Multitone Testing of Sound System Components-Some Results and Conclusions Part 2: Modeling and Application

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Multitone testing of sound system components-some results and conclusions

Part 2: Modeling and application

Article  in  Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. Audio Engineering Society · December 2001

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4 authors, including:

Alexander Voishvillo
Harman Professional Solutions


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Multitone Testing of Sound System Components—

Some Results and Conclusions
Part 2: Modeling and Application*



Cerwin Vega Inc., (Sustaining Member), Simi Valley, CA 93065, USA

An historical retrospective analysis of the measurement of nonlinearities in audio is carried

out. A quantitative analysis of the responses of various nonlinear systems (theoretical and
experimental) to a multitone signal is made, and multitone testing is compared to conven-
tional harmonic and intermodulation measurements. The multitone test provides more
accurate information about the behavior of nonlinear systems when compared to standard
harmonic, two-tone intermodulation, and total harmonic distortion measurements. Modeling
of the nonlinear reaction of various sound system components to a multitone signal is

4 MODELING more, designing a model that can handle the distortion of

a multitone signal is only one step from modeling a non-
4.1 Multitone and One-Dimensional Nonlinear linear reaction to an arbitrary signal. This makes it possi-
Waves ble to tackle the auralization of a musical signal impaired
It was shown in [120], [121] that large sound systems by air distortion. Auralization allows us to predict the sub-
might be impaired by the severe distortion caused by the jectively perceived sound quality of a musical signal
nonlinear propagation of sound waves from horn arrays to impaired by air distortion and possibly to take measures to
a listener. This physical effect is somewhat similar to the minimize this distortion.
nonlinear distortion produced by horns. In [120], [121] At this stage of our work, three one-dimensional non-
nonlinear air propagation distortion was predicted theoret- linear sound waves were considered: plane, cylindrical,
ically and confirmed by experiments. It is important to and spherical. In the next subsection, the distortion of a
know the level of propagation distortion in a sound system multitone sound wave in a horn is analyzed.
because this distortion may be significant and may even The following equation describes the propagation of a
exceed the level of distortion in the compression drivers plane lossless sound wave [120]:
and horns.  
In [120], [121] air propagation distortion was presented r βv(τ )
v(τ ) = F τ + , τ ∈ {0, . . . , τm }
in the form of harmonic and intermodulation products. c0 [c0 + βv(τ )]
Continuing the line of thought from Part 1, the multitone (21)
stimulus can retrieve a much more detailed picture of air
propagation distortion than the traditional methods of har- where v() is the particle velocity, F denotes an arbitrary
monic and two-tone intermodulation measurement. In continuous function,  is the angular frequency, c0 is the
addition, through the use of multitone signals the Volterra undisturbed sound speed, r is the distance from the sound
model of nonlinear air propagation can be built. The latter source,  = ( + 1)/2 is the coefficient of nonlinearity, with
potentially leads to the design of inverse operators, pro-  being the ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to
viding compensation for nonlinear distortion. Further- that at constant volume and having a value of 1.4 for air,
 = t  r/c0 is retarded time, with t the current time, and
{0, . . . , m} is the time interval where the solution is
* Presented at the 109th Convention of the Audio Engineering
Society, Los Angeles, CA, 2000 September 22 –25; manuscript sought. For a periodic function F() = F( + T) the solu-
received 2000 November 30. tion is sought for the time interval {0, . . . , T}, where T is
J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 49, No.12, 2001 December 1181

the period of the signal. a plane wave; Fig. 22 shows the distortion corresponding
This equation is implicit, because the particle velocity to the propagation of a spherical wave; and Fig. 23 shows
v() is presented in both parts of Eq. (21). Since F in Eq. how the distortion in a spherical wave grows with an
(21) is an arbitrary continuous function, it may take the form increase in the SPL from 110 to 120 dB. The character of
of Eq. (1) (see Part 1), describing a multitone stimulus, the distortion products in both these waves strongly
   resembles the distortion generated in a plane wave. The

r βv(τ )
v(τ ) − v0i sin ωi τ + =0
c0 [c0 + βv(τ )]

where v 0i is the amplitude of the ith multitone component.

