will come FROM Australia.”

When I started thinking about this, I realized that this is happening already. Because of
the incredible tyranny in Australia, freedom fighters all across that continent are rising
up to warn the rest of humanity. Many of the best videos and posts that are waking up
the world, are coming from Australia, and they are going viral like crazy. Already a loud
cry of truth, awakening and freedom is coming from this wonderful country.

What I want to show you is this: whatever the powers of wickedness mean for
evil, it is always turned around for GOOD. Always.

The more tyranny we see, the more freedom will come forth from that. Innumerable
people are standing up and saying a loud ‘NO!’ against all these crimes. While the
majority of us have never been interested or involved in politics or our communities,
because we blindly and ignorantly thought we were being taken care of, now we are
seeing something happen that will change history profoundly: all over the world the
good guys are starting to get involved in schools, local government, media, health care,

I just had a phone call with a physician who is preparing to build a hospital for the
people, by the people. That’s one example.

Dear freedom fighters: humanity needs this attack by the wicked. We desperately need
to see this level of evil. For centuries it has operated under the surface, without any of
us having a clue. But it has been enslaving humanity for as long as the world has
existed. Now the time has come for this worldwide network of evil to be exposed, judged
and cast out.

This will not happen by some supernatural event where a divine superhero will come
down and save us all. That wouldn’t help us. Read this again: that would not help us.
Think about this: does it help a child if the parents always do everything for it? Of
course not. A child needs to grow up, learn to make the right choices, and
become a mature, wise, pure and powerful individual who can build a life that will
be a blessing for the world.

Our Maker is not interested in us sitting around waiting for him to fix everything for us.
That leaves us as little children, unable to accomplish anything.

If the bad guys are taken out by a higher power, without the good people learning
anything, then other bad guys will simply replace them and nothing will change.
Because then we haven’t learned a thing.

WE have to change.

WE have to rise.

WE have to take the reins in our hands.

WE have to learn truth and become wise.

It’s only because the good people have not been involved in that which matters in this
world, that the wicked have been able to completely seize control over every aspect of
life. Let me put it this way... listen carefully and please do not be offended by what I am
about to say.

Please, please - learn the critical difference between love, light, truth, freedom,
healing, hope, purity and goodness... and the horrible oppression of man-made
I am not talking about religion, but about the basic foundation of our existence, which is
the dimension of good and evil, light and darkness, goodness and wickedness. When I
mention our Maker, I refer to this realm of love that is the source of life, which this world
needs. We have to say NO to darkness and evil - in all its forms - and wholeheartedly
choose the reality of love and truth.

With that in mind, please read the following:

What did he say?

Wait to be raptured away and leave humanity to rot in the cruel claws of the wicked,
while you are safe and happy in heaven? No.

This is what he said:

Cast out the dark and evil spirits. End all injustice. Care for the poor. Expose all
wickedness. Heal the sick.

And he called that: REIGN WITH ME.

Understand this: the message for all of humanity is not to be religious and irrelevant and
wait to ‘get outta here’. The message for all of us is the exact opposite of that:

Religion has turned that around; it says: ‘Don’t try to heal the world, but wait to escape
from it.’ That mindset was introduced into the church by the wicked, in order to make
the good guys the most ineffective of all humans in existence.

Key sentences in the Bible were strategically mistranslated (!) to create the illusion that
the purpose of believers is to wait for an easy escape, so they would be rendered 100%
ineffective and irrelevant to the rest of the world. A very cunning and sadly effective
strategy. (See the study at the end of this post.)

Look at it this way: there are more churches in America than anywhere else in the world.
You find a church on every block, and often multiple churches in one street. Yet in
general, all these Christians have zero influence in our governments, media or the
major industries.
While the command given to the children of the light is: bring love and truth to every
nation worldwide. Cast out darkness everywhere.

You are a royal people, sent to proclaim hope and bring life to everyone in the

The essence of the good news is not: 'Believe, so you can have an insurance for the
afterlife.' No. The message is: 'Believe that the dimension of love is among us - called
the kingdom of God - and bring this dimension everywhere.'

