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Southern Luzon State University

College of Administration, Business, Hospitality, and Accountancy

1st Semester

Academic Year: 2022-2023


PERMALINO, Princess Khey L. PLATINO, Jhon Mark P. RONDILLA, Jerome G.


A. General description of the problem, need, or opportunity

          Basically, the reason why we pursue "Free-bikEducation" is because of the

problems that arise in Quezon, Quezon specifically at Cometa National High
School. This school is far from the Poblacion of the town, and numerous students
from different barangays study here. These students struggle to go to school and go
home because the transportation there is limited; thus, the problem that arises here
is the lack of accessible transportation for these students.

B. Impacts or effects of the problem

          There are several effects of this lack of accessibility in terms of transportation

that can have a major effect in the long run. This problem has been present here in
Quezon, Quezon even before.

First, students are having a hard time going to school and going home. Some
students who really cannot afford to have their vehicles are walking just to attend
school, which can lead to a lack of motivation to continue studying.

Second, it is also very exhausting to always think about how to go to school and go
home at the right time. There are instances wherein these students are spending a
lot of time on how they can go home, and so they end up walking until they can see
a possible "habal-habal" that they can ride because in Quezon, Quezon, specifically
in Brgy. Cometa, transportation like a tricycle is limited.

Third, if these happenings continue, some students can lose their drive and
motivation to continue studying, and they will end up not finishing even high school,

Southern Luzon State University

College of Administration, Business, Hospitality, and Accountancy

1st Semester

Academic Year: 2022-2023

and the population of the students attending that school will decrease, which surely
will affect the school’s standing and performance.

Lastly, those students who are not capable of paying for transportation will continue
to struggle and will continue to feel like they are a burden to their parents, and their
parents will also continue facing a lot of problems just so they can provide for their
children's needs. Let’s say that it is the responsibility of the parents to provide for the
education of their children, but there are real families in the world that are barely
surviving each day and that need some hands that will extend to them.

C. Identification of who or what is affected by the problem

          The students in high school are the most affected by this problem because
they are the ones who struggle every day just to attend school and go home at the
right time. Next are the parents, who struggle financially. And lastly, the school,
because if there is a decrease in the number of enrolled students, then it will reflect
on the school’s performance and rating.

D. Impact of ignoring the problem or opportunity

          The impact of ignoring this problem will have a long-term impact. The less
fortunate ones will possibly continue to be the same way as they cannot continue
and finish their study. Studying and finishing it is very crucial for one’s success; it is
an edge. If it continues to be ignored, the school’s performance and rating will also
be affected by this because of the decrease in the number of students enrolled per

E. Desired outcome (ordinarily described in terms of objectives, goals, targets,

critical factors and key results)

          The desired outcome for the project "Free-bikEducation" is to lessen the

financial burden on the students as well as on the parents. These students will also
be motivated to continue studying, and while they are being accompanied by these
bikes, they are also helping their bodies to exercise. It's like they are hitting two birds
Southern Luzon State University

College of Administration, Business, Hospitality, and Accountancy

1st Semester

Academic Year: 2022-2023

with one stone. In the long run, the success of this project will benefit every high
school student at Cometa National High School and also the school.

F. Value or benefit associated with achieving desired outcomes

Organization Benefits  Community Benefits 

Helping student financial stability Students save money from commuting

Positive organization reputation Improve student’s attendance and academic


Maintain a healthy economic Help to create job


G. Strategic fit (compatibility with current set of organizational strategies)

Our present organizational strategies are aligned with the implementation of

"Free-bikEducation." Reducing the financial burden o the students, promoting
attendance, assisting students in getting physical activity, and inspiring them to keep
H. Interface integration and compatibility issues

A charitable initiative called "Free-bikEducation" would help the less privileged

high school students in Quezon, Quezon, specifically at Cometa National High
School. People who cannot afford the expense of commuting can use these free
bikes. Helping less privileged high school students with their transportation needs

Southern Luzon State University

College of Administration, Business, Hospitality, and Accountancy

1st Semester

Academic Year: 2022-2023

demonstrates our organization's generosity, compassion, and dedication to finding

solutions and offering aid to Cometa National High School students. It demonstrates
that the project's supporting organization cares about people and is conscious of the
important problems and difficulties that students face.

I. Uncertainties and unknowns

          One of the numerous unknowns and uncertainties that may exist in "Free-
bikEducation" is whether or not the borrowed bikes will be returned. Improper return
and failure to get approval from the organizer. The primary obstacle to providing
these free bikes for the high school students at Cometa National High School who
cannot afford transportation charges is the development of effective and sustainable
transportation systems.    Uncertainty regarding the resources available to them
(such as parking spaces in their homes or bicycles in bike-sharing programs) or
environmental variables impacting their demand are the main causes of
inefficiencies in the transport system (such as weather or the time of the day). We
demonstrate how this additional data may be included in personal uncertainty-aware
journey planners, which let users select from a variety of routes based on their time
limitations. Under such conditions, determining the exact availability of a garage is
crucial to avoiding unnecessary waiting times. 

