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Background of the Study

Bicycles are vehicles that do not require a license to operate and share the road

with cars, motorcycles and other fast-moving vehicles. Several manufacturers comply

and should meet the standards while designing and integrating turn lights into a vehicle.

For instance, a system was proposed with some features for bike safety using the light

signal. In that system, there was a light signal for turning but no option to notify the rider

about the turn safety (Chan & Duran, 2014). The proposed model was intended for

bicycle safety. However, no option can detect an allows the rider to contact with

someone, especially in times of trouble.

A bike-turning device with a charging port also addresses safety concerns by

providing a low-cost device that mimics the warning system. In this study the bicyclist

could safely and easily control the turning device without removing their hands from the


The researcher were challenged to design a bike-turning device with charging port

to indicate the intent of a left or right turn to the other users of the road which the

electricity will be generated by pedaling. A bike-turning device is an eco-friendly device

that allows us to conserve electricity since there is no need to detached the device from

the bicycle to charge by pedaling. The electricity will be generated and it will be shared

with the device to keep it active.


Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study was to design a bike-turning device or indicator

with a charging port. Specifically, the study aimed to:

1. Design a bike-turning device with a charging port

2. Assemble the device with the following technical features:

a) Generate DC volts

b) 5 volts charger

c) Safety purposes

3. Test the functionality of the bike turning device with a charging port

a) Capacity to stored electricity

b) Capacity to charge

4. Formulate a manual guide for users on how to use the Bike-Turning Device.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focuses on the assemble and design a Bike Turning Device with charging

port. The device has a Power Bank which is serve as Battery to store the power or volts

by pedaling and limited only to charge a cellular phone, Bluetooth speaker and Portable

Mini fan.

Significance of the Study

The study may be beneficial to the following:

1. Bikers. The output of the study may help the bikers for safety purposes.

2. Electronic Technicians. The outcome of the study may help technicians in

designing improvise bike turning devices in the future.

3. Technology students. This would help electronics technology students in

acquiring ideas on how to design bike-turning device with charging port.

4. Future Researchers. The outcome of the study may provide future researchers

with the needed information to develop their devices.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarity, the following terms are conceptually and operationally


Bicycles. Conceptually the term pertains to a vehicle consisting of a light frame

mounted on two wire-spokes wheels one behind the other and having a seat, handlebars

for steering, brakes, and two pedals or a small motor by which it is driven. (Mifflin et al.,


In this study, the term bicycle is the main base on which devices are placed.

Bike turning device. Conceptually, the term is a vehicle with two wheels in

tandem, usually propelled by pedals connected to the rear wheel by a chain, and having

handlebars for steering and a saddle-like seat (Collins et al., 2012).

In this study, the term displays the correct direction in which the bike will turn

right, left or brake.


Charging port. Conceptually, charging port means any charging connector that is

able to charge and electric vehicle, regardless of plug type or standard type.

(Law Insider, 1994)

In this study the device is created to generate power by cycling which will power

the signal lights.

Dynamo. Conceptually, is an electrical generator that creates direct current using a

commutator. Simply put, a device that makes direct current electric power using

electromagnetism. It is a DC generator (BYJU’S, 2022).

In this study, the dynamo will generate electricity for the power bank.

Pedaling. Conceptually, any foot-operated lever or another device, especially, one of

the two levers that drives the chain wheel of a bicycle (Collins, 2022).

In this study, pedaling is the action of moving a bicycle’s pedals.



Review of Related Literate

This chapter presents the review of related literature that provided the researcher

with the necessary information needed for the study. This includes foreign and local


Generation of Electrical Energy by Dynamo

According to Chakole et al. (2019), bicycle dynamos are alternators with generating

permanent magnets that create AC current, two kinds. The hub dynamo and the bottle

dynamo are two types dynamo. A hub dynamo is incorporated into the wheel hub of a

bicycle. In this case, electricity is produced by exploiting the rotation of the wheel of a

bicycle. A small electric generator is a bottle dynamo hub; dynamo-like generator it

typically sits in the back of bicycle's wheel. A bottle dynamo functions as a tiny

alternator. Using a dynamo, mechanical energy can be transformed into electrical energy.

The dynamo can generate normal alternating current. This current can be converted and

utilized to power devices that operate on DC in addition to equipment that can directly

operate on AC. The gadgets only need a little amount of power, which can be produced

by a dynamo when pedaling. This can be used to power the majority of electronic

devices, including mobile phones and iPods. Both pedaling and keeping the bicycle

stationary both allow for charging of these devices.

