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II worksheet

.es Therefore, many parts of our body Which

Man has evolved over centuri th are no longer needed by us now. These
were needed by our ance ~ Juen ction but now no longer have any use
organs, which once performe a n
• food and Health
are called vestigial organs.
A. You might have seen a dog_moving
its ears. Why do you think it does so.7 • Le,u~ir,,g Ckecklist
• Components of food
• Balanced diet
• Diseases

let's llet stt.trted

we get food from both plants and animals. Look at the pic~res of the
In the distant past, our ancestors too could move their ears. However, during food items given below and name the sources (plant or ammal) from
long period of evolution, they lost this ability. Some people still have the
which these are obtained.
ability to wiggle their ears. This is due to the presence of some vestigial ear
muscles that allows wiggling of ears.
B. It is believed that ancient humans used to have a tail. Find more about
it and write in the space given below.

Eggs Rice Potato fries Orange juice

C. Can you think of ai:iy_more vestigial organs in human beings? Write

about any one vestigial organ.
Ch eese Bread Chicken Ice cream

Have you ever thought why you eat different varieties of food and not
just your favourite food item all the time?
In this chapter, we will learn about the need to eat a variety of food, and
the importance of rest and exercise in keeping us healthy and fit .

Vitamins are required in small amounts to keep our

COMPONENTS OF fOOO body fit and protect it against diseases. Green leafy
Food contains nutrients 1 that are
required by the body in adequate
2 1Mit•M•
1Nutrients: components found in
vegetables, carrot and fruits are some food items rich
in vitamins.
amounts to grow and stay healthy. food that give strength and help Minerals help in the physical and mental development
The main nutrients present in food the body to grow of the body, and keep our bones and teeth strong and
are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, 2Adequate: sufficient in quantity healthy. Milk, cheese, eggs, fruits and vegetables are Sources of minerals
vitamins and minerals. Food also some food items rich in minerals.
contains water and roughage. Roughage (also called dietary fibre) is the undigested portion of the plant
carbohydrates, proteins and fats are ~all~d mac~on~trie~ts, as the_se are food. It adds bulk to our diet. It helps in the easy passage of food through
required in large quantities in our daily diet,_ wh1~e v1tamms an~ ~m~erals the digestive system. Cereals, unpolished rice and grains, fresh fruits and
are called micronutrients, as these are reqmred m small quant1t1es 1n vegetables are some of the rich sources of roughage.
our daily diet. Water is required for almost all functions of the body. We should drink
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body. Rice, wheat, plenty of water (at least 8-10 glasses daily) to stay healthy.
ripe fruits, bread, honey, sugar and potato are some food items rich in
carbohydrates. BALANCED VIET
Fats also provide energy to the body. Butter, oil, ghee and nuts are rich
sources of fats. A diet that has all the components of food in adequate amounts is called
a balanced diet.
Proteins help in the growth and repair of tissues. They also help in
A balanced diet is essential for the proper growth and functioning of

building muscles. Groundnut, beans, pulses, fish, eggs, milk, cheese and
curd are some food items rich in proteins. the body.

Fats and oils (have a very small

~ c!B~
"' ..___ _ _ _ _ amount of these food 1n the diet)

Proteins (must have any one of these

portions in the diet. as they are mainly

Sources of carbohydrates
Sources of fats

/4 ~

. .. ~
\ important in the growing age)
- -\ , . _ _ V1tam1ns and minerals (have five
portions every day from this group)

Carbohydrates (major quantity of
~ - - - food that we eat are from this group)
Diet pyramid

In addition to a balanced diet, our body needs regular exercise as well

as adequate rest and sleep to stay healthy and active. Exercise keeps our
Sources of proteins bones and muscles strong. Rest and sleep keep us relaxed and refreshed.
Sources of vitamins

Prevention is better than cure. It is
Revise ""d Recall always better to prevent a disease than
to treat it.
1 Hygiene: to maintain cleanliness
Fill in the blanks using the correct words. ( t . If t)
. h' _ _ _ _ _ . pro em a from germs and dirt
1 Milk and milk products are nc m . . 2Vaccine: a substance containing
·_ _ _ _ _ bodYfro m diseases. (Vitamms/Mmerals) a very small amount of the thing
2 _ protect our
. portion of the plant food. that causes a disease. It is given
3. Roughage 1s the - - - - - to people to prevent them from
(digested/undigested) getting that disease
4. We should eat _ _ _ _ _ portions of fruits and vegetables Cover your mouth while Wash your hands
3 Symptom: sign
of a particular
coughing and sneezing before eating
every day. (two/five)
Maintaining good hygiene1 and keeping the surrouridings clean play a
very important role in preventing diseases.
DISEASES Vaccination is the process of
Health is defined as a state of complete physical and me~tal well-being.
(A.disease is a state where the body and/or mind are not ma healthy
condition)A disease can occur due to many re~sons. w_e can broadly
classify diseases into two categories: communicable diseases and
non-communicable diseases.

