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Name: Rawezh Noriey Ahmed Group: B

1. To your mind, which method of teaching you studied is the most effective one? Why?

In my opinion, both communicative language teaching (CLT) and community language learning (CLL) are
effective methods of teaching. Both student-centered and peer-working activities are two main feature of
the methods that make students to feel confident and secure during class time. Learners think more,
more participate by students and more kinds of activities in class that leads to make active learners.The
instructors can apply one of these methods or use both in a class by shifting the methods from one to
other during the class time.

2. What is Humanistic Approach?

 Community language learning (CLL) is sometimes cited as a teaching methodology following the
“humanistic approach.” was developed by Charles Arthur Curran, who was a professor of
psychology at Loyola University. This method is also known as counseling-Learning.

3. What are the characteristics of Humanistic Approach? 

I. • A language counselor: someone who is a skillful ‘understander’ of the struggle students face
as they attempt to internalize another language. (By understanding students’ fears and being
sensitive to them, the teacher can help students overcome their negative feelings and turn them
into positive energy to further their learning.)

II. Whole-person Learning: Whole-person learning means that teachers consider their students’:
Intellect, Feelings, physical reaction, Desire to learn and Instinctive protective reaction.

III. This method is student-centered (client-centered). Since the feelings and the opinions of the
learner are of most significance.
IV. In the beginning classes native language is used.
V. Accuracy is emphasized.
VI. Learning in a non-defensive climate
VII. Transcribing is a common task
VIII. Reflection on language and the learning process
IX. Discrimination among target language forms

4. What suggestions can you make to improve the quality of teaching English?  (At least 7

1) Enhancing training for teachers.

2) Revising the prior instructional assessment system.

3) Trying to manage also before and lecture time.

4) Try modern strategies of learning.

5) Using technologies and software programs in class for teaching.

6) Providing student special place with computer and internet that helps student to search and
explore during the time of school.

7) Create possibilities for teamwork and interaction.

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