In addition, the study of Rubini et al. (2017), a dynamo is a device that converts

kinetic energy into electrical energy. Bicycles need energy to run their headlights and

other equipment. The dynamos are typically tiny permanent magnet alternators. An

orbital body spinning on its axis in the same amount of time is explained by a
synchronous dynamo. With this Synchronous dynamo, Continuous rotation switches to

planetary gear configuration as it takes to complete a full orbit. planetary gear dynamo

starts continuous rotation Experimental Configuration Fix with one stand with two

wheeled body. Chain sprocket running condition experimental set up fixed to produce

rotational energy is transformed to electrical energy, or generate dc power. The battery

stores the energy that is generated.

Li-ion battery

According to the study of (Juqu T. and Ross N. (2022). Due to their high operating

voltage, high energy density, low self-discharging rate, and generally acceptable stability

and durability, lithium-ion batteries have garnered a lot of attention. According to Sun

(2022), changes in factors like capacity and impedance that occur along with a battery's

attenuation during use have a direct impact on how reliably the battery operates. Battery

status assessment is very important to assure the power, efficiency, and safety operation

of EVs. important.

On the other hand, according to J. Kevin Whear et al. (2011) to improved, unique,

and/or complex performance lead acid battery separators. Improved flooded lead acid

battery separators, batteries including such separators, methods of production, and/or

methods of use. The preferred battery separator of the present invention addresses and

optimizes multiple separator properties simultaneously. It is believed that the present

invention is the first to recognize the need to address multiple separator properties

simultaneously, the first to choose particular multiple separator property combinations,

and the first to produce commercially viable multiple property battery separators,

especially such a separator having negative cross ribs.


Switch Circuit and Method of Switching Radio Frequency Signals

According to the study of Mark L. BurgenerA (2002) novel RF switch circuit and

method for switching RF signals is described. The RF switch circuit is fabricated in a

silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology. The RF switch includes pairs of switching and

shunting transistor groupings used to alternatively couple RF input signals to a common

RF node. The switching and shunting transistor grouping pairs are controlled by a

switching control voltage (SW) and its inverse (SW_). The switching and shunting

transistor groupings comprise one or more MOSFET transistors connected together in a

“stacked” or serial configuration. The stacking of transistor grouping devices, and

associated gate resistors, increase the breakdown voltage across the series connected

switch transistors and operate to improve RF switch compression. A fully integrated RF

switch is described including digital control logic and a negative voltage generator

integrated together with the RF switch elements. In one embodiment, the fully integrated

RF switch includes a built-in oscillator, a charge pump circuit, CMOS logic circuitry,

level-shifting and voltage divider circuits, and an RF buffer circuit. Several embodiments

of the charge pump, level shifting, voltage divider, and RF buffer circuits are described.

The inventive RF switch provides improvements in insertion loss, switch isolation, and

switch compression.

On the other hand, according to Andrew Rickman et al. (2016). The op to-

electronic switch includes an N-dimensional array of switch modules arranged in a

topology in which each switch module is a member of N sub-arrays, the sub-arrays

defined with reference to the coordinates of the constituent switch modules, and wherein
all of the members of each sub-array are connected by an active switch, which in some

embodiments may be an optical active switch or an electronic active switch.

Traffic signal system for congested traffic ways

According to the study of Amanda Reed (2015) a traffic signal system for

congested traffic ways has a plurality of stationary alarm light/sensor-reader

combinations and mobile alarm light/sensor-reader combinations monitoring each other

and monitory tags placed on individuals, machines, and hazards to provide real time

alarms to not only pedestrians but also machine operators, who are potentially

approaching harm's way, or have the better ability to avert potential harm. A wireless

mobile traffic warning light system in accordance with the invention to create a mobile

traffic signal system for motor vehicle and/or pedestrian traffic, that provides detection

and notification of a condition wherein a moving single detectable device (a

“Transponder”) of a plurality of Transponders and reader devices (a “Sensor”)

throughout the facility and connected together to protect the pedestrian or motor vehicle

operator by signaling the detection of a traffic or safety hazard (eg., pedestrian, motor

vehicle, operating or stationary hazard) and providing a signal warning of the hazard.

