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ESSENTIAL PRODUCTS These 3 foundational products have no
FOR VITALITY stimulants or laxatives. They promote bal-
ance and proper function of the digestive
Adjust Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy, tract from the mouth to the anus on a daily
Black Diamond Crystals, Tummy Love, Ful- basis, with emphasis on the large intestine,
vic Acid & Humic Acid to individual needs. liver, kidneys, lymph and skin.

The Perfect Day Lifestyle includes Doc of With the Perfect Day Lifestyle, our focus is
Detox products that are organic, high vibra- on what we call the core – the abdominal
tional, concentrated superfoods. Our prod- organs. The most important organ in this
ucts are High Frequency Nutraceuticals. group is the large intestine. For true health
to be restored, the gut-brain connection
As part of the Perfect Day Lifestyle, there must be restored and kept healthy on a
are 3 foundational products that everyone daily basis.
should take daily for the rest of their lives
– Daily Cleansing Tea, Black Diamond Crys- There are 50 trillion cells in the body and
tals or Tummy Love and Black Gold. By gen- 500 trillion bacteria. That is 10 times more
tly cleansing each and every day, you pro- bacteria than cells! 85% of the population
tect and maintain your health throughout have broken their gut-brain connection;
your life. This differs from the old mentality their bacterial balance is reversed. Instead
of cleansing every 3 to 6 months – like most of 85% good and 15% bad bacteria, they
health practitioners still teach today. Why have 85% bad and 15% good bacteria. The
pile up toxic waste and create an emergen- combination of Daily Cleansing Tea, Black
cy situation in the body, when one can gen- Diamond Crystals, Tummy Love and Black
tly love oneself well every day? Gold is the master key to the immune sys-
tem and healing the gut-brain connection.
Daily Cleansing Tea, Black Diamond
Crystals, Tummy Love and Black Gold
are the perfect combination for cleansing
and supporting the digestive tract and de-
toxification organs. One can maintain and
lovingly manage health on a daily basis or
let it go and pay in a big way later.

Start with 4oz in the morning and evening.
After 3 days, increase to 8 oz in the morning
Herein lies the Holy Grail of health. and evening. The goal is to have 3 large (5 to
The same program that gets a person well 7 inch long) slightly soft bowel movements
is the same program that keeps a person each and every day. If having less than 3 bowel
well. Good health is not a diet, it’s a ‘live-it’... movements per day, switch to a 3 bag tea. If
It’s the Perfect Day Lifestyle. experiencing diarrhea for 1 day, know it is a
cleansing. If diarrhea continues for 2 days,
stop the Daily Cleansing Tea until bowel move-
ments return to normal and then begin again
starting with 4oz twice a day.


Take 2 capsules 1 to 2 times daily. The cap-
sules are not meant to replace Daily Cleansing
Tea. Use the capsules when tea is not available
such as when travelling, on vacation or in the


Mix 1 packet of Black Diamond Crystals in ½
quart/litre (16oz/500ml) of structured water
Study the following detailed product infor- and drink, minimum 2 times per day.
mation to understand the products in or-
der to fully embrace the Perfect Day Life-
style. Doc of Detox has the best products in
the world. BLACK GOLD:
Take 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons in blender
drinks, soups/stews and coffee grounds/loose
tea to add flavor and nutrition. Use as much
as needed while keeping bowels moving for
proper detoxification. Add 1 to 3 teaspoons to
Doc of Detox Enema Coffee for the Ultimate
Coffee Enema.


Take 1 teaspoon in ½ quart/litre (16oz/500ml)
of structured water, minimum 3 times per day.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 83

Take 1 teaspoon in ½ quart/litre (16oz/500ml) Take 2 to 6 capsules per day. Take 2 capsules
of structured water, minimum 3 times per day. once per day for maintenance, 2 capsules twice per day for detox and restoration or
2 capsules three times per day for chronic
conditions & immune enhancement. Children
take 1 capsule per 20 lb. daily, until they reach
Take 1 teaspoon in ½ quart/litre (16oz/500ml)
adult dosing.
of structured water, minimum 3 times per day.
Shake gently and add 1 teaspoon/5ml to
Take 1 teaspoon orally. Hold for 15 seconds
16oz/500ml of water and drink within 10 min-
before swallowing for best absorption. Take 1
utes. Do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes
to 6 times per day.
before or after taking Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy other than plain water. Take 2 to
5 times per day, depending on the severity of
PINEAL ELIXIR: the condition. Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Thera-
Take 1 teaspoon orally. Hold for 15 seconds py can be nebulized into the lungs and blood-
before swallowing for best absorption. Take 1 stream. Calcium products vary in strength and
to 6 times per day. aim and include: MaraGen, AlziGen, DentiGen,
CartiGen, MegaGen and Osso Jr. See Doc of
Detox Calcium Ion Therapy Guide in the Doc of
Detox Library for more information.
Take 1 teaspoon orally. Hold for 15 seconds
before swallowing for best absorption. Take 1
to 6 times per day. INFINITE IODINE:
Shake gently and spray 5 times into the back
of the throat and swallow. Spray on any and all
skin conditions as needed.
Place 1 drop in the corner of each eye 3 to 6
times daily. Alternatively, use 1 teaspoon or
less in an eye cup 1 to 3 times per day. INFINITE IODIDE:
Bright Eyes Nano Fulvic Drops can be nebu- Shake gently and spray 5 times into the mouth
lized for sinus and lung problems. and swallow.
Bright Eyes Nano Fulvic Drops can be pooled
in the ear for ear problems. See Ear Restore in
the ‘Do It Yourself Healing’ Guide at docofde- for the full protocol. C60 CONCENTRATE – Organic & Structured
MCT Coconut Oil:
Take 2 to 4 teaspoons orally daily.
Take ½ teaspoon 3 to 6 times daily in struc-
tured water. Ormus Minerals can be combined
C60 CONCENTRATE – Organic & Structured
with Fulvic Concentrate, Humic Concentrate,
Hemp Oil:
Tummy Love and Black Diamond Crystals.
Take 2 to 4 teaspoons orally daily.

C60 CONCENTRATE – Organic & Structured Extra PROSTATE POWER:
Virgin Olive Oil: Take 2 capsules 1-3 times daily.
Take 2 to 4 teaspoons orally daily. VITAMIN D3-5:

Take 3 capsules daily.
Take 5 capsules 2 times per day. For chronic condi-
tions, take 10 capsules 2 times per day for 6 weeks
to 3 months then drop dosage back to 5 capsules 2 DOCOFDETOX K2+:
times per day and stay at this dose. Take 1 capsule daily.

Take 2 scoops 3 times daily. May be mixed with food SON FORMULA:
or drink or taken directly under the tongue. Take 2 capsules 2 times daily or 3 to 4 capsules 20
minutes prior to a workout.
Take 5 to 10 capsules 5 times per day on an empty SILVER BULLET SOLUTION:
stomach or as directed by your healthcare Prac- Take 1 teaspoon to 1 oz orally 3 to 6 times per day.
titioner. Take 2 to 3 capsules when eating animal
Place 1 spray in the eyes, ears and nose 3 to 6 times
DIGEST COMPLETE: daily. For eye and ear restoration, see the video in
Take 2 to 6 capsules at the beginning of each cooked the ‘Do it Yourself Healing’ Guide at docofdetoxli-
food meal.


Take 1 to 3 capsules 3 times per day. Take with food Apply to skin conditions 3 or more times per day.
until intestinal inflammation is reduced.See product Use for a vaginal infusion 1 to 3 times per day.
details instructions to increase dosage and transi-
tion to taking on an empty stomach. ESSENTIAL OILS:

Add 1 or more drops of Super Cinnamon or Orange
AMINO BOOST: Burst or Lemon Lift to structured water in a stain-
Mix 1 scoop (provided) in 8oz of water and take 2 less steel or glass container. These essential oils
times per day on an empty stomach at bedtime or are loaded with antioxidants and other beneficial
directly after exercising. nutrients that will strengthen the immune system by stimulating white blood cells to fight off infection
and disease.
Place 1ml under the tongue, hold for 1 minute and
swallow, once or more daily.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 85

Gently detoxify the entire body everyday to
become pain free, lose weight and restore the
immune system. Master health with gentle
baby steps each day!

Doc of Detox Daily Cleansing Tea gently and

deeply cleanses body tissues and organs
to regain full function and vitality and then
maintains a pristine internal environment for
ongoing health.

Over the last 15 years, thousands of clients

from around the world have integrated Doc
of Detox Daily Cleansing Tea into their daily
routine to gently detoxify the whole body,
increase energy and sexual drive, lose weight
and keep it off, relieve pain and feel great!

Drink 4oz in the morning and 4oz in the
evening for the first 3 days before increasing
the dose to 8oz twice per day. The goal is to
have 2-3 bowel movements slightly on the
loose side daily.

When taking Daily Cleansing Tea, adjust the

dose according to bowel movements; aim for
bowel movements to be slightly on the loose
side (the consistency of a cow plop or soft
serve ice cream).

If experiencing watery stool (diarrhea), reduce

the dosage by half for one day and gradually
work back up to the full dose – gentle baby
steps are key. If experiencing diarrhea for
more than two days, stop taking the tea for
a day and gradually work back up to the full
dose starting at half the dosage – gentle baby
steps are key. For full directions, see instructions included with
the product or the Daily Cleansing Tea Guide in
the Doc of Detox Library.

DAILY CLEANSING CAPS What sets the Doc of Detox Fulvic and Humic
Acid products apart from other fulvic and hu-
FLUSH THE POUNDS, LIGHTEN THE LOAD mic acid products on the market?
Daily Cleansing Caps are a pure concentrated Doc of Detox Fulvic and Humic Acid products
non-laxative bowel cleanser and toner. Daily use a special patented mechanical extraction
Cleansing Caps are intended to keep bowels process, developed by the late Dr. Michael Karr
regular and consistent. who held a triple PhD in soil sciences, which
results in a much superior product to those
Directions: Take 1-2 capsules in the evening extracted through chemical means. Mechan-
ical extraction creates smaller molecules and
with 8oz/250ml of structured water.
micromolecules not present within a chemical
extraction process.
When taking Daily Cleansing Caps, adjust the
dose according to bowel movements. Aim for Fulvic acid has a lower molecular weight than
bowel movements to be slightly on the loose humic acid. The quality of fulvic acid is deter-
side (the consistency of a cow plop or soft mined by the size of the molecule; smaller mol-
serve ice cream). ecules reflect better quality. The fulvic acid mol-
ecules in Bright Eyes Nano Fulvic Drops are 5
times smaller than those in Fulvic Acid Concen-
If experiencing watery stool (diarrhea), reduce
trate. To our knowledge, it is the only fulvic acid
the dosage by half for one day and gradually on the market that one can put directly into the
work back up to the full dose – gentle baby eyes. Our source of humic acid is from certified
steps are key. If experiencing diarrhea for organic lignite coal, consisting of ancient de-
more than two days, stop taking the tea for cayed plant material which is high in nutrients
a day and gradually work back up to the full and low in toxins.
dose starting at half the dosage – gentle baby
steps are key. WHAT ARE LIFE CRYSTALS?
Life Crystals were developed by the late Dr.
For full directions, see instructions included with George Merkl who successfully demonstrated
the first cold fusion experiment for the depart-
the product or the Daily Cleansing Tea Guide in
ment of energy and thirty executives in 1967.
the Doc of Detox Library. Dr. Merkl discovered a process for extracting
the free energy molecule ATP (Adenosine Tri-
phosphate), present in all living things, from
substances that have a higher percentage of
ATP such as fruit juices, tea, honey and coffee
using a solar distillation process yielding a con-
centration of ATP/GTP in a ultra pure crystal-
line base of 5 carbon sugars. The process for
extracting ATP involved Dr. Merkl placing the
above ingredients in clear Pyrex glass tubes
in the desert. In the presence of sunlight, the
ultraviolet rays would stop the formula from
turning into alcohol and instead pull out the
free energy molecule ATP. After undergoing
this process, the formula no longer consists of
fruit juices, tea, honey and coffee. It is trans-
formed into ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) in a
base of GTP (Guanosine Triphosphate) and the
five-carbon sugars which are beneficial sugars.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 87

Dr. Merkl built an advanced micro-
scope that could view living matter BLACK DIAMOND
at the level of an electron micro- CRYSTALS
scope. At 100 million magnification,
the Life Crystals (ATP) are pyramidal Black Diamond Crystals are one of the most ef-
in shape and work as solar collec- fective healing and detoxifying formulas on the
tors. The Guanosine Triphosphate market, combining the power of Humic Acid
(GTP) works as a storage battery. Dr. and Fulvic Acid in powder form.
Merkl called the Life Crystals ‘pris-
tine virgin energy’, as the purity of Humic acid is a natural ionic molecule extracted
the formula is essential to form the from ancient organic soil deposits. It is a key el-
Life Crystals. The Life Crystals are ement for our nutrient starved world, contain-
stored solar energy. Dr. Merkl felt ing 70+ bioavailable nutrients. Black Diamond
they may also contain the missing Crystals contains highly concentrated minerals
neutrinos from the sun source. and healing substances composed of long chain
molecules which are high in molecular weight,
Dr. George Merkl developed a con- dark brown to black in color and soluble in an
centrated purified form of Life Crys- alkaline solution. Binding to both positive and
tals and in vitro (in a petri dish) he negative charged ions, Black Diamond Crystals
was able to regrow all the organs is a powerful free radical scavenger and natural
of the body, including brain cells, antioxidant. Humic acid places a prophylactic
with just the transfer RNA. After coating, a thin protective film, on microbe re-
three open heart surgeries, George ceptor sites inhibiting attachment to host cells,
had his doctor inject him with Life preventing viral, bacterial, and fungal infection.
Crystals. He was able to rebuild his The function of humic acid is to balance and en-
heart, as documented by a later sur- ergize all cell life and biological properties. Hu-
gery. George said that Life Crystals mic acid is important for balancing hormones,
rebuild and regrow everything in including regulating women’s menstrual cycles.
the body and chelate toxins out of
the veins. Fulvic acid is the most powerful natural electro-
lyte. It restores electrical balance to damaged
The original Life Crystal drink de- cells, neutralizes toxins and can eliminate food
veloped by Dr. Merkl did not bring poisoning within minutes. When it encounters
the desired healing results, howev- free radicals with unpaired positive or negative
er; the molecule was too large for electrons, fulvic acid supplies an equal and op-
proper absorption and people were posite charge to neutralize the free radical, act-
receiving only 10-20% of the healing ing as a broad spectrum anti-microbial and fun-
potential of the Life Crystals. gicide. Fulvic acid carries up to 60 minerals and
elements directly into the cells and chelates
To increase assimilation and raise monovalent and divalent elements which it
the healing potential to 70-80%, Doc comes in contact with. Fulvic acid has the pow-
of Detox combines Life Crystals with er to form stable water soluble complex struc-
nano fulvic acid. Nano fulvic acid tures with monovalent, divalent, trivalent, and
carries up to 60 minerals and ele- polyvalent metal ions. It can aid in the move-
ments directly into the cell. Dr. Mi- ment of metal ions that are normally difficult to
chael Karr called this the most har- mobilize or transport. Fulvic acid is an excellent
monious combination of elements. natural chelator and positive ion exchanger
and is vitally important for the nutrition of cells.
Both Dr. George Merkl and Dr. Mi-
chael Karr left a legacy for human- Black Diamond Crystals support optimal mi-
ity. Doc of Detox honors these crobial balance within the gut to help heal gut
great men for their contributions to issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, leaky
health and the healing of our planet gut, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, divertic-
and its people, plants and animals. ulitis and gallbladder issues.

