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Procedure No.

456-20010301 Centrifuges (Combined)

Induce alarm conditions to activate audible and

centrifuge has a vacuum or diffusion pump, check
its condition. (AccePtance)
,i*uf ufrt*s. Check that all associated interlocks
If the .
Gtri"t tunction (e.g., lid interlock)' check the
centrifuge has an alarmlsilence feature'
Motor/Rotor/Pump- Check the physical (i.e., ma:rual or automatic)
method;f reset
condition and proper operation of these against the manufacturer's specifications'
components. Check the brushes, commutator'
'fruurings of the motor. Check the condition of
unO Refrigerated centrifuges should indicate whether
gaskets, sJals, and mounts- Check the rotor for the u-nit is at the appiopriate temperature' Check
6alance and the condition of trunnion bearings, the lid latching meciranism and verify that it holds
and check the rotor attachment for tightness and the lid securel-y. The centrifuge should not start
e*cessire wear. (Note: If using an ultrahigh speed with the lid open. A lid interlock should either shut
centrifuge, follow the manufacturer's deratinq off the motor when the lid is opened or keep the
schedule fior the rotor' It should be outlined in the tiJ tatcned until the rotor has stopped' If the lid
operator's manual.) Clean and lubricate can be opened with the rotor spinning, the
components as required, and note this on the buckets or rotor should have an inner protective
inspection form. If a centrifu96 has a vacuum or tiO anO it should not spin faster than can be
diffr.rsion PumP, check its condition, and perform irackeO by hand movement, (Acceptance)
appropriate maintenance according to the
manuiacturer's specifications. (Major)
Alarms/ Interlocks. Induce alarm
ionditioni, and verify that alarms are activated'
Brake. Check the action of the mechanical or a"fti9"t.t6A centrituges shoufd indicate whether
electrical brake. When the brake is applied (e'g', the uiit is at the appiopriate temperature' Check
Oy pusninq the stop button), the centrituge should the lid latching meciranism for wear, and verify
deceleratd smoothly. (Major, Acceptance) that it holds the lid securely' The centrltuge
should not start with the lid open' A lid interlock
Indicators/ DisPlays. Verify the operation should either shut off the motor when the lid is
of all lights, indicators, meters, gauges, and visual opened or keep the lid latched until the rotor has
display! on the centrifuge. Be sure that all sioppeO. If the lid can be opened w-ith the rotor
segments of a digital display illuminate and spinning, the buckets or rotor should have an
function properly'. (Major, Acceptance) inner piotective lid and it should not spin f,aster
than can be tracked by hand movement' Replace
Atarms/ Interlocks. veriry that configurable or modify any centrifuges that lgck-.a.latch' Do not
alarm features are appropriately set and use centiituges that iack a lid; if a lid is
consistent among all centrifuges' It should not be retrofitted, iI should have a safety latch' (Major)
possible .tor critic;l alarms to be turned off'
silenced, or defeated without adequate warning to Audibte Signals- operate the centrituge to
the ope;ator or automatic alarm reactivation after activate any audible signals' Confirm appropriate
i snort delay' Such deficiencies should usually be ,otu*", as well as the operation of a volume
recognized during prepurchase evaluation' control, if so equipped. (Major, Acceptance)
How6ver, if any are found, review the justification
for purchasing this centrifuge and discuss Labeling. Check that all necessary placard.s'
coriective aAion with the manufacturer' (Alarm labels, coiversion cha:'ts, and instruction cards
features may be optional or programmable') if no ,r" p."t"nt and legible. (Major, Acceptance)
remedy is available, a user traininq program
should be instituted to reduce the risk of incorrect Verify that the proper type of
use. A warning label on the centrifuge or a
poster Accessori€S.
use may be appropriate' accessories (e.g., sample buckets,.sample
in the area of
nofOert) have blen supplied with the centrlfuge'
At least one copy each (two are generally
Verify that alarms are loud, distinctive, and'/or
oieferreOl of the instructlon and servlce manuals'
bright enough to be noticed in the environment in ir':cluding schematics, shoutd be shipped with-the
which the c6ntritu9e will normally be used' If a ."nt.ifr6" and filed in the central equlpment file'
remote alarm-indilator is required, verify that it is A .;ry 6r tne instruction manual should be kept
available and functioning' Audible alarm-volume *ltn'tit" centrlfuge anrl read by all operators
controls should not allow the alarm to be turned before the centrifuge is Put in use'
off or lowered to an indiscernible volume'

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