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SEMARANG UNDIP NEWSLETTER– Magister and Doctoral Program of History, Faculty of

Humanities, Universitas Diponegoro organized a Public Lecture on strategies for

international publication on October 29-30, 2019. Prof. Dr. Kamaludeen Mohd. Nasir,
Associate Professor of Sociology from Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Singapore was invited to be a main speaker on this lecturer. His current interests include
sociology and of religion, popular youth culture and social theory.

The Public Lecturer was held due to the acceleration of Universitas Diponegoro Towards
World Class University (WCU). The agenda was held into two sessions. First, Public
Lecturer under the theme, “Digital Culture and the Formation of the Youth Character in
Southeast Asia”. In this session, Prof. Kamaludeen conveyed insightful information on
the intersection between local and global culture, especially on the addoption of Hip Hop
Culture to muslim milenial in Indonesia. “When Hip Hop from United States mixed with
Hip Hop from Indonesia, there is a change. In some youth communities, Hip Hop was a
tool to transcent national and ethnic boundaries.” He explained.

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