70+ Bioavailable Nutrients – Essential Minerals,
Amino Acids, Electrolytes, and Antioxidants
Improves Nutrient Uptake and Assimilation
Natural Chelator and Detoxifier
Enhances Cellular Function Through Participa-
tion in Oxidation-Reduction (Redox) Reactions
Improves Oxygen Levels Ingredients:
Protects Brain Function Each packet of Black Diamond Crystals contains
Restores Gut Flora 250mg Humic Acid Powder and 100mg Fulvic
Acid Powder.
Weight Loss
All Doc of Detox Humic and Fulvic products are derived
Potent Antimicrobial Properties from an exclusive humic deposit which is remarkably
high in humic and fulvic acids while low in undesirable
Immune Booster ash and heavy metals common to other feedstocks,
Clinically Shown to Stop All Viruses, Including located in Drumheller, Canada. Along with patented
HIV and Herpes Viruses isolation technology, this pure premium material pro-
duces products of superior quality.
Balances Hormones
An innovative production process is used that leverages
Stimulates Energy Production physical principles to extract the many fractions of hu-
mic substances, including humic and fulvic acid, utiliz-
Clinically Proven Anti-Inflammatory ing food-grade manufacturing equipment and systems
Powerful Free Radical Scavenger and Antioxi- for both product production and packaging. This pat-
dant ented process is different from the industry-standard
residue-adding base-acid reactions and allows for the
Anti-Carcinogenic Properties selection and isolation of compounds at the molecular
level. The result is the ability to produce products that
Protects from Harmful Chemicals are concentrated, environmentally friendly, and purer
Builds Muscle and Burns Fat than alternative fulvic mineral products.
Alkalizes and Detoxifies Blood
Regenerates and Hydrates Cells Directions:
Mix 1 packet of Black Diamond Crystals in ½
quart/litre (16oz/500ml) of structured water
and drink, minimum 2 times per day.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 89

Black Gold Black Gold is Humic Acid, Mother Nature’s most
powerful broad-spectrum antibiotic. Humic acid is a
(Humic Acid Powder) natural ionic molecule extracted from ancient organic
soil deposits. It is a key element for our nutrient
starved world. These ancient soil deposits – named
humus, or humin, from the Greek word for soil – are
vital for the reversal and prevention of disease and
are essential for optimal health.

Black Gold contains highly concentrated minerals and

healing substances composed of long chain molecules
which are high in molecular weight, dark brown to
black in color and soluble in an alkaline solution. Black
Gold binds to both positive and negative charged
ions, making it a powerful free radical scavenger and
natural antioxidant.

The humic acid molecule places a prophylactic

coating, a thin protective film, on microbe receptor
sites inhibiting attachment to host cells, preventing
viral, bacterial, and fungal infection.

The function of humic acid is to balance and energize

all cell life and biological properties. The ancients called
it ‘Black Gold Medicine’. It has been used throughout
history, since the 14th century Ming dynasty, and
continues to be used to this day as an outstanding

Hospital studies have shown that patients with

normally incurable epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever
were able to be successfully treated with humic
extracts. Humic extracts stopped bleeding, restored
Note: circulation, removed clots, provided antiviral support
and significantly bolstered and regulated the immune
Black Gold is for restoration of
microbial balance of the digestive tract.
Humic Acid Concentrate, Tummy Love Black Gold has 70+ bioavailable nutrients. It can be
and Black Diamond Crystals are for added to food or taken as a supplement in shakes,
the restoration of microbial balance coffee, tea, cocoa, soup bases, chocolate desserts,
etc. It is also a great nutritional supplement for plants
within the bloodstream and fluid and animals.
matrix of the body. It is recommended
to take Black Gold along with Humic Black Gold is an integral part of Advanced Water
Acid Concentrate and Fulvic Acid Fasting, along with Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy,
Ormus Minerals, Fulvic Acid Concentrate, Life Crystal
Concentrate or Tummy Love/Black
Elixirs: ATP+, Divine Vine or Pineal, Infinite Iodine, Doc
Diamond Crystals (as both Tummy of Detox Enema Coffee and Enema Kit, Tummy Love
Love and Black Diamond Crystals both and Doc of Detox Essential Oils: Super Cinnamon,
contain humic and fulvic acid). Orange Burst, Lemon Lift and Frankincense.

Certified Organic Non-GMO Humic Acid
All Doc of Detox Humic and Fulvic products are de- Benefits
rived from an exclusive humic deposit which is re-
markably high in humic and fulvic acids while low
70+ Bioavailable Nutrients – Essential
in undesirable ash and heavy metals common to
other feedstocks, located in Drumheller, Canada. Minerals, Amino Acids, Electrolytes, &
Along with patented isolation technology, this pure Antioxidants
premium material produces products of superior Improves Nutrient Uptake & Assimilation
Natural Chelator and Detoxifier
An innovative production process is used that
leverages physical principles to extract the many Enhances Cellular Function Through
fractions of humic substances, including humic Participation in Oxidation-Reduction
and fulvic acid, utilizing food-grade manufacturing (Redox) Reactions
equipment and systems for both product produc-
tion and packaging. This patented process is dif- Improves Oxygen Levels
ferent from the industry-standard residue-adding Protects Brain Function
base-acid reactions and allows for the selection
and isolation of compounds at the molecular level. Restores Gut Flora
The result is the ability to produce products that
Weight Loss
are concentrated, environmentally friendly, and
purer than alternative fulvic mineral products. Potent Antimicrobial Properties
Immune Booster
Clinically Shown to Stop All Viruses,
Directions Including HIV & Herpes Viruses
Balances Hormones
Add 2 teaspoons to 2 tablespoons to
blender drinks, soups or stews to add Stimulates Energy Production
flavor. Black Gold is full of micronutri- Clinically Proven Anti-Inflammatory
ents and therefore works as a flavor Powerful Free Radical Scavenger &
enhancer; the best tasting food is the Antioxidant
most nutritious! It is safe for all ages.
Use as much as needed, as long as Anti-Carcinogenic Properties
bowels are moving for proper elimina- Protects from Harmful Chemicals
tion. Black Gold can be taken with Daily Builds Muscle & Burns Fat
Cleansing Tea.
Add 1 teaspoon on top of drip cof-
fee grounds before brewing or add to
loose tea and steep. This will enhance
the flavor and nutrition of the coffee or
Add 1 to 3 teaspoons to Doc of Detox
Enema Coffee for the Ultimate Coffee
Enema. See Coffee Enema instructions
for details.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 91

Fulvic Acid Concentrate
Fulvic acid is the most powerful natural electrolyte. It restores
electrical balance to damaged cells, neutralizes toxins and can
eliminate food poisoning within minutes. When it encounters
free radicals with unpaired positive or negative electrons, it
supplies an equal and opposite charge to neutralize the free
radical, acting as a broad spectrum anti-microbial and fungicide.
It treats rashes, skin irritations, insect and spider bites and
neutralizes poison ivy and poison oak.

Fulvic acid carries up to 60 minerals and elements directly into

the cells and chelates monovalent and divalent elements which
it comes in contact with. Fulvic Acid has the power to form stable
water soluble complex structures with monovalent, divalent,
trivalent, and polyvalent metal ions. It can aid in the movement
of metal ions that are normally difficult to mobilize or transport.
Fulvic acid is an excellent natural chelator and positive ion
exchanger and is vitally important for the nutrition of cells.

Fulvic Acid – the miracle molecule – is made up of all that has

gone before us. Fulvic Acid contains ancient parts of our DNA;
it instantly revitalizes cells and replenishes and nourishes our

Fulvic Acid Concentrate is an integral part of Advanced Water

Fasting, along with Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy, Ormus
Minerals, Life Crystal Elixirs: ATP+, Divine Vine or Pineal, Infinite
Iodine, Doc of Detox Enema Coffee and Enema Kit, Tummy Love,
Black Gold and Doc of Detox Essential Oils: Super Cinnamon,
Orange Burst, and Lemon Lift.

3% Concentrated Certified Organic Fulvic Acid
Mechanically extracted Fulvic Acid from certified organic humate to provide the highest and
purest concentration of 3.0% Fulvic Acid Concentrate in the market.

All Doc of Detox Humic and Fulvic products are derived from an exclusive humic deposit which is remarkably high in hu-
mic and fulvic acids while low in undesirable ash and heavy metals common to other feedstocks, located in Drumheller,
Canada. Along with patented isolation technology, this pure premium material produces products of superior quality.
An innovative production process is used that leverages physical principles to extract the many fractions of humic sub-
stances, including humic and fulvic acid, utilizing food-grade manufacturing equipment and systems for both product pro-
duction and packaging. This patented process is different from the industry-standard residue-adding base-acid reactions
and allows for the selection and isolation of compounds at the molecular level. The result is the ability to produce products
that are concentrated, environmentally friendly, and purer than alternative fulvic mineral products.

Shake gently and take 1 teaspoon in 16oz/500ml of water, minimum 3 times per day. It can
be taken in water throughout the day. Take as much as desired – just listen to your body. For
best absorption, take on an empty stomach. It may be taken with the Daily Cleansing Tea.


70+ Bioavailable Nutrients – Essential

Minerals, Amino Acids, Electrolytes, and
Improves Nutrient Uptake and Assimilation
Natural Heavy Metal Chelator and
Alkalizes and Detoxifies Blood
Enhances Cellular Function Through
Participation in Oxidation-Reduction
(Redox) Reactions
Improves Oxygen Levels
Protects Brain Function
Restores Gut Flora
Weight Loss
Potent Antimicrobial Properties
Immune Booster
Clinically Shown to Stop All Viruses,
Including HIV and Herpes Viruses
Balances Hormones
Stimulates Energy Production
Clinically Proven Anti-Inflammatory
Powerful Free Radical Scavenger and
Anti-Carcinogenic Properties
Protects from Harmful Chemicals
Builds Muscle and Burns Fat
Regenerates and Hydrates Cells
Treats Rashes, Insect and Spider Bites and
Other Skin Irritations
Neutralizes Poison Ivy and Poison Oak

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 93

Humic Acid Concentrate
Humic acid is Mother Nature’s most powerful broad-spectrum
antibiotic. Humic acid is a natural ionic molecule extracted from
ancient organic soil deposits. It is a key element for our nutrient
starved world. These ancient soil deposits – named humus, or
humin, from the Greek word for soil – are vital for the reversal
and prevention of disease and are essential for optimal health.
Humic Acid Concentrate contains highly concentrated minerals
and healing substances composed of long chain molecules
which are high in molecular weight, dark brown to black in color
and soluble in an alkaline solution. Humic acid binds to both
positive and negative charged ions, making it a powerful free
radical scavenger and natural antioxidant.

The humic acid molecule places a prophylactic coating, a thin

protective film, on microbe receptor sites inhibiting attachment
to host cells, preventing viral, bacterial, and fungal infection.
The function of humic acid is to balance and energize all cell
life and biological properties. The ancients called it ‘Black Gold
Medicine’. It has been used throughout history, since the 14th
century Ming dynasty, and continues to be used to this day as
an outstanding healer.

Hospital studies have shown that patients with normally incurable

epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever were able to be successfully
treated with humic extracts. Humic extracts stopped bleeding,
restored circulation, removed clots, provided antiviral support
and significantly bolstered and regulated the immune system.

7.5% Concentrated Certified Organic Humic Acid
Mechanically extracted Humic Acid from certified organic humate to provide the highest and
purest concentration of 7.5% Humic Acid Concentrate in the market.

All Doc of Detox Humic and Fulvic products are derived from an exclusive humic deposit which is remarkably high in hu-
mic and fulvic acids while low in undesirable ash and heavy metals common to other feedstocks, located in Drumheller,
Canada. Along with patented isolation technology, this pure premium material produces products of superior quality.
An innovative production process is used that leverages physical principles to extract the many fractions of humic sub-
stances, including humic and fulvic acid, utilizing food-grade manufacturing equipment and systems for both product
production and packaging. This patented process is different from the industry-standard residue-adding base-acid
reactions and allows for the selection and isolation of compounds at the molecular level. The result is the ability to
produce products that are concentrated, environmentally friendly, and purer than alternative fulvic mineral products.

Shake gently and take 1 teaspoon in 16oz/500ml of water, minimum 3 times per day. It can
be taken in water throughout the day. Take as much as desired – just listen to your body.
Can be taken with or without meals.


70+ Bioavailable Nutrients – Essential

Minerals, Amino Acids, Electrolytes, and
Improves Nutrient Uptake and Assimilation
Natural Chelator and Detoxifier
Enhances Cellular Function Through
Participation in Oxidation-Reduction
(Redox) Reactions
Improves Oxygen Levels
Protects Brain Function
Restores Gut Flora
Weight Loss
Potent Antimicrobial Properties
Immune Booster
Clinically Shown to Stop All Viruses,
Including HIV and Herpes Viruses
Balances Hormones
Stimulates Energy Production
Clinically Proven Anti-Inflammatory
Free Radical Scavenger and Antioxidant Note:
Anti-Carcinogenic Properties Black Gold is for restoration of microbial
Protects from Harmful Chemicals balance of the digestive tract. Humic Acid
Builds Muscle and Burns Fat Concentrate, Tummy Love and Black
Diamond Crystals are for the restoration of
microbial balance within the bloodstream
and fluid matrix of the body. It is
recommended to take Black Gold along
with Humic Acid Concentrate and Fulvic
Acid Concentrate or Tummy Love/Black
Diamond Crystals (as both Tummy Love
and Black Diamond Crystals both contain
humic and fulvic acid).

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 95

Tummy Love
Tummy Love contains the lighter fractions of humic acid along with fulvic acid. Tummy Love
assists in settling the stomach, stimulating beneficial gut microbes and resisting GI tract
pathogenic infections.

All probiotics are foreign to the body and only remain in the gut for a short time. Providing
the correct nutrients to the gut will stimulate the production of the body’s own microbes,
eliminating the need for foreign probiotics.

Fulvic acid carries up to 60 minerals and elements directly into the cell. In combination with
humic acid, all necessary elements are provided in a bioavailable form for optimal cell function.
Humic and Fulvic Acid molecules place a prophylactic coating, a thin protective film, on
microbe receptor sites inhibiting attachment to host cells, preventing viral, bacterial, and
fungal infection.

Hospital studies have shown that patients with normally incurable epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever
were able to be successfully treated with humic extracts. Humic extracts stopped bleeding,
restored circulation, removed clots, provided antiviral support and significantly bolstered and
regulated the immune system.

Tummy Love is an integral part of Advanced Water Fasting, along with Doc of Detox Calcium
Ion Therapy, Fulvic Acid Concentrate, Ormus Minerals, Life Crystal Elixirs: ATP+, Divine Vine
or Pineal, Infinite Iodine, Coffee Enema Coffee and Kit, Black Gold and Doc of Detox Essential
Oils: Super Cinnamon, Orange Burst, Lemon Lift and Frankincense.

A combination of Humic Acid & Fulvic Acid in a ratio of 3:1 (75% Humic and 25% Fulvic Acid).
Mechanically extracted Humic and Fulvic Acid from certified organic humate to provide
the highest and purest concentration of 7.5% Humic Acid and 3% Fulvic Acid Concentrate
in the market.

