Importanc Eof Research

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Research gives us knowledge on the way of nature, and how our

actions affect it. Through it, we are able to gain a deeper understanding of
people, and why they do the things they do. Research expands our
knowledge to enrich our lives with the latest knowledge of health,
nutrition, technology, and business, among others. The following are the
importance of research is: it increases our quality of life, drives progressive
forward and empowers us with knowledge.

First, it increases the quality of human life through technology,

norms and system improvement to everyday life of a person. Like in
medicine through the efforts of our scientist we may able to combat and
mitigate the pandemic impact because of vaccines they created, and all of
it because of research. In research also economic strategies developed and
economic status of everyone in the world were sustained or developed.

Another importance of research is it drives us to move progressive

forward towards our future. The world is the way it is today because
academics throughout history have relentlessly sought answers in their
laboratories and faculties; our future depends on what we do with all this
newfound information. In research there is development, there is
improvement and life will become easier because of the new information
and knowledge we acquired through research.

Finally, it empowers our knowledge in decision making. Reading and

keeping up with scientific findings sharpen our own analytical skills and
judgment. It compels us to apply critical thinking and exercise objective
judgment based on evidence, instead of opinions or rumors.

Research became part of our daily life as it guide us on how we will

survive all the challenges of life, as research provides us bigger knowledge
of everything happening around us.

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