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Intensive English 0

Week 6
Online session 3
Unit 11: My day

Unit 11: My day

Session 3 communicative objective 1

• By the end of this session, you will be able to talk about

activities your family and relatives do every day.

Session 3 communicative objective 2

• By the end of this session, you will be able to talk about

Daily schedule
• Watch this video about Fred’s daily routine and answer the questions. Fred getS up at…

1. What time does Fred get up?

2. What does he usually have for breakfast?
3. What time does school start?
4. Where does he have lunch?
5. What time does school finish?
6. What time do they have dinner?

Fred haS breakfast at…

3-5 minutes
Warm up 3
whole class
Alexandra’s routine
Pre • Look at Alexandra. She is a secretary. She also studies English.
production 1 • What do you think she does every day?

She writeS emails.

She makeS phone calls.

6 minutes

whole class

Alexandra’s routine
• Work in pairs.
• Alexandra is a secretary and an English student.
• Ask and answer the questions below. Expand on your answers. Ask follow-up questions.
• Use your imagination.
a. Where does she work?
b. What time does she start work?
c. What time does she finish work?
d. What does she do in the afternoon?
e. What does she do in the evening?

She workS at… She startS work at…

8 minutes
Production 1 5
Alexandra’s routine


Alexandra workS at…

She startS work at….

6 minutes

whole class What does Alexandra do? Share your conclusions here.

What does (s)he do?
Pre • Think about a family member or a friend. Tell us about his/her occupation and routine.

production 2 Read this example and give your own examples:

My brother is an engineer. He workS in a gas company.

From Monday to Friday, he goes to work at half past seven.

Read this sample dialog and perform your own:

A: I will talk about my sister, Liza.
B: What does she do?
A: She is a doctor.
C: Where does she work?
A: She works at a public hospital.
B: What time does she go to work? • I get up at quarter to seven.
6 minutes A: She goes to work at half past six. He-She
C: What does she do at seven o’clock in the evening? • My brother goes to work at half past seven.
A: She has dinner with us. • My sister has breakfast at quarter past seven.
whole class You-We -They
• My parents get up at 9 o´clock on Sunday.
• We have breakfast at half past nine. 7
What does (s)he do?
Daily activities
• Work in pairs. get up
• Talk about a family member or a friend. have breakfast
• Ask and answer questions about his/her occupation and routine. have lunch
have dinner
Asking about occupations: go to school
What does (s)he do? start classes
Where does (s)he study/work? finish classes
go to work
start work
Asking about routines: finish work
What does (s)he do at (time) in
get back home
the morning/afternoon /
evening / at night?
do homework
go to bed

Asking about time:

What time does (s)he…?

Production 2 15 minutes pairs 8

What does (s)he do?


Who did you talk about?

6 minutes

whole class

• Give example of activities you do:.
in the morning in the afternoon in the evening
on weekdays Example: get up early

on the weekend Example: watch

movies with my

3-5 minutes
Lead-in 10
whole class
A day in my life Daily activities
Pre • Answer the question below. wake up
production 3 • Talk about routines, everyday activities and weekend activities get up
take a shower
What is a day in your life like? brush my teeth
go to work
go to university
go home
have breakfast
have lunch
have dinner
Start work
finish work
do homework
study english
go shopping
6 minutes go to sleep

whole class

A day in my life
• Work in pairs.
Production 3 • Talk about what a day in your life is like
• Expand on you answers. Ask follow-up questions. Daily activities
wake up
get up
What is a day in your life like? take a shower
brush my teeth
go to work
go to university
go home
have breakfast
have lunch
have dinner
10 minutes Start work
finish work
do homework
study english
go shopping
go to sleep
A day in my life

Feedback What is a day in your partner’s life like?

6 minutes

whole class

My family’s routine Daily activities
• What do you think this family does every day? wake up
get up
Pre take a shower
production 4 brush my teeth
go to work
go to university
go home
have breakfast
have lunch
have dinner
Start work
finish work
do homework
• Father goes to work every day. study english
8 minutes • The children go to school in the morning. go shopping
• They have breakfast and dinner together. go to sleep
whole class

My family’s routine
• Work in pairs.
Production 4 • Talk about activities your family and you do every day (routines,
everyday activities, weekend activities). Daily activities
• Expand on you answers. Ask follow-up questions. wake up
get up
Asking about routines:
take a shower
What does your family do at (time) in the morning/afternoon/evening/at night? brush my teeth
What do you do at (time) in the morning/afternoon/evening/at night? go to work
What does (s)he do at (time) in the morning/afternoon / evening / at night? go to university
go home
have breakfast
have lunch
Asking about time:
What time do you/they…?
have dinner
10 minutes Start work
What time does your (relative)/(s)he…?
finish work
pairs do homework
study english
go shopping
go to sleep
My family’s routine


6 minutes
What did your partner tell you? Share your report here.
whole class

Now I can…
√talk about somebody else’s routine.
√talk about routines.

Preparation for
next class

Study units 12 and 13.

Do Grammar Practice component exercises.
Work on the Enrichment Practice component.

Study the Use of English file.

Check out the Practice Resources folder.

 English Discoveries Student platform


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