Metabolismo de Nutrientes y Gasto Energético

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NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

REVIEWS Further Modeling Metabolic
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Kevin D. Hall
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from
by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

Laboratory of Biological Modeling, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and

Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892;

Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012. 32:35–54 Keywords

First published online as a Review in Advance on mathematical model, body weight, body composition, obesity, energy
April 23, 2012
balance, macronutrient balance
The Annual Review of Nutrition is online at Abstract
This article’s doi: Mathematical modeling of human energy regulation and body weight
change has recently reached the level of sophistication required for
0199-9885/12/0821-0035$20.00 accurate predictions. Mathematical models are beginning to pro-

This is a work of the U.S. Government and is vide a quantitative framework for integrating experimental data in
not subject to copyright protection in the humans and thereby help us better understand the dynamic imbalances
United States.
of energy and macronutrients that give rise to changes in body weight
and composition. This review provides an overview of the various ap-
proaches that have been used to model body weight dynamics and en-
ergy regulation in humans, highlights several insights that these models
have provided, and suggests how mathematical models can serve as a
guide for future experimental research.

NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

loss cures, and every bookshop has an extensive

Contents selection of best-selling diet books. Weight loss
has even become a form of entertainment, with
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
a proliferation of reality television programs de-
picting dramatic weight loss interventions.
COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
But despite increased public awareness and
ENERGY BALANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
investment in obesity research, a great deal of
Conversion Between Mass and
misinformation and confusion remains about
Metabolizable Energy . . . . . . . . . . . 38
the relationship between weight change, nu-
Energy Partition Models . . . . . . . . . . . 39
trition, and energy metabolism. Unfortunately,
these misconceptions are not limited to the
Modeling Macronutrient Balance . . . 41
general public but are also widespread among
the professional nutrition and metabolism com-
DYNAMICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
munities. For example, the so-called 3,500-
Thermic Effect of Feeding . . . . . . . . . 43
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from

Calorie-per-pound rule has almost ubiqui-

by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

Resting Metabolic Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

tously been misused to imply that cutting
Physical Activity Expenditure . . . . . . . 44
500 kcal/d from the daily diet will result in con-
Adaptive Thermogenesis and
stant weight loss rate of about one pound per
Metabolic Adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . 44
week (44). Such prescriptions have been em-
braced by official health and nutrition organi-
zations around the world (20, 69–71) and have
Is a Calorie a Calorie? The Effect
been erroneously used for individual weight
of Dietary Macronutrients
loss counseling as well as predicting the po-
on Body Composition . . . . . . . . . . . 45
tential impact of policy changes on population
Behavioral Adaptations to Energy
obesity prevalence (25, 32, 88, 89). Although
Imbalance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
it is generally acknowledged that weight loss
Weight Change Variability Due to
will gradually slow over time as a result of
the Uncertainty in Baseline
the decreasing energy requirements, the mag-
Energy Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 47
nitude and time course of the slowing were
Greater Weight and Body Fat Gain
difficult to determine since this is a dynamic
in Obesity for the Same
Increment in Energy Intake . . . . . 48
To help address these issues, dynamic math-
ematical models of human energy regula-
DIRECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
tion and weight change have been developed.
Although such modeling began in the 1970s
(1, 4, 74, 75), only within the past several
years have mathematical models become suffi-
INTRODUCTION ciently sophisticated to adequately capture the
The emergence of the worldwide obesity epi- most relevant physiology, guide experimental
demic (91) and its public health consequences research, and make accurate weight change pre-
(101) emphasizes the critical importance of un- dictions (33, 38, 43, 44, 94, 95). This review
derstanding human energy regulation and its provides an overview of different approaches to
effect on body weight and composition. In- mathematical modeling of body weight change
tense public interest in weight control has led and energy regulation in humans, highlights
to a proliferation of diet and exercise prod- several insights that these models have pro-
ucts, with Americans alone spending tens of bil- vided, and suggests how mathematical models
lions of dollars per year on these products (14). can serve as a guide for future experimental
Media advertisements promise miracle weight research.

36 Hall
NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

BODY WEIGHT AND BODY Body fat, protein, and glycogen comprise
COMPOSITION the stored energy of the body, and these stores
must be mobilized when the diet is insufficient
Body weight is an easily measured quantity that
to meet the body’s energy requirements.
has often been the primary variable of interest
Figure 1b illustrates the composition of the
in mathematical models of human energy regu-
body in terms of its energy content, with
lation (4, 12, 13, 56, 66). However, body weight
fat stored in adipose tissue providing the
is less important than body composition when
overwhelming majority of the available stored
it comes to health consequences. Thus, many
energy, especially in obesity. Despite dietary
models of human energy regulation have fo-
carbohydrate providing the majority of the
cused on predicting body composition change
body’s energy demands on a daily basis, glyco-
at some level of detail (1–3, 33, 38, 39, 43, 44,
gen represents a relatively insignificant store of
57, 74, 75, 94, 95, 102, 107).
energy (∼2,000 kcal). Body protein represents
Figure 1a illustrates the body composition
a substantial amount of energy, but in humans
in terms of body fat and fat-free mass in a typ-
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from

it is not a storage pool in the same sense as adi-

by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

ical obese man and lean man. Obesity is char-

pose tissue triglyceride. Rather, body proteins
acterized by a greatly expanded body fat mass
are functionally important and cannot be de-
but also an increased amount of fat-free mass.
pleted by a significant fraction without serious
Figure 1a also illustrates the chemical com-
complications and death. In contrast, fat stores
position of the fat-free mass, with water being
represent a considerable energy reserve, and
its greatest component. The absolute masses
body fat can be depleted to very low levels with-
of body protein and bone mineral are also in-
out substantial functional impairments (30, 61).
creased in obesity. Glycogen and cellular solids,
Many mathematical models of human en-
such as potassium and nucleic acids, contribute
ergy regulation have represented body fat as
a very small fraction of the fat-free mass.
well as fat-free mass components (1–3, 33, 38,