Eq. (22) can only be solved numerically. For a certain
moment of time k and distance r, the value of the particle
velocity v(k) satisfying Eq. (22) is computed by the
numerical methods of bracketing and bisection [122].
Afterward this process is repeated for the next moment of
time k+1, until the whole time interval of the input signal
is covered. The solution of Eq. (22) for each moment of
time k is the level of particle velocity v(k) at the distance
of reception r. Therefore the new distorted waveform of
the particle velocity is found. This process of solving Eq.
(22) can be repeated, increasing r, to observe the transfor-
mation of the distortion with distance. The sound pressure
is calculated simply as p() = 0c0v(), where 0c0 is the
plane wave radiation impedance, 0 is the undisturbed air
density, and c0 is the undisturbed speed of sound. In this
modeling the higher orders of propagation nonlinearity are
not truncated, as is typical for Volterra series models. The
spectra of original and distorted multitone plane waves,
calculated by the DFT, are shown in Fig. 20. The multi-
tone wave consists of 10 tones distributed logarithmically
in the frequency range of 1 –10 kHz (see Part 1, Table 1).
The distorted multitone plane wave corresponds to the dis-
tance r = 10 m and 110-dB SPL. A strong domination of
intermodulation products over harmonics is observed.
There is a pronounced increase in all distortion products
with frequency.
Similar to Eq. (22) characterizing the plane multitone (b)
wave, the equations describing cylindrical and spherical
Fig. 20. (a) Spectrum of original multitone plane wave.
multitone waves take the following form [120], [121]: (b) Calculated spectrum of distorted multitone plane wave.
SPL = 110 dB; distance = 10 m.
• Cylindrical wave:



v(τ ) − v0i sin ωi τ + 2 r0

1 −
r v(τ ) = 0 (23)
r i=1 c0 r0 0

• Spherical wave:
r  N
β r r
v(τ ) − v0i sin ωi τ + 2 r0 ln v(τ ) = 0 (24)
r0 i=1 c0 r0 r0

where r0 is the radius of the source and r the distance from

the source. distortion in a cylindrical wave is lower than that in a
Like Eq. (21), the implicit equations, Eqs. (23) and plane wave, and the distortion in the spherical wave is
(24), were solved numerically using the methods of brack- even less. This is explained by the spreading of a cylindri-
eting and bisection [122]. To calculate the spectrum of cal and a spherical wave causing a progressive decrease in
sound pressure in cylindrical and spherical waves, their sound pressure with distance and slowing down the accu-
impedances were multiplied by the Fourier transform of mulation of air propagation distortion. Modeling the prop-
particle velocity. Fig. 21 shows the distortion in a cylin- agating multitone sound waves shows how the distortion
drical wave corresponding to conditions similar to that of caused by air nonlinearity affects the signal. A graphical
1182 J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 49, No.12, 2001 December

representation of the distortion gives a very detailed and in horns, leading to the auralization of nonlinearity in
versatile picture of the nonlinearity affecting this complex horns.
signal. The modeling of nonlinear distortion in horns is based
The modeling was further extended to handle real musi- on a combination of matrix analysis in linear approxima-
cal signals. Pieces of musical signals of 10-s duration were tion and a nonlinear transformation of a plane wave. The
saved from a CD onto a hard disk in a “wav” format. The continuous flare of a horn is divided into n cascaded dis-
sampling frequency of the signal was increased from 44.1 crete cylindrical sections (elements), each characterized
to 441 kHz to take into account the higher products of non- by the complex matrix [ai]. This matrix describes the rela-
linearity and to prevent aliasing. A fragment of the recorded tionship between the velocities and pressures at the inlet
music therefore consisted of 4.41  10 6 samples. For each and outlet of an ith cylindrical section [120]. Assuming
time sample the current level of the signal was incorporated weak nonlinearity and little change in the pressure and
into Eqs. (22) – (24), and the transformation of the wave- velocity along the length of a single cylindrical section,
form was calculated numerically using the methods of each section is presented by a cascaded linear and nonlin-
bracketing and bisection. Repeating this process for each ear element (Fig. 24). The modeling assumes that the
time sample, the waveform of the signal corresponding to reflections from the horn’s mouth affect the signal in lin-
the air distortion was calculated. Afterward the signal was ear approximation, whereas the nonlinear products propa-
decimated back to 44.1 kHz. The modeling was carried out gate without reflections. This assumption is fair for the
for all three types of one-dimensional waves. This approach frequency range above the horn’s cutoff frequency, essen-
made it possible to perform auralization of the air distortion tially where horns are used.
inherent in one-dimensional waves and to evaluate the Calculation in the frequency domain is carried out as
influence of the air distortion on the sound quality. follows. The complex particle velocity v t i and pressure pt i
Modeling these simple types of nonlinear sound waves is a at the throat of an ith cylindrical element and the particle
first step toward the auralization of distorted musical sound velocity v mi and pressure pmi at the mouth of an ith cylin-
waves radiated by more complex sound sources, such as drical element are expressed by the following matrix
horn arrays.