J. Key assumptions

This project's primary assumptions pertain to the actions, constituted details,

and guidelines for free bike use. On various time frames, we give a demand and
availability prediction in this project, as opposed to current techniques. Another
benefit of our method is that it predicts the distribution of the waiting time for the next
bike or garage, given the current availability. Riding a bike is a big responsibility. In
places where there is a lot of traffic, a serious chance of accidents always exists.
Southern Luzon State University

College of Administration, Business, Hospitality, and Accountancy

1st Semester

Academic Year: 2022-2023

Acquire and prepare community and parent volunteers to serve as event and
program caretakers for the bike-to-school movement. State clearly what each user's
duties are. We might also think about enlisting older students as participants,
leaders, and role models in our “Free-bikEducation” program. They could even act
as crossing guards

K. Constraints 

The constraint to this endeavor is the fact that some people still borrow
bicycles despite knowing how to ride one. Most often, students who don't know how
to ride a bike simply borrow one to practice, which may result in an accident. This
could result in harm to the school, additional costs, damaged bikes, a lack of
knowledge about technology, the possibility that the school is located far from the
town, and procedures for scheduling the period when students receive free bikes.
That’s why you need to follow safety rules geared to help prevent injuries and
accidents. For example, it is necessary to always wear a helmet and follow the rules
of the road. Be aware of students who may need accommodations for mobility,
health, cognitive, sensory, or social-psychological reasons. When considering how to
best support students taking part in these programs, the school should make

L. Environmental considerations

The first impact of biking will be a reduction in air pollution. Bicycle riding,
often known as cycling, has numerous benefits. Personal, economic, social,
environmental, and many other aspects can be included. Cycling is a beneficial
exercise activity. Conversely, cycling requires very little fossil fuel. This indicates that
riding a bike is a zero-pollution mode of transportation. There will be a lot more green
Southern Luzon State University

College of Administration, Business, Hospitality, and Accountancy

1st Semester

Academic Year: 2022-2023

spaces if we all start biking. Traction control, which gives bike riders more safety and
control, is one of the new technologies we considered. It also avoids skidding and
stops the back wheel from drifting.

M. Background or supporting information

Similar to the walk-to-school program, Free BikEducation initiatives offer
students a great opportunity to acquire the daily recommended amount of physical
activity. A “Free-bikEducation” program is a terrific way for Cometa National High
School to encourage active transportation, provide a chance to socialize outside of
the classroom, and help students become more adept at riding a bike safely.
Education, encouragement, engineering, enforcement, and evaluation make up the
"Five E's" of safe routes to school.

 Education promoting cycling and pedestrian safety.

 Encouragement for active transportation through campaigns like "walk and
bike to school days."
 Engineering can be used to make the built environment more suited to biking
and walking.
 Enforcement to improve safety through partnership with law enforcement.
 Evaluation is used to evaluate, develop, and carry out initiatives that will
increase participation and safety.

And receive assistance through funding and donations. To raise money for the
construction of Free BikEducation and the purchase of bike racks, apply for a school
grant. We find nearby bike stores and work together with them. They are the
authorities. Inform them of the initiative or event and solicit their support. They may
assist with logistics planning, equipment needs assessment, reviewing safety
procedures, and event support by organizing bike stations.


Southern Luzon State University

College of Administration, Business, Hospitality, and Accountancy

1st Semester

Academic Year: 2022-2023

Alternative ID Estimated Existing Social Window of Project Total Rank

Cost (.30) Resources Acceptability Opportunity Sustainability Score
(.10) (.20) (.20) (.20)

Free- 3.33 2 (0.20) 4 (0.80) 5 (1.00) 4 (0.80) 18.33 1st 

(1.00) (3.8)

Alternative 1 4 (1.2) 2 (0.20) 3 (0.60) 2 (0.40) 4 (0.080) 15 2nd 

minibEducation (3.2)

Alternative 2  2 (0.60) 2(0.20) 1(0.20) 3 (0.90) 4(0.80) 12 3rd 

trikEducation (2.7) 

Do Nothing 2 (0.60)
(Business as
 ALTERNATIVE 1 - Free-minibEducation

To help students who are unable to attend school due to their poor location and lack of financial
support, our organization will donate a minibus to Cometa National High School. By improving
their safety and preventing them from walking alone to school, this project aims to assist the
poorest students. This program is a part of a greater effort at Cometa National High School
Quezon, Quezon to access free transportation and increase student attendance. More than 50
students should gain from this. With help from our organization, students are now able to focus on
their academic performance.

 ALTERNATIVE 2- Free-trikEducation 

A three-wheeled vehicle with three wheels is called a tricycle. In Quezon, Quezon, the use of
motorized tricycles is already a part of daily life. It is utilized as a way of commuting, freight
delivery system, private family service, and source of revenue. And we consider a tricycle, which
can accommodate up to four students, as one of the best alternatives. Due to this, we will give

Southern Luzon State University

College of Administration, Business, Hospitality, and Accountancy

1st Semester

Academic Year: 2022-2023

Cometa National High School two brand-new tricycles. Additionally, two drivers will be employed
to drive each day, however, this will only be available when the students have left.

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