Figure 1
(a) The chemical composition of an obese 120 kg man (left) differs from that of a lean 70 kg man (right),
primarily as a result of the increased body fat mass. The fat-free mass (FFM) of the body is mostly water,
with a significant contribution of protein and bone mineral. Cellular solids and glycogen make up a very
small part of the chemical composition of the body. (b) Body energy stores are greatly expanded in the obese
man, primarily as a result of the increased body fat mass. • Modeling Metabolic Adaptations and Energy Regulation in Humans 37

NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

39, 43, 44, 57, 74, 75, 94, 95, 102, 107). A remains relatively unchanged when energy in-
recent model also includes rapid body water take deviates from an energy-balanced diet by
changes as a component of the fat-free mass that an amount EI. In that case, the energy balance
can be important contributors to early weight Equation 1 gives the following equation for
change (44). Only relatively complex compu- the rate of weight change, assuming a constant
tational models have represented the detailed value for ρ:
chemical composition of the body (33, 38).
= . (2)
dt ρ
In other words, the rate of weight change is a
Most mathematical models of human energy constant and depends only on the magnitude
regulation make the assumption that weight of the diet change, EI, and the energy den-
change is solely determined by an imbalance sity of the weight change, ρ. With the choice of
between dietary energy intake and the energy ρ = 3,500 kcal/lb, this erroneous equation en-
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from
by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

expended by the body to maintain life and per- capsulates the static 3,500-Calorie-per-pound
form physical work. The theoretical underpin- rule that has been ubiquitously misused to
ning of this energy balance concept is the first predict weight change (44).
law of thermodynamics, and all energy balance The most serious error of Equation 2 is that
models can be mathematically described by the the energy expenditure rate does not stay con-
following equation: stant but rather dynamically changes. Even the
d earliest mathematical model of human weight
(ρBW ) = EI − EE, (1)
dt change recognized that dynamic changes in en-
where the left side of the equation is the rate ergy expenditure must be taken into account
of change of body energy, with BW being the (4), and it is curious that the persistent erro-
body weight and ρ being an energy density con- neous use of Equation 2 remains so popular to
verting between units of metabolizable energy the present day. The assumption of a constant
and mass. The right side is the energy imbalance ρ = 3,500 kcal/lb is also an oversimplification
between the body’s energy intake rate, EI, and that will be dealt with forthwith.
energy expenditure rate, EE. Any of the terms
in the above equation can depend on time, t, as
well as other parameters. A conceptual repre- Conversion Between Mass
sentation of energy balance models is depicted and Metabolizable Energy
in Figure 2. A simple translation between the energy imbal-
A popular, but erroneous, application of the ance and the rate of weight change, dBW/dt,
energy balance concept involves the assump- occurs only if the energy density of the weight
tion that the energy expended by the body change, ρ, is a constant parameter. However,
as described above, the body is composed of
a variety of chemical constituents with widely
EI BW EE varying energy densities. For example, fat has
an energy density of about 9.4 kcal/g, whereas
Figure 2 protein and carbohydrate have energy densi-
Schematic depiction of the energy balance concept, ties of about 4.7 kcal/g and 4.2 kcal/g, respec-
in which changes in body weight, BW, are assumed tively (64). Other major chemical constituents
to result solely from an imbalance between energy
of the body, water being the most sizable, have
intake, EI, and energy expenditure, EE. Translating
an energy imbalance to a change in weight requires metabolizable energy densities of zero. Thus,
an assumption about the energy density of the translating a given energy imbalance to a rate of
weight change. weight change requires additional assumptions

38 Hall
NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

about the chemical composition of the weight

change. F L
The historical basis of the common ρ = (1-P) P
3,500 kcal/lb assumption can be traced to the
idea that body weight changes are primarily EI Δ EE
due to loss or gain of adipose tissue, which
is composed of about 87% triglyceride (110). Figure 3
But we know that body water significantly Schematic depiction of the energy partition concept,
contributes to overall weight change, especially where any energy imbalance, , is partitioned
between energy stored in body fat, F, or lean tissues,
over the first weeks following a reduced-calorie
L. The energy partition ratio, P, specifies the
diet (49). Because body water has no metab- fraction of the energy imbalance to/from lean tissue.
olizable energy content, early weight changes The energy densities of changes in L and F
have an energy density substantially lower than substantially differ. EE, energy expenditure;
3,500 kcal/lb (48). The mathematical models EI, energy intake.
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from

of Hall et al. (38, 44) are the only models to

by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

account for these early body water changes in Based on assumptions about the chemical com-
terms of both intracellular and extracellular position of lean and fat changes, the energy
fluids. densities have been estimated to be about
Longer-term changes in body fat are accom- ρ L = 1.8 kcal/g and ρ F = 9.4 kcal/g, respec-
panied by changes in lean tissue mass whose me- tively (35). The energy partition ratio, P, ranges
tabolizable energy density is significantly less between 0 and 1 and determines the proportion
than that of body fat (35). To model these of an energy imbalance directed to and from
longer-term body composition changes, Forbes lean versus fat mass. The energy partition con-
(28, 29) hypothesized that the proportion of cept is illustrated in Figure 3.
weight change resulting from lean versus fat The seminal energy partition model of
tissue is a nonlinear function of body fat. The Payne and Dugdale referred to P as the p-ratio,
Forbes hypothesis has since been extended and indicating that this factor determines the pro-
validated implying that ρ is a nonlinear function portion of an energy imbalance accounted for
of the body composition (34, 43, 93). Neverthe- by body protein changes since they ignored the
less, for small changes of weight from an initial contribution of glycogen (74, 75). Payne and
baseline it is valid to approximate the nonlinear Dugdale hypothesized that P was a constant
Forbes curve with a line, and the resulting slope parameter whose value could vary between peo-
gives a value for ρ. For moderately overweight ple and could thereby explain variable interindi-
and obese individuals, the ρ = 3,500 kcal/lb is vidual weight change for equivalent changes of
a reasonable approximation, but this value sig- diet.
nificantly overstates ρ for lean individuals (35). Applying the Forbes hypothesis to the
energy partition model reveals that P is a
nonlinear function of F: P = C/(C+F),
Energy Partition Models where C = 10.4 kg × ρ L /ρ F , as depicted in
To explicitly model body composition change, Figure 4 (11, 34). The initial value of P can
the energy balance Equation 1 can be written be quite diverse for individuals with very differ-
as a pair of equations for the changes in both ent fat mass, in agreement with the Payne and
lean tissue, L, and body fat, F: Dugdale hypothesis. However, the nonlinear-
ity of the Forbes body composition curve sug-
dL gests that P is not a fixed parameter because it
ρL = P(E I − E E)
dt depends continuously on the fat mass, which
. (3)
dF can change considerably with large weight
ρF = (1 − P)(E I − E E) changes.
dt • Modeling Metabolic Adaptations and Energy Regulation in Humans 39

NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

0.3 those in which the body fat approaches zero

Energy partition ratio (P )

In his early twentieth-century textbook,
0.1 Food and the Principles of Dietetics, Robert
Hutchison (50) compared the human body
to a steam engine, noting that “The building
material of food corresponds to the metal of
which the engine is constructed, the energy-
0 25 50 75 100
producers to the fuel which is used to heat
Body fat (kg)
the boiler. Where the body differs from the
Figure 4 engine is that it is able to use part of the
The Forbes hypothesis for the energy partition ratio, P, as a nonlinear function
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from

material of its construction for fuel also” (50).

by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

of the body fat mass.

A more modern engineering analogy might
be an automobile that can run on an arbitrary
Weinsier et al. (102) were the first to use the mixture of different fuels (37). Such a flex-fuel
nonlinear Forbes relationship in an energy par- vehicle would allow the driver to fill the tank
tition model. A recent energy partition model with whatever fuel was cheaper or more readily
also used the Forbes relationship to describe available, regardless of what mixture is already
body fat and lean tissue changes but added the in the tank. Although designing a flex-fuel
effect of diet on extracellular fluid mass along vehicle would be a significant engineering
with changes of glycogen and its associated challenge, imagine the additional complexity
intracellular water (44). These modifications if the vehicle could have no fuel tank. Rather,
substantially improved the model’s ability to the vehicle itself must be composed of its
simulate rapid changes of total body water that fuel and must continually break down and
underlie most of the initial weight loss fol- reconstruct its components. Furthermore,
lowing the induction of low-calorie, and espe- despite the daily turnover of its components
cially low-carbohydrate and low-sodium, diets and fluctuations of fuel delivery, the compo-
(49). sition of the vehicle must remain relatively
More similar to the original Payne and stable and maintain similar performance
Dugdale hypothesis, Kozusko (57) used a characteristics.
nonlinear function of the initial body fat to Exactly this remarkable engineering feat
determine a constant value of P for each is accomplished by the human body through
dynamic simulation. Westerterp et al. (107) its use of the three dietary macronutrients
considered a more complex algorithm for de- (carbohydrate, fat, and protein) to both fuel
termining P based on body fat as well as energy metabolism and provide substrates for body
intake. Thomas et al. (93–95) determined P constituents. These macronutrients are ob-
by generating several polynomial equations to tained from the diet, with about 50% of the
fit cross-sectional body composition data from energy derived from carbohydrate, 35% from
men and women of different racial groups. fat, and 15% from protein (5). However, these
Despite the increased complexity of their pro- average diet proportions can vary widely from
posed equations for calculating P, these authors person to person and also from day to day.
showed that the simple Forbes equation pro- Complex physiological mechanisms maintain
vided more accurate predictions of longitudinal normal functioning of the body despite marked
body composition change for all cases except fluctuations of diet quantity and composition.

40 Hall
NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

FI EI-FI are special cases of the more general macronu-

trient balance model (11, 39). For example,
when the simple macronutrient balance model
is constrained so that L and F follow along the
Forbes nonlinear body composition curve, the
FatOx EE-FatOx resulting model is equivalent to the energy par-
tition model described by Equation 3 with the
Figure 5
energy partition ratio P shown in Figure 4 (11).
Schematic depiction of the simple macronutrient
Although it is more general than the energy bal-
balance concept, where changes in body fat, F, are
determined by an imbalance between fat intake, FI, ance and energy partition models, the macronu-
and fat oxidation, FatOx, and changes in lean mass, trient balance model also obeys the first law of
L, are determined by the remaining energy thermodynamics.
imbalance. EE, energy expenditure; EI, energy The equivalence of Equations 3 and 4
under the constraint of a specified body com-
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from

position relationship provides a quantitative ex-

by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

Modeling Macronutrient Balance

planation of how interactions between diet,
Although the molecular, cellular, and phys- energy expenditure, and fat oxidation are con-
iological mechanisms underlying the regula- nected to changes of body composition (11, 39).
tion of human macronutrient metabolism are Hall et al. (39) thereby derived an equation
exceedingly complex, the whole-body system that accurately predicted the observed changes
obeys thermodynamic laws that constrain its of body composition and metabolic fuel se-
dynamics in ways that make the overall system lection during both experimental under- and
amenable to mathematical modeling (11). For overfeeding in adult humans when the mea-
example, macronutrient imbalances between sured food intake and total energy expenditure
dietary intake and metabolic utilization under- were provided as inputs to the model. A similar
lie changes of stored fat, glycogen, and protein approach was used to calculate metabolic fuel
and result in changes in the chemical compo- selection during normal human infant growth
sition of the body. Thus, models of macronu- and provided the first dynamic picture of how
trient balance calculate dynamic changes in the metabolism adapts in concert with changes of
chemical composition of the body as a result diet and energy expenditure to give rise to nor-
of imbalances between intake and utilization mal tissue deposition over the first two years of
of macronutrients (33, 38). The overall body life (51).
weight change is just the sum of the individual Equation 4 represents a simplified version
changes in body constituents. of a more comprehensive computational model
The simplest mathematical model of of human macronutrient balance and its rela-
macronutrient balance and its relationship to tionship to body composition change (33, 38).
body composition change can be expressed as: The computational model quantitatively tracks
dL the metabolism of all three dietary macronu-
ρL = (EI − FI) − (EE − FatOx)
dt trients and simulates how diet changes result in
, (4)
dF adaptations of whole-body energy expenditure,
ρF = FI − FatOx
dt metabolic fuel selection, and alterations in
where FI is the energy intake from dietary fat the major whole-body fluxes contributing to
and FatOx is the net energy derived from fat macronutrient balance. The macronutrient
oxidation. The simple macronutrient balance balance model is conceptually depicted in
model is conceptually illustrated in Figure 5. Figure 6 and mathematically represented by
Both energy balance models and energy par- the following equations describing changes in
tition models described by Equations 1 and 3 the body’s energy stores of glycogen (G), fat • Modeling Metabolic Adaptations and Energy Regulation in Humans 41

NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

(F ), and protein (P): FI CI PI

ρC = CI − DNL + GNGp DNL
dt F G P
+ GNGf − G3P − CarbOx GNGf

ρF = FI + εd DNL − KUexcr , (5)
dt FatOx CarbOx ProtOx
− (1 − εk )KTG − FatOx
Figure 6
ρP = PI − GNGp − ProtOx Schematic depiction of the macronutrient balance
dt model, in which changes in body glycogen, G, fat,
where ρ C , ρ F , and ρ P are the energy densities F, and protein, P, are determined by the imbalances
between various macronutrient fluxes (arrows).
of carbohydrate, fat, and protein, respectively.
Contributions of exchange fluxes, such as
The macronutrient intake rates, CI, FI, and PI, gluconeogenesis, GNG, and de novo lipogenesis,
refer to the metabolizable energy intake rates DNL, contribute to imbalances between the intake
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from

of dietary carbohydrate, fat, and protein, re- and oxidation rates of carbohydrate, fat, and protein.
by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

spectively. The rates of gluconeogenesis from CarbOx, carbohydrate oxidation; CI, carbohydrate
intake; FatOx, fat oxidation; FI, fat intake;
amino acids and glycerol are indicated by GNGp
PI, protein intake; ProtOx, protein oxidation.
and GNGf , respectively. The efficiencies of de
novo lipogenesis, DNL, and ketogenesis, KTG,
are represented by the parameters εd and εk , re- human metabolism to consider all three di-
spectively. When the ketogenic rate increases, etary macronutrients and accurately simulate
ketones are excreted in the urine at the rate the metabolic and body composition changes in
KUexcr . Some flux of carbohydrates is provided response to diet and physical activity changes in
for the production of glycerol 3-phosphate, a wide variety of subject groups.
G3P, which is used in the synthesis of triglyc-
eride. The oxidation rates CarbOx, FatOx, and
ProtOx, sum to the energy expenditure rate, ENERGY EXPENDITURE
EE, less the small amount heat produced via DYNAMICS
flux through ketogenic and de novo lipogenic When diet or physical activities are changed,
pathways. Turnover of glycogen, fat, and the body’s metabolic fuel selection and the en-
protein and the corresponding energy costs are ergy expenditure rate dynamically adapt. All
also included in the model. To account for body mathematical models designed to accurately
water shifts with diets that vary in macronu- predict body weight and composition change
trient as well as sodium content, the model must somehow account for these energy ex-
also tracks intracellular and extracellular fluid penditure dynamics to avoid the same fatal flaw
changes. of the static 3,500-Calorie-per-pound weight
The main model assumptions are that loss rule. Figure 7 depicts the energy expen-
changes of the body’s energy stores are given diture components for examples of relatively
by the sum of metabolic fluxes entering the sedentary lean and obese men. The obese man
pools minus the fluxes exiting the pools. Hence, requires several hundred additional kcal/d to
the computational model obeys the first law maintain his increased weight compared to the
of thermodynamics, and the most recent ver- lean man. Although this general dependence
sion was developed using published human data of weight on energy expenditure may be cap-
from over 50 experimental studies and was val- tured by a simple model of body weight alone,
idated by comparing model predictions with more realistic models of energy expenditure in-
the results of several controlled feeding stud- clude its multiple physiological components:
ies not used for model development (38). To the thermic effect of feeding, resting metabolic
date, this is the only mathematical model of rate, and physical activity.

42 Hall
NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

Resting Metabolic Rate

The resting metabolic rate (RMR) corresponds
to the energy expended by the body when
not performing physical work and is typically
the largest contribution to the total energy
expenditure rate. Contrary to popular belief,
obese people generally have a higher absolute
RMR compared to lean people (Figure 7).
Readily available clinical measures (e.g., sex,
height, weight, and age) have been used along
with RMR measurements to generate empir-
ical prediction equations with RMR being an
increasing function of body weight, commonly
a linear or a power law relationship. Although
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from
by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

