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Learning Area Science Quarter Third Quarter

Grade Level 8 Date February 22 – 23, 2023


Topic: The Particle Nature of Matter: Physical Changes of Matter
Content Standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the particle nature of
matter as basis for explaining properties, physical changes, and structural
of substances and mixtures.
Performance Standards: The learners shall be able to present how water behaves in its
different states within the water cycle.
Value Standard: The learners value individual changes and differences.
Learning Targets: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to say, “I can”…
1. Understand how physical change occur in the particle nature of matter
2. Identify different types of physical changes on the phase of matter
3. Differentiate the different physical changes on the phase of matter (S8MT-llla-b-8)

Physical change is a change in the form of substance, but does not change it
into another substance. Also, it is a change in appearance of matter without change in its
structure. In physical changes in terms of the arrangement and motion of atoms and
molecules, the shape, size and phase may change. The physical (phase) changes include
melting, evaporation, sublimation, condensation, freezing and deposition.
Behaviour Indicator: At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to apply predictive
skills and deductive reasoning in their daily or practical activities.
21st Century Skill/s: Observing, communicating skills, deductive reasoning, and predicting

Date and Time Frame: February 22 – 23, 2023, 1 hr. and 30 minutes
Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminaries
1. Greetings Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!
2. Prayer Let us all stand, and seek for
the guidance of the
Almighty. Now and forever. Amen.
Praise be thy name of our
lord Jesus Christ.
3. Securing of the cleanliness Please arrange your chairs (The students will pick- up the
properly and pick up the pieces of paper/plastics.)
pieces of dirt around you
before you sit
4. Checking of the Do we have any absentees
attendance today? No, ma’am.

5. Checking of Did I give you an assignment

assignment last meeting? No, Ma’am.
6. Recapitulation of What have we Last meeting, we discussed
the previous discussed last about properties of solids,
discussion meeting? liquids and gases based on
the particle of matter.

Can someone give me Solids have definite shapes

brief information about and volume. While, liquid
the properties of solids, takes the shape and volume
liquids and gases of the container. Lastly, gas
according on the particle can also take the shape of
of matter? the container.

Very good! How about The particles of solid are

the movement or packed closely together in
attraction between their fixed position and are held
particles? by strong force, therefore
the particles cannot move.
While in liquid, the particles
have spaces between them
compared to solid. The
particles can somehow move
as they attract one another.
Lastly, in gas, the spaces
between the particles are
very large and the attraction
is weak which makes the
particles move freely.
Yes, very good. Now that
you already understand
properties of solid, liquid
and gas on the particle
nature of matter, let us
proceed with our
discussion today.
7. Presenting the Before we begin our
learning targets. discussion for today, Let
us first know our learning
(ppt presentation) targets.

Learning Targets: At the end

of this lesson, you should be
able to say, “I can”…

1. Understand how
physical change occur
in the particle nature
of matter
2. Identify different
types of physical
changes on the phase
of matter
3. Differentiate the
different physical
changes on the phase
of matter (S8MT-llla-b-

For us to easily
understand our topic,
there are terms we need
to understand first. We
might encounter these
words later during our


Group yourselves into 5

groups (7 members per

Let us first unlock some

terms relevant to our
There are two columns of
words flashed on the
screen, and you are going
to match the terms with
the statements that best
describes them.
You will be given 3
minutes to finish this Yes, Ma’am

Are my instructions clear?

Ok time is up.

Let us now unravel each

of the terms meaning.

Can I have the answer of

the first group?

physical process in
which a substance goes
from one phase to
change in appearance of
matter without change
in its structure
change from gas to
• FREEZING - change from
liquid to solid
• MELTING - change from
solid to liquid
• DEPOSITION - change
from gas to solid
energy an object has
due to its motion
• EVAPORATION - change
from liquid to gas

That is right!

Very good group 1

Before we begin our
Laboratory Exercise
discussion for today, we
will be having an activity

Activity 1: Have I

➢ 2 pieces of paper
➢ Water
➢ Sand
➢ Transparent
1. The class will be
given three tasks
to accomplish
within 5 minutes.
2. Upon finishing the
task, the students
will answer the
table below using
the activity sheet
provided by the
teacher within 3
Do you understand the
instruction class?

Any clarification or

Yes, Ma’am.

None, Ma’am

b) POST-Laboratory 1. Is the structure of the
materials still the 1. Yes, even though the
same even if they materials changed their
changed appearance? appearance, they all still
have the same original
2. Are the arrangements structure.
of their atoms still the
same? 2. Yes, because they all did
not change its chemical
3. Is paper still a paper? structure.
Why do you say so?
3. Yes, because it still has
its physical
characteristics of a
Thank you! paper.

Very Good observation

All of your answers are

Based from our 1st activity,

we have identified that the
materials that were ripped
and mixed changed their
physical property but the
arrangement of their atoms
are still the same.
Physical change is a change in
the form of substance, but
does not change it to another
substance. It is a change in
the appearance of matter
without change in it's

1. How can you relate

this definition from
our two previous EXPECTED ANSWER
1. They all undergone
Very good! physical changes.