All Doc of Detox Humic and Fulvic products are derived from an exclusive humic deposit which is remarkably high in hu-
mic and fulvic acids while low in undesirable ash and heavy metals common to other feedstocks, located in Drumheller,
Canada. Along with patented isolation technology, this pure premium material produces products of superior quality.
An innovative production process is used that leverages physical principles to extract the many fractions of humic sub-
stances, including humic and fulvic acid, utilizing food-grade manufacturing equipment and systems for both product
production and packaging. This patented process is different from the industry-standard residue-adding base-acid
reactions and allows for the selection and isolation of compounds at the molecular level. The result is the ability to
produce products that are concentrated, environmentally friendly, and purer than alternative fulvic mineral products.

Shake gently and take 1 teaspoon in
16oz/500ml of water, minimum 3 times per
day. It can be taken in water throughout the
day. Take as much as desired – just listen to
your body. For best absorption, take on an
empty stomach. It may be taken with the Daily
Cleansing Tea.

Add 1 to 3 teaspoons to Doc of Detox Enema

Coffee for the Ultimate Coffee Enema. See
Coffee Enema instructions for details.


70+ Bioavailable Nutrients – Essential

Minerals, Amino Acids, Electrolytes, and
Improves Nutrient Uptake and Assimilation
Natural Chelator and Detoxifier
Enhances Cellular Function Through
Participation in Oxidation-Reduction
(Redox) Reactions
Improves Oxygen Levels
Protects Brain Function
Restores Gut Flora
Weight Loss
Potent Antimicrobial Properties
Immune Booster
Note: Black Gold is for restoration of
Clinically Shown to Stop All Viruses,
Including HIV and Herpes Viruses microbial balance of the digestive tract.
Balances Hormones Humic Acid Concentrate, Tummy Love
and Black Diamond Crystals are for the
Stimulates Energy Production
restoration of microbial balance within the
Clinically Proven Anti-Inflammatory
bloodstream and fluid matrix of the body.
Free Radical Scavenger and Antioxidant
It is recommended to take Black Gold along
Anti-Carcinogenic Properties with Humic Acid Concentrate and Fulvic
Protects from Harmful Chemicals Acid Concentrate or Tummy Love/Black
Builds Muscle and Burns Fat Diamond Crystals (as both Tummy Love
and Black Diamond Crystals both contain
humic and fulvic acid).

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 97

Fulvic Acid escorts Life Crystals, along with up to 60 minerals and trace elements, right into
the nucleus of each cell where the Life Crystals instruct the mitochondria to make more ATP.
Fulvic Acid – the miracle molecule – is made up of all that has gone before us. Fulvic Acid
contains ancient parts of our DNA; it instantly revitalizes cells and replenishes and nourishes
our bodies.

ATP is the most widely delivered high-energy compound within the human body. This enzyme
molecule is considered the pure energy engine of life as we know it. It is used to build
molecules, contract muscles and generate electrical impulses in the nerves. All fuel sources
grown naturally, like fruits and vegetables, produce ATP that in turn powers virtually every
activity of a cell and organism. It supplies energy to the heart muscle and other muscles for
movement, along with multiple other functions. Studies suggest that ATP provides 95% of
all cellular energy within the body. Without it, life would cease. ATP+ utilizes mechanically
extracted fulvic acid as a carrier escort Life Crystals right into the heart of each cell. Doc of
Detox Elixirs are the only source of organic, non-synthetic, ATP.

Life Crystals, developed by George Merkl, are created from fruit, oolong tea, coffee and honey
using a solar distillation process yielding a concentration of ATP/GTP in a ultra pure crystalline
base of 5 carbon sugars. When Life Crystals and Fulvic Acid are combined, harmonious alchemy
provides us with the ultimate cell food.

Life Crystal Elixirs: ATP+, Divine Vine or Pineal are an integral part of Advanced Water Fasting,
along with Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy, Fulvic Acid Concentrate, Ormus Minerals, Infinite
Iodine, Doc of Detox Enema Coffee and Enema Kit, Tummy Love, Black Gold and Doc of Detox
Essential Oils: Super Cinnamon, Orange Burst, and Lemon Lift.

Watch the George Merkl ATP: Chondriana Vancouver Seminar videos below:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10:
Part 11:
Part 12:
Part 13:
Part 14:
Part 15:
Part 16:

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 99

ATP+ Elixir
ATP+ Elixir is a powerful energizing formula created
for endurance and performance. The synergistic blend
of Life Crystals and Fulvic Acid Concentrate produces
a high frequency, high energy formula. Fulvic Acid
Concentrate works synergistically with Life Crystals
to boost cellular ATP and energy production. Fulvic
Acid – the miracle molecule – instantly revitalizes cells,
replenishes and nourishes the body.

Mitochondria need all the essential vitamins, minerals,

essential fatty acids and amino acids to function
properly. ATP is needed for these essential nutrients to
be used within the body and to bring cells to life. Fulvic
Acid escorts Life Crystals right into the nucleus of each Benefits
cell where the Life Crystals instruct the mitochondria
to make more ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). Extreme Energy
Competitive Edge
The average amount of ATP stored within the body
Increases Stamina and
is approximately 50 grams and must be constantly
recycled every day; 50 grams is just the ‘on-hand’
amount at any given time in our body – not what the Reduces Workout Recovery
body produces on a daily basis.
Boosts Cellular ATP
On average, a person generates his or her own body Increases Libido
weight in ATP every day; every second our 50 trillion Increases Testosterone
cells consume and regenerate 10 million molecules of
Addresses Chronic Fatigue
ATP. Studies have provided evidence that humans need
around 88 lb. of ATP every 24 hours when resting. The Chelates Heavy Metals
amount needed can increase up to 1.1 lb. per minute Repairs DNA
when becoming more active. The more active a muscle Restores Life Force
is the more ATP it requires.
Ultimate Cell Food
ATP+ is capable of delivering ATP, GTP and light
frequencies directly into the cells and regenerating
and rejuvenating the body on every level.

Life Crystal Elixirs: ATP+, Divine Vine or Pineal are an

integral part of Advanced Water Fasting, along with Doc
of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy, Fulvic Acid Concentrate,
Ormus Minerals, Infinite Iodine, Doc of Detox Enema
Coffee and Enema Kit, Tummy Love, Black Gold and
Doc of Detox Essential Oils: Super Cinnamon, Orange
Burst, Lemon Lift and Frankincense.

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
Life Crystals (ATP, GTP) extracted from organic fruit
juices, honey, oolong tea, and coffee combined with
Fulvic Acid.

All Doc of Detox Humic and Fulvic products are derived from an
exclusive humic deposit which is remarkably high in humic and
fulvic acids while low in undesirable ash and heavy metals common
to other feedstocks, located in Drumheller, Canada. Along with pat-
ented isolation technology, this pure premium material produces
products of superior quality.

An innovative production process is used that leverages physi-

cal principles to extract the many fractions of humic substances,
including humic and fulvic acid, utilizing food-grade manufacturing
equipment and systems for both product production and packag-
ing. This patented process is different from the industry-standard
residue-adding base-acid reactions and allows for the selection
and isolation of compounds at the molecular level. The result is the
ability to produce products that are concentrated, environmentally
friendly, and purer than alternative fulvic mineral products.

Attention: To activate, pour the Activator Life Crys-

tals (small bottle) into the Elixir Concentrate (large
bottle) and shake. Keep refrigerated once mixed.

Shake gently and take 1 teaspoon orally. Hold
for 15 seconds and then swallow for best
absorption. Take 1-6 times per day.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 101

Pineal Elixir
Pineal Elixir is a powerful regenerating Ingredients
and rejuvenating elixir for cognitive and
neurological support. A proprietary blend Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
of Sesquiterpenes, Sesquiterpenols,
Monoterpenes and Terpenes have been Life Crystals (ATP, GTP) extracted from organic
added to Pineal to assist in the oxygenation fruit juices, honey, oolong tea, and coffee
of the pineal and pituitary glands. Fulvic combined with Fulvic Acid. (Proprietary bio-
Acid Concentrate works synergistically energetic frequencies have been added to
with Life Crystals to boost cellular ATP and remove fluoride from the pineal gland.)
energy production. Fulvic Acid – the miracle
molecule – instantly revitalizes cells, Attention: To activate, pour the Activator Life
replenishes and nourishes the body. Crystals (small bottle) into the Elixir Concentrate
(large bottle) and shake. Keep refrigerated once
Pineal Elixir realigns the DNA to the original mixed.
blueprint; it regrows brain cells and reduces
physical and emotional stress, providing
more stamina, focus and endurance.
Pineal Elixir is capable of delivering ATP, Shake gently and take 1 teaspoon orally. Hold
GTP and light frequencies directly into the for 15 seconds and then swallow for best
cells and regenerating and rejuvenating the absorption. Take 1-6 times per day.
body on every level.

Life Crystal Elixirs: ATP+, Divine Vine or Pineal

are an integral part of Advanced Water
Fasting, along with Doc of Detox Calcium Ion
Therapy, Fulvic Acid Concentrate, Ormus
Minerals, Infinite Iodine, Doc of Detox Decalcifies the Pineal Gland
Enema Coffee and Enema Kit, Tummy Love,
Repairs the Brain and Regrows Brain Cells
Black Gold and Doc of Detox Essential Oils:
Super Cinnamon, Orange Burst, and Lemon Supplies ATP and GTP to the Brain
Lift. Improves Mental Focus
Increases Stamina and Endurance
Boosts Cellular ATP
Repairs DNA
Restores Life Force
Chelates Heavy Metals
Removes Fluoride Deposits
Oxygenates the Pineal and Pituitary Glands
Restores the Connection to the Higher Mind
Activates the Eighth Chakra (Soul Star)
Ultimate Cell Food

Divine Vine Elixir
Divine Vine is a powerful regenerating and Ingredients
rejuvenating elixir for emotional balance and
hormonal support. The synergistic blend of Life Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Life Crystals
Crystals and Fulvic Acid Concentrate produces (ATP, GTP) extracted from organic fruit
a high frequency, high energy formula. Fulvic juices, honey, oolong tea, and coffee
Acid Concentrate works synergistically with combined with Fulvic Acid. (Proprietary
Life Crystals to boost cellular ATP and energy bio-energetic frequencies have been
production. Fulvic Acid – the miracle molecule added to remove fluoride from the thyroid
– instantly revitalizes cells, replenishes and and pineal glands.)
nourishes the body.
Attention: To activate, pour the Activator
Divine Vine realigns the DNA to the original Life Crystals (small bottle) into the Elixir
blueprint; it regrows brain cells and reduces Concentrate (large bottle) and shake. Keep
physical and emotional stress providing more refrigerated once mixed.
stamina, focus and endurance.

Divine Vine Elixir is capable of delivering ATP, Directions

GTP and light frequencies directly into the
Shake gently and take 1 teaspoon orally.
cells and regenerating and rejuvenating the
Hold for 15 seconds and then swallow for
body on every level.
best absorption. Take 1-6 times per day.
Life Crystal Elixirs: ATP+, Divine Vine or Pineal
are an integral part of Advanced Water Fasting,
along with Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy,
Fulvic Acid Concentrate, Ormus Minerals,
Infinite Iodine, Doc of Detox Enema Coffee
and Enema Kit, Tummy Love, Black Gold and Detoxes and Repairs the Thyroid and
Doc of Detox Essential Oils: Super Cinnamon, Pineal Glands
Orange Burst, Lemon Lift and Frankincense.
Repairs the Brain and Regrows Brain Cells
Supplies ATP and GTP to the Brain
Improves Mental Focus
Increases Stamina and Endurance
Boosts Cellular ATP
Repairs DNA
Restores Life Force
Chelates Heavy Metals
Increases Feelings of Well-being
Ultimate Cell Food

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 103

Bright Eyes Nano Fulvic Drops
The particles in Bright Eyes Nano Fulvic
Drops are five times smaller than Fulvic
Acid Concentrate. This rare and lightweight
molecular fraction of fulvic acid is optimal
for use in the eyes because the nano sized Benefits
molecules will assist in the transportation of
nutrients across the blood-brain barrier and in Relieves Red, Dry, Watery and
purging heavy metals from the eyes and the Irritated Eyes
body. The rods and cones in the eyes regrow
themselves every forty eight hours, if given Removes Floaters
the correct micronutrients. Bright Eyes Nano Fights Fungus, Viruses and Bacteria
Fulvic Drops provides up to 60 minerals and Provides Bioavailable Nutrition to
elements and chelates toxins, assisting in the Rods and Cones of the Eye to
regrowing the rods and cones in the eyes and Support the Natural Repair and
improving eyesight. Regeneration that Occurs Every 48
Extensive hospital eye clinic studies using
humic extracts of fulvic acid showed 100%
success in curing eye diseases caused by
viruses, bacteria, or fungus, healing ulcerous
wounds, relieving inflammation, and stopping
hemorrhaging without side effects.

Hospital eye clinic patients with ulcerous

cornea infection had 94.2% success rate when
treated with Fulvic Nano Drops and injections.

A study performed at an eye clinic in a hospital

in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, China studied
47 cases of patients experiencing bloodshot
eyes. Treating with Fulvic Acid eye drops and
intramuscular injection, the success rate for
healing was 93.6%.

Medical and pharmaceutical grade organic nanosize Fulvic Acid

Eyes: Vaginal Usage:
Place 1 drop in the corner of each eye 3 to 6 For a vaginal infusion, mix 1 to 3 oz of
times per day, along with 1 drop/spray of Silver Silver Bullet Gel, 10-20 drops of Bright Eyes
Bullet Solution. A slight stinging sensation is Nano Fulvic Drops, 5-15 sprays of Infinite
indicating the fulvic acid is cleansing toxins Iodine and 1 to 10 drops of Frankincense
from the eyes. With continued use, the stinging Essential Oil or Immunity Essential Oil. Start
sensation will lessen indicating an improvement with 1 drop of Essential Oil and continue
in the toxicity levels in the eyes. The drops may to increase the number of drops until
be used with contact lenses. Bright Eyes Nano sensing a strong tingle. Before insertion,
Fulvic Drops can also be nebulized 3 to 6 times use a vibrator for 1-5 minutes to increase
per day. circulation. Use an ear syringe to inject the
mixture into the vagina, preferably with
Eye Wash: an elevated pelvis, and let it soak for 10 to
For any degenerative eye condition, fill an eye 15 minutes. Do this 3 times per day. The
cup with 1 teaspoon of Silver Bullet Solution. vaginal infusion will help with inflammatory
Put the eye over the eye cup and tilt your head conditions in the pelvic region.
back to soak the eye. Repeat with Bright Eyes
Nano Fulvic Drops. An eye wash can also be Nose (Sinuses):
done by mixing Silver Bullet Solution and Bright Place 2 drops or sprays in each nostril 3 to 6
Eyes Nano Fulvic Drops. times per day. Can also be *nebulized 3 to
6 times per day.
Place 3 drops in each ear 3 to 6 times per day.

Ear Restoration:
Clap the jaw and around the ear to increase
circulation. After clapping, lay on your side
and spray Silver Bullet Solution into the ear
until there is a pool in the ear (⅛ to ¼ inch
deep). Grab the ear, give it a pull and rotate 6
times counterclockwise and 6 times clockwise.
Place a small hot towel (wet with hot water
and wrung out) over the ear for 5 minutes
before draining the Silver Bullet Solution
out of the ear by turning to the other side
and let it run out onto a towel. If you own a *Nebulizer
BIOPTRON, shine the light into the ear for 5
minutes. Repeat the steps above with Bright
Eyes Nano Fulvic Drops in the same ear and
drain. Finally, place a drop (may work up to 3
to 5 drops) of Ear Restore Essential Oil in the
ear. Repeat the entire protocol on the other

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 105

Fresh & Clean Underarm Spray
Nanosize Fulvic Acid will stop underarm
odor immediately upon contact by naturally
eliminating the bacteria that creates body
odor. It can be used without bathing to
stop underarm body odors whenever they

Fulvic Acid reduces acidity and detoxifies

heavy metals and toxins better than
anything else. It detoxes lymph nodes,
reduces inflammation, enhances cellular
tone and stimulates healing.