several mathematical models have used this

Figure 7
simplified approach to modeling RMR (4, 94,
95), it has long been recognized that the main
The total energy expenditure in relatively sedentary
obese and lean men, comprising the thermic effect contributor to the RMR is the fat-free mass
of feeding, resting metabolic rate, and the physical because it comprises the metabolically active
activity. tissues of the body (15).
Fat-free mass is elevated in obesity along
with the increased body fat mass, which also
Thermic Effect of Feeding contributes to increased RMR in obesity. The
The smallest component of the total energy linear relationship between RMR and fat-free
expenditure rate in humans is the thermic mass is identical in obese and lean people (15,
effect of feeding (also called diet-induced ther- 108). This means that the elevated RMR in
mogenesis or specific dynamic action), defined obesity is generally in line with what is expected
as the increase of metabolic rate observed for for the body composition of obese people.
several hours following the ingestion of a meal. Although fat-free mass and, to a lesser ex-
The thermic effect of feeding is believed to tent, fat mass are good predictors of RMR, such
represent the energy cost of digestion and models explain only about 70% of interindi-
absorption as well as the storage and metabolic vidual RMR variability, such that for a given
fate of dietary macronutrients (106). Although body composition the RMR standard deviation
the precise mechanisms underlying the thermic is about 300 kcal/d (15, 108). Since there is a
effect of feeding are not fully understood, there large range of specific metabolic rates among
is a clear dietary macronutrient hierarchy various organs that contribute to the fat-free
in the magnitude of the metabolic rate in- mass (21), some of this residual RMR variabil-
crease after feeding, with protein causing a ity may be due to differences in organ masses.
greater increment than carbohydrate, which Magnetic resonance imaging methodologies
is greater than that of fat. The computational have been used to quantify organ sizes and, us-
model of macronutrient balance accounts for ing assumptions regarding the organ-specific
this hierarchy (33, 38), but all other energy metabolic rates, RMR prediction equations that
balance and energy partition models ignore sum the individual metabolic rates of various
the macronutrient effect and assume that organs explain about 80% of the RMR vari-
the thermic effect of feeding is given by an ability (31, 67, 68). Thus, increasingly detailed
overall proportion of energy intake, typically knowledge of body composition may improve
∼7%–14%. RMR predictions. • Modeling Metabolic Adaptations and Energy Regulation in Humans 43

NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

The Payne and Dugdale energy partition activity despite obese people typically being
model was the first to discriminate between less active. With weight loss, it costs less energy
“fast” and “slow” lean tissue contributions to perform most physical activities, and there-
to RMR (74, 75). More recently, the com- fore the physical activity expenditure typically
putational model of macronutrient balance decreases unless the quantity or intensity of
(38) incorporated how changes in the sizes of physical activity increases to compensate.
various organs affect RMR, assuming linear All previous mathematical models of human
relationships between changes of fat-free mass energy expenditure include the body weight
and various organ sizes based on cross-sectional effect on physical activity expenditure. Some
data from 110 men and women with body models further subdivide physical activity ex-
mass index (BMI) between 18 and 37 kg/m2 penditure into volitional activities (e.g., exer-
(D. Gallagher, personal communication). Of cise) and low-intensity spontaneous physical
course, longitudinal organ mass changes with activity or nonexercise activity thermogenesis
weight gain and loss need not follow the (38, 94, 95).
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from

cross-sectional relationships; this possibility

by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

requires experimental investigation.

Another potentially important contributor Adaptive Thermogenesis and
to RMR dynamics involves flux changes Metabolic Adaptation
through various energy-requiring metabolic During active weight loss, both RMR and en-
pathways. The major macronutrient fluxes ergy expenditure have been observed to de-
of gluconeogenesis, de novo lipogenesis, crease to an extent greater than expected based
triglyceride synthesis, and protein turnover on the measured body weight and composition
all require energy, and these flux rates can be change (18, 19, 46, 60, 83). Furthermore, this
significantly influenced by the energy content improved energy efficiency appears to persist
of the diet as well as its composition. For once energy balance is established at a lower
example, the breakdown and resynthesis of body weight (82), although the magnitude of
body fat requires eight molecules of adenosine this persistent effect is smaller than during ac-
triphosphate (ATP) per molecule of triglyc- tive weight loss, and its existence has been
eride (22), and the flux through this pathway is controversial (26, 104). Conversely, overfeed-
strongly influenced by dietary carbohydrate via ing and weight gain can result in highly vari-
insulin’s inhibition of lipolysis. Similarly, pro- able increases of energy expenditure that can
tein synthesis requires four ATP per peptide be greater than expected based on the observed
bond plus one ATP for amino acid transport weight gain (62, 63). Collectively, these phe-
(6). Such energy-requiring metabolic fluxes nomena have been called adaptive thermogen-
have been incorporated into computational esis (65, 83) or metabolic adaptation (58, 80).
models of macronutrient balance (33, 38) and In the case of overfeeding, the term luxuskon-
may explain the observed energy cost of tissue sumption has been used to describe adaptive
deposition that is especially important during increases in energy expenditure (79).
growth and weight gain (36). Most mathematical models of energy reg-
ulation in humans have ignored such adaptive
changes in energy efficiency, although several
Physical Activity Expenditure have attempted to account for such effects (33,
The physical activities of humans typically 38, 41, 43, 44, 56, 57, 72, 94, 95, 107). The
involve locomotion, and the energy costs are energy partition models of Hall et al. (41, 43,
determined by the duration and intensity of 44) incorporated adaptive thermogenesis as an
physical activity in proportion to the overall additive term that was a linear function of the
body weight (98). Thus, obese and lean people energy intake change. In these models, the
can have similar daily energy costs for physical value of the adaptive thermogenesis parameter

44 Hall
NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

was chosen to match changes in overall energy organ sizes were not measured. Conversely,
expenditure measured before and after approx- the computational model of macronutri-
imately stable weight loss (43). When active ent balance that accounts for alterations of
weight loss is followed by subsequent weight energy-requiring metabolic fluxes as well as
stabilization, the change in energy intake organ mass changes required an adaptive
required for the weight loss phase is greater thermogenesis model variable to explain the
than that required for weight stabilization at observed average decrease in both RMR and
the reduced weight. Thus, modeling adaptive total energy expenditure with weight loss (33,
thermogenesis as a function of the energy 38). The adaptive thermogenesis model was
intake change has the natural consequence a linear function of the reduction in energy
of increasing its magnitude in situations of intake below baseline and was used to suppress
active weight loss, in agreement with obser- the metabolic rate of all organs as well as
vations (104). A similar approach was used by reduce the energy expended in spontaneous
Westerterp et al. (107), who added an energy physical activity. The mechanistic basis of such
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from

expenditure reduction term to account for the a metabolic adaptation is unclear but may be
by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

