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Trend Analysis of the Causes of Traffic Accidents on the Nautical Highway of

Oriental Mindoro: Basis for a Proposed Intervention Program

Alfredo H. Marayan Jr.

Master in Public Administration
Polytechnic University of the Philippines - Open University
Bansud Campus, Oriental Mindoro

I. Abstract
Traffic accident is one of the leading causes of death and injuries which affect not
only the road users but also the government. Study must be done to assess its socio-
economic impact and create intervention programs to significantly reduce, if not totally
eradicate injuries and fatalities. In this study, the trend and the causes of traffic accidents on
the Nautical Highway of Oriental Mindoro for the year 2013 to 2017 were investigated and a
proposed intervention plan was created. An ecological study was conducted on 1 city and 10
municipalities along the Nautical Highway of Oriental Mindoro. The results showed that the
rate per population and frequencies of traffic accident were high in urbanized and densely
populated areas. Sunday and October were noted to have higher frequencies of traffic
accident while 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM is the peak time of occurrences for the covered period. It
was also revealed that the causes of traffic accidents were mainly human factors while road
environment, vehicle defects, and weather conditions were merely occasional. Motorcycle
was found to be the dominant vehicle involved.

Keywords: nautical highway, traffic accidents, trend, causes, intervention program

II. Introduction
A traffic accident, according to, is classified as any accident
involving motor vehicles, which results in an event that is considered to be in contrast of
expected, intended, or routine operation. Road traffic accident is one of the main causes of
human suffering, injury, death and economic losses in the modern societies (Havarneanu
2011). Traffic accidents can be motor a vehicle traffic accident, a motor vehicle non-traffic
accident or a non-motor vehicle traffic accident. Its severity can be classified as fatal, non-
fatal or damage to property accident.

Four main factors that caused traffic accidents were considered in this study namely:
1.) human factor, 2.) road factor 3.) vehicle factor and 4.) weather factor. Human factors
include over speeding; reckless driving; drunken driving; aggressive driving; not obeying
traffic laws; or human errors like driving with distractions such as using cellular phone,
listening to music or watching scenery, not wearing safety gears like helmet, seat belt etc.,
improper use of safety gears, and lack of skills in driving. Road environment or road
deficiencies include poor road quality and layouts, inadequate road signs, road markings and
lightings, and obstructions on the road like on-going road construction, illegal/improper
parking of vehicles, and animals and objects on the road. Vehicle factors, however, are
defects of the vehicle such as busted tires, loose brakes, damaged lights, and other
accessories, poorly maintained or being a second-hand vehicle, laxity of concerned

authorities and lack of proper accessories. While weather factors pertain to weather
conditions like sun beam, heavy rain, fog and strong winds.

Road injury is at number 10 of Top 10 Global Causes of Deaths in year 2000 and it
climbed to number 8 by the year 2016. According to the WHO, road traffic injuries caused an
estimated 1.25 million deaths worldwide in the year 2010, that is, one person is killed every
25 seconds and killed 1.4 million people in 2016. Philippines have 10.5 road fatalities per
100,000 inhabitants per year and road traffic injuries were among the leading 10 causes of
death. Low income countries had the highest mortality rate due to road traffic injuries with
29.4 deaths per 100,000 population – the global rate was 18.8 (WHO 2016).

Because of its strategic geographical location, Oriental Mindoro emerged as the

Regional Center of MIMAROPA and its nautical highway became a major thoroughfare from
Luzon to the Visayas and Mindanao regions interconnected with the major islands of the
country via Roll-on-Roll-off (RORO) and fast crafts through the creation of an integrated set
of roads and ports known as the Strong Republic Nautical Highway (SRNH) in 2003.