Cov,n'1uuic"ble DisetA ses

using substances called vaccines 2
for the prevention of diseases.
Many communicable diseases can
be prevented by vaccinations given
at the right time. Vaccination
protects a person by not allowing
the germs to multiply in case they
enter the body.
ii ~
Cover food
and water
Use mosquito

'if¼_ disease that can be passed on from an infected1 person to a healthy Some communicable diseases, their symptoms3, and how they can be
person is called a communicable disease~ uch diseases are caused by prevented or treated are given below.
microbes, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozo~ Microbes that
cause diseases are called germs. These germs can spread when the Communicable Caused Symptoms Prevention/Cure
infected person coughs, sneezes or spits. diseases by
.~"t!"M•, @•·1•
1111 Flu Virus Sore throat, runny Take medicines, plenty
nose, difficulty in of rest, plenty of fluids,
lnfected: suffering from a
swallowing, fever, cough drops, salt water
disease caused by microbes headache, cough gargling.
Contaminated: made impure and body ache
or polluted by the addition of
Coughing Sneezing Spitting harmful substances or microbes Measles Virus Runny nose, fever, Vaccination at an early
cough, redness in the age, plenty of fluids and
Germs can enter a person's body through contact with an infected eyes, rashes, weight bed rest can decrease the
person_and/or contaminated2 air, food or water. Insects, such as flies and loss symptoms to some extent.
mosqmtoes, also spread disease-causing germs.
Prevention/Cure - The following t able give s some co mmon deficiency disorders, their
Caused symptoms
Communicable sym ptoms, toget her w ith t he food that should be taken to prevent these
diseases by
Virus Fever, headache, sor e
Vaccination at an early - d iseas es.
Chickenpox age, medicines, cool baths
throat, tiredness, Deficiency Symptoms Food sources of that nutrient
rashes that slowly and bed r est. The rashes
should n ot be scratched as disorders
dry up and then form
they may spread to other Anaemia Weakness, fatigue, Raisins, apricots, milk, meat,
parts on the body. (iron deficiency) difficulty in breathing apples, green leafy vegetables
Take medicines and plenty Night blindness Inability to see in poor Carrots, sw eet potato, animal
Cholera Bacteria Vomiting,
dehydration, diarrhoea of fluids. (vitamin A light or at night liver, red capsicum, lettuce
Medicines to be taken deficiency)
Malaria Protozoa Fever, chills, sweats,
headaches, vomiting on time, drips should be Beriberi Weight loss, weakness, Beans, cer eals, peas, fish, nuts,
and body ach!;! provided, use mosquito (vitamin Bl low heartbeat, tiredness, w atermelon
n et s or mosquito-repellent deficiency) affects growth of body
cream , avoid storing water and muscle formation
in open containers. Scurvy Irritation, swelling of Guavas, papaya, citrus fruits,
Take medicines and drips, (vitaminC joints, bleeding gums tomatoes, grapes, berries
Typhoid Bacteria Headache, body ache,
fever, diarrhoea boiled water, food without deficiency)
oil a nd spices, bed rest. Rickets (vitamin Softening and Cod-liver oil, fish, milk
D deficiency) weakening of bones and dairy p r oducts, eggs,
mushrooms, spinach
ScieKce itt CoKted
Goitre Difficulty in swallowing, Iodized salt, milk, b oiled eggs,
Coronavirus disease, also called C0IVD-19, is a highly infectious disease and has (iodine tiredness, weight gain, strawberries, yoghurt, baked
infected millions of people around the globe. This disease is caused by a new virus, deficiency) swelling in the neck potatoes
the novel corona virus. This virus can transmit from infected persons to healthy
people through cough, sneeze and by contact. Hence, we should always cover our face Kwashiorkor Bloated belly, slow Fish, eggs, meat, milk and
and nose while coughing and sneezing and wash our hands properly with soap and (protein growth, change in skin other dairy products
water. We should also practice social distancing in public places. deficiency) and hair colour, weak
development oflimbs

Nott- COftt~uKicrAble Dise1.-ses

A disease that cannot be passed on from one person to another is called a
non-communicable disease.
Such diseases are mostly caused by the
deficiency of adequate amounts of nutrients
in the diet. Hence, they are also called
deficiency disorders.
■ ffl1ffla
Deficiency: lack of
something Vi t am in C de fi ciency
(Scu rvy)
Vi t ami n D deficiency
Protein deficiency
(Kwash iorkor)
Iod ine d e ficiency
( Goitre)