effect of the degree of energy imbalance on related to reduced sympathetic drive or blunted
metabolic rate. In contrast, the energy partition thyroid activity, possibly as a result of decreased
models of Thomas et al. (94, 95) used a constant circulating leptin (58, 81, 83–85, 103).
parameter to model the metabolic adaptation Interestingly, the adaptive thermogenesis
of RMR with weight loss and did not distin- effect was not required to accurately simulate
guish between active weight loss and weight overfeeding and weight gain in the compu-
stabilization. Kozusko (56, 57) considered a tational model of macronutrient balance (33,
set-point model of adaptive thermogenesis as 38). Similarly, the energy partition models
a function of the body weight itself. of Westerterp et al. (107) and Thomas et al.
Experimental quantification of the adaptive (94, 95) required a metabolic adaptation param-
thermogenesis magnitude depends on the eter to explain changes of energy expenditure
definition of the expected values for RMR with weight loss but not weight gain. If correct,
and total energy expenditure. Typically, such an asymmetry in energy regulation
cross-sectional regression equations are used suggests that the body is neutral to overfeeding
to calculate the expected values, using for RMR and weight gain but actively resists weight
and total energy expenditure measurements loss by improving its energy efficiency during
derived either from baseline body composition underfeeding—much to the dismay of over-
data in the same subjects (46, 60, 80) or from weight and obese people wishing to lose weight.
a separate group of similar subjects (18, 19).
But such expected values for RMR and energy
expenditure ignore the possible changes in INSIGHTS OBTAINED FROM
organ size distribution as well as changes in MATHEMATICAL MODELS
fluxes through energy-requiring metabolic
Is a Calorie a Calorie? The Effect
pathways during over- or underfeeding
of Dietary Macronutrients
(described above). Whether such consider-
on Body Composition
ations can explain the observed changes in
energy efficiency is unclear. A topic of great popular interest is the rela-
Novotny & Rumpler (72) used a mathe- tive effectiveness of weight loss diets varying
matical model to investigate the impact of a in macronutrient composition (92). While fully
disproportionate reduction of high-metabolic- complying with the laws of thermodynamics,
rate organs during weight loss and found macronutrient balance models allow for the
that such changes could potentially explain possibility that body weight may depend on
the observed reduction of RMR, but the the diet composition because the energy stored • Modeling Metabolic Adaptations and Energy Regulation in Humans 45

NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

per unit mass of carbohydrate, fat, and protein Another argument against the concept that
varies considerably, especially when account- “a calorie is a calorie” is that the diet com-
ing for the intracellular water associated with position can have a significant impact on the
stored glycogen and protein. Furthermore, di- flux pattern through various energy-requiring
etary carbohydrates have an impact on renal metabolic pathways and may thereby affect
sodium excretion via insulin (16), which re- the body’s energy expenditure rate (23, 24).
sults in concomitant changes in extracellular Despite the attractive theoretical possibility of
fluid volume. Therefore, when the composi- a significant “metabolic advantage” of one diet
tion of the diet is altered, transient changes over another, simulations using a computa-
in macronutrient stores and body fluid shifts tional model that includes the contributions
will result in an expected body weight change of energy-requiring metabolic fluxes (38) sug-
even when the energy content of the diet is held gest that the overall effect of diet composition
constant (99). on energy expenditure appears to be relatively
A more important consideration is whether modest, especially when dietary protein is un-
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from

body fat mass depends on the macronutrient changed. Specifically, the model predicts that
by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

composition of the diet. Proponents of low- large isocaloric exchanges of dietary carbohy-
carbohydrate diets for weight loss emphasize drate and fat will result in energy expenditure
the ability of dietary carbohydrate to influ- changes of around 100 kcal/d. These model re-
ence adipose tissue fat storage via circulating sults agree with experimental observations (86),
insulin (92). Therefore, it is claimed that and therefore the assumption that a “calorie is a
body fat changes depend primarily on dietary calorie” may be a reasonable first approximation
carbohydrate and not the energy content of over relatively short time periods. However,
the diet. Macronutrient balance models allow even small differences in energy expenditure
for this possibility, but energy balance and and macronutrient balance can theoretically
energy partition models assume that “a calorie lead to significant differences of body weight
is a calorie” (8) and therefore all equivalently and composition if the diets are maintained over
reduced energy diets should lead to identical long periods. A 100 kcal/d difference in energy
body fat loss regardless of their macronutrient expenditure alone could lead to an initial body
composition. However, this assumption is fat imbalance of about 10 g/d. Using current
not an obvious or necessary consequence of body composition methods, it would require a
the first law of thermodynamics because the sustained period of about 100 days to detect
more general macronutrient balance models such a difference in body fat. Nevertheless, this
allow for an effect of diet composition while possibility requires further investigation.
also obeying the law of energy conservation.
In fact, to achieve an independence of body
fat on the macronutrient content of the diet Behavioral Adaptations
requires a robust physiological control system to Energy Imbalance
to precisely adapt metabolic fuel selection to Energy imbalance and weight change can
the diet composition (37). Nevertheless, most influence behaviors that directly affect energy
inpatient studies with adequately controlled intake and/or expenditure. For example,
diets have shown little impact of diet composi- outpatient weight loss interventions geared
tion on body weight and fat mass changes (55, to reducing energy intake typically result in a
59, 100, 105, 111, 112), but there are notable period of weight loss that plateaus after about
exceptions (52, 77, 78). Thus, it remains to be six to eight months, followed by slow weight
determined whether the physiology regulating regain (47, 90). The well-known deficiencies
metabolic fuel selection can fully adapt to in assessing free-living energy intake (97, 109)
diet composition over extended time periods make it extraordinarily difficult to interpret
without resulting in body fat mass changes. such results, and mathematical models have