Eliminate Underarm Odor, Prevent
Breast Tenderness, Breast Pain and
Swelling and reduce the Fatty Tissue
Under the Arm that is Due to Toxins.


Organic Fulvic Acid and Structured Spring


Apply 2 to 3 sprays to armpits 2 or more
times per day.

Pain Away Spray
Nanosize Fulvic Acid easily penetrates the skin
to relieve pain and irritation. Excellent for use on
sunburns as Fulvic Acid accelerates the healing
of burns, any skin irritation and relieves pain. For
poison ivy/oak, spray directly on the affected area
and follow up with Fulvic Acid Concentrate taken

Fulvic Acid reduces acidity and detoxifies heavy

metals and toxins better than anything else. Detoxing
lymph nodes reduces inflammation, enhances
cellular tone and stimulates healing.

Uses: Eczema, Diaper Rash, Atopic Dermatitis,

Seborrheic Dermatitis, Hives, Athlete’s Foot,
Psoriasis, Herpes Zoster, Measles, Chicken Pox,
Insect Bites and Acne.

Eczema, Diaper Rash, Atopic Dermati-
tis, Seborrheic Dermatitis, Hives, Ath-
lete’s Foot, Psoriasis, Herpes Zoster,
Measles, Chicken Pox, Insect Bites and

Organic Fulvic Acid and Structured Spring Water

Apply 2 or more sprays to affected skin 2
or more times per day. Usage will depend
on the size of the area and severity of the

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 107

Beyond Beauty Mist
Nanosize Fulvic Acid easily penetrates the skin to hydrate and revive cells and to stimulate
healing. Beyond Beauty Mist includes Aloe Vera which contains the two hormones Auxin and
Gibberellins. These two hormones provide wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties
that reduce skin inflammation. Gibberellin in aloe vera acts as a growth hormone, stimulating
the growth of new cells; it allows the skin to heal quickly and naturally with minimal scarring.
The combination of Fulvic Acid and Aloe Vera work synergistically together to control acne,
eczema and heal other skin conditions.

Fulvic Acid reduces acidity and detoxifies heavy metals and toxins better than anything else.
Detoxing lymph nodes reduces inflammation, enhances cellular tone and stimulates healing.

Facial Discoloration, Fine Lines, Wrinkles,
Sagging Skin, Dark Circles Under the Eyes,
Eczema, Acne and Scars.

Organic Fulvic Acid, Organic Aloe Vera and
Structured Spring Water

Apply 2 to 3 sprays to the face 2 or more times
per day. Usage will depend on the severity of
the condition.

Use Doc of Detox Beyond Beauty Cream after
applying Beyond Beauty Mist for accelerated
cellular rejuvenation.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 109

Ormus Minerals
Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic
Elements from the Mineral Kingdom

Ormus Minerals are orbitally rearranged

monatomic elements from the mineral
kingdom. Extracted from Utah’s Great
Salt Lake by a proprietary method which
facilitates proper absorption into body
cells, Ormus Minerals supplies nutrients for
optimal health. The proprietary extraction
method uses Great Salt Lake Wet Method
precipitate and includes various charging
methods including Sonic Bloom sound
resonances and five Noble Gases.

It should be noted that ormus rhodium,

ormus iridium and ormus gold are found in
seawater in greater quantities than calcium
and magnesium which are two of the most
common elements found in seawater.

Ormus Minerals is a natural product

created using natural methods. As such,
some natural variations exist from batch
to batch. Results from many lab tests have
been used to validate (or in some cases,
invalidate) each other. No single lab or
testing methodology has been able to
accurately test for all elements presently
contained in Ormus Minerals.

Different results have been yielded from Ormus Minerals are an integral part of
testing identical samples sent to different Advanced Water Fasting, along with Doc
labs, sent to the same lab on different of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy, Fulvic Acid
days or even sent to a single lab repeating Concentrate, Life Crystal Elixirs: ATP+,
batch sample tests on the same day. These Divine Vine or Pineal, Infinite Iodine,
variations have been used to establish Doc of Detox Enema Coffee and Enema
ranges and margins of error. In a material Kit, Tummy Love, Black Gold and Doc of
as complex as Ormus Minerals, accurate Detox Essential Oils: Super Cinnamon,
testing and establishing and determining Orange Burst, and Lemon Lift.
proper testing protocols can be difficult.


Sulphur (Sulfate) 55mg, Sodium 9mg,

Potassium 5mg, Lithium 1.5mg and Boron
1mg. Also contains the following in naturally
occurring trace amounts: Bromide,
Calcium, Carbonate, Fluoride, Iodine,
Silicon, Nitrogen, Selenium, Phosphorus,
Chromium, Titanium, Rubidium, Cobalt,
Copper, Iron, Manganese, Antimony,
Arsenic, Molybdenum, Strontium, Zinc,
Nickel, Tungsten, Germanium, Lead*,
Aluminum*, Scandium, Tin, Lanthanum,
Yttrium, Barium, Silver, Cadmium*,
Uranium, Gallium, Zirconium, Vanadium,
Beryllium, Tellurium, Bismuth, Hafnium,
Terbium, Europium, Gadolinium,
Samarium, Dysprosium, Holmium,
Lutetium, Thulium, Erbium, Neodymium,
Praseodymium, Niobium, Tantalum,
Cesium, Gold, Mercury*. (*Less than 1
ppm.) All of these elements are found in
the periodic table, are present as they exist
in the earth today and are not harmful.

Super Conductive Minerals
Shake gently and take ½ teaspoon 3-6
Monoatomic Elements
times per day. Mix with plain water, Daily
Cleansing Tea or water containing Fulvic Iridium, Rhodium and Gold
Acid Concentrate, Humic Acid Concentrate, Powerful Electrolyte
Tummy Love or Black Diamond Crystals. Antioxidant Qualities
Charges Ion Channels
Supports Cell Hydration

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 111

Senonian Minerals
The World’s Most Powerful & Complete Whole Body Food Supplement

Get healthy, stay healthy and live longer with Dox of Detox Senonian Minerals!
Senonian Minerals is an all-in-one supercharged daily nutritional supplement for the body,
mind and immune system. Containing 70 plant minerals along with vitamins, amino acids,
superfruits and botanicals, Senonian Minerals is a superior blend of 150 high-grade nutrients
and antioxidants the body needs in order to thrive. Featuring continued absorption throughout
the day, Senonian Minerals is a great way to enrich your body, mind and immune system
every single day.


Each dose provides 150 whole-food

nutrients including: 600 mgs of
SenTraMin Plant Minerals (72 plant-
sourced colloidal trace minerals with
natural Fulvic and Humic Acid), 9 High
ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance
Capacity) Superfruits, 13 Vitamins,
17 Herbs, 17 Antioxidants, 18 Amino
Acids, 10 mgs of CoQ10, 25000% DV
of Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) and


Maintenance: 2 capsules once per day

Detox and Restore: 2 capsules 2 times

per day

Chronic Conditions & Super Immunity:

2 capsules 3 times per day

Children: 1 capsule per 20 pounds of

body weight daily

Raw Material Name: Amino Acid Complex

Vitamin A (as Beta Carotene 20%) Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCl

Vitamin A (as Retinyl Palmitate 250 IU/mg) L-Taurine
Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) L-Lysine HCl
Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol 100IU/mg) L-Glutamic Acid
Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate L-Aspartic Acid
700IU/g) L-Leucine
Vitamin B1 (as Thiamine Mononitrate) L-Arginine HCl
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) L-Phenylalanine
Vitamin B3 (as Niacinamide) L-Serine
Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCL) L-Proline
Folic Acid L-Valine
Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin) L-Isoleucine
Biotin L-Glycine
Pantothenic Acid (as D-Calcium Pantothenate) L-Threonine
Magnesium (as Magnesium Oxide) L-Tyrosine
Zinc (as Zinc Gluconate) L-Hesperidin HCl
Selenium (as Selenium Amino Acid Chelate) DL-Methionine
Copper (as Copper Gluconate) L-Cysteine
Manganese (as Manganese Gluconate)
Chromium (as Chromium Picolinate)
Potassium (as Potassium Chloride)
Psyllium Husk Powder Super Fruit Antioxidant
D-Ribose Complex
Noni Fruit
Anti-Aging Antioxidant Elderberry
Complex: Cranberry Fruit
Pomegranate Fruit
Aloe Vera Aronia Berry
200:1 Maqui Berry
Lycopene 5% Acai Fruit
Lutein 5% Mangosteen Fruit
Coenzyme Q10 Goji Berry

Plant Minerals:
Colloidal Trace Mineral Powder 72 (SenTraMin)

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 113

Herbal Complex
Turmeric Root
Milk Thistle Seed
Green Tea Extract 4:1
Gingko Biloba L
Grape Seed Extract 4:1
Pau D Arco Bark Extract 4:1
Suma Root
Grape Skin Extract 4:1
Myrrh Extract
Royal Jelly
Cat’s Claw Bark Extract 4:1 (Uncaria
Tomentosa Extract)
Rose Hips
Citrus Pectin
Raspberry Leaf Extract 4:1
Korean Red Ginseng Root
Siberian Ginseng Extract 5:1
White Willow Bark
Choline Biterate
Citrus Bioflavonoids
Flaxseed Powder
Rice Flour
Silicon Dioxide
Magnesium Stearate

Doc of Detox The medical
Calcium Ion Therapy breakthrough of a lifetime!

Finally, the world’s first calcium-ion delivery system, Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy, is
available in a home administered formula.

Many published clinical studies confirm the connection between ionic calcium deficiency
and age-related degenerative diseases. DNA replication, which primarily involves calcium, is
the basis for body repair. Therefore, low calcium levels lead to low body repair rates and
premature aging. Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy supports the body to rebuild strong bones,
reverse mitochondrial dysfunction, restore cellular signaling, normalize body pH, correct and
strengthen the immune system and reduce oxidative stress thereby alleviating inflammation.

Acidification of the body leads to toxin accumulation and eventual disease. Pathogens,
including cancer cells, thrive in a low-oxygen acidic environment. Body cells must live in a
slightly alkaline environment where there is adequate oxygen supply. When blood pH is
between 7.35 and 7.45, the body operates in optimal conditions. If the blood pH is acidic,
calcium is called upon to neutralize the acidity and restore homeostasis.

Calcium Ion Therapy is the only true ionic calcium delivery system providing calcium in a free
ionic state – the only physiologically active form of calcium in the body. Typical calcium, from
food and supplements, enters the body in a protein-bound state and therefore cannot initiate
the same physiological processes as calcium ions. Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy is directly
absorbed and immediately bioavailable due to its anti-bonding positive charge. Calcium Ion
Therapy bypasses active transport delivery that requires digestion with peptides and Vitamin
D – a complicated process that leaves absorbed calcium far less bioavailable. Calcium ions
resolve calcium deficiency far better than protein-bound calcium.

The effects of a dose of Calcium Ion Therapy last for 4 hours, initially raising the serum ionic
calcium concentration to a higher, yet safe, level to trigger various physiological functions.
While the ionic calcium level is elevated, osteoblast with osteoclastic activity is triggered to
repair and rebuild bones. This process also activates idle protein-bound calcium, releasing both
ionic calcium and protein, further fueling bone-building and clearing body-wide calcification.
Ionic calcium also aids cellular metabolism, releasing ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and
raising body temperature. Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy replenishes calcium ions which
act as signal carriers for a large number of cellular functions including nerve transmission, the
generation and degradation of metabolic products, the synthesis and release of hormones
and muscle and nonmuscle motility.

As kidneys excrete excess ionic calcium through urination, an urge to urinate within an hour
of taking Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy is healthy, normal and an indication that Calcium
Ion Therapy is functioning correctly.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 115

Stronger Bones Lead to a
Healthier Life
A long term follow up study done
in Denmark on 35,000 people re-
vealed that people with strong
bones in their 50s lived 11.6 years

In Canada, 49% of infants are born

with calcium deficiency. Only 70%
recover after breastfeeding. Cal-
cium deficiency during pregnancy
and infancy leads to serious health

Bone health is directly related to

overall health. Emptier bone, char-
acterized by osteoporosis or osteo-
penia, indicates not only a higher
risk of fracture but also a greater
chance of developing degenerative
diseases. Why? Calcium emptying
from bones causes calcification on
Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy Calcium both cellular and systemic levels,
is developed from an innovative new causing cellular communication
biomaterial based on calcium carbonate mayhem by disrupting calcium sig-
derived from small oyster shells. A highly naling.
advanced process, Sigma Anti-Bonding,
formulates the calcium to maintain positive Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy is
charges (2+) by altering the bonding an integral part of Advanced Water
structure. Highly water soluble, with the Fasting, along with Ormus Minerals,
positive charges of the calcium ion molecule Fulvic Acid Concentrate, Life Crystal
attracting water molecules to cluster around Elixirs: ATP+, Divine Vine or Pineal,
it, it allows for direct and passive absorption Infinite Iodine, Doc of Detox Enema
into the body. Coffee and Enema Kit, Tummy Love,
Black Gold and Doc of Detox Essen-
Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy is not tial Oils: Super Cinnamon, Orange
a targeted therapy focusing on relief from Burst, Lemon Lift and Frankincense.
disease symptoms. Rather, Calcium Ion
Therapy is a systemic therapy focused
on treating the root causes of disease.
Therefore, it generally takes longer to
clinically experience the positive effects of
Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy treatment
compared to symptom-targeted treatments.
However, once disease momentum is
reversed, recovery often accelerates with
results that are far superior.

Conditions Commonly Treated with ADHD, Epilepsy
Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy: Asthma, COPD
Glaucoma, Cataract, Intermittent
Autoimmune disease (Lupus, Vitiligo, Exotropia, Retinal Vein Occlusion
Hashimoto’s, Crohn’s, Celiac Disease, Eczema, Meniere’s Disease, Aurora Migraine
MS, Rheumatic Diseases, etc.) Disease, Tinnitus, Vertigo
Lyme, HIV, Shingles and other Viral Infections Osteoporosis, Bone Necrosis
Parkinson’s, ALS, Alzheimer’s and other Chromosome 8 Syndrome
Neurodegenerative Diseases Chronic Kidney Disease
Arthritis, Gout, CPPD, Inflammatory Conditions Gum Disease, Loose Teeth
Mitochondrial Disease Calcification (Joints and Tissues)
Cancer (Carcinoma, Sarcoma, Lymphoma, Calcific Tendonitis, Fibrosis, Kidney
Leukemia, Multiple Myeloma) and Gallbladder Stones
Arrhythmia, Heart Palpitations, Mitral Valve Dysmenorrhea, Infertility
Prolapse And many more… There are over
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome 150 calcium related diseases that
Thrombosis, Hemolytic Anemia cause secondary autoimmune and
Autism Spectrum Disorder inflammation responses.