As the result, traffic situations on the Nautical Highway became highly dense as
influx of transport vehicles, both public and private, came in due to industrialization,
economy and business growth. This translated the province into the gradual development of
transport infrastructure as well as increase in motor vehicle acquisition by the citizens
(Osidele 2016). Traffic accidents on the Nautical Highway of Oriental Mindoro remain high
for the last five years and notably increasing which most of the people are unaware of and
no concrete solutions is being undertaken to properly address the present social problem.
Therefore, the importance to study the problem to prevent its escalation and to make
necessary road safety measures and interventions are much well needed.

Theoretical Framework
The purpose of this study is to find out the trend of the causes of traffic accidents on
the Nautical Highway of Oriental Mindoro and to propose intervention programs to the
concerned government agencies to develop better and enduring solutions. As it is said,
traffic accidents does not represent the social problem only, but also economic problem that
is causing the country a lot of money (Yahia & Ismail 2011). It is needed to be studied to find
out the reasons and factors affecting them, and try to develop rational policies and strategies
to alleviate these problems. By identifying some problematic geographic areas, some critical
months, day or moment of the day and also the most frequent causes; all these may become
targets for the future planning (Calinoiu et al, 2009). It will also help to propose primary road
safety measures and intervention programs to reduce traffic accidents within the identified

Conceptual Framework
Using the input-process-output scheme, the figure below will illustrate the paradigm
of this study.

Figure 1.Paradigm of the Study


1. Causes of traffic  Ecological Proposed
accidents on the study and data Intervention
Nautical gathering. Programs
Highway  Documentary
2. Trends of analysis.
occurrence.  Statistical
3. Action plan to treatment of
address the root data.
cause of the


- The input contains the variable of the study which is the causes of traffic accidents on the
Nautical Highway of Oriental Mindoro, the trends of its occurrence and the action plan on the
causes of the problem.
- The process explains the method in which the data on traffic accidents were gathered and
how it will be analyzed.
- The output represents the programs to be taken to address the causes of the problem.

Statement of the Problem

The study will learn about the trends of traffic accidents along the nautical highway
and the associated contributing factors of its occurrence to answer the following questions

1. What is the volume and trend of traffic accidents that happened on the Nautical Highway
of Oriental Mindoro for the period of year 2013 to 2017?
2. What are the causes of traffic accidents on the Nautical Highway of Oriental Mindoro for
the year 2013 to 2017?
3. What intervention plans can be proposed based on the results of the study?

Scope and Limitations

The scope of this research study was focused on finding out the volume of traffic
accidents on the Nautical Highway of Oriental Mindoro for the year 2013 to 2017; analysis of
data to identify the trend and its causes. The research covers the 185-kilometer road stretch
from Calapan City to Bulalacao with 1 city and 10 municipalities situated along the Nautical
Highway of the province among the target covered area. Data of traffic accidents of
municipalities not situated along the nautical highway are not included in this research.

Relevance Review of Related Literature and Studies
Based on different literature and studies that have been reviewed, it shows that the
trends of road traffic accidents show seasonal pattern in most countries which is high during
summer months (Parvareh et al 2018). However, trends varied when affected by uncertainty
of data, weathers changes and behavioral factors (Razzaghi et al 2013). Late afternoon until
evening considered to be high risks for fatal road traffic accidents due to bad visibility caused
by the changing vista from day to night (Calinoiu et al., 2009). Driving skills and experience
influenced driver’s perception to be more cautious when driving while young drivers do not
consider this factor. Moreover, males are reckless and more aggressive while females
displayed balanced and controlled behavior making them less prone to vehicular accidents.

Geographical location and political situation of a country are taken into consideration
and perceived to play a major role in road accidents. From the local study, the most
contributing factor for road accident is the age factor of the motorists, their aggression while
driving and the weather condition as the other factor. Nonetheless, driver’s comprehension
and knowledge of roads signs and road safety should also be considered.