46 Hall
NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

recently been proposed to address this difficulty and a corresponding reduction in subsequent
by estimating changes of free-living energy spontaneous physical activity. Hence, appli-
intake using longitudinal measurements of cation of the model of Thomas et al. requires
body weight (38, 40, 96). Such models have a priori knowledge of the highly variable
shown that the typical weight loss, plateau, and response characteristics of the individual.
regain trajectory was likely due to short-lived The highly variable behavioral adaptations
adherence to the prescribed diet that was pro- to energy imbalance pose a significant challenge
gressively relaxed over the first year to return for modeling individual weight changes. Rather
to the preintervention level (38, 44). Thus, an than attempting to directly simulate these be-
energy imbalance resulting in transient weight havior changes, models that start by assum-
loss leads to an eventual adaptation of behavior ing no effect might be used to help estimate
to return to the original lifestyle. the magnitude of any behavioral adaptations by
Another example of a behavioral adapta- measuring the difference between the measured
tion to energy imbalance is the compensatory and model-predicted weight change. Further-
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from

changes in energy intake when a physical ac- more, models that can quantitatively integrate
by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

tivity program is added. In particular, engaging physiological data collected during the inter-
in many weeks of supervised exercise leads to a vention may be used to better characterize be-
wide range of individual weight changes, with havioral adaptations in the overall context of
some people gaining weight and others having energy and macronutrient balance.
greater-than-expected weight loss (7, 10, 53,
54). These results imply that volitional phys-
ical activity can have a wide range of effects on Weight Change Variability
energy intake and/or other components of total Due to the Uncertainty in Baseline
energy expenditure. Energy Requirements
Under- and overfeeding may also signifi- Calculating the energy imbalance generated
cantly influence physical activity expenditure, by a given diet requires knowing the energy
especially nonvolitional spontaneous physical requirement to maintain the baseline body
activity (62, 63). This effect is very difficult weight. Unfortunately, even the specialized
to model because of the highly variable in- and expensive doubly labeled water method
terindividual response. Thomas et al. (94, 95) cannot measure the initial energy requirements
attempted to account for the average change in of a free-living individual with a precision
spontaneous physical activity in the presence better than ∼5% (87). The uncertainty of the
of this variability. However, the mathematical baseline energy requirements translates to an
equation used to model this effect has two expected interindividual variability of weight
constraints on its use. First, the model is change even if adherence to a prescribed diet
not applicable during prolonged substantial is perfect (44). This is a fundamental limitation
underfeeding because the equation allows for on a model’s ability to precisely predict the
the possibility of negative values for the spon- body weight time course of an individual.
taneous physical activity expenditure that is For example, assuming a ± 150 kcal/d un-
not physiological. Second, the model requires certainty in the initial energy expenditure
that changes in any other component of total requirements, the dotted curves in Figure 8a
energy expenditure are positively correlated to illustrate the minimum expected weight gain
changes in spontaneous physical activity. For variability during a study intending to over-
example, increased volitional physical activity feed subjects by 500 kcal/d above baseline
or exercise in the Thomas model necessarily energy requirements. In this example, the
results in an increased spontaneous physical energy partition model of Hall et al. (44)
activity. Such an effect would not apply to was used to simulate multiple runs of the
people where added exercise results in fatigue same 70-kg “virtual study subject,” assuming • Modeling Metabolic Adaptations and Energy Regulation in Humans 47

NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

a energy regulation. For example, Figure 8b

illustrates the predicted average weight change
74 for a 500 kcal/d increase of daily energy intake
Body weight (kg)

in both a 120 kg man and a 70 kg man using an

73 energy partition model (44). Although the av-
erage weight gain over the first year is compara-
ble, it takes longer for the 120 kg man to reach
71 half of the maximum weight change compared
with the 70 kg man, and both men require sev-
70 eral years to begin to stabilize at a new weight
0 2 4 6 8 plateau. Mechanistically, these different aver-
Time (weeks) age weight change predictions result from the
b nonlinear relationship between body fat and the
fraction of weight change accounted for by in-
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from

35 creased lean tissue. Thus, persons with higher

by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

Initial BW = 120 kg
30 initial body fat have a greater fraction of their
Weight gain (kg)

25 weight change attributable to increased body

Initial BW = 70 kg
fat versus lean tissue. Because body fat con-
tributes less than lean tissue to RMR and over-
all energy expenditure, the person with higher
10 initial body fat must gain a greater amount of
5 weight to achieve a new state of energy balance
0 (37, 43, 44).
0 2 4 6 8 10 This finding of increased weight gain in
Time (years) obese versus lean individuals for the same in-
Figure 8
crement of energy intake is shared by all math-
ematical models that include nonlinear body
(a) Model-predicted body weight gain (solid curve) and its minimum expected
range of variability (dotted curves) in response to 500 kcal/d of overfeeding composition changes as well as the differen-
assuming perfect adherence. (b) Greater model-predicted weight gain in tial effect of lean versus fat tissue on RMR
response to 500 kcal/d of overfeeding in an initially obese 120 kg man (dashed (37, 43, 44, 102). It is also a feature of models
curve) compared with an initially lean 70 kg man (solid curve). BW, body weight. where energy expenditure increases sublinearly
with body weight (4, 94, 95) because the same
perfect diet adherence and only differing in the weight change at a higher initial body weight re-
estimate of the baseline energy expenditure. sults in a smaller change of energy expenditure.
The variability of weight gain in a real over- In other words, a sublinear increase of energy
feeding study would likely be substantially expenditure with increased body weight indi-
greater given that people may have variable rectly reproduces the nonlinear body composi-
changes in spontaneous physical activity (62, tion effect on RMR. This results in increased
63) and different physiological responses to the predicted weight gain for the same increment
diet as well as different levels of diet adherence. in energy intake for people with greater initial
These mathematical model predictions that
Greater Weight and Body Fat Gain the same increment of energy intake leads to
in Obesity for the Same Increment increased weight gain in overweight and obese
in Energy Intake people may help explain the observed increased
Another source of weight change variability positive skewness of the U.S. population’s BMI
results from physiological differences that are distribution over time (27). In other words, if
captured by mathematical models of human the same average increase in energy intake were

