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This is a list (in no particular order) of

Altcoin projects that we are currently

favouring. Remember the majority of

Altcoins within the entire cryptocurrency

market have little value. It is our job to

select coins that are both fundamentally

and technically favourable. Fundamentals

tell you what to buy, and technicals show

you when to buy. At the end of Phase 1

when we want to switch from BTC into

Alts, these are the factors we will be

taking into consideration. Our choices will

be shown on the live account so do not be

concerned if you are not confident in

selecting Altcoin projects. If you have any

queries regarding researching projects,

feel free to contact us at any time and we

will be happy to assist you.

James and Amish

TomoChain (TOMO)

Total Supply: 100,000,000 TOMO

All Time High: $2.30

What is TomoChain?

TomoChain is a scalable blockchain-powered via Proof-of-

Stake Voting consensus which is used commercially by

companies globally. Its mission is to accelerate the

onboarding of millions of users by empowering today’s

applications with technology that masks the friction of

Blockchain, all while retaining its underlying benefits.

TomoChain’s technology and DeFi-focused flagship products

include: Fast & Near-Zero Fees: 2000 TPS, 2-second

blocktime, ~$0 gas fees, and EVM compatible. An array of

original features and protocols is designed to support speed,

privacy, usability, and liquidity needs all in one platform.

Haven Protocol (XHV)

Total Supply: 13,075,155 XHV

All Time High: $7.29

What is Haven Protocol?

Haven describes itself as an untraceable cryptocurrency with

a mix of standard market-pricing and real-world asset-

pegged value storage. It achieves this via a “mint and burn”

process within a single blockchain.In the simplest case, users

can burn Haven (XHV) for the equivalent USD value worth of

Haven Dollars (xUSD). To restore to a volatile state, the user

can equally burn xUSD for $1 USD worth of XHV. There are

plans to add other major currencies (e.g. CAD, GBP, EUR,

CNY, BTC, xAU (Gold) are intended to the Haven ecosystem

over time to allow users to choose a suitable pegging

mechanism for their needs.Haven's ultimate goal is to create

a private decentralized finance platform to include the

provision of crypto-backed loans and interest-bearing

savings accounts.


Ark (ARK)

Total Supply: 151,015,072 ARK

All Time High: $9.99

What is Ark?

ARK is a cryptocurrency and blockchain-based development

platform allowing anyone to create their own fully

customizable and interoperable blockchain. Reducing the

industries need for Smart Contracts by using custom

transactions, logic, and multiple programming languages.

ARK aims to solve the difficulty of working with blockchain

technology and developing solutions that satisfy various use

cases. The ARK Core Framework is designed to give

developers easier access to blockchain technology.

Stratis (STRAT)

Total Supply: 99,894,460 STRAT

All Time High: $22.66

What is Stratis?

Stratis (STRAT) is a blockchain-as-a-service provider that

supports C# and .NET development. Enterprises are able to

build their own private blockchains, which can be integrated

with the main Stratis blockchain.

Qtum (QTUM)

Total Supply: 102,616,432 QTUM

All Time High: $99.87

What is Qtum?

Qtum (QTUM) is a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) smart contract

blockchain platform and value transfer protocol. In PoS, node

operators are rewarded for validating transactions. Qtum is

built on Bitcoin's UTXO transaction model, with the added

functionality of smart contract execution.

Tezos (XTZ)

Total Supply: 737,884,799 XTZ

All Time High: $4.46

What is Tezos?

Tezos (XTZ) is a multi-purpose platform that supports

decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts. The

Tezos platform aims to combine a self-correcting protocol

and on-chain governance to manage network modifications,

and supports Turing complete smart contracts. Tezos works

by creating incentives for users to want to participate in the

core development of the Tezos protocol. However, the

blockchain also uses formal mathematical proofs to ensure

that certain critical properties of the Tezos protocol are

maintained, thus keeping the network decentralized.

Binance Coin (BNB)

Total Supply: 179,883,949 BNB

All Time High: $39.57

What is Binance Coin?

BNB can be used as a payment method, a utility token to pay

for fees on the Binance exchange and for participation in

token sales on the Binance launchpad. BNB also powers the

Binance DEX (decentralized exchange).


Swipe (SXP)

Total Supply: 299,969,953 SXP

All Time High: $2.26

What is Swipe?

Swipe is a multi-asset digital wallet application and Visa

debit card that enables users buy, sell, and spend various

cryptocurrencies. Swipe utilizes the Ethereum blockchain to

operate the Swipe Network.Swipe uses a two-layer approach

for its users to combine off-chain and on-chain function on

its platform which is powered by the Swipe Token (SXP). For

off-chain usage, supported cryptocurrencies can be instantly

converted to fiat and used on point of sale. When the Swipe

Network is activated in the platform, users receive a smart

contract wallet which uses SXP directly on-chain to perform

its functions. As functions are being called on the Swipe

Network, 80% of those SXP fees are automatically burned

creating a deflationary supply model.

Chainlink (LINK)

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 LINK

All Time High: $8.80

What is Chainlink?

Chainlink (LINK) is a decentralized oracle network which aims

to connect smart contracts with data from the real world.

LINK, the cryptocurrency native to the Chainlink decentralized

oracle network, is used to pay node operators. Chainlink is a

platform that aims to bridge the gap between blockchain

technology-based smart contracts (made widespread by

Ethereum), and real world applications. Since blockchains

cannot access data outside their network, oracles (a defi

instrument) are needed to function as data feeds in smart

contracts. In Chainlink's case, the oracles are connected to

the Ethereum network. Oracles provide external data (e.g.

temperature, weather) that trigger smart contract executions

upon the fulfillment of predefined conditions.

Dragonchain (DRGN)

Total Supply: 433,494,437 DRGN

All Time High: $5.27

What is Dragonchain?

Dragonchain is it’s own hybrid blockchain platform for small

businesses, enterprises, and developers. The public/private

hybrid blockchain platform also allows integration with

external blockchains and legacy systems through Interchain™,

integrating third party oracles, API's, IoT, supply chain, and

other business data. Dragonchain proved its interoperability

in 2016 and is currently using its Interchain™ to connect to

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Chain, and Ethereum Classic.

Easily migrate from off-chain, to on-chain, while remaining

GDPR capable. Developers can write their own smart

contracts in any coding language, such as C++, Go,

JavaScript, Java, Python, Ruby, Shell, C#, Hy, Rails, PHP and

others allowing them to build (decentralized) blockchain

applications on-premise or in multi-cloud environments.


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