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Snow White and the seven dwarfs.

Автор : This story is about nice girl, Snow White. Her lips are red, her hair is
black and her skin is white. She is very beautiful. Her stepmother, the Queen, is
beautiful too and she understand, that one day SNOW White will be more
beautiful. So she dresses the little Princess in old dresses.
Every day The Queen asks her magic mirror
The Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who is the most beautiful of all?
The mirror answers
The mirror : You my queen are the most beautiful of all.
Автор :The magic mirror cannot lie. But one day it says that the Queen is not the
most beautiful of all.
The mirror : You , my Queen are beautiful is true but Snow White is more
beautiful than you.
The Queen : No!!! It is impossible! I want to kill you! I want to kill Snow White!
Huntsman!! Huntsman!!
Huntsman: Yes , my Queen. I am here.
The Queen: Take Snow White into the Forest and kill her!
Huntsman : Yes my Queen!
The Queen: Go! Go!

Автор : The next day Snow White goes with the huntsman into the forest.
Suddenly the huntsman comes to her and raises his knife.
Huntsman: I cannot I cannot do it!! I am sorry. The Queen wants to kill you. Run
away poor girl and never come back!
Сцена третья

SnowWhite: Oh!It is a house!
Автор : Snow White knocks at the door and comes in.
Snow White: Hello! Hello! Oh there are seven little chairs, seven little plates,
seven little cups and seven little beds. Everything is dirty. There must be seven
untidy children. I am very tired. I want to sleep.
Автор : She lies down on the bed and falls asleep.

The first dwarf: Look our house is so clean!

The second dwarf: Maybe there is a ghost inside.
The third dwarf: Look! Who is it?
The fourth dwarf: She is beautiful like an angel.
All dwarfs: Who are you? (хором)
Snow White: I am the Princess. My name is Snow White. My stepmother the
Queen wants to kill me because I am more beautiful than she is.
(Падает наколени) Please do not send me away! I can wash and cook!
All dwarfs: (хором) Cook?! You stay!
Автор :The Queen asks her magic mirror
The Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who is the most beautiful of all?
The mirror: You my Queen are beautiful is true but in the house of the seven
dwarfs lives Snow white. She is more beautiful than you.
The Queen: What? It is impossible!! But I have a plane! Hahaha!!
Автор : The Queen drinks a magic drink and turns into an ugly old woman.
The Queen : For Snow White I will prepare a poisoned apple. One piece of the
poisoned apple and snow White will sleep forever! Hahaha!
Сцена пятая
(Белоснежка поет и убирается в доме слышит вдруг стук)
Snow White: Who is it?
The Queen: Are you alone my dear? I am a poor woman. I want to drink. Please
open the door.
Snow White: Of course! Come here! (дает стаканводы)
The Queen: Thank you my child! You are so kind. I have a magic apple. Do you
want to try? It is a magic apple! Bite it and wish something!
Snow White: (Кусаяяблоко) I want to meet the Prince, to marry him… (Падает)
The Queen: Hahaha! Now I am the most beautiful of all!!
(Приходятгномы домой)
The first dwarf: Oh!!! Princess!!!
The second dwarf: No!! she is died!
(гномы падают на колени и начинают плакать!)
( вбегаетпринц )
Prince: Where is Snow white? No!!
( падает на колени начинает играть музыку и потом целует ей руку)
Snow white: Who are you?
Prince: I am the Prince.
(белоснежка и принц начинают танцевать гномы радуются и начинают
танцевать тоже)
Хором :TheEnd !

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