In addition, the study of Fu Ling Chang (2012) a simple and effective control

method is disclosed for starting and stopping a vehicle's engine and automatic lighting of

position lamps to show the vehicle's location. The method uses brake and gear shift lever

of the vehicle to generate selection signals, and a button switch can be pressed to stop or

start the engine of the vehicle according to the selection signals, which can provide

vehicle drivers a simple and secure way to control their vehicles while waiting at a


Charging Systems with Direct Charging Port Support and Extended Capabilities

According to the study of Nicholas A. Sims (2017), During normal operation of

an electronic device, the USB port of a device may be used to convey power and data

signals. For example, the USB port may be used to power a peripheral such as a printer or

camera, to transfer data to and from an accessory, etc. Devices with batteries may be

charged by drawing DC power from the power lines in the USB port. For example, a

battery in a cellular telephone may be charged when the cellular telephone is connected to

a USB port of a computer.

In addition to the study of Nicholas A. Sims, the study of Jean Picard (2011).

Many battery-powered USB devices, such as cellular telephones use a single USB port

for data communications and power. A user can recharge the batteries by attaching a

USB cable between the single USB port and a host. Due to the limited power that can be

output from some hosts, such as some computers, many battery-powered USB devices

are charged by connecting the USB port of the USB device to a wall mounted battery

charger. The wall mounted battery chargers are capable of supplying significantly more

power than some computers or other hosts.


Bike Buddy

The Bike Buddy, which is a self-contained, ecologically friendly solution that can

be placed on practically any bicycle, was the subject of a study by Nick Quinlan et al.

(2010). The Bike Buddy is a green energy concept inspired by today's growing energy

prices. It features a bicycle with an electric AC generator that will be powered by lithium-

ion batteries. LCD, GPS, USB plug-in (with charging capabilities), temperature sensor,

and micro controller are among the gadgets powered by this system. The goal of this

project is to charge lithium-ion batteries efficiently using an electric AC generator while

keeping all onboard peripheral devices operational.

In addition, the study of George Hines et al. (2013). Provided a bicycle system

including a processor integral to the bicycle, the bicycle system further including a

battery integral to the bicycle, wherein the processor is powerable by the battery, the

bicycle system including a smartphone holder configurable to receive a smartphone and

to connect the smartphone to the processor, wherein in use the smartphone holder is

attachable to, and detachable from, the smartphone. Advantages include that the

smartphone can be charged by the battery, the smartphone can communicate with the

processor so as to receive various information such as maintenance-related information of

the bicycle system, the bicycle system can investigate the smartphone identity to check

for unauthorized use of the bicycle system, the smartphone is held during bicycle system

travel which reduces the risk of damage to the smartphone, and the bicycle system shape

is more aerodynamic than that of a bicycle to which a processor and/or a battery has

merely been bolted-on.



Several concept and studies cited by the researcher are relevant and useful to the

present study as they are all related to the development of the Bike Turning Device with

Charging Port.

First, the data gathered is about the Generation of Electrical Energy by Dynamo,

according to Chakole et al. (2019), provided the researcher the idea that dynamo is a

device that converts kinetic energy into electrical energy. Bicycles need energy to run

their headlights and other equipment. The dynamos are typically tiny permanent magnet

alternators. In addition, the study of Rubini et al. (2017), a dynamo is a device that

converts kinetic energy into electrical energy. Bicycles need energy to run their

headlights and other equipment. The dynamos are typically tiny permanent magnet


Second, the data gathered is about the study of (Juqu T. and Ross N. (2022), Due

to their high operating voltage, high energy density, low self-discharging rate, and

generally acceptable stability and durability, lithium-ion batteries have garnered a lot of

attention. According to Sun (2022), battery status assessment is very important to assure

the power, efficiency, and safety operation of EVs. important. On the other hand,

according to J. Kevin Whear et al. (2011), Improved flooded lead acid battery separators,

batteries including such separators, methods of production, and/or methods of use. It is

believed that the present invention is the first to recognize the need to address multiple

separator properties simultaneously, the first to choose particular multiple separator

property combinations, and the first to produce commercially viable multiple property

battery separators, especially such a separator having negative cross ribs.The study gave

the researchers the idea that a battery that can be used safely, readily maintained, and is

eco-friendly must be designed in light of all these shortcomings of existing batteries.