4.2 Multitone and Distortion in Horns

The nonlinear distortion generated in horns is a sibling
of the nonlinear distortion generated in free-propagating
sound waves of high amplitude. The sound wave propa-
gating in a horn remains confined within its boundaries
and does not lose much of its pressure. Consequently a
high-pressure sound wave promptly accumulates distor-
tion during its travel along a horn. Modeling the distortion
that adversely affect a multitone sound wave may lead to
the corresponding Volterra models. For the latter, inverse
functionals can possibly be built. Implementation of the
inverse functionals in the DSP could solve the problem of
minimizing nonlinear distortion in horns. Furthermore,
modeling nonlinear multitone propagation in horns helps
to tackle the nonlinear propagation of real musical signals Fig. 22. Calculated spectrum of distorted multitone spherical
wave. SPL = 110 dB; distance = 10 m.

Fig. 21. Calculated spectrum of distorted multitone cylindrical Fig. 23. Calculated spectrum of distorted multitone spherical
wave. SPL = 110 dB; distance = 10 m. wave. SPL = 120 dB; distance = 10 m.

J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 49, No.12, 2001 December 1183


equation: throat impedance of the last nth element is calculated by

    Eq. (29), where Zamn is the complex radiation impedance
pti pmi of the horn, calculated as
= [ai ] (25)
vti Si vmi Si   
ρ0 c0 J1 (2krm ) S1 (2krm )
Z amn = 1− +j (29)
where Si is the cross-sectional area of the ith cylindrical Sm krm krm
The matrix [ai] is expressed as where Sm is the mouth area, rm is the mouth radius, and
  J1(2krm) and S1(2krm) are the first-order Bessel and
a11i a12i cos(kli ) jRi sin(kli ) Strouve functions.
[ai ] = = (26)
a21i a22i j R1i sin(kli ) cos(kli ) The initial linear multitone pressure p it1(i) at the throat
of the horn is assumed not to be dependent on the fre-
where l is the length of the ith element, the parameter Ri = quency. Essentially this pressure may have any frequency
0c0/si is the normalized plane√ wave impedance, k = /c0 dependence. It may be obtained from measurements using
is the wave number, and j = −1. a real compression driver. Also it may be obtained from a
The pressure at the outlet of the ith element is related to model of a compression driver. This pressure may even
the pressure at its inlet through the equation have an arbitrary discrete spectrum, representing distortion
generated earlier in a compression driver. The pressure
1 p lm1(i) at the outlet of the first linear element is calcu-
pmi = pti (27)
a11i + a12i /Z ami lated by Eq. (27), p lt1(i) → p lm1(i). Afterward the spec-
trum of the signal is turned into the time domain by the
where Zami accounts for the complex termination imped- inverse Fourier transform, p lm1(t) = F1 {p lm1(i)}. The
ance of the ith cylindrical element, which is essentially the time-domain pressure is nonlinearly processed through
input acoustical impedance of the next element, Zat(i+1), the numerical solution of Eq. (22), p lm1(t) ⇒ p nm1(t). Then
that is, Zami = Zat(i+1). p nm1(t) is turned, by the Fourier transform, into the fre-
The input impedance of the (i + 1)th cylindrical element quency domain again, and this pressure is considered as
is calculated as the input signal for the next cylindrical element, p lt2(i) =
F{p nm1(t)}. Then the calculation is repeated, going through
a11(i+1) Z am(i+1) + a12(i+1) all the sections until the waveform and the spectrum at the
Z at(i+1) = . (28)
a21(i+1) Z am(i+1) + a22(i+1) mouth of the horn are calculated.
Fig. 25 shows the spectrum of a 30-tone sound wave at
Therefore the calculation of the sound pressure in the the mouth of a 0.2-m-long 1-in-throat exponential horn.
frequency domain is preceded by the calculation of the The frequency-independent SPL at the throat of the horn
throat impedance of each cylindrical element. This calcu- is 130 dB. The overall character of the distortion is some-
lation starts from the input impedance of the last nth cylin- what similar to that of the freely propagating waves. The
drical element adjacent to the mouth of the horn. The envelope of the amplitudes of the primary tones character-

Fig. 24. Modeling of nonlinear distortion in horns.