Several studies conducted on different aspects is significantly connected to human

error. Even in the First World countries like the United States of America and Third World
Countries such as the Philippines, drivers are similarly prevalent on committing human
errors consisting of the most common driving behavior such as over speeding, drunk driving,
violation of traffic rules and not following safety gear while driving, aggressiveness in driving
and lack of driving skills. Human errors top the most common reason to road accidents
which can be perceived due to our tendency to commit mistakes or lapse in judgment.
Speed choice is affected by characteristics of the driver regardless of race and gender, by
the factors related to human perceptual skills and limitations, by characteristics of the road
and the road environment, and by characteristics of the vehicle. Most drivers openly admit
that they more or less regularly exceed the speed limit because they are in a hurry, they
generally enjoy driving fast or they are bored.

III. Methods
An ecological study was conducted to find out the volume of traffic accidents
occurred in the Nautical Highway of Oriental Mindoro covering the year 2013 to 2017 using
the official records of the PNP-ORMIN PPO (Philippine National Police-Oriental Mindoro
Police Provincial Office). The traffic accidents data were tabulated in terms of magnitude,
time of occurrence (year, month, day and moment of the day), causes and types of vehicles

Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique

Quantitative methodology approach was used to generalize the data obtained on the
composition of traffic accidents on the Nautical Highway of Oriental Mindoro.

Description of Respondents
The respondents of the study were 11 Chief of Police or Officer In-Charge of the
police stations situated along the Nautical Highway of Oriental Mindoro. The data were
obtained from the unit station through the designated Chief Investigator who kept the record
file of all traffic incidents.
Data Gathering Procedures
Permission was requested from the Provincial Director of the PNP ORMIN PPO thru
a Letter Request to acquire necessary statistical data and information on traffic accidents on
the Nautical Highway. The Provincial Director in turn directed his Chiefs of Police or Officers
In-charge for the data and statistics of all traffic accidents as recorded by their respective
police stations. Field observation was conducted to investigate on the adherence of the
motorists and pedestrians to road safety and the correlation of traffic accidents to present
road features and an area study to make an analysis on the causal factors of traffic
accidents to substantiate the initial findings of the police investigators.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The collected data and the results were tabulated and analyzed using Microsoft
Excel and were presented in graphs and tables with comparative analysis on the magnitude,
time of occurrence, type of vehicles involved and the causes of traffic accidents for the years
covered. Frequency represents the number of traffic accidents occurred in a particular time.
Mean is the average frequency of traffic accidents for five years covered period. Rate per
population is the total number of traffic accidents per 100,000 population of a certain
municipality. Accidents volume was rank per year to identify the growing pattern. Share
percentage was illustrated to show the percentage of a certain time, day, month, types of
vehicle and causes of traffic accidents as well as the average of these factors.

IV. Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the traffic accidents along the
Nautical Highway of Oriental Mindoro.

Magnitude of the problem

Table 5. Accidents volume (year 2013 - 2017)

Year Frequency Share (%) Increase/Decrease Rank
2013 277 15.37% 0 5
2014 321 17.81% 15.88% 4
2015 422 23.42% 31.46% 1
2016 389 21.59% -7.82% 3
2017 393 21.81% 1.03% 2
Total 1,802 100% Ave. 10.14% Mean= 360.4
Source: Official Police Blotter/CIRAS-PNP ORMIN PPO

Table 6. Accidents by municipality (year 2013 - 2017)

Accident rate per 100,000
Municipalities Frequency Share (%)
inhabitants per municipality
Calapan 363 20.14% 52.40
Naujan 353 19.59% 66.25
Victoria 146 8.10% 55.89
Socorro 60 3.33% 29.66
Pinamalayan 202 11.21% 45.31

Gloria 106 5.88% 45.46
Bansud 87 4.83% 41.02
Bongabong 195 10.82% 52.30
Roxas 174 9.66% 63.22
Mansalay 46 2.55% 16.30
Bulalacao 70 3.88% 34.60
Total 1,802 100% Ave. 50.22
Source: Official Police Blotter/CIRAS-PNP ORMIN PPO
The tables 5 and 6 above show the magnitude of traffic accidents by year and by municipality.

