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Nia Oliver


Dr. Dobson

December 12, 2022

Final Written Reflection

In the beginning of the semester, I set two SMART Goals that pertained to two

aspects of my health. The first goal was regarding my physical fitness and physical

health. I wanted to lose 10 pounds of fat in four weeks by implementing the 12/3/30

workout for 5 days a week into my regimen and lessening my caloric intake by 200kcal,

eating a total of 1200 calories a day. This was a goal of mine because I like how I feel

and look when I am 145 pounds compared to 155 pounds. Additionally, I figured it

would help prove to myself that I can stay dedicated and disciplined to complete a goal,

which in turn would make me feel better about myself. My second goal pertained to my

mental health. I wanted to decrease my anxiety symptoms and tendency to self-

sabotage by practicing mirror affirmations every morning for the entire semester. This

was a goal of mine because I struggled with mental health issues that impacted my

everyday life so implementing something that could help seemed great for my overall

well-being. Out of those two goals, I did not achieve any original goal in the time I

thought I would accomplish it. Even though I did not accomplish those goals, I am not

disappointed in myself. This is because it motivated me to refocus, regroup, and

determine how I am going to get back on track in order to achieve the goal established

in week one. Additionally, I did not feel disappointed in myself because I am aware that

everything may not occur exactly as planned and obstacles may appear. Because of
this, I was prepared to use goal evaluations because things of that nature can be

observed in goal evaluations which helped me learn from those setbacks in turn helping

create solutions/plans for those goals. In those evaluations, things such as busy

schedules, workouts that I picked being too strenuous, and falling victim to self-

defeating behaviors were all behaviors that I observed. There are several steps that I

am currently following to achieve the goals I set. I am defining the goal clearly and

specifically so that I have a clear understanding of what I want to achieve. For example,

I analyzed the actual reason why I wanted to lose weight. I am breaking my goal down

into smaller, more manageable tasks or objectives, which can help make the goal seem

more achievable and can help track my progress. For example, I'm creating minituare

goals that correlate to my overall goal such as losing 2 pounds in 1 week. I am creating

a plan or timeline for completing the tasks and objectives, which can help me stay

organized and on track. For example, I am using this advice for my school work and

time management so I dont create the obstacle of having a too busy schedule. I am

seeking out resources, such as advice from others or information online, that can help

me achieve my goal. For example, I asked Professor Dobson for physical advice and

seeked outside sources such as TikToks and blogposts of individuals who seemed

reputable. I am regularly reviewing and adjusting my plan as needed, to ensure that I

am making progress and staying on track. For example, I complete goal evaluations, as

stated before, to stay on top of possible obstacles and have solutions readily available

for those situations. Last but not least, I am celebrating my successes along the way,

and staying motivated and committed to achieving my goal.

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