1184 J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 49, No.12, 2001 December


izes the frequency response of the horn, corresponding to and a level of conventionally measured distortion quite
the frequency independent pressure at the throat of the comparable with those of the new device. However, sub-
horn. The tendency of distortion products to increase jective listening tests revealed a significant disparity in
toward high frequencies is observed. Fig. 26 shows only a sound quality, suggesting an inferior performance of the
linear sound pressure frequency response with the number reference compression driver. This discrepancy in sound
of tones increased to 200. Oscillations of the frequency quality essentially stimulated the use of a multitone signal
response in the vicinity of 500 Hz are indicative of the for the assessment of the nonlinearity in horn drivers. The
reflections from the mouth. testing of both compression drivers by the multitone stim-
Modeling the air distortion that adversely affects multi- ulus consisting of 20 logarithmically distributed tones in
tone sound waves propagating freely or in a horn pursues the frequency range of 1 –10 kHz revealed strong differ-
two possible goals. One goal is the development of ences in the nonlinearities of these drivers. The reference
Volterra models of air propagation distortion. At the cur- driver had a significantly higher level of intermodulation
rent state of research it seems possible to obtain Volterra products, including those of the high orders.
kernels of the first-, second-, and probably third-order ker- Figs. 27 and 28 show the frequency responses of both
nels, using a multitone signal and treating the nonlinear drivers, the second and third harmonics, and the THD
wave propagation as a “black box.” The Volterra models curves. At first glance the objective performances of both
might possibly lead to the synthesis of the inverse opera- compression drivers are quite comparable. They both have
tors and therefore to the corresponding algorithms imple- very similar levels of second and third harmonic distor-
mented in DSP to compensate for air propagation distor- tion. The difference is in the levels of the higher harmon-
tion. The second goal is the development of a system for ics, the reference driver being characterized by the higher
the auralization of air propagation distortion. Such a sys- levels. Since their levels are low anyway, one might take
tem would be a helpful tool in the design of large sound them out of consideration as insignificant. The THD curve
systems and horn loudspeakers. even implies the superiority of the reference driver, whose
THD curve is lower in the frequency range of 500 Hz to 2
5 APPLICATION kHz (see Fig. 28). However, measurement by a multitone
signal reveals a stunning and bitter (for the reference
5.1 Use of Multitone Stimuli to Detect Sound driver) truth: the reference compression driver generates a
Quality – Related Nonlinearity Differences in significantly larger number of intermodulation products,
Compression Drivers exceeding in level the products inherent in the multitone
During the development of a new line of low-distortion response of the new driver. Fig. 29 shows the results of the
compression drivers with a principally different topology multitone testing of both drivers. The salient difference
of diaphragm and phasing plug, the performance of these between the two responses is self-explanatory. The refer-
drivers was tested both objectively and subjectively. The ence driver has a much “dense” pattern of distortion prod-
sound quality of the new drivers was compared with the ucts, occurring practically over the entire frequency range.
performance of conventional dome-diaphragm compres- A zoomed picture of the distortion products in the fre-
sion drivers. Regular objective test procedures included he quency range of 2 –3 kHz (Fig. 30) is even more impres-
measurement of impedance, frequency response, second sive. It shows the enormous difference in the number of
and third harmonics, and THD. The drivers were loaded intermodulation products produced by the drivers. The
by similar 60º by 90º exponential horns and measured at 2 reference driver’s response has an abundant “forest” of
m under unechoic conditions. distortion spectral components. Since a great number of
In one of the tests a reference conventional driver (with these distortion products were generated by higher order
a 4-in titanium diaphragm) showed a frequency response nonlinearities, these higher order products were “injected”

Fig. 25. Modeled spectrum of a 30-tone sound wave at the mouth Fig. 26. Frequency response of “linear” horn, modeled through
of an exponential horn. SPL = 130 dB at throat. use of 200 tones.