From the total of 1,802 traffic accidents from year 2013 to 2017, it was found out that
the year 2015 had the highest number of accidents; it gradually dropped in 2016 but
increased again in 2017 having a mean score of 360.4 for these years. Calapan City had the
most number of traffic accident occurrences among other municipalities. However, Naujan
had the highest rate of accidents per 100,000 inhabitants.

Time of Occurrence of Traffic Accidents

Table 16. Composition of Traffic Accidents by Month (2013-2017)

Time of Frequency
TOTAL Average Share (%)
Occurrence 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
January 21 23 34 45 36 159 31.8 8.82%
February 17 24 40 29 37 147 29.4 8.16%
March 15 37 34 36 42 164 32.8 9.10%
April 28 19 39 37 43 166 33.2 9.21%
May 27 9 29 35 31 131 26.2 7.27%
June 32 28 31 34 33 158 31.6 8.77%
July 13 23 25 40 34 135 27.0 7.49%
August 1 29 21 23 26 100 20.0 5.55%
September 26 31 41 28 31 157 31.4 8.71%
October 33 36 46 29 27 171 34.2 9.49%
November 36 28 39 21 32 156 31.2 8.66%
December 28 34 43 32 21 158 31.6 8.77%
Total 277 321 422 389 393 1,802 30.03 100.00%
Source: Official Police Blotter/CIRAS-PNP ORMIN PPO
Table 14. Composition of Traffic Accidents by Time of Occurrence
Time of Frequency
TOTAL Ave. Share (%)
Occurrence 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
12:01 AM-01:00 AM 3 3 3 2 7 18 3.6 1.00%
01:01 AM-02:00 AM 3 1 6 2 7 19 3.8 1.05%
02:01 AM-03:00 AM 2 1 1 5 4 13 2.6 0.72%
03:01 AM-04:00 AM 2 1 6 4 3 16 3.2 0.89%
04:01 AM-05:00 AM 0 2 4 3 8 17 3.4 0.94%
05:01 AM-06:00 AM 5 6 8 7 4 30 6 1.66%
06:01 AM-07:00 AM 7 11 11 16 13 58 11.6 3.22%
07:01 AM-08:00 AM 9 20 22 14 17 82 16.4 4.55%
08:01 AM-09:00 AM 15 21 20 24 19 99 19.8 5.49%
09:01 AM-10:00 AM 21 12 20 25 21 99 19.8 5.49%
10:01 AM-11:00 AM 14 14 17 32 25 102 20.4 5.66%
11:01 AM-12:00 NN 9 24 23 21 16 93 18.6 5.16%
12:01 PM-01:00 PM 11 13 18 16 17 75 15 4.16%
01:01 PM-02:00 PM 10 11 19 15 18 73 14.6 4.05%
02:01 PM-03:00 PM 16 18 22 14 14 84 16.8 4.66%
03:01 PM-04:00 PM 24 19 18 18 28 107 21.4 5.94%
04:01 PM-05:00 PM 23 32 39 22 23 139 27.8 7.71%
05:01 PM -06:00 PM 29 27 36 32 33 157 31.4 8.71%
06:01 PM -07:00 PM 22 24 32 25 27 130 26 7.21%
07:01 PM -08:00 PM 19 23 39 26 23 130 26 7.21%
08:01 PM -09:00 PM 10 10 27 25 19 91 18.2 5.05%
09:01 PM-10:00 PM 10 17 12 18 17 74 14.8 4.11%
10:01 PM-11:00 PM 10 5 12 16 17 60 12 3.33%
11:01 PM-12:00 MN 3 6 7 7 13 36 7.2 2.00%
Total 277 321 422 389 393 1,802 360.4 100%
Source: Official Police Blotter/CIRAS-PNP ORMIN PPO

Table 15. Composition of Traffic Accidents by Day (2013-2017)

Day of Frequency
TOTAL Average Share (%)
Occurrence 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Monday 31 40 59 53 55 238 47.6 13.21%
Tuesday 35 32 60 43 60 230 46.0 12.76%
Wednesday 46 55 57 55 51 264 52.8 14.65%
Thursday 42 35 62 57 49 245 49.0 13.60%
Friday 35 57 57 56 59 264 52.8 14.65%
Saturday 35 46 66 60 49 256 51.2 14.21%
Sunday 53 56 61 65 70 305 61.0 19.63%
Total 277 321 422 389 393 1,802 360.4 100.00%
Source: Official Police Blotter/CIRAS-PNP ORMIN PPO
The tables 16, 14 and 15 above show the time of occurrence of traffic accidents by year.