Third, the data gathered according to the study Of Mark L. BurgenerA (2002),

Switch Circuit and Method of Switching Radio Frequency Signals. The RF switch circuit

is fabricated in a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology. The RF switch includes pairs of

switching and shunting transistor groupings used to alternatively couple RF input signals

to a common RF node. On the other hand, according to Andrew Rickman et al. (2016).

The optoelectronic switch includes an N-dimensional array of switch modules arranged

in a topology in which each switch module is a member of N sub-arrays, the sub-arrays

defined with reference to the coordinates of the constituent switch modules, and wherein

all of the members of each sub-array are connected by an active switch, which in some

embodiments may be an optical active switch or an electronic active switch. In addition,

the study of Fu Ling Chang (2012) provided the researcher the idea that a simple and

effective control method is disclosed for starting and stopping a vehicle's engine and

automatic lighting of position lamps to show the vehicle's location.

Fourth, the data gathered according to the study of Amanda Reed (2015). A

wireless mobile traffic warning light system in accordance with the invention to create a

mobile traffic signal system for motor vehicle and/or pedestrian traffic, that provides

detection and notification of a condition wherein a moving single detectable device (a

“Transponder”) of a plurality of Transponders and reader devices (a “Sensor”)

throughout the facility and connected together to protect the pedestrian or motor vehicle

operator by signaling the detection of a traffic

Fifth, the gathered data is about charging port, according to the study of Nicholas

A. Sims et al, (2017) Charging Systems with Direct Charging Port Support and Extended

Capabilities. During normal operation of an electronic device, the USB port of a device

may be used to convey power and data signals. Devices with batteries may be charged by

drawing DC power from the power lines in the USB port. In addition the study of Jean

Picard (2011). Due to the limited power that can be output from some hosts, such as

some computers, many battery-powered USB devices are charged by connecting the USB

port of the USB device to a wall mounted battery charger. The wall mounted battery

chargers are capable of supplying significantly more power than some computers or other


Lastly, the data gathered Bike Buddy. The study by Nick Quinlan et al (2010).

The Bike Buddy is a green energy concept inspired by today's growing energy prices. It

features a bicycle with an electric AC generator that will be powered by lithium-ion

batteries. LCD , GPS, USB plug-in (with charging capabilities), temperature sensor, and

microcontroller are among the gadgets powered by this system. In addition, the study of

George Hines et al. (2013) gave the researcher the idea that a bicycle system including a

processor integral to the bicycle, the bicycle system further including a battery integral to

the bicycle, wherein the processor is powerable by the battery, the bicycle system

including a smartphone holder configurable to receive a smartphone and to connect the

smartphone to the processor, wherein in use the smartphone holder is attachable to, and

detachable from, the smartphone. The goal of this project is to charge lithium-ion

batteries efficiently using an electric AC generator while keeping all onboard peripheral

devices operational.



This chapter presents the methodology of the present developmental study. It

includes the design criteria, design plan and fabrication, evaluation procedure, and cost of

the analysis of Bicycle Turning Device with a Charging Port.

Design Criteria

The design criteria include the features, the parts, and function of each part as
well as the description of the capabilities of the project.


1. Generate DC volts

2. 5 volts’ charger

3. Safety Purposes

Parts and Functions

The parts and functions of the bike turning device or indicator with a charging

port Are presented in table 1.

Table 1

Parts and Functions

Parts Function

Dynamo Generates electricity

Power Bank Serves as the storage of energy.

Regulated Circuit Convert 24 volts to 12 volts and convert 12

volts to 5 volts.

Signal Lights To determine which direction the bike will


Switch A device used to power on and power off

the signal lights.


The bike-turning device with a charging port is capable of charging the mobile

phone, Bluetooth speakers and portable mini fans. It can also tell the other motorist

whether the bike will turn left, right, or brake by signaling the correct direction. The

charging connector has two outputs and can charge two devices at once.

Design Plan and Fabrication

A simple instruction manual demonstrates the attachment procedure and system

functionality. The system easily attaches to various types of bicycles. To avoid weighing

down the bicycle and impeding user performance, a small, compact system becomes

essential. The system is powered by a small, replaceable, or rechargeable battery. With

brake and turn signal capacities touch switch integrated into the handlebars, the user's

hands are always on the handlebars, making signaling safer.



Block Diagram


Figure no. 1

Block Diagram of Bike Turning Device with Charging port.



