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Consolidación Inglés A2

Objetivo: Qué el alumno indague a través de la biblioteca
digital de la UAEH sobre los orígenes de la lengua inglesa,
rescatar los puntos más sobresalientes y realizar un
Teacher’s name: L.E.L.I. Eduardo Cornejo Salvador February 10th 2023
Program: High School Semester: 6th

Topic (s): The Origins of the English Language

Activity: Zero Practice 01 Product: Brochure

Grouping: Individual CAI: 01-04

Delivery: Electronic & Printed Book: Unit 1

Estimated time: 2 hours

1. UAEH e-Library. Do some research on the UAEH e-library about The Origins of the English
Language including history, curious facts, pioneers and influence of Shakespeare.
2. Draft. Use the information from point 1 so as to write down the most important/relevant aspects.
3. Brochure. Use CANVA or similar to design such a creative brochure including the information
4. Evidence. Make sure you include a screenshot as evidence of having consulted the library.
5. References. Add the references of the information consulted. APA style required.
6. PDF doc. Save your document in a PDF format and name it after your full name.
7. Google Drive. Upload your brochure to the following Google Drive folder (institutional emails only),
in the corresponding carpet for your group. (PDF documents only).

Assessment: 10 points.
Assessment instrument: Rubric.

Resources: 1. Davies, P. (2021). Go high. México: Editorial UAEH.


Criteria Distinction (5) Merit (4) Pass (3) Fail (2-1)

There is a great number of
Great use of interesting and Sufficient ideas with good Ideas are unclear with little
ideas that are not interesting
relevant ideas to the topic. points made of the topic. relevance to the topic.
or relevant to the topic.
All the aspects required are Some of the aspects None of the aspects required
Content and Aspects required are barely
presented. required are presented. are presented.
Organization presented.
Ideas are presented in a Most of the ideas are
Ideas are difficult to follow There is no sequence of
logical and interesting presented in a logical
because the student doubts. ideas when presenting.
sequence. sequence.
Excellent visuals to support
Appropriate visuals are used Visuals are used but not
ideas presented. Little or no visuals, too much
and explained by the explained or put in context.
Visuals Images and graphics are text on slides. Presentation
speaker. Presentation is Presentation shows some
attractive. Presentation is shows no creativity.
creative. creativity.

Rubric designed by L.E.L.I. Eduardo Cornejo Salvador

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