The month of October had the highest incidents with 171 records of occurrences
while August had the lowest with 100 incidents. Sunday had the maximum frequency
representing 305 traffic accidents while Tuesday has the lowest with only 230 incidents.
Though October and Sunday have highest frequencies, the trend shows seasonal pattern of
occurrences. Late afternoon from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM considered to be considered high risk
for traffic accidents with 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM as the peak time of occurrences.

Causes of Traffic Accidents

Table 17. Main Causes of Traffic Accidents for the year 2013 - 2017
Main Factors Total Share (%)
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Human factors 224 292 372 358 383 1,609 89.29%

Road environment 48 24 36 17 25 150 8.32%
Vehicle defects 5 5 14 9 5 38 2.11%
Weather conditions 0 0 0 5 0 5 0.28%
Total 277 321 422 389 393 1,802 100.00%
Source: Official Police Blotter/CIRAS-PNP ORMIN PPO
Table 21. Causes of Traffic Accidents for the year 2013 - 2017
Causes Total Share (%)
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Bad Turning 3 1 0 0 0 4 0.22%
Collision 113 121 259 188 120 801 44.45%
Drunk Driving 2 0 1 7 4 14 0.78%
Human Error 102 169 112 151 229 763 42.34%
Self-inflicted 4 1 0 12 10 27 1.50%
Mechanical Error 5 5 14 9 5 38 2.11%
Objects and Obstructions 5 1 4 1 7 18 1.00%
Pedestrian 41 21 27 7 14 110 6.10%
Stray Animal Crossing 2 0 2 3 0 7 0.39%
Road Surface Condition 0 2 3 6 4 15 0.83%
Bad Weather Condition 0 0 0 5 0 5 0.28%
Total 277 321 422 389 393 1,802 100%
Source: Official Police Blotter/CIRAS-PNP ORMIN PPO

Table 22. Vehicles involved in Traffic Accidents

Vehicle Involved Number of Vehicle Percentage (%)
Bicycle 26 1.26%
Bus 38 1.84%
Car 194 9.40%
Equipment 4 0.20%
Jeep 31 1.50%
Motocycle 1126 54.58%
Multicab/Owner 27 1.31%
SUV 72 3.49%
Tricycle 205 9.94%
Truck 159 7.71%
Van 181 8.77%
TOTAL 2063 100.00%
Source: Official Police Blotter/CIRAS-PNP ORMIN PPO
The tables 17, 21 and 22 above show causes of traffic accidents by year and the types of vehicle

The main contributory factor in the causes of traffic accidents was human factor
which contributed to 89.29% or 1,609 of the 1,802 cases. Road environment contributed
8.32% or 150 cases, vehicle defects by 2.11% or 38 incidents while only 0.28% or 5
incidents were attributed to weather conditions. Human factor was dominant on the causes
of traffic accidents with notable high frequencies on collision and human error with other

behavioral factors including bad turning and drunk driving. Motorcycle/tricycle is the primary
vehicle involved accounted to 54.58% of accident cases. Motorcycles and tricycle are more
prone to accidents as they expose the drivers and passengers twice as much risk than any
other vehicle type. Also, it is easier to operate than any other vehicle which is fittingly
attractive to young and learning drivers who in turn display aggressiveness and risky driving

V. Conclusion

Based on the findings of this study, it is therefore concluded that there is an erratic
pattern of traffic accident occurrences from year 2013 to 2017. Though Sundays and the
month of October were noted to have higher frequencies of traffic accident, the trend shows
seasonal pattern and it varies as affected by uncertainty of data and behavioral factors, the
same findings of other research studies while 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM is constantly the peak
time of occurrences. The causes of traffic accidents were mainly due to human factors while
road environment, vehicle defects, and weather conditions were merely occasional with the
motorcycle found to be the dominant vehicle involved.