Storage Directions
Doc of Detox Calcium Shake well before use. Mix 1 teaspoon/5ml of Doc of Detox Calcium
Ion Therapy is packaged Ion Therapy product liquid in 16oz/500ml of plain cool or room
in colored glass temperature water and drink immediately (within 10 minutes of
bottles for a longer mixing). Take only plain water 30 minutes before and after taking
preservation period. Calcium Ion Therapy. Take 2 to 5 doses per day, depending on
Product should not be condition and financial situation. If weighing under 150 pounds,
stored in direct sunlight the dosage can be adjusted down accordingly. For example, a
or below 55 Celsius. person weighing 100 pounds can adjust the dosage to take 2/3
If stored correctly, of a teaspoon/3.3ml in 10oz/333ml of water. Do not increase
unopened bottles the dosage for people who weigh over 150 pounds. Calcium Ion
will last more than 10 Therapy can be taken by children; product and dosage will depend
years without losing on the condition.
potency. Once opened,
consume within 6 Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy can be nebulized.
months to maintain Only place as much calcium in the nebulizer as you
potency. The bottle cap will be able to nebulize in that sitting.
should be tightly closed
immediately after each Calcium Ion Therapy has to be taken on an empty stomach, at
dosing to minimize least 30 minutes before and after any food or drink. More than
exposure to air. 95% of Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy will be absorbed within
30 minutes through diffusion and osmotic pressure. Any additives,
such as other supplements or foods that trigger digestion, should
be avoided because Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy will interact
and lose potency.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 117

MaraGen is the strongest Doc of Detox
Calcium Ion Therapy product. MaraGen
works to improve 147 degenerative
diseases that are thought to be calcification
related. Many pieces of research link cellular
calcification to mitochondrial disease,
metabolic syndrome, neurodegenerative
diseases and even cancer.

By actively maintaining a slightly acidic

micro-environment (pH 6.0-6.5) via lactic
acid production, tumor cells effectively
turn off immune response and establish
malignancy. Calcium ions serve as a natural
acid buffer and suppress tumor growth by
neutralizing lactic acid and switching on the
immune response around the tumor.

Most cancers have either mutation within

the p53 gene or defects in the ability
to induce p53 which is responsible for
apoptosis (self-destruction). Many studies
have shown that calcium ions can reactivate
the p53 gene and induce apoptosis in many
tumor cells.

Used as an alternative medicine for

incurable diseases, MaraGen is formulated
for clients with cancer and incurable

The global cost of Alzheimer disease and
dementia is estimated to be $605 billion.
However, there are no drug treatments
available that can provide a cure for
Alzheimer disease yet. Further, many health
professionals suggest age, genetics and
mineral imbalances may cause Alzheimer

Many scientists suggest that Alzheimer

disease may be related to calcium. Both
Osteoporosis and Alzheimer diseases
are aging-associated, multi-factorial,
progressive, degenerative diseases and
both occur usually in seniors. According to
recent scientific research, senior women
who have low bone density are more than
twice as likely to develop Alzheimer disease.
This indicates that Alzheimer disease is
closely linked to osteoporosis, however, the
mechanisms underlying this are unknown.

Dentigen stimulates the release of TH and PTH that balances calcium homeostasis and
increases the bone turnover rate by boosting osteoblast (bone building). Doc of Detox
Calcium Ion Therapy rebuilds the alveolar bones of the maxillary and mandible thereby
increasing the rate of successful implants or periodontal treatments. As a stand-alone
treatment, 6-9 months of Dentigen treatment is recommended to build a strong dental
bone structure including filling up an extraction socket with natural bone.

Working in conjunction with bone grafts, Dentigen significantly accelerates the rebuilding of
extraction sockets, integration of grafted bones, and osseointegration of implant material.
Complementing bone grafts with Dentigen speeds up the procedure and increases the
success rate, making difficult cases possible.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 119

Life can take a toll on bones and
joints – wear and tear on cartilage
can result in significant pain.
Unfortunately, modern medical
science only provides solutions that
may ease pain and inflammation
– along with many side effects; it
cannot repair joints and cartilage.
There are over 100 different
forms of arthritis with the most
common form being osteoarthritis
(degenerative joint disease).
Arthritis and back pain are usually
treated simply with painkillers.

Calcium ions move freely in and

out of blood vessels to reach
joints and initiate cartilage repair
by stimulating stem cells in the
cartilage (namely chondrocytes).
The anti-inflammatory and immune-
normalizing effects of calcium
ions offer a scientifically superior
solution for easing joint disorder
pains. Formulated for cartilage
repair, CartiGen supports more
calcium ions to permeate deeper
into joints to help rebuild damaged
cartilage (stem cell action). Doc of
Detox Calcium Ion Therapy is the
scientifically superior solution for
treating cartilage disorders.

The effectiveness of CartiGen

has been proven clinically; this
selenium based ‘cell restorer’
helps calcium ions permeate deep
into the cartilage to restore and
eliminate the source of pain.

Osso Jr
Osso Jr helps kids to grow to their full potential height
and build strong bones by supercharging osteoblast –
the bone building process. Doc of Detox Calcium Ion
Therapy helps to maintain a strong immune system
by maintaining the body’s pH in the optimal range,
providing maximum oxygen to every part of the body.
Doc of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy escorts phosphorus to
bones and keeps it from pathogens to avoid pathogens
multiplying. Osso Jr supports kids to be more energetic
naturally – to simply be kids.

Osteoporosis and hormonal imbalances start affecting
people in their middle ages. Doc of Detox Calcium
Ion Therapy delivers calcium ions directly into the
bloodstream, to balance hormones and initiate a
cascade of repairing processes within the body resulting
in numerous health benefits.

The most noticeable result is a strengthening of bones

through stabilizing calcium homeostasis. MegaGen
initiates the bone formation process (osteoblast) and
builds strong bones, once believed to be impossible
after age 35. MegaGen also helps to maintain an
optimum blood pH of 7.35-7.45, optimizing oxygen flow
and eliminating disease-causing pathogens.

Even as an antioxidant, MegaGen is unmatched in its

potency and effectiveness. As calcium is involved in
over 140 diseases, the health benefits which MegaGen
brings is truly amazing.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 121

Infinite Iodine & Infinite Iodide
In the early 1800s, Napoleon’s chemist was making gunpowder and spilled acid on seaweed
ash which released a purple gas. Iodine, which in its purest form is a gas, was discovered.
Fifteen years later, Dr. Lugol investigated the connection between iodine and goiter; he
determined goiter is caused by lack of iodide. Sixty years after Dr. Lugol’s research, iodide
was added to table salt in Europe, and in 1920 iodide was added to table salt in the US,
substantially reducing the incidence of iodide deficiency related illness. In addition to goiter,
iodide deficiency is directly correlated with learning challenges, IQ, and cognitive function; 70-
80% of mental institutions were closed within 1-2 generations of consuming iodized salt. Even
still, over a third of the world is Iodide deficient and statistics suggest that number may be
much higher. This simple micronutrient imbalance has dramatic health implications.

Iodide is naturally found in the earth

and the ocean but there are no natural
sources of iodine. Ozone (lightening)
converts iodide into iodine. Sailors,
known to be healthy and strong, breathe
iodide all day from the sea water and
breathe iodine when there is a storm.

Iodine is a fascinating element as it

sublimes between being a frozen crystal
and a gas.

A challenge in working with iodine

is that it does not dissolve well and
consistently in water. In the early 1900s,
iodine tinctures were developed –
alcohol mixed with crystal iodine.

Iodide or Iodine is in every cell in the body, though they have different functions. There are 2
tracks when considering iodine and iodide – disinfectant and micronutrient. Another way of
considering this is Iodine for Attack and Iodide for Defend.

Iodine is a disinfectant – it keeps a person safe and healthy. Historically, Iodine was applied
to cuts and wounds as far back as the American Civil War. During the Spanish Flu of 1918,
iodine was used as a disinfectant. Iodine is used by the immune system when in attack mode
to kill pathogens; Iodine kills microbes on contact. Iodine is a halogen, though it does not
kill microbes like other halogens. For example, chlorine is a heavy oxidizer – it burns things,
turning them to ash and bleaches. Iodine works with both the primary and secondary immune
systems. It works like macrophages within the primary immune system, killing microbes but
leaving the material intact to create antibodies.

The secondary immune system creates thyroid actually more easily picks up bromide
antibodies based on the material which then needs to be converted to create
left behind after the ‘kill’. In the kill hormones causing thyroid stress. 5 sprays of
process, iodine is converted to its Infinite Iodine or Infinite Iodide can provide
micronutrient form Iodide which then the nutrients required to balance the thyroid,
takes on a Defend role. Please note, often allowing for a reduction in Synthroid or
Iodine interacts with all chemicals and a discontinuation of the medication altogether.
minerals to create iodide so it needs to Please always adjust medication in conjunction
be kept separate and mixed only with with a medical doctor.
distilled water.

Iodide, on the other hand, is the spent

form of iodide and a pure micronutrient;
it is used by the immune system to
defend and to repair body damage.
It helps to provide energy to the body
and has no taste. Iodide can be used if
one is concerned about changing the
microflora at the back of the throat,
changing the microbiome or if one is
healthy and strong and not desiring the
disinfectant properties of Iodine. Iodide
can be added to anything and maintain
its integrity as Iodide, unlike Iodine
which converts to Iodide when mixed
with other elements. In the 1960s-80s, research was conducted
on the role of Iodine in breast cancer. It was
In the 1930-40s, clinical work began discovered a dosage of 6000mcg of Iodine is
on the benefits of iodine within the effective for treating cancer and fibroid cysts. It
body. It was discovered that the body is recommended to take 0.75-1.5oz/22.5-45ml
can convert small amounts of dietary (3000-6000mcg) of Infinite Iodine orally daily,
iodide to iodine in the stomach. This depending on the condition being treated.
iodine is used against foreign microbe Infinite Iodine can also be injected directly into
invaders. Additionally, the thyroid the site or soaked into a cotton pad and placed
converts iodide into iodine to produce on the breast before saran wrapping the chest
T3 and T4 iodine hormones that run the to keep the compress moist.
endocrine system, immune system and
metabolism. The same higher dose of Infinite Iodine
1.5oz/45ml (6000mcg) has been shown to detox
Currently, 1.3 million scripts are halogens (fluoride, bromide, chlorine) from the
written for Synthroid (synthetic iodine body.
hormone) annually, however, synthetic
T3 and T4 does not provide iodide for As iodine is the key to the birth of a healthy
the rest of the body. Iodide used to be cell, it is a critical nutrient for development;
found in bread, milk and beer. Iodide from conception to birth Iodine is integral to
was removed in the 1980s and replaced the processes of building the skeletal system,
with bromide. Bromide competes with nervous system and for cerebral development.
iodide within thyroid receptors; the

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 123

In fact, if a mother is deficient in iodine,
a baby will be born with a lower IQ;
iodine is an essential nutrient for
women during child bearing years.
Iodine continues to be a critical factor
for cellular generation and regeneration
throughout life and continues to have a
strong impact on cerebral development
and cognitive function.

Infinite Iodine can be sprayed into any

orifice of the body, including the vagina
to treat vaginal and pelvic conditions.
Iodine can be nebulized and breathed
in to kill viruses and heal lung tissues.
For nebulizing, use 1ml of Infinite Iodine
to 3ml of distilled water.

Poor nutrition, chemicals, pollution,

obesity, diabetes, antibiotics, etc. have
rendered immune systems vulnerable
to attacks from the microbial world.
Infinite Iodine or Infinite Iodide, along
with C60 and Vitamin D3 optimally
strengthen the immune system creating
lasting health.

Note, in general, internal ingestion

of Iodine is superior to transdermal
ingestion for systemic conditions; when
sprayed on the skin, Iodine is converted
to Iodide.

Infinite Iodine
Infinite Iodine, ‘Nature’s Weapon’, is the ultimate When iodine interacts with bacteria and
daily immune support. With natural antiviral viruses, it converts to its micronutrient
properties and all the nourishing qualities of form Iodide. Iodide is an essential
iodide, Infinite Iodine is the only iodine in the micronutrient that supports the
world that delivers iodine in pico-sized and maintenance of thyroid function,
dalton-sized molecules – 10,000 times smaller immune system function, metabolism
than nano-sized molecules – in a safe liquid and T3 and T4 hormone production. For
solution that the body can easily digest and optimum health, the thyroid requires
absorb. The body can only absorb molecules iodide daily.
that are pico-sized and smaller. To visualize
these molecular sizes, picture a 1000 story Infinite Iodine can be taken internally
building for a nano-sized molecule, a VW Bug or used topically as a skin disinfectant.
beside the 1000 story apartment building for a Many people keep iodine in their
pico-sized molecule, and an ant on the ground emergency kit for use in home remedies
beside the VW Bug for a dalton-sized molecule. and survival situations. Iodine can be
Now, those are small molecules! applied to minor cuts and scrapes or on
hands when away from soap and water.
The spray delivery method delivers the pico-
sized (water based) and dalton-sized (gaseous) Infinite Iodine is an integral part of
molecules most effectively. Advanced Water Fasting, along with Doc
of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy, Fulvic
Iodine is recognized as a world-class disinfectant. Acid Concentrate, Ormus Minerals,
Like the immune system, Iodine kills viruses and Life Crystal Elixirs: ATP+, Divine Vine or
bacteria (including variants) and our body uses Pineal, Doc of Detox Enema Coffee and
iodine to kill viruses in the bloodstream which Enema Kit, Tummy Love, Black Gold
may facilitate the production of antibodies. and Doc of Detox Essential Oils: Super
Iodine has been shown to kill cancer cells in the Cinnamon, Orange Burst, and Lemon
body. Lift.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 125

Ultimate Daily Immune Support – Kills Viruses, Bacteria
Fungus, Cancer, Cellular Mutations
Disinfects and Protects Skin
Essential for Healing
Cellular Generation
Cellular Regeneration
Builds Skeletal System
Builds Nervous System
Cerebral Development
Supports Organ and Gland Health
Supports Healthy Cellular Apoptosis (Cell Death)
Connective Tissue Generation and Regeneration
Creates Healthy and Strong Skin, Hair and Nails

USP Grade Iodine Directions
Shake gently and spray 5 times into the mouth.
The raw source material for In-
For extra immune support, spray 5 times into the mouth 2
finite Iodine is a liquid sodium
to 3 times per day.
iodide product extracted from a
brine well deep within the earth Spray on any and all skin conditions as needed.
in the United States. The iodide For thyroid conditions, 5 sprays of Infinite Iodine can provide
is separated from the sodium the nutrients to balance the thyroid.
and converted through a pro-
*Nebulize 1ml of Infinite Iodine to 3ml of structured water
cess into iodine in its pure gas-
to treat respiratory conditions.
eous form. The iodine gas is then
cooled, forming a pure crystal For cancer, take 1.5oz/45ml (6000mcg) per day in 4oz/120ml
iodine. This crystal is then resub- of distilled water. Infinite Iodine can also be injected directly
limed to a gas and a solid again into the site.
to produce the highest quality For breast cancer, Infinite Iodine can be soaked into a cotton
pure US Pharmaceutical Grade gauze and placed on the breast before saran wrapping the
Iodine 99.985%. chest to keep the compress moist.
For detoxification of halogens (fluoride, bromide, chlorine),
*Nebulizer take 1.5oz/45ml (6000mcg) per day.
Spray on any orifice of the body – eyes, ears, nose, throat.
Add 5-15 sprays to the vaginal infusion mixture, along
with Silver Bullet Gel, Bright Eyes Nano Fulvic Drops and
Frankincense, to treat vaginal and pelvic conditions.
For pets, soak a cotton gauze and apply to any wound for as
long as possible (up to 20 minutes).