They all undergone physical 2. The ripped paper,

change. crampled paper and
mixed sand and water
2. What specific changes all undergone physical
happened? change, because even if
there is a change on
their appearance, the
arrangement of their
particles is still the
same. The paper is still a
paper (a solid) after
being ripped or
crampled and the sand
(a solid) and water (a
Very good observation! liquid) still has the same
arrangements of
particles after being
Do you have any questions so mixed.

None, Ma’am.
D. ELABORATE To further understand the
physical changes in terms of
and motion of atoms and
molecules, let us have
activity entitled,
Activity 2:
Physical Change: Phase

General Instructions:
1. The students will be given
two tasks to accomplish
within 8 minutes and upon
finishing the tasks, they
are going to answer the
questions provided in the
table below, which can
also be found on the
answer sheet provided by
the teacher.

Task 1

➢ Cold Water
➢ Transparent Glass

a) Pour cold water
in a
transparent glass until
it’s full. Observe the
appearance of the
glass before and after
it is filled with water.

Task 2

➢ Rubbing Alcohol

b. Put a small amount of
alcohol on your hand and
apply it on your arms
(skin). Observe what will
happen. Repeat if
2. You will be assessed
based on the following

Correctness/Aptness - 50%
Timeliness ------------------ 30%
Active Participation ----25%
TOTAL 100%

Do you agree in our Rubrics?

3. You only have a total of

10 minutes to finish the Yes, Ma’am
activity (8 minutes to do
tasks and 2 minutes to
briefly answer the
Is there any question?
You may now start the
Let us check first your
answers on our activity.

We will check first the

on the Task 1.
Expected Answers:
Task 1 Questions:

1. What have you observed on 1. The surface of the glass

the surface of the glass is dry before filling it
before filling it with with cold water.
2. What have you observed 2. The surface of the glass
on became wet after filling
the surface of the glass it with cold water.
after filling it with water?

3. Why do you think this 3. The cold water caused

happened? its surface to become
wet due to its cold

Task 2 Questions:
Expected Answers:
1. What have you observed
when you applied alcohol 1. The alcohol easily
to your arm (skin)? What disappeared after being
did you feel? applied to the skin. As it
disappears, there is a
2. Did the alcohol disappear? cooling sensation.

3. Why do you think this 2. Yes.

3. The alcohol disappeared
because it evaporated
due to change in

That is right!
Now, let us thoroughly
discuss the phase changes
under physical change.

1st Scenario

I will give you two situations.

i. You have two
containers filled with
water, (a) one with
cover and (b) one
without cover. Both
were left from 9:00
o’clock in the morning
on a hot day until the
next 24 hours. You
noticed that the water
in both container
decreased, but
container b has less
water than container

1. The changes that took

place was physical
change in the water was
the open container has
lesser water left in it
while the enclosed one
has more water left in it.
Question: 2. The change that occurs
1. What do you think are was evaporation.
the changes that took 3. There is water in it.
place when water is 4. As the water
left in an open evaporates, the
container? In a closed droplets or vapors were
container? trapped at the bottom
2. What specific physical of the lid and it
change occur? condensates.
3. In the enclosed
container, what have
you observe on top of
the lid?
4. How did it happen?

2nd Scenario

You are asked by your mom

to make an ice to be used for
the juice that will be served 1. The water turned into
for the dinner a night before. ice because of the low
After putting some water on temperature inside the
the ice cube tray, you leave it refrigerator. The water
in the refrigerator. freeze that is why it
became ice.

1. What do you think

happened to the
water on the ice cube 2. The ice melted into the
tray? Why did it water because of the
happen? juice has higher
temperature than the
Then, you are about to use ice.
the ice cubes that you have
made. You put it in the juice
that your mom has made.

2. What do you think will

happen to the ice?

That is right!
3rd Scenario 1. The mothballs
Your mom put mothballs sublimates which turned
inside your drawer. Then a from solid into gas.
week after you realized that
the mothballs disappeared.


1. What do you think

happened to
mothballs? Why?

That is right!

Last Scenario
1. The Frost was formed
You traveled to Alaska, then because of the water
your have observe that there vapor in the
are frost in the leaves of the surrounding turned into
plants near your house. ice. This process is
called deposition.

1. How did the frost


That is right!
Excellent Observation class!
I have observed some physical
We have now identified the changes in me and by that
different physical changes in changes I was able to become
matter. more mature.

For the last question.

Yes, Physical changes are
Have you observed any happening all the time around
significant changes in your us. The good example of it is
body or life and how did you the water cycle. Without this
handle those changes? process, many vegetation
might not survive. All of us are
Are these changes important affected thus we must be
in our lives? aware of it.

None, Ma’am
That is right!
Very good!

Any question or clarification?

E. EVALUATE For me to assess your


On a 1/2 sheet of paper, kindly

answer the following:

Part A. Identification
Direction: Identify each
phase change being shown
on the illustration below.
Write your answers on the
space provided. (6 points)

Part B. Essay
Among the 6 phase changes
of matter, choose only 3 and
briefly explain within 2-3
sentences how does it occur
in the water cycle. The
explanation must base on the
particle nature of matter. (3
points each)

Any question or clarification?


1. Define proton,
electron and neutron.
2. List 10 atomic
elements with their
number of proton,
electron and neutron.
3. Make an advance
reading about the
structure of an atom.

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