It is highly recommended that awareness campaign on road safety is conducted to

the public. Mandatory driving training programs must be given to new drivers or must obtain
National Certificate before being allowed to secure a driver’s license. Old drivers especially
motorcycle drivers who are most vulnerable to traffic accidents must be given mandatory
refresher course or training program on driving. Installation of comprehensive regulatory
road signs on accident prone areas or replacement of dilapidated ones and proper
demarcation of pedestrian crossings along the Nautical Highway is also important. Increase
in visibility of traffic enforcers in areas with heavy pedestrian and traffic congestions will likely
help minimize involvement of pedestrian in traffic accidents.

The data on volume of traffic accidents is based only on the consolidated record of
Oriental Mindoro Police Provincial Office and the actual number of incidents may varies if
compared to the record of other concerned institutions like the Barangay, hospitals and
infirmaries. This was influenced by the fact that parties involved in a traffic accident can have
their option of settlement either before the barangay or sending the victims of minor incidents
to hospitals and infirmaries without reporting it to police authorities. Hotspots were not
included in this research and as well as the data of traffic accidents recorded in hospitals
and infirmaries or the record of actual deaths from Local Registry Offices. It is therefore
suggested that data and information from these institutions be included in future researches
so as to have a more comprehensive analysis and understanding of the current traffic
accident situation on the Nautical Highway of Oriental Mindoro.

Action Plan to Address the Traffic Accidents along the Nautical Highway of Oriental Mindoro

To reduce traffic accidents by 90% on the Nautical Highway of Oriental Mindoro, to instill awareness to all road users, enhance
comprehension on road signs; educate traffic rules and regulations and the right driving behavior among adults and young drivers alike.
Persons Strategies /
Area of Concern Objective Time Frame Estimated Cost Indicator
Involved Activities
 Traffic accidents -To be able to - Land - Awareness - For Students – PhP 80,000.00 per - 90% participation
caused by human disseminate Transportation Campaign on Awareness municipality. of all public or
errors. information on Office (LTO) Road Safety Campaign starts private high
the common highlighting in Mid of May - At the cost of
schools, Tech-
human errors - Students of common errors (preferably in LTO training and
committed by Senior High committed by time for development Voc, and colleges
drivers that Schools, Tech- drivers to be Brigada- budget. of Oriental
caused traffic Vocational disseminated Eskwela of Mindoro.
accidents along Schools and during Brigada- Public Schools)
the Nautical Colleges in Eskwela of to July. - All students are
Highway of Oriental DepEd among - Symposium well educated on
Oriental Mindoro. public and starts from Aug Road Safety.
Mindoro. private schools. to Dec
-To train new - All New - Symposium on - For New - At the cost of the - 10% involvement
drivers on Drivers’ License Road Safety Driver’s License Applicant. of new drivers in
existing traffic Applicants. during festive Applicants – to traffic accidents.
laws and occasion. be obtain prior
regulations. to application of
- Enrolment of new license.
Certificate II
(NCII) in driving. - 2%involvement
- To provide old - Professional - Mandatory - For Applicants - At the cost of of old drivers in
drivers a and Non- Orientation of renewing their LTO training and
refresher professional New Driver’s Driver’s License development
training Drivers License and – to be obtained budget. traffic accidents.
program on - Public Utility renewals upon renewal of
existing traffic Vehicle Drivers Applicant. license.
laws and - Tricycle - Drivers’ Safety
regulations. Operator and Orientation and
Drivers Retraining for all
Association Professional,
(TODA) Non-
members. professional
motorcycle and
tricycle drivers
during renewal
of license.
 Traffic accidents - To identify high - Land - Installation of - First quarter of - To follow - 90% reduction on
caused by collision. risk Transportation highly visible the year to procurement the number of
intersections, Office (LTO). road markers check road procedures of the traffic accidents
transect road, - Local and informatory conditions and responsible
caused by
dangerous road Government road signs and review accident agency.
curves and Unit of each signages. prone spots collision.
accident prone Municipality. caused by
areas. - Traffic collision.
Management - Second
Office (TMO) of Quarter of the
each year –
Municipality. Procurement of
markers and
-Third Quarter
of the year –
installation of
markers and
signages on
locations to
caused by
- Fourth Quarter
of the year is for
evaluation and
feed backing on
the installed
 Traffic accidents - To educate the - Local - Installation of - Everyday, all - Salary of the - Visible traffic
involving public in the Government traffic enforcer year round. traffic enforcers enforcers.
pedestrians. proper use of Unit of each on accident shall be
pedestrian lanes Municipality. prone areas shouldered by - Visible
and minimize - Traffic especially in respective pedestrian
road accidents Management school areas, Municipality. crossings.
involving Office. market place - Procurement of
pedestrians. -Pedestrians and other megaphones and - 1% involvement
and the public in places where other traffic
of pedestrians in
general. there are heavy paraphernalia
traffic of shall be in traffic accidents.
pedestrians. accordance to the
- Provision of existing
megaphone or procurement
public address policy of each
system to Municipality.
effectively - Installation of
announce, call- informatory signs
out or remind and demarcation
pedestrians and of pedestrian
motorists on crossing will be
traffic rules, and shouldered by
road safety. Department of
- Proper Public Works and
demarcation of Highway
pedestrian (DPWH).
crossing along
the highway and
installation of
highly visible
road signages
and Pedestrian
Crossing sign.