Infinite Iodide Benefits:
Maintains Thyroid Health
Iodide is an essential micronutrient that
Supports T3 & T4 Hormone Production
supports the maintenance of thyroid
function, immune system function, Balances Hormones
metabolism and T3 and T4 hormone Increases Immune System Function
production. For optimum health, the Optimizes Metabolic Function
thyroid requires iodide daily. Infinite
Iodide delivers iodide in a safe liquid Supports Cognitive Development and
solution that the body can easily digest Function
and absorb. Creates Healthy and Strong Skin, Hair and
Ulike Iodine, Iodide has no disinfectant Creates Healthy Skin and a Lustrous Coat
properties. An essential micronutrient, in Dogs and Cats
it was added to table salt in the 1920s
to reduce the incidence of goitre related
illness and to increase the population’s IQ. Ingredients
USP Grade Iodine, Vitamin C
The thyroid requires Iodide to produce T3
and T4 (Iodine) hormones which maintain The raw source material for Infinite Iodide
the endocrine system, metabolism, and is pure aqueous iodine converted to iodide
immune system function. It is a lack of through a break point ascorbic acid process.
Iodide in the diet that has created the
epidemic of prescriptions for synthetic Directions
T3 and T4 (Iodine) hormones, with over Shake gently and spray 5 times into the
110 million prescriptions per year in the mouth daily.
United States. For pets, add 1 spray for every 30lb. to
drinking water.
Insufficient iodide intake is directly related
to fibrocystic disease in women.

Iodide is a fundamental ingredient in

prenatal vitamins to ensure the health
and brain development of infants.

The World Health Organization indicates

that 2 billion people world-wide are Iodine
(Iodide) deficient.

Infinite Iodide is an integral part of

Advanced Water Fasting, along with Doc
of Detox Calcium Ion Therapy, Fulvic Acid
Concentrate, Ormus Minerals, Life Crystal
Elixirs: ATP+, Divine Vine or Pineal, Doc
of Detox Enema Coffee and Enema Kit,
Tummy Love, Black Gold and Doc of Detox
Essential Oils: Super Cinnamon, Orange
Burst, Lemon Lift and Frankincense.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 127

CARBON 60 – The ‘Miracle Molecule’

C60, or Carbon 60, is a recently discovered

fullerene made up of 60 carbon atoms that
form a structure that looks like a hollow
soccer ball. Due to the unique bonding within
this structure, C60 interacts with free radicals
in the environment creating a surprisingly
powerful and non-toxic superconductive
antioxidant. The health molecule that
Buckminster Fuller predicted had to exist
was discovered two years after his death.
The three scientists who found it won the
Nobel Prize in Chemistry. C60 is reported to
reduce the effects of aging, increase lifespan,
reduce pain and inflammation and power
up the immune system. Carbon 60 can be
found in nature; it preceded life on Earth. In
fact, C60 may be the foundational building
block which supported the formation of the
DNA double helix molecule. C60 is produced
in the atmospheres of stars, meteor impacts
and during lightning strikes. Knowing human
bodies are Carbon based and over 23%
Carbon, the importance of C60 is readily

How does C60 work?

C60 works within a cell to decrease the
oxidative burden by neutralizing oxidative
radicals. C60 is known as a free radical ‘sponge’
with an antioxidant power far superior to
other antioxidants. In one study, C60 was
shown to be 270 times more potent than
vitamin C in antioxidant power! C60 helps to Did you know that, by weight, C60 is
maximize the metabolic efficiency of cells in 7 times more expensive than gold?
the production of energy, hormones and in
cellular metabolism.

What studies are there on C60?
The most profound and attention-grabbing
C60 study was released in 2012: https://www. Benefits
S0142961212003237. The study showed
that C60 increased the lifespan of rats by
Super Antioxidant
90%. Rats normally live two and a half years,
however, the rats taking C60 lived five years Increases Energy
nearly doubling their typical lifespan. In fact,
it is reported that the researchers ended Improves Stamina
the lives of the C60 rats in order to conclude
the study and publish their findings. Other Shortens Recovery Time
studies on mice have shown similar results
in increasing lifespan and healthspan due
to an increased production of the ‘energy
Reduces Inflammation
molecule’ ATP. Studies demonstrated C60
reduced inflammation by 223%, when Decreases Joint Pain
measuring the two inflammatory markers
IL6 and IL8. ‘Leaky mitochondria’, that Boosts Sleep Quality
contribute to aging, inflammation and
poor immune system functioning, can be Heightens Mental Clarity and
repaired with C60.
What makes CARBON 60 the
Improves Vision
‘Miracle Molecule’?
Doc of Detox C60 is produced using an Neuroprotective Properties
advanced undisclosed government grade
technology. This process and facility is Prevents Apoptosis in Neurons;
primarily used to supply government Potential to Reverse Alzheimer’s.
contracts because of the extreme quality
and integrity of the product produced. It is
speculated that every NASA astronaut must
take C60 prior to space-based missions.
C60 is superior to vitamin C for supporting
Directions: Take 2 to four teaspoons per
immune health. Take it to help prevent the
day, morning and late afternoon or early
common cold and to enjoy the many other evening, on an empty stomach or with a
benefits. C60 is one of the three pillars for a light snack such as an apple.
strong immune system, along with Vitamin
D3 and Infinite Iodine.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 129

MCT Coconut Oil C60, Hemp Oil C60 & Olive Oil C60?

C60 in MCT Coconut Oil C60 in Hemp Oil

MCT Oil has .9g of C60 per litre of vs .8g per litre Containing .8g per litre of C60, C60 in
in Hemp Oil and Olive Oil; C60 in MCT Coconut Hemp Oil is flavoured by the taste of
Oil is slightly more powerful with 1/10th of a the hemp oil. Hemp Oil is high in GLA
gram more C60 per litre. C60 itself has no taste. (gamma linoleic acid) which boosts
Quality MCT Coconut Oil is also tasteless; it is immunity and fights inflammation.
very light and easy to take. MCT (Medium Chain Containing the optimal ratio of 3:1
Triglyceride) Oil is metabolized differently due omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids for
to the shorter chain length – it is rapidly bro- supporting cardiovascular health,
ken down and absorbed by the body. MCTS are Hemp Oil also has a full amino acid
health-promoting saturated fatty acids that are spectrum and high mineral content.
easy to digest, provide energy, support healthy Additionally, Hemp Oil provides phy-
metabolism, and improve cognitive functioning. tocannabinoids to support the body’s
MCT Coconut Oil can be taken internally and endocannabinoid system. Hemp Oil
applied topically. Apply directly to the skin to re- C60 is a green colour. Hemp Oil may
juvenate and heal from the outside in as well as be stored in the fridge or a cool dark
the inside out! MCT Coconut Oil C60 is a beau- place.
tiful magenta colour. MCT Oil may be stored in
the fridge or a cool dark place.

C60 in Olive Oil

Containing .8g per litre of C60, C60 in Olive Oil
is flavoured by the taste of the olive oil. Olive oil
was the original base oil used in the discovery
of the unique properties of C60. Olive Oil is high
in antioxidants, may help prevent strokes and
supports cardiovascular health. Olive Oil C60
is a beautiful amber colour, when viewed in a
clear container such as a glass tumbler. Olive
Oil begins to harden below room temperatures
and is therefore best stored in a cool dark place.

All oil bases – Coconut MCT Oil, Hemp Oil and

Olive Oil – are high in Essential Fatty Acids. All
oils last a minimum of 3-5 years when stored
properly with the lid secured – light, heat and
extended exposure to oxygen can degrade oils.

Cannabis Therapy
Hemp is recorded as the first cultivated plant.
It has been used for textiles, building, food and
bedding for animals as well as for hallucinogenic,
spiritual medicinal purposes.

The medical use of Cannabis is several

thousand years old. The first historical evidence
of Cannabis use in traditional medicine is
documented in ancient China 5000 years ago.
In Chinese medicine, Cannabis was used to
treat rheumatic pain, constipation, malaria,
beriberi and gynecological disorders. Evidence
of Cannabis use in ancient traditional medicine
was uncovered in Japan, India, Iran, and Egypt
as well as in Arabic medicine. Across the ancient
world, the Cannabis treatment was documented
to relieve a wide range of ailments including
otitis, diarrhea, asthma, arthritis, and as a topical
treatment of swellings and bruises. The medical
use of Cannabis spread to the west only around
the first century CE. Before 1937, when it was
prohibited by the 1937 Tax Act, Cannabis was
widely used in the USA; 2000 different medicines
contained Cannabis. Thankfully, medical use is
once again being recognized and Cannabis use
is starting to be legalized.

“If (marajuana) were unknown, and bio-

prospectors were suddenly to find it in some
remote mountain crevice, its discovery would
no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough.
Scientists would praise its potential for treating
everything from pain to cancer and marvel at its
rich pharmacopoeia; many of whose chemicals
mimic vital molecules in the human body.”
–The Economist

Cannabis contains 1232 compounds. Though

148 cannabinoids have been isolated from
Cannabis, along with other active phytochemicals
including Terpenes and Phenolic Compounds
such as flavonoids, the two most significant
cannabinoid compounds are cannabidiol (CBD),
first isolated in 1940, and the main psychoactive
phytocannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),
first isolated in

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 131

1964. The isolation of these compounds spurred
research into the endocannabinoid system (ECS)
which was discovered in 1988.

The ECS is present in all vertebrates on the planet

and is the largest neurotransmitter system in
the human body. Located throughout the body,
the ECS is found in the central brain and nervous
system and the gut and peripheral nervous
system. Dr. Ethan Russo, leading ECS researcher,
describes the ECS as “the ability to maintain stable
internal conditions that are essential for survival”.
It ‘regulates the regulation’ of physiological
processes including sleep, temperature, mood,
immune function, pain modulation, metabolism,
appetite, female reproductivity, pH levels, motor
function, stress response, blood pressure, heart
rate and cardiovascular function. Dysregulation of
the endocannabinoid system, owing to variation
in the concentration of endocannabinoids or
the expression and function of cannabinoid
receptors and enzymes, has been associated with
several conditions including acute stress, AIDS,
lupus, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, migraines,
mastocytosis, Crohn's, colitis, cancer, diabetes,
depression, arthritis, shingles, lyme disease, anxiety,
ADD, Parkinson’s, epilepsy, neuropathy, angina,
psoriasis, spinal stenosis, lymphoma, autism, and

In other words, the main task of the ECS is to

maintain homeostasis within the body. The
phytocannabinoids contained in cannabis can be
used to supplement a deficiency in ECS signalling.
The main ECS receptors are in the central nervous
system and in the digestive organs with implications
for regulating immune function, nervous system
function, cognitive function, pain, and inflammation.

In today’s age, it is important to consider Cannabis

Therapy for optimal health; Blue Light – from
devices such as mobile phones and computers as
well as fluorescent and LED lighting – destroys the
important endocannabinoid system.

CBD and THC are a synergistic combination, generally

offering the greatest therapeutic healing benefits.
Isolated CBD avoids potential psychoactive effects.

THC/CBD Suppositories or CBD Suppositories
Excellent for treating inflammatory pelvic conditions,
general inflammatory conditions, pain and chronic illness For vaginal protocols, use a
such as cancer, Suppositories offer greater absorption waterproof cordless rechargeable
than oral administration. vaginal massager. Choose a
massager made from medical
Directions: For rectal protocols, use a waterproof cordless grade materials and that is fully
rechargeable prostate massager. Choose a massager waterproof so it is easy to clean
made from medical grade materials and that is fully before and after use.
waterproof so it is easy to clean before and after use.
Lubricate the massager with
Lubricate the massager with structured Moringa Oil structured Moringa Oil along with
along with a drop or two of Frankincense Essential Oil or a drop or two of Frankincense
Immunity Essential Oil before inserting into the rectum. Essential Oil or Immunity
Slowly increase the amount of Essential Oil until a tingle Essential Oil before inserting into
is felt. Vibe for 1-5 minutes to engorge the area with the vagina. Slowly increase the
blood. Next, place a finger cot on a finger and insert the amount of Essential Oil until a
suppository just into the rectum to treat whole-body tingle is felt. Vibe for 1-5 minutes
condition. Place the suppository higher at full finger to engorge the area with blood.
height to treat liver conditions. Next, insert the suppository just
into the vagina. It is recommended
to use CBD Suppositories for
Store suppositories in a cool dark place. vaginal protocols, as occasionally
a person may feel psychoactive
effects after vaginal insertion of a
Suppository containing THC.

THC/CBD Suppository contains 275mg THC and 100mg CBD in a cacao butter base.
CBD Suppository contains 250mg CBD in a cacao butter base.



The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 133

THC/CBD Oil Blend or CBD Oil
Tincture Oils can be taken in the belly button, utilizing
the Pechoti Delivery Method, or orally.

The end of an umbilical cord attaches to the Pechoti

gland which remains after birth. Every human has a
Pechoti gland, connected to more than 72,000 nerves
that run throughout the body to various organs and

By applying cannabis oil to the Belly Button, utilizing the

Pechoti Delivery Method, cannabinoids have the ability
to reach every part of the body via the vagus nerve that
lies behind the belly button. This is a benefit no other
delivery method can provide.

Directions for Belly Button application:

Pechoti Delivery Method: After completing 5-7 minutes

of Belly Button Therapy, place 1-3 drops of Frankincense
Essential Oil (depending on size of belly button button)
and then 1-3 drops of cannabis oil into the belly button.
Repeat this procedure 1-4 times per day or every 4
hours if necessary.

Orally, oils can be taken sublingually or added to food to

create an ‘edible’.

Directions for Oral Application

Oral Sublingual: Place 1-6 drops of oil under the tongue.
Start with 1 drop and increase 1 drop at a time until Ingredients
desired results are achieved. Hold for 1 minute and THC/CBD Tincture Oil contains
swallow. 1mg of THC and 1mg of CBD
per drop in a grapeseed oil
Oral Edible: Place 1-6 drops of oil on food and ingest base. There is a total of 600mg
at the end of the day. Start with 1 drop and increase 1 of THC and 600mg of CBD per
drop at a time until desired results are achieved. The 30ml bottle.
oral edible method of delivery is suggested for those
with liver or stomach conditions. CBD Tincture Oil contains 2mg
of CBD per drop in a grapeseed
For cancer, start with 1mg/kg of body weight twice oil base with a total of 1200mg
per day and work up to 10mg/kg of body weight twice of CBD per 30ml bottle.
per day. For liver, lung and stomach cancers, a 20mg
edible at the end of the day is recommended for hepatic

Vitamin K2+ supplement is a blend of
Menaquinone-7, Vitamin D3 and Inulin. Inulin
supports intestinal absorption of calcium (from
foods) which is important for maintenance of
proper bone density. This formula supports bone
health and function as well as optimal utilization
of Vitamin K2 in the intestinal tract. Vitamin K2+
works primarily outside of the liver in bones
and blood vessels; it is known to support bone

Vitamin D3 is essential for the absorption and

utilization of calcium and phosphorus; it is
necessary for calcium deposition into bones.

