The Thirsty Crow

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The Thirsty Crow

1. Hello and good morning everyone..i’m Attiq fahmi from SK felda Tersang
3. Today I want to tell my story which is “ The Thirsty Crow”.
2. One hot day…
3. A thirsty crow was looking for some water to drink..
4. He looked everywhere “ kaaaaa…..kaaaa…kaaaa”
5. But he couldn’t find any.
6. The crow was so sad..
7. “oh! I’m so thirsty….where can I find some water?”
8. After searching and searching..the crow finally found a bottle with some
water in it.
9. “ phewwww…finally… some water!
10. The crow was excited. He couldn’t wait to drink the water.
11. But… when he put his beak into the bottle…he couldn’t reach it.
12. There was only a little bit at the bottom.
13. “ eventhough I’ve found water.. I still can’t drink it..”
14. The thirsty crow thought for a moment and came out with a brilliant idea.
15. “ aaaaa…yes! Yes! That’s it!..”
16. The thirsty crow picked up pebbles and dropped them into the
bottle….one by one..
17. The crow sang happily while picking the pebbles (….one..two..three..four
five…once I’ve got the fish alive..six seven eight nine ten..then I let it go
18. The water inside the bottle began to rise …and rise until finally he could
drink the water.
19. “ oh…..finally some water! Sip…sip….aaaaahhhh!
20.So….the thirsty crow wasn’t thirsty anymore.
21. The moral of the story is where there’s a will there’s a way. When
someone really wants something, he will find ways to make it happen.
22.The end..
23.Thank you for listening to my story..

24.Have a nice day everyone.. Assalamualaikum.

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