The following are the list and preparation of Bike Turning Devices with charging

1. Plan the design and layout of the Bike-Turning Device with a Charging Port.

2. Canvass and purchase the materials needed.

3. Prepare tools and equipment for construction.

Construction Procedure

The assemble of the bike turning device or indicator with a charging port is based

on the following procedures:

1.Layout circuit to DC 12v regulated power supply.

2. Lay out circuit 12v to 5v converter.

3. Installation of the dynamo in the back wheel.

4. Install the head light, back light, and back light.

5. Actual device

Table 2 shows the tools and equipment used in the construction of the project
device equipment and their functions.

Table 2

Tools and Functions

Tools Functions

Cutter Blade Blade cutter is used for fast cuts, a tangential knife for
details and a creasing tool for setting fold lines.

Long Nose Use to grip small objects, reach awkward places, holding
wires, bending loops, and attaching wires.

An electronic measuring instrument that combines several

Multi-Tester measurement functions in one unit.

Pencil It is mainly used for artistic sketching and drawing, for

stenography or notes.

Ruler Measure, to aid in drawing straight lines, and as a straight

guide for cutting and scoring with a blade.

Side- Cutter Use to grip, splice or cut wires, and strip insulation.

Soldering iron Soldering iron is a hand tool used to heat solder, usually
from an electrical supply at high temperature above the
melting point of the metal alloy.

Evaluation Procedure

1. Capacity to store electricity.

2. Capacity to charge.

Cost Analysis

The total cost of the device includes the cost of supplies and materials, labor cost

and overhead cost. The labor costs and overhead costs constitute 40% and 10%

respectively of the cost of supplies and materials.

Table 3 presents the supplies and materials and their cost. On the other hand, table 4

presents the total cost of the project.

Table 3: Cost of parts

Qty Unit Name and Description Unit Cost Total Cost

1 pc BMX Bike 1,500.00 1,500.00

1 pc Dynamo 24 volts (18 watts) 300.00 300.00
4 pc Diode (IN4001) 3.00 12.00
5 pc Ceramic Capacitor (0.1 uF) 4.00 20.00
2 pc PCB (2x4) 30.00 60.00
1 pc Voltage Regulator (7812) 33.00 33.00
1 pc -7805 33.00 33.00
1 pc Signal light (3 watts) 100.00 100.00
1 pc Tail lights (3 watts) 100.00 100.00
1 pc Headlight (3 watts) 150.00 150.00
1 pc Break light (3 watts) 100.00 100.00
2 pc Resistor 3.3 ohms (3 watts) 1.00 2.00
1 pc Light Switch (3 watts) 175.00 175.00
1 pc Power Bank 300.00 300.00
(P85 capacity 3.7 v/30000mAh)

Total: Php 2,885.00

Table 4.


Source Cost (Php)

Supplies and Materials 2, 885.00

Labor Cost 40% 1,154.00
Overhead Cost 10% 288.50

TOTAL PHP 4,327.50



Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter includes the presentation, tests and results of the functionality of the

Bike Turning Device with Charging Port with the analysis and presentation of data.

Presentation of Data

The data includes the description of the device and the presentation of the results

gathered from the tests conducted.

Testing of the functionality

Several trials were performed and conducted to test the functionality of each

component and the final output of the device.


Table 5 Test the capacity to stored electricity

Trial Device Observation

1 Power bank The power bank charge 25 percent after

30 mins of pedaling.
2 The power bank charge 50 percent after
1 hour of pedaling.
3 The power bank charge 100 percent after 2
hours of pedaling.

Table 5 show's that the power bank charge 25% after 30 minutes of pedaling. Then,

the power bank charge 50% after 1 hour of pedaling. Finally, the power bank charge

100% after 2 hours of pedaling.


Table 6 Test the capacity to charge

Trial Device Activity Average Reading Remarks

1 Mobile phone (Realme Charging the mobile 100% in 4 hours It takes time to
C11) phone when the bike and 45 minutes fully charge the
is not in motion. device.

Bluetooth Speaker Charging the 3 hours to full It takes almost 3

(A&G) Bluetooth Speaker hours to fully
when the bike is not in charge the
motion. device.

Portable Mini Fan Charging the Portable 2 hours and 50 It takes almost 3
(A&G) Mini Fan when the minutes to full hours to fully
bike is not in motion. charge.