Inulin belongs to a class of carbohydrates (fibers)

known as fructans. Fructans have been shown
to stimulate the growth of friendly and healthy Benefits
intestinal bacteria, support the immune system
and support mineral absorption – especially Formation of Strong Bones
calcium. Inulin is metabolized similarly to
soluble dietary fiber; it resists digestion in the
upper gastrointestinal tract and is fermented by Improves Bone Health
microflora in the large intestine.
Prevents Cardiovascular Disease
Vitamin K supplementation is essential for
building strong bones, preventing heart disease, Ensures Healthy Skin
blood clotting and intestinal absorption of
Calcium and Vitamin D. This fat-soluble vitamin
is required to activate osteocalcin, an important
Promotes Brain Function
protein secreted by osteoblasts, the body’s bone-
building cells. When vitamin K2 is activated, Helps to Prevent Cancer
osteocalcin can draw calcium into the bones
where osteoblasts use it to build bone. In addition,
vitamin K2, when combined with vitamin D3, helps
inhibit osteoclasts, the cells responsible for bone
resorption or breakdown. Ingredients
Vitamin K2+ is a blend of Men-
When vitamin K2 is deficient, or not utilized aquinone-7, Vitamin D3 and Inulin.
efficiently, bone structure can be compromised.
Factors that cause Vitamin K deficiency include:
poor diet, use of certain prescription drugs and Directions
long term antibiotic use. Take one capsule daily.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 135

Ocean Essential Fatty Acids
The Most Absorbable Essential Fatty Acid

Ocean Essential Fatty Acids absorb 5 times better into cells than any other essential fatty
acid. The body recognizes seal oil immediately, because of the similar mammal cell structure,
and absorbs and integrates it more effectively than fish-based options. It is the best source
of Omega-3, EPA, DPA and DHA. Ocean Essential Fatty Acids support the development of the
brain, eyes and nerves, weight management, cardiovascular health as well as brain and nerve

Supports Cardiovascular Health
Enhances Mental and Cognitive
Relieve Signs and Symptoms of
Mood Disorders
Boosts Immune System
Fetal and Infant Development
Improves Bone and Joint Health
Supports Healthy Skin
Balances Hormones
Take 5 capsules 2 times per day.

Chronic Conditions: Take 10 capsules 2

Ingredients times per day for 6 weeks to 3 months. Drop
300mg Ocean Essential Fatty Acids (not dosage back to 5 capsules 2 times per day
a vegetarian source) and stay at this dose.

Over 50 (Optional): Take 10 capsules 2 times

per day.

The Most Effective Magnesium Supplement

MagInfusion helps to repair muscles, improve bone strength, calm the nervous system,
enhance sleep, relieve headaches and regulate the heartbeat. Magnesium is an essential
mineral required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body.

MagInfusion is a powder form of 100% dimagnesium malate. This has been proven to be
the most absorbable magnesium on the market because the ionic bonds of dimagnesium
malate are easily broken down. Magnesium malate also chelates aluminium from tissues in
the body. It is a wonderful choice for anyone struggling with fatigue; MagInfusion improves
energy production through ATP synthesis.

Alleviates Anxiety and Stress
Improves Memory
Calms Nerves
Relaxes Muscles
Improves Sense of Well-Being
Balances Blood Pressure
Strengthens the Heart and
Promotes Cardiovascular Health 100% Magnesium Malate

Improves Blood Flow

Supports Adrenal Function
Take 2 scoops* 3 times daily. May be mixed
Supports Muscle Recovery with food or drink or taken directly under the
Helps to Relieve Headaches
1 Level Scoop = 150mg of Magnesium
Relieves Constipation
* 1/8 teaspoon scoop is inside the bottle and
Alkalizes the Body may be buried in the powder.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 137

Eliminate Inflammation & Fibrin

FibroClear is a systemic enzyme

(serrapeptase) that breaks down and
removes scar tissue, excess mucus
and trapped protein particles from the
bloodstream, tissues, joints and organs.
FibroClear greatly reduces pain and
inflammation. Enteric-coated to bypass
the stomach, it enters the bloodstream via
the small and large intestine to access the
whole body.


Take 5 to 10 capsules 5 times per day on
an empty stomach or or as directed by
your Perfect Day Consultant. Take 2 to 3
capsules when eating animal protein.

Digest Complete
Optimize Digestion
Digest Complete is a professional strength digestive enzyme blend formulated to optimize
the digestion of dairy, legumes, vegetables, cereal grains, proteins and other foods. Digest
Complete enhances nutrient absorption and bioavailability.

Amylases, Protease Blend ( I, II and III ), Lipase, Lactase, Hemicellulases, Beta-Glucanase,
Xylanase, Pectinase, Phytase, Cellulase, Maltase, Invertase, Bromelain, Serrapeptase, Papain
and Alpha-Galactosidase

Take 5 capsules at the beginning of each cooked meal. If feeling bloated, gassy, crampy or
light headed, take an additional 5 capsules after the meal. We suggest taking a minimum of 5
capsules with every cooked meal; 2 capsules does not work for the majority of the population.
Is it better to let food rot and waste money or to spend another $1 to ensure digestion of the
nutrients from your meal rather than the absorption of toxins from putrefaction?

If a person is still experiencing bloating, cramping or a foggy head 20 minutes after eating, 5
more enzymes are needed because the food is putrefying. Discomfort of any sort indicates
insufficient ability to digest food.

When eating fresh and raw, there is no

need to take Digest Complete.

In raw food the enzymes are alive.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 139

Cucumin Cayenne 5000 PLUS
#1 Immune System Support
Curcumin-Cayenne 5000 Plus puts the immune system on holiday, giving it the opportunity
to rest, repair and restore! Touted as the most powerful product when it comes to reducing
pain, inflammation and stiffness, Curcumin-Cayenne is also the most talked about natural
product when it comes to the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Directions with Food: Start with 1 capsule 3 times per day.
After 2 weeks, take 2 capsules 3 times per day.

Directions on an Empty Stomach: After 2-3 weeks, try 1

capsule 3 times per day. Slowly work up to 2 capsules 3
times per day for 60 days. If you experience irritation it
is because of acidity in the body. Mix ½ teaspoon-1 level
tablespoon of baking soda in water and drink to ‘put out
the fire’; start gradually and work up to find the optimal
dose. If traumatised or stressed, baking soda will buffer
down the acidity being created. Taking a teaspoon of
baking soda twice daily on an empty stomach is a great
addition to the Perfect Day.

Maintenance Dosage: Take 2 capsules 3 times per day on

an empty stomach, or with food if it irritates, and main-
tain this dosage for the greatest benefit.

Directions with Food: Start with 1 capsule 3 times per day.
After 2 weeks, take 2-3 capsules 3 times per day.

Directions on an Empty Stomach: After 2-3 weeks, try 1

capsule 3 times per day. If you experience irritation it is
because of acidity in the body. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of bak-
ing soda in water and drink to ‘put out the fire’. Slowly
work up to 2-3 capsules 3 times per day for 60 days.

Maintenance Dosage: Take 2-3 capsules 3 times per day

on an empty stomach, or with food if it irritates, and
maintain this dosage for the greatest benefit.

Amino Boost
Supports Human Growth Hormone Function
Amino Boost is a dietary supplement that supports cardiovascular and human growth hormone
functions and fat metabolism. Flavored with cocoa, which provides beneficial antioxidants,
Amino Boost contains a special blend of 5 free-form amino acids formulated to support the
natural release of the body’s own Human Growth Hormone.

Human growth hormone is considered a master hormone as it controls many organ and
body functions. HGH is the primary hormone responsible for stimulating tissue repair, cell
replacement, brain function and enzyme production.

Moves HGH Levels to within
Normal Ranges
Improves Workout Recovery
Supports Cardiovascular Health
Decreases Body Fat and
Increases Lean Body Mass
Reduces Sugar Cravings
Increasing Skin Elasticity and
Improves Memory, Energy and
Sense of Well-Being

Mix 1 scoop (provided) in 8 oz of water and drink once per day. Take on an empty stomach
at bedtime or directly following strenuous exercise. Take B12 Liquid along with Amino Boost;
Vitamin B12 controls glutamine buildup in the body.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 141

B12 Liquid
Boosts Energy Levels
B12 Liquid is a dietary supplement that boosts energy levels and supports healthy blood and
nerve cells. B12 Liquid combines 1000 mcg Vitamin B12 with the active form of Vitamin B6 and
Folic Acid. B12 is required for proper red blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA
synthesis. Vitamin B12 deficiency may occur as a result of an inability to absorb B12 from food
and dietary patterns that exclude animal or fortified foods.

Enhances Athletic Performance
Boosts Energy Levels
Supports Those Who Have
Difficulty Absorbing Vitamin B12
Supplements - Vegetarians and
Vegans Directions
Cardiovascular Support Take 1ml under the tongue and
swallow, once or more daily.
G.I. Tract Support

Prostate Power
Boosts Testosterone & Prostate
Formulated to help men keep their
prostate and ‘love life’ healthy.
Whether desiring prostate health or
maintaining a great sex life into old
age, this product is time tested and

Take 2 capsules 1 to 3 times daily.

Vitamin D3-5
Recent research has found that 50% of adults and children are deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin
D is important for optimal bone, cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and immune health.
Vitamin D actually functions as a hormone – not a vitamin. A deficiency in Vitamin D is
common, especially in the elderly, infants, people with darker skin and people who live at
higher latitudes or who get little sun exposure. As obtaining sufficient vitamin D from natural
food sources and sun exposure alone can be difficult, it is recommended to supplement with
vitamin D to meet daily needs.

Studies show that proper amounts of calcium and vitamin D, along with a balanced diet based
on whole plant foods, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Vitamin D3 is one of the three
pillars of immunity, along with Infinite Iodine and C60.

Reduces the Risk of Cold and Flu
Boosts the Immune system
Helps to Prevent Cancer, MS and Diabetes
Supports the Brain and Nervous System
Fights Depression
Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease
Reduces Inflammation
Aids in Weight Loss
Maintains Healthy Bones and Teeth
Improves Muscular, Cardiovascular and
Lung Function

Take 3 capsules once daily (total of 15,000IU). Take 1 to 2 capsules of Vitamin K2+ with Vitamin
D3-5 for optimal absorption. Dosage can be increased as needed for increased immune and
stress support; 50,000IU can be taken twice daily for strong immune support when needed.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 143

Since ancient times, Silver has been a popular remedy for healing and
managing infectious disease as well as naturally fighting germs. Thankfully,
Silver’s usefulness has not been forgotten! It is known as nature’s strongest
natural antibiotic. It is completely safe and does not harm beneficial
enzymes or flora. It does not accumulate in the body and has no known
drug interactions. Silver Bullet is non-toxic and has no side effects.

By disabling pathogenic germ organisms and promoting the growth of stem

cells, Silver works to regenerate tissue and heal infections of all kinds. Silver
is frequently utilized in wound dressings and bandages to promote rapid
healing of infected or destroyed tissues by stimulating stem cell growth.
The addition of Silver results in wounds healing almost twice as fast and
with less scarring.

Silver acts as a powerful catalyst, inducing important and complex

biochemical reactions and activities. Silver is an excellent conductor of
bioelectric signals which enhances cellular and intercellular communications
as well as cellular functioning and regeneration.

The mechanism by which Silver
helps to rebuild tissue was closely
studied for more than a decade
by Dr. Robert O. Becker. The
laboratory tests he conducted
documented cases of burns, soft
tissue and bone repair acceleration,
along with the formation of stem
cells which appeared to be able to
repair virtually any part of the body.
Dr. Becker discovered that when
exposed to nano-Silver, cells would
‘de-differentiate’ or change into
stem cells and then change into
the specialized cells of the organ or
tissue system that had been injured
or damaged.

For over one hundred years, people have used Silver to boost immunity, prevent
colds and flu, cure infections and promote faster healing. Now in our modern
times, the direct relationship between low Silver levels and illness has become
more clearly understood; Silver is responsible for numerous important biological
activities, including the proper functioning of the immune system.

Silver destroys harmful bacteria, viruses, fungus and single cell microscopic
parasites both externally and internally. Silver, like several other metals (iron,
magnesium, zinc, etc.), plays a supportive role in health by disabling enzymes that
microorganisms (bacteria, fungus, viruses, parasites) require to breathe. These
microorganisms then suffocate and die after being exposed to a silver colloid.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 145

Silver Bullet Solution & Silver Bullet Spray

Doc of Detox Silver Bullet Solution and Spray are 10ppm and the
highest quality #1 Selling Colloidal Silver Product in North America.
Each ounce of Silver Bullet Solution and Silver Bullet Spray has over 9 billion
electrically charged, micron-sized, anti-microbial particles.

Structured, purified, deionized, micro-filtered water and
10ppm of Silver mineral (99.999% pure).

* One ounce of Silver Bullet Solution contains over nine billion

electrically charged particles of Pure Silver mineral.

Nature’s Antibiotic – A Powerful
Infection Fighter and Immune
Antiviral, Antifungal, Antibacterial,
Promotes Faster Wound Healing
Rebuilds Tissue Through the
Formation of Stem Cells
Relieves Skin Irritations and
Sunburn Relief
Relieves Red Eyes, Dry Eyes, Watery
Eyes and Floaters


Oral: Take 1 teaspoon to 1oz of Silver Bullet Solution under the tongue 3
to 6 times per day. Use a plastic spoon.

Eyes: Place 1 drop in the corner of each eye 3 to 6 times per day. The drops
may be used with contact lenses. Can also be nebulized 3 to 6 times per

Eye Wash: For any degenerative eye condition, fill an eye cup with 1
teaspoon of Silver Bullet Solution. Put the eye over the eye cup and tilt your
head back to soak the eye. Repeat with Bright Eyes Nano Fulvic Drops. An
eye wash can also be done by mixing Silver Bullet Solution and Bright Eyes
Nano Fulvic Drops.

Ears: Place 3 drops in each ear 3 to 6 times per day.

Ear Restoration: Clap the jaw and around the ear to increase circulation.
After clapping, lay on your side and spray Silver Bullet Solution into the ear
until there is a pool in the ear (⅛ to ¼ inch deep). Grab the ear, give it a pull
and rotate 6 times counterclockwise and 6 times clockwise. Place a small
hot towel (wet with hot water and wrung out) over the ear for 5 minutes
before draining the Silver Bullet Solution out of the ear by turning to the
other side and let it run out onto a towel. If you own a BIOPTRON, shine
the light into the ear for 5 minutes. Repeat the steps above with Bright
Eyes Nano Fulvic Drops in the same ear and drain. Finally, place a drop
(may work up to 3 to 5 drops) of Ear Restore Essential Oil in the ear. Repeat
the entire protocol on the other ear.

Nose (Sinuses): Place 2 drops or sprays in each nostril 3 to 6 times per day.
Can also be nebulized* 3 to 6 times per day.


The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 147

Silver Bullet Gel
Accelerates New Tissue Growth
Silver Bullet Gel is 30ppm and
accelerates new tissue growth in burns,
cuts and wounds and prevents infection
and scarring – great for acne, psoriasis,
eczema and other skin conditions.


Colloidal Silver 30ppm, Glycerin-PH-

adjusted Carbomer [vegetable]. Pure
microscopic silver in distilled water.
* No fillers & no additives.

Apply generously to skin on areas of
concern as often as needed to promote
natural healing.
Vaginal Usage: For a vaginal infusion,
mix 1 to 3 oz of Silver Bullet Gel, 10-20 Cuts & Scrapes
drops of Bright Eyes Nano Fulvic Drops, Sunburn & Burns
5-15 sprays of Infinite Iodine and 1 to 10
drops of Frankincense Essential Oil or Rashes, Diaper Rashes, Chafing & Dry Skin
Immunity Essential Oil. Start with 1 drop Skin Irritations and Infections
of Essential Oil and continue to increase Bruises, Warts & Ulcers
the number of drops until sensing a
strong tingle. Before insertion, use a Poison Oak and Poison Ivy
vibrator for 1-5 minutes to increase Bug Bites and Stings
circulation. Use an ear syringe to inject
Aftershave Gel
the mixture into the vagina, preferably
with an elevated pelvis, and let it soak Acne, Eczema and Psoriasis
for 10 to 15 minutes. Do this 3 times per Under Arms for Odor
day. The vaginal infusion will help with
inflammatory conditions in the pelvic Yeast problems and more!