J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 49, No.12, 2001 December 1185


into the output signal during listening tests, producing a linear sound wave propagation in horns.
quite audible deterioration of the sound quality. Therefore, This frequency-dependent increase in the harmonic
measurements by the multitone stimulus gave information curves is not expected from a direct-radiating high-
relevant to the subjective sound quality, whereas the THD frequency loudspeaker. However, in the course of testing a
curve gave a “wrong answer,” and harmonic measure- high-SPL, high-frequency array, consisting of several effi-
ments did not give direct indications, suggesting the infe- cient direct radiating tweeters, a tendency of the harmon-
rior performance of the reference driver. The multitone ics to increase with frequency was observed. This effect
response did not provide an accurate quantitative measure could not be explained by the influence of the aforemen-
of the subjectively perceived quality (these measures are tioned sources of distortion, since there was neither a com-
not known thus far), but gave straightforward clues to pression chamber nor a horn attached to the array. Two
sound quality disparity, ruling out possible and impossible reasonable explanations were considered: the mechanical
“mysterious” causes. distortion produced by the vibration of the diaphragm at
partial resonances and the air distortion acquired by a
5.2 Use of a Multitone Stimulus Signature to sound wave while propagating from the array to the
Detect Air Propagation Distortion in the Testing microphone. The latter effect was initially ruled out as
of Direct Radiating Tweeters impossible, because the average pressure at the micro-
While testing a horn driver’s harmonic distortion, an phone was only 110-dB SPL, hardly a “nosebleed” level.
increase in the distortion curves with frequency is typi- Nevertheless, to evaluate the possible influence of air dis-
cally observed. This tendency of harmonic distortion to tortion, the array was tested by the 10-tone signal. The pat-
grow with increasing frequency is explained by the nature tern of distortion thus obtained was compared to the mod-
of the compression within an air chamber and by the non- eled distortion of the multitone spherical wave, for a


Fig. 27. Frequency responses and harmonic curves (from second to sixth). (a) Reference compression driver (4-in voice coil, 2-in out-
put, dome titanium diaphragm). (b) New prototype compression driver (3-in voice coil; 2-in output; PEN film bicurved diaphragm).

1186 J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 49, No.12, 2001 December


similar level of sound pressure at the source, number of of its use by anyone. The development of such a method
tones, and distance. A comparison of the distortion pat- would be justified by the ability of multitone stimuli to
terns showed a striking resemblance (Fig. 31). Many sub- reveal a much more diverse and informative “picture” of
tle similarities in the pattern of the distortion response distortion than the sweeping tone methods, as has been
could easily be observed. For example, the spectral com- shown in Part 1, Section 2. Figuratively speaking, the mul-
ponents marked by circles on both graphs are indicative of titone stimulus sends us encrypted messages full of vital
the affinity between both distortion patterns. The results of information; we only need to learn how to decipher them.
this experiment should alert the designer of high-SPL
tweeters and compression drivers that measured distortion 6 RESULTS AND CONCLUSION
may not be produced within the devices tested, but rather
by the nonlinear propagation of sound waves on their way Traditional methods of measuring nonlinearity in audio
from a loudspeaker to the microphone. equipment, and in loudspeakers in particular, do not pro-
The two aforementioned examples of testing loud- vide sufficient information to characterize accurately the
speakers with a multitone stimulus demonstrate the ability properties of equipment impaired by nonlinear distortion.
of a multitone signal to produce specific patterns of dis- This lack of appropriate information may lead to erro-
tortion that can be used in the identification of specific neous results when the subjective performance of loud-
problems occurring in loudspeakers. This approach could speakers does not correspond to traditional measurements
possibly be extended to the search for a relationship of nonlinear distortion. Historically the measurement of
between loudspeaker sound quality and specific patterns nonlinear distortion in loudspeakers was carried out by
of multitone response. This pattern recognition method one or two sweeping tones. For years there were many
has not yet been developed, and the authors do not know attempts to find the thresholds of traditionally measured


Fig. 28. Total harmonic distortion. (a) Conventional reference compression driver. (b) New prototype compression driver.