We are the people called to make a difference. To be the ones who transform every
aspect of our world. To bring heaven on earth and put an end to every expression and
working of hell (to use these archaic terms).

I am generalizing of course, as there are always good people who oppose evil. But I am
talking about the majority. We have believed the lies: that governments care about the
people, that health care agencies care about us, that food companies care about us,
that pharmaceutical companies care about us, etc., while their only interest is always
the abuse of humanity for their own enrichment and power.

Humanity cannot and may not be dependent on humans to care for them. We
need to rely on the only One who is trustworthy, because He is pure love.
For too long humanity has been enslaved and we have loved it. As long as we had
some semblance of comfort and freedom, i.e., 'Give me a pizza and a movie and I’m
fine.' But that’s not who we are meant to be.

In this current world crisis, where humanity is seeing the true face of those who claim to
care for us, and is discovering how we are being abused, deceived, stolen from and
imprisoned, we are beginning to understand that we have to change.

The heart of the problem is not the existence of bad entities. The true crisis is the
absence of the good people standing up. Instead of sitting in church all the time, we
should be waging war in politics, media, hospitals and schools - where we say ‘NO!’ to
insanity and corruption, and demand justice, truth and good.

Where the light shines, there is no darkness.

There are way more good people in this world than bad ones. But the bad guys have
told the good guys they have to stand aside, while they run the show.

That is the problem.

This world needs righteous judges. Not the corrupt judges that serve the criminals.

One single judge can put an end to tyranny.

One single Sheriff can arrest a criminal governor.

One single mother can confront the entire school board about their insane
practices that are destroying the children.

Our salvation doesn’t come from a supernatural dictator who comes down from Heaven
and kills the bad guys, so the good ones can continue their immature, lazy and selfish

I am speaking bluntly now, but please don’t be offended.

Jesus NEVER (!) said he would come down to be a dictator who forces humanity to be
‘good’. What nonsense! Yet most Christians believe that very thing.

Since when does an enforced dictatorship bring about a better world?

Love can never be enforced on people.

The change must come from WITHIN the hearts of the people.

They have to discover true love, healing goodness and liberating truth.

When people experience this true love and goodness, they gladly step away from
the realm of darkness.

That’s why Christ said:

That’s how the wicked also operate. They invite demons during satanic rituals; they
become possessed with these dark entities that then begin to rule the world through
them. Hillary Clinton wrote in her autobiography what a thrill it is to feel demons enter
her body during voodoo rituals. I kid you not. The wicked understand how the invisible
dimensions enter humans and work through them. They don’t wait for a supernatural
demon to manifest visibly and overtake the world. They allow these entities to enter
them and work through them.

We have to become vessels of the other side, where we dedicate ourselves to the
Source of Life, Healing and Truth that will fill us and make us doorways of deliverance
for the world.

God lives in us. We don’t wait for a new stone temple - we are the place where the
Almighty chooses to be. In our hearts and lives.
This world needs love, that comes to them through real people. Truth that manifests in
you and me. Goodness that is proven by acts and not words.

We may all differ in our understanding of who the Origin of Love is. That’s because the
cabal has created as much confusion as possible about this. But Christ was very clear
when He said what He came to do.

This world will never become better if the good people do nothing, while the wicked are
tirelessly laboring to enslave and destroy this world. We need to stop being consumers
and babies and become warriors who daily connect with the One who is pure Love,
learn how to live in this wonderful dimension and then release that amazing force of
healing all around us.

That is our destiny. Not 'waiting for an escape'.

Rise up. Take your position. Learn truth. Allow the pain of humanity to break your heart,
so you will do anything to save the hurting children. And become a warrior that will not
back down from these demons, but that will destroy them.

The world is waiting for you and me.

People of love and truth, rise up and change this world.

That’s the answer.

And that's what is happening.

That’s why there is hope.

This is the time where the wicked expose themselves and the righteous wake up and
arise to take their place of authority. New media are being born, new health care is
being set up, new politics are being formed, etc.

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