48 Hall
NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

added to all individuals across BMI categories, the anatomical location of body fat, especially
then mathematical models predict that more in visceral adipose tissue, has profound clinical
weight would be gained in people with larger importance, and mathematical models have
BMIs, thereby pushing out the upper tail of the only just begun to capture the relationship be-
BMI distribution with time. Whether this ef- tween body fat changes in various depots during
fect is sufficient to explain the evolving shape of weight loss and gain (42, 45). Furthermore,
the BMI distribution is an intriguing question. even the most detailed computational models of
macronutrient metabolism implicitly represent
the effect of hormones such as insulin, but an
CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE explicit representation of organ systems along
DIRECTIONS with concentrations of hormones and metabo-
In the physical sciences, there is a long history lites would be desirable—especially on shorter
of developing mathematical models that quan- time scales so that the response to individual
titatively describe past data and predict the re- meals could be simulated (17, 73). Conversely,
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from

sults of key new experiments. Such quantitative capturing the dynamics of energy regulation
by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

models have been relatively rare in the biomedi- and body composition change during aging as
cal sciences, possibly because biological systems well as during childhood and adolescent growth
are highly complex, and defining the important (9) will require extending current mathematical
variables is often difficult. Fortunately, models models to operate on much longer time scales.
of human energy regulation and macronutri- An editorial describing the future of
ent metabolism are constrained by conservation biomedical research remarked that “formula-
principles and knowledge of the main metabolic tion of a mathematical model is the ultimate
pathways that contribute to whole-body test of understanding . . . If the model repro-
imbalances. duces the behavior of the system under a range
A guiding principle when developing a of conditions and predicts the consequences
mathematical model is to target its complex- of . . . modifications in any component, one can
ity to the class of phenomena that the model be relatively confident about understanding
is intended to address. Mathematical models of the system” (76). As highlighted in this review,
human energy regulation and body weight dy- much progress has been made on integrat-
namics have ranged in complexity from detailed ing past research on human nutrition and
computational models that accurately simulate metabolism into self-consistent and predictive
dynamic changes in macronutrient metabolism mathematical models of energy regulation and
and body composition to overly simplified static body composition change. Such models can
weight loss models that fail to capture the most highlight knowledge gaps, integrate metabolic
basic features of body weight dynamics. Most data within a broader context of knowledge,
other models fall between these extremes and and make testable predictions, thereby helping
have been used to provide important insights design new experiments. Indeed, the best
regarding human energy regulation and body mathematical models will never replace exper-
weight change. imental research but rather will be used to help
Despite significant progress, much work re- design the key experiments that, in turn, will
mains for improving and expanding the existing help improve the mathematical models and our
mathematical models of human energy regu- understanding of the human energy regulation
lation and body weight change. For example, system.

The author is not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might
be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review. • Modeling Metabolic Adaptations and Energy Regulation in Humans 49

NU32CH03-Hall ARI 18 June 2012 11:10

The author thanks Caron C. Chow for his critical reading of the manuscript and the suggested
improvements. The author’s research was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the
NIH, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

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Annual Review of
Contents Volume 32, 2012

An Unexpected Life in Nutrition

Malden C. Nesheim p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Michael J. Pagliassotti p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p17
Modeling Metabolic Adaptations and Energy Regulation in Humans
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from
by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

Kevin D. Hall p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p35

Hypomagnesemia and Inflammation: Clinical and Basic Aspects
William B. Weglicki p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p55
Selenoproteins and Cancer Prevention
Cindy D. Davis, Petra A. Tsuji, and John A. Milner p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p73
The Role of Vitamin D in Pregnancy and Lactation:
Insights from Animal Models and Clinical Studies
Christopher S. Kovacs p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p97
Vitamin A Metabolism in Rod and Cone Visual Cycles
John C. Saari p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 125
Lipoprotein Lipase in the Brain and Nervous System
Hong Wang and Robert H. Eckel p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 147
New Roles of HDL in Inflammation and Hematopoiesis
Xuewei Zhu and John S. Parks p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 161
Nutritional Metabolomics: Progress in Addressing Complexity
in Diet and Health
Dean P. Jones, Youngja Park, and Thomas R. Ziegler p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 183
Resolvins: Anti-Inflammatory and Proresolving Mediators Derived
from Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
Michael J. Zhang and Matthew Spite p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 203
Visfatin/NAMPT: A Multifaceted Molecule with Diverse Roles
in Physiology and Pathophysiology
Tuva B. Dahl, Sverre Holm, Pål Aukrust, and Bente Halvorsen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 229
Gene-Environment Interactions in the Development of Type 2
Diabetes: Recent Progress and Continuing Challenges
Marilyn C. Cornelis and Frank B. Hu p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 245

NU32-FrontMatter ARI 26 June 2012 13:26

Mechanisms of Inflammatory Responses in Obese Adipose Tissue

Shengyi Sun, Yewei Ji, Sander Kersten, and Ling Qi p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 261
Bone Metabolism in Obesity and Weight Loss
Sue A. Shapses and Deeptha Sukumar p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 287
Obesity in Cancer Survival
Niyati Parekh, Urmila Chandran, and Elisa V. Bandera p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 311
Inflammation in Alcoholic Liver Disease
H. Joe Wang, Bin Gao, Samir Zakhari, and Laura E. Nagy p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 343
Lessons Learned from Randomized Clinical Trials of Micronutrient
Supplementation for Cancer Prevention
Susan T. Mayne, Leah M. Ferrucci, and Brenda Cartmel p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 369
Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2012.32:35-54. Downloaded from
by Texas Biomedical Research Institute on 04/25/13. For personal use only.

Population-Level Intervention Strategies and Examples for Obesity

Prevention in Children
Jennifer L. Foltz, Ashleigh L. May, Brook Belay, Allison J. Nihiser,
Carrie A. Dooyema, and Heidi M. Blanck p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 391
Type 2 Diabetes in Asians: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Effectiveness
of Behavioral Intervention at Individual and Population Levels
Mary Beth Weber, Reena Oza-Frank, Lisa R. Staimez, Mohammed K. Ali,
and K.M. Venkat Narayan p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 417


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 28–32 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 441

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 28–32 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 444


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