J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 49, No.12, 2001 December 1187


distortion that would correspond to subjectively perceived was tackled as an optimization problem. A global opti-
sound quality. This search for clues as to how harmonic mization algorithm was used to reach the goal. It was
and two-tone intermodulation distortion is related to sub- found that the minimization of the crest factor of a multi-
jective quality did not give perfectly credible or consistent tone signal with logarithmically distributed frequencies is
results. The investigations of different researchers sug- possible within rather narrow limits. Minimization becomes
gested different levels of distortion. This discrepancy was less effective with an increase of the signal’s time span.
explained by a lack of sufficient information obtained Since the multitone signal with logarithmically distributed
through the sweeping tone measurements. frequencies is nonperiodic, it becomes increasingly difficult
In this work a multitone signal was researched for its to find a combination of phases that lead to the minimiza-
ability to reveal more information about nonlinearity in tion of the peaks of the signal over a longer signal duration.
loudspeakers than do conventional methods of measure- The transformation of a multitone signal by static non-
ment. The multitone signal stands halfway between a sin- linearity was analyzed. Simple examples show clearly that
gle sinusoidal signal and a musical signal, having some harmonic products do not carry adequate quantitative meas-
properties of both. Some characteristics of a multitone sig- ures of a signal’s distortion. With an increase in the number
nal with logarithmically distributed frequencies were con- of tones and the order of nonlinearity, the share of inter-
sidered, including the statistical distribution of amplitudes modulation products increases dramatically. Generated har-
and the crest factor. Unlike the sinusoidal signal, the monic products are believed to play a minor role in the
waveform of a multitone signal and its statistical proper- deterioration of the sound quality of reproduced musical
ties strongly resemble those of a musical signal. The sta- signals. Harmonics change the balance of the natural over-
tistical distribution of a multitone signal is close to a reg- tones in a spectrum of musical instruments, causing col-
ular Gaussian curve and resembles the distribution of a oration, rather than subjectively distorting the reproduced
musical signal, unlike a sinusoidal signal whose statistical sound. Meanwhile intermodulation products fall into a
distribution is the opposite of the Gaussian curve. An dissonant relationship with the primary tones and produce
attempt to minimize the crest factor of a multitone signal audible deterioration of a reproduced sound.
with logarithmically distributed frequencies (by adjusting Numerical experiments with static nonlinearity showed
the phases of the initial tones) was carried out. This task


Fig. 30. Multitone responses. (a) Reference compression driver.
Fig. 29. Multitone response. (a) Reference compression driver. (b) New prototype compression driver. Both zoomed in fre-
(b) New prototype compression driver. quency range of 2 –3 kHz.

