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Basic Concepts Data Sources

Course Objectives:
Obtain Probability Samples
Identify Sampling Techniques
Apply different sampling designs Stat233
Basic Concepts Data Sources

Cochran W. G. (1977). Sampling Techniques. John Wiley.
Lohr, S. L. (2010). Design and Analysis. International
Edition. Brooks/Cole, Cengage. Stat233
Basic Concepts Data Sources

Basic Concepts
Population and Samples
Total Survey Error = Sampling Error + Non-Sampling
Sampling Process
reduces error
to cope with uncertainties Stat233
Basic Concepts Data Sources

Types of Sampling Process

Perfect sample:
mirrors every characteristic of the whole population

Good sample:
characteristic of interest in the population can be estimated from the
sample with a known degree of accuracy Stat233
Basic Concepts Data Sources

Target Population
- complete collection of observation one wants to study
example: set of all MSU-Main undergraduate students
Sample Population
- collection of all possible observation units that might have been chosen
in the sample
example: set of all MSU-Main undergraduate students this second
semester 2022-2023
Observation Unit - object on which measurement is taken
Sampling Unit - a unit that can be selected for a sample
Estimation - finding a value or range of values from an unknown
Estimator - rate or formula for computing the statistic
Estimate - a numerical value of the estimator Stat233
Basic Concepts Data Sources

A survey conducted to find the average weight of cows in a region. A list
of all farms is available for the region and so farms are selected at
random. Then the weight of each cow at the 50 selected farms is
recorded. The survey found that the average weight of cow is 635 kg. Stat233
Basic Concepts Data Sources

For each situation, identify the best source of data which should be used
to answer the objectives of the study or research involved. Explain your
answers briefly.
1. With the implementation of K-12 Basic Education Program,
secondary schools which offer senior high school are expected to
utilize new classrooms and facilities. In this regard, the governor of
Lanao del Sur wants to know the number of enrollees in all senior
high schools in the province. This will help him determine if there are
enough classrooms and facilities for the senior high school students
and which municipalities should be prioritized for building new ones.
2. Policymakers would like to know the quarterly unemployment rate in
the Philippines for the past decade so that they could evaluate if
interventions are necessary. Unemployment rate is defined as the
total unemployed workers divided by the total number of individuals
in the labor force (employed + unemployed workers) multiplied by
100%. Stat233

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