V. References

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[9] Calinoiu, G., Minca, D.G & Furtunescu, F. L. (2009). Analysis of Traffic Accidents in
Romania.Rom. J. Intern. Med., pp. 93-101.
[10] Grigore M. Havarneanu (2011). “The perceived causes of severe traffic accidents: a
psycho-social approach. Alexandru Iona University, Iasi Romania.Procedia-Social
and Behavioral Sciences.
[11] Osidele O. A. (2016). An Analysis of Patterns and Trends of Road Traffic Injuries and
Fatalities in Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa. University of Venda
[12] Parvareh, M., Karimi, A., Rezaei, S., Woldemichael, A., Nili, S., Nouri, B., Nasab,
N.E. (2018). Assessment and prediction of road accident injuries trend using time-
series models in Kurdistan.
[13] Razzaghi, A., Bahrampour, A., Baneshi, M.R., Zolala, F. (2013). Assessment of
Trend and Seasonality in Road Accident Data: An Iranian Case Study.
[14] Yahia, H. & Ismail, A. (2011). Traffic Accidents in Libya. 2011 International
Conference on Traffic and Logistics Engineering (ICTLE 2011)
[15] Zamora, J. T., Ramirez, W. M., Ramirez, W. M. (2018). Assessment of Traffic
Management Ordinances In Relation to Tourism Industry.Mindoro State College of
Agriculture and Technology, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines

VII. Author’s Note

Alfredo H. Marayan Jr. is a Non-Uniformed

Personnel (NUP) of the Philippine National Police assigned
at Bulalacao Municipal Police Station, Oriental Mindoro
Provincial Police Office, MIMAROPA Region as Crime
Registrar/e-Rouge/e-Warrant/Fingerprint Technician. He
obtained his Master’s Degree at Polytechnic University of the
Philippines – Open University, Bansud Campus, Oriental
Mindoro. He is also a graduate of Bachelor of Science in
Commerce major in Banking and Finance with earned units
in Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology. He worked on different financials position
and has wide experience in hospitality industry abroad.


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