1188 J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 49, No.12, 2001 December


that a higher order nonlinearity (for example, the fourth or ity. The level of these first-order products can exceed the
fifth order) produces an infinitesimally low level of har- level of the corresponding harmonics significantly and can
monics (of that order) compared to the level of the accom- be quite comparable to the level of other intermodulation
panying intermodulation products. This very strong differ- products.
ence between the level of high-order harmonics and the A strong difference in the number, level, and energy
corresponding intermodulation products may explain why between high-order harmonics and high-order intermodu-
subjectively perceived distortion is often associated with the lation products might explain why some transistor ampli-
presence of high-order harmonics in a measured output sig- fiers with low second and third harmonics, but character-
nal, even though the level of these harmonics is low. These ized by higher order harmonic distortion, sound inferior
effects occur because the measured higher order harmonics, compared to tube amplifiers whose nonlinear distortion,
not carrying a quantitative measure of subjectively detected although being stronger, does not extend to the higher
distortion, are always accompanied by the significantly orders. Figuratively speaking, the higher order harmonics
larger intermodulation products (in number and energy), are only the tip of an iceberg whose larger hidden part is
which usually are not measured. Figuratively speaking, the intermodulation distortion of this high order. Another
“stealthy” high-order nonlinearity creates a very small blip highly hypothetical explanation for “transistor” sound
on the display of the harmonic-measurement “radar.” might be the modulation of the linear component of the
Higher order nonlinearity is very sensitive to the level of the signal by the products of the first order, generated by the
input signal. An increase in input signal, which produces a odd-order nonlinearities. This phenomenon might be a
negligible effect on low-order products, can wake up the source of some subtle nuances, such as poor transparence
“evil forces” of nonlinearity, releasing an unfathomable and other fine effects in amplifier sound.
number of high-order intermodulation product “piranhas” With an increase in the number of testing tones, the fre-
to tear the flesh of reproduced sound to pieces. quencies of some nonlinear products may overlap with the
Another effect observed was the generation of first- primary tones and other products. The overlapping of dis-
order products by odd-order static polynomial nonlinear- tortion products prevents a straightforward evaluation of
their amplitudes. Overlapping is strong if the distribution
of the tones is harmonic, and is inherent to a lesser degree
in the tones with logarithmically distributed frequencies.
Strictly speaking, a truly logarithmic distribution of pri-
mary tones puts them in an irrational relationship, which
prevents overlapping. However, the rounding of tone fre-
quencies to the nearest frequency bin inevitably causes
overlapping. In this work the number of overlapped tones
was analyzed as a function of the number of initial tones,
the order of nonlinearity, and the signal duration.
The transformation of a multitone signal by dynamic
nonlinearity was discussed using Volterra models, pre-
senting nonlinearity in the multidimensional space of
intermodulation combinations. It has been shown that
dynamic nonlinearity is a significantly more complex phe-
nomenon than static nonlinearity and demands a much
(a) more involved mathematical apparatus for analysis. It has
also been demonstrated by computer modeling how the
measurement of distortion by conventional harmonic and
two-tone intermodulation methods might lead to erro-
neous conclusions about the scale of the dynamic nonlin-
earity in a DUT. Sweeping tone measurements may sim-
ply not “see” certain high-level intermodulation
combinations, which would, however, be spotted by the
multitone signal. The multitone stimulus gives a versatile
view of the distortion products of different orders, map-
ping the “multidimensional” intermodulation combina-
tions on the one-dimensional frequency scale.
Modeling of the nonlinear transformation of multitone
sound waves by air propagation distortion was carried out.
The modeling included nonlinear propagation of one-
dimensional waves and propagation within horns. These
distortions are typical for large sound systems. Modeling
Fig. 31. (a) Loudspeaker array distortion revealed by 10-tone of these multitone distortions was an initial step toward
signal. SPL = 110 dB at microphone; distance = 1 m. (b) Air dis-
tortion of multitone spherical wave, modeled at SPL = 110 dB; two future goals. One goal is building Volterra models that
distance = 1 m. may evolve into the synthesis of a compensating device to
J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 49, No.12, 2001 December 1189

decrease propagation distortion in large sound systems. believed to have several possible applications (Fig. 35).
The other goal is the development of an auralization sys- One way to use the multitone signal is the identification
tem that would be a helpful tool in the design of sound approach, in which the multitone stimulus “digs out”
systems, allowing us not only to measure distortions but information about a DUT, sufficient to build Volterra mod-
literally to hear them as well. Auralization of the distortion els. The latter could split a distorted musical signal into its
in one-dimensional sound waves of high amplitude was linear and nonlinear components, corresponding to the lin-
carried out. ear and nonlinear distortions in a tested loudspeaker. An
It has been demonstrated the measurements obtained by auditory system model could process this “dissected” sig-
a multitone stimulus were able to explain the strong dif- nal to answer questions about the detectability of nonlin-
ference in sound quality of two compression drivers when ear distortion in a measured loudspeaker, taking into
that difference had not been unraveled by regular har- account the specific characteristics of the human hearing
monic distortion measurements. The compared compres- system, such as frequency and temporal masking. This
sion drivers showed a tremendous difference in the
amount and level of intermodulation products. These data
correlated well with the subjective impression of sound
quality. The multitone stimulus did not provide quantita-
tive measures of the distortion responsible for the deterio-
ration of sound quality; however, it gave clues to help
explain the difference in the subjectively perceived per-
Another example showed how using a multitone signal
to produce specific patterns of the spectral components of
distortion may help to identify specific types of distortion Fig. 32. Two major areas of multitone application.
or the physical effects causing them. It was demonstrated
how a multitone measurement was helpful in identifying
the air distortion affecting sound waves propagating from
an array of direct radiating tweeters to a microphone.
Historically a multitone stimulus has been used inde-
pendently in two different areas: the testing of audio, elec-
tronic, and broadcasting equipment, and in the “black-
box” identification of physical and biological nonlinear
systems whose structure either is not known or cannot be
described analytically (Fig. 32). The latter use of a multi-
tone signal was substantiated by the fundamental theoret-
ical inputs of Volterra, Wiener, Shetzen, and others. The
application of multitone stimuli for identifying nonlinear
systems evolved into a mature part of the theory of
dynamic nonlinear systems (Fig. 33). The results of this
application of a multitone stimulus have been described in
numerous publications covering various aspects of multi-
tone use for nonlinear identification, such as minimization
of the crest factor, separation of overlapping products,
optimal choice of primary tone frequencies, and the deri-
vation of kernels from measured data. Meanwhile the use Fig. 33. Multitone application for “black-box” identification of
of a multitone signal for testing audio equipment focused nonlinear system.
predominantly on practical goals, such as quick testing of
the frequency response or the evaluation of the nonlinear
behavior of a DUT in general terms (Fig. 34). Some audio
publications on multitone stimulus have hailed it as a pow-
erful measurement tool. However, little explanation has
been given as to how the data provided by a multitone
stimulus could be turned into an objective criterion for
subjectively perceived nonlinear distortion. In truth, the
multitone signal, which is capable of revealing numerous
intermodulation products of different orders, is a very use-
ful tool for evaluating the nonlinear behavior of audio
equipment. With its ability to generate specific patterns of
distortion products, a multitone stimulus outperforms the
traditional methods of sweeping tone measurements.
The information provided by a multitone signal is Fig. 34. Application of multitone stimulus in audio.