Table 6 shows that it takes 4 hours and 45 minutes to fully charge the mobile phone.
Then it takes 3 hours to fully charge the Bluetooth speaker. Finally, it takes 2 hours and
50 minutes to fully charge the Portable mini fan.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The researcher concluded that the device's charging capacity is operational based on

the information provided. The results of the numerous tests undertaken, which are

displayed in tables 5 and 6, demonstrate that the bike turning mechanism is capable of

producing 5 volts of output and can generate energy to store in a power bank. This

dynamo-powered device provides power to charge a limited number of devices.


Chapter V

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions, and

recommendations of the study.


This study’s primary goal was design and assemble bike-turning device with a

charging port. To charge a selected type of device, each pedal on the bike has a power

reserve in the power bank. Additionally, we built our device with signal lights. A power

bank’s dual functions are to charge a selected gadget or device that may be charged and

to provide signal lighting. The analysis of the bike-turning device with a charging port in

its feasibility was done successfully. Even though there is something that need to improve

in our device, we encourage and motivate the students and juniors of our college to build

up the bike turning device with a charging port more efficiently like adding an ammeter

to measure the flow of current.



Based on the findings and results of testing of the study, the researchers

concluded that:

1. The design and assembly of the Bike Turning Device was feasible

2. Based on the trials conducted, the Bike Turning Device was featured capable.

3. The User’s Manual of the Bike Turning Device was simple and user’s friendly.


The following are the recommendations for the study:

1. Enhance the design and lower the cost of constructing the device.

2. The proposed device can be used by teachers, Electronics student, electricians and


3. Electronics Company is preferred to improve the accuracy of the device.

4. Install a buzzer indicator to let you know when the power bank is fully charged.

5. The future researcher should install an ammeter to measure the flow of the current or

alternative ways to fix the input current.



Balakrishnan, R. (2017). Power generation using gear setup with dynamo.

Burgener, M. L. (2002). Switch circuit and method of switching radio frequency signals.

Chakole, A. N. (2019). Generation of Electrical Energy by Dynamo.

Chang, F. L. (2012). Method of controlling an engine of a vehicle.

Nitta, N. (2015). Li-ion battery.

Picard, J. (2011). Devices and methods for detecting usb devices attached to a usb charging port.

Reed, A. (2015). Traffic signal system for congested trafficways.

Rickman, A. (2016). Optoelectronic switch.

Sims, N. A. (2017). Charging systems with direct charging port support and extended

Whear, J. K. (2011). Lead acid battery separators, batteries and related methods.



Appendix A


Figure 1.
Block Diagram of Bike Turning Device with a Charging Port.


Figure 3
Lay out circuit to DC 12 volts regulated power supply


Figure 4
Lay out circuit 12v to 5v converter


Figure 4
Installation of the dynamo in the back wheel

Appendix E

Figure 5
Install head light, back light, and side light


Figure 6
Actual device

Appendix G




Kezia Keren Casuyon

May M. Flores
Kristy P. Villamor
Mariel P. Reyes
Vivialyn N. Navarra
Reynold S. Ojeda

Power bank Signal lights


Brake light


Head light

Circuit board

Parts and Functions

1. Dynamo - Convert mechanical energy into electricity.

2. Regulated circuit board - Convert 12dc volt into 5dc volts (output).

3. Power bank - Store power by pedaling the device.

4. Switch - Indicating a vehicle turn. Electrically, it signals the turn signal flasher to flash

either the right or left turn lights.

5. LED Signal lights - Indicates the direction.

6. Break light - To warn other drivers that you're slowing down.

Operation of the Device

1.Pedal the bike to generate power to the board from dynamo.

2.Press the left button switch to give signal when you left turn.

3.Press the right button switch to give signal when you right turn.

4.Brake light - hold the brake to turn on the brake light.

5.Power bank - power bank will automatically full charge after 2 hours of pedaling.

6.Head light - turn on the headlight switch to lights on.

Safety Precautions

1. Do not use the device when rainy days.

2. Keep away from children.

3. Secure the device in the safe place.

4. Do not charge while pedaling.

5. Always inspect your bike prior to riding.

6. Make certain drivers can see you.

7. Check your equipment before you ride.


Dynamo - use to generate

direct current using a

Power Bank - use to charge Cell phone,

Bluetooth speaker and any chargeable

Head Light - use to illuminate the

roadway and facilitate fatigue-free and
safe driving.

Switch - use to switch the

signal lights on when you left
turn or right.

Brake light - to warn other

drivers that you’re slowing

Signal Lights - use to give

signals to avoid accidents.

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