A. Choose the correct option for each of the following.
.• ·
. d . large quantities m our d a1·1y d'1et
m . . 1. Which of these are macronutrients?
Macronutn.ents·· Nutrients reqUire
. . 11 uantities m our daily diet
Micronutrients: Nutrients reqUI~ed m sma t iood that adds bulk to (a) Vitamins (b) Fats (c) Dietary fibres (d) Minerals
Roughage: The undigested portwn of plan 2. Food rich in ______ keeps our bones and teeth strong.
our diet d on from an (a) fats (b) sugars (c) minerals (d) All of these
Communicable disease: A disease that can be passe
. 3. Which of the following is a communicable disease?
infected person to a healthy person
Non-communicable disease: A disease that 1s not passed on from (a) Typhoid (b) Malaria (c) Cholera (d) All of these
one person to another person . 4. Vitamin Bl deficiency causes _ _ _ _ _ _.
Vaccination: The process of using vaccines for the prevent10n of (a) weight loss (b) softening of bones (c) blindness (d) weight gain
diseases 5. Citrus fruits and tomatoes should be eaten to avoid _______.
(a) anaemia (b) night blindness (c) scurvy (d) goitre
SuffltM CAry B. Fill in the blanks using the correct words.
1. Nutrients required in small quantities in our daily diet are called
_______ . (micronutrients/macronutrients)
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ are required for the physical and mental development
of the body. (Vitamins/Minerals)
3. We should drink at least _ _ _ _ _ _ glasses of water daily. (1-3/8-10)
4. Non-communicable diseases can be avoided by following a good
- - - - - - · (diet/hygiene)
5. Vomiting and dehydration are the symptoms of _ _ _ _ __

C. Match the following.

Anaemia Column A ColumnB
Night blindness 1. Iodine deficiency (a) Scurvy
Beriberi 2. Vitamin C deficiency (b) Goitre
Scurvy 3. Vitamin Bl deficiency (c) Anaemia
Rickets 4 . Iron deficiency (d) Rickets
Goitre 5. Vitamin D deficiency (e) Beriberi
re true (T) or false (F). 4. What are communicable diseases? What are the symptoms of malaria
. statements a
D. State whether the following b dy parts. and how can it be prevented?
. . terials of our o
1. Proteins are the building ma . bl diseases. s. What are deficiency disorders? What are the sympt oms of rickets and
. t commumca e how can it be prevented?
2. Vaccination can preven . able diseases.
. non-commumc
3. Viruses and fungi cause ta variety of food in adequate
4. We can have a balanced diet when we ea Cognitive Corner
amounts. d ase the symptoms of measles to Critical Thinking
5. Plenty of fluids and bed rest can ecre
1. How can a person with a cold or flu avoid spreading germs?
some extent.
E. Give two examples for each of the following. . . 2. If you have eaten a lot of junk food and sweets, how would you
ources of fats 3. Sources ofvitamms compensate for it in your other meals for that day?
1. Sources of carbohydrates . 2 S
3. Manav mostly has a good diet but still feels lazy and gets tired easily.
4. Sources of minerals 5. Sources of roughage He does not exercise or play any outdoor games. He spends his
weekends watching television or playing computer games. He often
F. Give reasons for the following. goes to bed late at night. What should Manav do to be active and fit?
1. We must cover our mouth while coughing or sneezing.
2. Deficiency disorders are called non-communicable diseases. Picture Study
Identify the nutrients present in the food items given below.
3. We must include roughage in our diet.
4. Some people suffer from swelling of joints and bleeding of gums.
5. Vaccination taken at the right age will prevent communicable diseases.

G. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What is roughage?
2. Give any two habits that should be followed to prevent communicable Project
~ I
diseases. Make a food diary. List all the five nutrients in your diet that you will eat
3. Name two communicable and non-communicable diseases. on one particular day. Jot down the portions of each food item you would
4. Why is exercise important? have eaten for that day and present it to your class.
5. What are the symptoms of night blindness? Ask your teacher to check your food diary and advise if you are following
the right diet.
H. Answer the following questions.
1. Y,.,hat are the different components of food? Also mention their Life Skills
important sources.
Find out the food items eaten by your family members for a day and
2- What are micronutrients and macronutrients? On what basis are they
r:present the data in a pie chart. Fill different parts of the pie chart with
different colours. Find out if it is a balanced diet, and, if not, advise them
3. :Jat is: ~-alanced diet? Why are water and roughage important in a on the benefits of eating a balanced diet.
~ ... ance iet, even when they do not contain any nutrients?

L \)

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