1190 J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 49, No.12, 2001 December


approach differs from the “ideal input—distorted output” jectively detected deterioration of the reproduced musical
approach used in the objective assessment of low-bit com- sound. Using the ability of a multitone stimulus to excite
pression systems. The new approach “output signal only more distortion products than sweeping tones are able to,
linearly distorted—output nonlinear products” is more could provide more adequate data than traditional meth-
suitable for the assessment of loudspeakers whose linear ods of measurement. In other words, by grasping a view of
distortion always occurs anyway (because a loudspeaker is distortions through the “eyes” of a multitone signal we are
essentially a band-pass system characterized by phase dis- able to see more than we could by peeping at nonlinearity
tortion at the extremes of its frequency range). This through the keyhole of harmonic measurements. We only
approach could separate the influences of linear and non- need to learn how to read the messages from a multitone
linear distortions, and it could help to consider these stimulus and how to translate them into a language that
effects independently, possibly taking into account such describes the relationship between objective data and sub-
linear effects as the directivity of loudspeakers, the influ- jectively perceived sound quality. There are many possible
ence of the listening environment, and some multichannel ways to present data measured by a multitone signal,
aspects. For the time being this approach belongs to the including plotting the energy of different-order nonlinear-
realm of science fiction. The limitations of this approach ities between adjacent primary tones (similarly to Audio
are now yet know. Clearly the “curse of dimensionality,” Precision’s method), plotting the difference multitone
which demands gargantuan volumes of calculations to response, which characterizes a difference between the
describe Volterra kernels of high orders, cuts off many responses of two DUTs being compared, comparing
possible applications in the foreseeable future. As the different-order products, using a “sweeping” multitone
speed of computers increases by several orders, these cal- signal, or plotting a multitone response at different levels
culations may become feasible. of input signal. There are no obvious obstacles preventing
The second possible application of a multitone signal the feasibility of this approach; however, its expediency
could be for pattern analysis. Figuratively speaking, the has not yet been proven.
multitone signal, with its ability to produce specific pat- Returning to reality, today’s multitone application for
terns of distortion products, can help in the detection of the objective evaluation of sound quality is still far from
some problems in loudspeakers more effectively than reg- achieving its potential. Therefore for the time being, and
ular sweeping tone distortion measurements. An example in the foreseeable future, the most credible way to evalu-
of this use of a multitone signal has been shown in this ate the performance of loudspeakers remains a listening
work. This application requires more involved investiga- test, which will be used until new approaches to evaluate
tions to be developed into a working tool. sound quality objectively, possibly based on the use of a
A multitone stimulus could also be used in the search multitone stimulus, mature into credible methodologies
for the thresholds of distortion detectability. A multitone and techniques.
response could possibly replace regular sweeping tone
measurements in setting these thresholds. The develop- 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
ment of this approach could begin with the search for a
correlation between specific “signatures” of a multitone The authors are indebted to Susannah Kenton for edit-
response to modeled physical nonlinearities and the sub- ing this manuscript.

Fig. 35. Possible use of multitone stimulus in audio.

J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 49, No.12, 2001 December 1191


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Can We Avoid It?,” J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 48, pp. 30 – 48 lished in the 2001 November issue of the Journal.

1192 J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 49, No.12, 2001 December

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