DMSO Ingredients

DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) is a natural DMSO Gel

healing compound found in plants and 70% DMSO and 30% Aloe Vera
food. It is a clear colorless non-toxic
solvent known for its ability to penetrate
living tissue, stimulating cellular processes
and encouraging the body’s healing
mechanisms. It is a by-product of the
pulp and paper industry and has been
proven to relieve pain, inflammation,
reduce the hardening of connective tissue
(scleroderma) and interstitial cystitis
(bladder pain syndrome). DMSO is an
excellent carrier, allowing other substances
to penetrate into the body deeper and
more effectively.

Reduces Inflammation and Swelling DMSO Cream
Speeds Tissue Repair 70% DMSO in a Rose Cream Base
Improves Blood Supply to Injured Areas by
Dilating Blood Vessels
Increases Delivery of Oxygen to Cells
Vasodilation for Headache Relief
Effective Pain Killer, Blocking Nerves
Conducting Pain Signals
Muscle Relaxant
Inhibits the Growth of Bacteria
Increases Production of White Cells and
Macrophages for Immune Function
Excellent Heavy Metal Detoxifier
Increases Cell Membrane Permeability
Allowing for Removal of Toxins
Potent Free Radical Scavenger
Transdermal, Penetrates Skin and Blood-
Brain Barrier, Enters the Bloodstream
Supports Hair Growth
Calming Effect on the Central Nervous
Acts as a Carrier for all Other Drugs and
Supplements and Increases Their Effects

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 149


General: Rub a small (pea size) amount to

the area of concern. A slight tingle or stinging
feeling is normal. If irritation occurs, wash Note: Do NOT use DMSO Gel or DMSO
the DMSO off. Mix with coconut oil to avoid Cream around the eyes.
irritation in future applications. Use DMSO Gel
on joints and scar tissue. Use DMSO Cream on Caution: May cause skin irritation.
more sensitive areas. Thinner skin will be more sensitive. Avoid
contact with eyes, skin, and clothing.
DMSO and Essential Oils: Essential oils may be Wash hands thoroughly after handling.
applied with both DMSO Gel and DMSO Cream In case of eye contact, immediately flush
– it will help the essential oils penetrate deeper eyes with water.
into the body. Test before applying to large
areas. If pain is severe, do not apply DMSO Gel For further information about DMSO
or Cream at the same time as Essential Oils. and applications, read: Healing with
DMSO by Amandha Vollmer.
DMSO and Castor Oil: This combination softens
masses, detoxifies organ systems and dissolves
crystallized calcium deposits. Apply a thin layer
of castor oil to clean dry skin then pat on either
DMSO Gel or DMSO Rose Cream and let the
combination absorb for 10 minutes. Leave on
or wash off after 20-30 minutes. Alternatively,
apply a Castor Oil Pack and follow with DMSO
application after Castor Oil Pack treatment.

DMSO and Silver Bullet Solution: Apply a

mixture at a 1:1 ratio to topical wounds to
enhanced healing.

DMSO and CBD Oil: Apply DMSO Gel or DMSO

Rose Cream with CBD Oil to enhance healing
of pain and inflammation and to promote
relaxation, sleep and support the nervous
system. Rub over the temples, forehead, back
of the neck, spine, and bottom of clean feet.

Headache: Apply DMSO at first sign of pain to

the temples, back of the neck, throat, and over
the liver area. Apply every hour for 3 hours.
Applying DMSO to the liver treats the entire
body – the liver is the master organ of the
endocrine system.

Hair Growth: Apply DMSO along with Hair

Restore, following dry skin brushing and

Beyond Beauty Cream
Nature’s Anti-Aging Miracle!
Beyond Beauty Face Cream will accelerate the skin’s natural power to regenerate and boost
collagen production. This miracle cream, packed with potent antioxidants from Sea Buckthorn
oil, is made from all-natural organic ingredients. The antioxidants and botanicals protect and
rejuvenate cells from free radicals, pollution, sun damage and poor diet. It is helpful to heal
skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. Beyond Beauty Cream vanishes into skin, leaving
skin moisturized, refreshed and silky smooth.

Silver Water Gel (Silver & Pectin), Silver
Water (homeopathic), Sea Buckthorn Oil
(Wild Buckthorn), Cetyl Alcohol (coconuts),
Glycerin (Beans & Vegetables), Glyceryl
stearate (Palm Kernel), Isopropyl Myristate
(Nutmeg & Palm Seed), Octyldodecanol
(Natural Botanical Oils), Saccharide
Hydrolysate (Vegetable Starches),
Magnesium Aspartate (Spinach & Almonds),
Alanine (Amino Acid from Beans), Cetearyl
Alcohol (Coconut Oil), Dimethicone (Silica
Oil), Ginkgo Biloba (Plant), Sorbitol (Cherries
& Pears), Linalool (Spice Plant), Fragrance
(Floral Petal Oil).

Massage a small amount into the face and neck AM and PM. Use with Beyond Beauty Mist for
optimal results and accelerated cellular regeneration.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 151

Moringa Oil
The Most Coveted Oil for Anti-Aging
Moringa Oil, also known as Ben oil, is easily absorbed into the skin and works wonders as a
moisturizer due to the very high amounts of omega-9 fatty acid (oleic acid). It is also rich in
essential fatty acids, palmitoleic, oleic, linoleic acids, and vitamins A and C.

Moringa Oil's unique nutrition provides many therapeutic properties for anti-aging. It will
nourish, cleanse and repair the skin from minor cuts to dry spots and skin impurities. Use
Moringa Oil externally on the skin for all conditions including psoriasis, eczema, burns and
wrinkles. Use Moringa Oil on joints when doing one-shot therapy, after clapping or after Wolfe
Non-Surgical Body Therapy, along with essential oils, to increase healing.

100% organic, extra-virgin and cold-pressed High in Antioxidants
Moringa Oil
Reduces Inflammation
Amazing Moisturizer

Great Carrier Oil for Essential Oils

Resists Rancidity – Can Be Used

as a Preservative in Cosmetic

Exfoliates Dead Skin Cells

Good Hair Conditioner

Reduces Dandruff

Adds a Protective Gloss to Hair –

Leaves Hair Shiny, Hydrated and

Apply a small amount to areas of concern, as often as needed to promote natural healing.
Use a very small amount around the eyes and do not get too close to the eyes – this can
cause irritation.

About Essential Oils
An essential oil is the extract of an aromatic plant
obtained mainly by steam distillation. Essential oils are
highly aromatic and potent, pure and natural liquid
plant extracts that can be used for perfumery, healing,
cooking, cleaning, and so much more. Considered by
some to be the ‘essence’ of the plant, these precious
liquids are amazingly powerful and are to be used with
the utmost respect. Essential Oils have amazing healing
capacities and many are considered sacred in a variety
of cultures around the world. Each of the Doc of Detox
essences is carefully produced and selected to ensure
the highest quality in purity, concentration and to
encourage ethical and respectful production practices.
Hand-crafted from start to finish, all of our products are
conscientiously bottled by hand to support and sustain
their subtle vibrations and potency.

Essential oils have the highest vibrational frequency of

any food on the planet. When it comes to healing the
body, it is all about frequency. No matter what you
eat and drink, everything leaves the body except the
frequency. It is a frequency that turns cancer on and
it is a frequency that turns cancer off. Essential oils
have been used for thousands of years as medicine,
for health and for beauty purposes. We carry a large
Essential oils have the highest selection of the most popular essential oils and special
vibrational frequency of any food blends on the market today. If you are looking for the
on the planet, when it comes to highest quality organic essential oils at the lowest price,
healing the body, it is all about look no further!
frequency. You may not know
this, but no matter what you eat
and drink, everything leaves the Organic Certifications
body except the frequency. It is
a frequency that turns cancer on ECOCERT CANADA is known for their superior quality
standards required for their certifications. They
and it is a frequency that turns
demand impeccable traceability and guarantee respect
cancer off. Essential oils have
for our planet. The Canada Organic logo ensures that
been used for thousands of years products conform to the Canadian standards for organic
as medicine and for health and agriculture (from the farm to the shelves) containing
beauty purposes. We carry a large at least 95% organic ingredients, exempt from GMOs
selection of the most popular (genetically modified organisms) and complying with
essential oils and special blends sustainable practices. USDA Organic represents the
on the market today! If you’re American standard for organic certification with the
looking for the highest quality, United States Department of Agriculture. It ensures
organic essential oils at the lowest that products are exempt from synthetic molecules and
price, then look no further! substances, genetic engineering and radiation.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 153

Origins of Our Raw Materials
It is of utmost importance to know the origin, the
botanical species and the part of the plant (leaves,
flowers, roots, etc.) when using essential oils
for specific therapeutic treatments. We list this
information in our price lists and on each one of
our bottles to ensure easy access.

Wild (SAUV): Plants that have been collected from

the wild. Grown in their natural environment,
without human intervention until the harvest,
these plants tend to flourish in their natural
habitat and are naturally exempt from chemicals
such as pesticides and fertilizers.

Sustainable Agriculture (PED): Sustainable

cultivation practices are observed and great care
is taken to ensure the respect of the planet, the
plants and the people. These producers strive
to avoid any chemical fertilizers or pesticides,
but have decided to opt out of an official organic
certification, usually because of the added
expense and/or the time consuming nature of
the certification process.

Conventional (CONV): The plants used to make

these products are cultivated by a producer
who does not have an organic certificate.
We strive to work with farmers who practice
responsible and sustainable agriculture and
use little or no pesticides.

HECT is solely used in the context of essential oils and describes a product that was tested by gas
chromatography to verify the quality, the presence of any contaminants (vegetable and mineral
oils, other essential oils or fragrances, synthetic substances) and to determine the chemotype
(Chemical type: predominant molecules and specific chemistry) of the batch. It guarantees:

100% NATURAL unadulterated by synthetic or mineral components or molecules.

100% PURE free of other essential oils, carrier oils, alcohol, mineral oils, and contaminants.
100% TOTAL the essential oil has not been decolorized, bleached, or altered in any way.

From Essence to Essential Oil
Numerous techniques are used to extract the
aromatic molecules. This delicate and sensitive
process was developed over many years and is
still being perfected by modern technologies to
extract these precious essences that nature has
so meticulously produced. Imagine the volatile
nature of a flower’s delicate perfume and the
complexity of capturing it in a small bottle. The goal
is to extract the original essence in its integrity.

Current Extraction Techniques

The technique will vary according to the type of
plant, the quality that is desired and the intended
use. This, along with the ratio of raw material it
takes to obtain the essential oil, the cost of acquiring
the plants and the amount of time to produce can
greatly influence the price of the final product.

The Egyptians and Persians were the first to develop
distillation techniques around 3000 years ago. Later,
this method was used by the Arabs and more recently
perfected by the masters in Grasse, France. The ratio
of essential oil extracted can vary greatly according to
the plant distilled.

Today, the most common method of producing

essential oils is steam distillation.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 155

Steam Distillation Can Be Divided Into
Three Categories:
Steam Distillation Percolation
The first and most ancient technique entails The third technique is called percolation and
placing an alembic over a fire or heat source, uses gravity to help the process along. A
filling it with 2 parts water and up to 6 variant on the second technique, the steam is
parts raw plant material placed on a screen injected at the top of the tank and passes down
above the water and heating the water so through the plant material. This method is
that it produces steam, without allowing used only with specific types of plants and can
the temperature to climb over 100 degrees present the advantage of being quicker than
Celsius. The steam rises through the raw traditional steam distillation which can mean
material, opening all of the little ‘pockets’ less transformation. The final product, however,
containing the plant’s aromatic molecules contains non-volatile substances as well as the
and releasing them. The steam carries the essential oil and is sometimes referred to as a
essence through a condensing coil and the percolation essence rather than an essential oil.
liquid is collected in a special container. At Another technique can then be used to separate
this point, there are 2 distinct layers of liquid. the volatile molecules from the rest of the
The essential oil, usually lighter than water percolation essence to obtain the essential oil.
and hydrophobic, floats on top and the re-
condensed steam which has acquired some
of the properties and a light aroma is at the
bottom. This water is known as a hydrolat,
hydrosol or floral water.

Injected Steam Distillation

The second method is a more modern
version of the first technique. It follows
the same principles, however, the water is
heated in a separate recipient and the steam
is carried through pipes to an adjoining
container which contains the raw material
to be distilled. The vapor is injected at the
base of the tank and rises through the
plants before passing through a condensing
coil. This technique limits the alteration of
the essential oils and is considered for this
reason to produce a higher quality product.

Cold Pressed
This technique is reserved mainly for the
fruits of the citrus family. Fruit is pressed to
extract the aromatic essence from the zest or
peel. The final product is less stable and more
vulnerable to oxidation than steam-distilled
oils. Therefore, it is generally recommended
to use them more quickly – ideally within a
year. Although commonly called essential
oils, certain schools reserve that term
solely for the products of steam distillation.

Solvent Extraction
This type of extraction is used for certain
plants such as jasmine (jasminum officinale),
which are too delicate to be heated as their
aroma would be lost, or for plants like the
rose (rosa centifolia), that contain such a small
quantity of aromatic molecules that it is more
cost effective to use this method of extraction.
This method, appearing in the 18th century,
originally used ether as a solvent, but because
of its high flammability and cost, in recent years
producers use more appropriate solvents
such as hexane and ethanol. To extract the
aromatic essence, the raw material is placed
in a steel tank and is washed many times with
the solvent which accumulates more and
more of the aromatic molecules as well as the
waxes, resins and pigments of the plant. After
decanting, filtering and evaporation of the
solvent, it is placed in a low-pressure tank and
when cooled the concentrated extract solidifies
into a very aromatic wax-like solid that we call
a concrete. With further washes in alcohol,
successive coolings, filtration and evaporation
of the alcohol, the concrete is transformed
into a pure essence known as an absolute.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 157

Using Essential Oils
Most essential oils do not last forever! This recommendation is particularly true to the zest of
citrus oils (Bergamot, Lemon, Mandarin, Orange, Grapefruit, Tangerine, etc.) that can be used
for about 12 to 24 months, depending on storage conditions. On the other hand, some essential
oils such as Frankincense, Sandalwood, Myrrh, Patchouli will ‘mature’ over time and get better.

Diffusing Essential Oils

Choose 100% pure high quality essential oils,
exempt from synthetic fragrances, carrier our body’s heat acts a bit like a diffuser,
oils, with a very fluid consistency. Diffusing allowing us to benefit from inhaling the oils
essential oils is one of the easiest ways to as we absorb them through our lungs where
become better acquainted with them as they can enter the bloodstream at the same
well as enjoy their numerous therapeutic time as through our skin. There is also the
benefits. When breathing in essential oils, added benefit of healing through touch and
the molecules directly enter the bloodstream massage in this type of application which can
through the lungs. Additionally, the aroma be very beneficial. Some essential oils can be
that each essential oil possesses has the irritating for the skin – in particular essential
ability to affect your brain and mood oils that come from spices and some herbs.
through the olfactory nerves when enjoyed These oils can be diluted in a carrier oil
aromatically. before cutaneous application. Certain oils
can increase photo-sensitivity, such as
External Use citrus oils, and should be avoided before
sun exposure. Essential oils can be applied
Contrary to popular belief, there are many locally for a variety of uses. For example,
essential oils that can be applied pure on rubbing a few drops on the chest to help
the skin, however it is a good idea to do for colds, flus and congestion, massaging a
a patch test. Just place a tiny drop on the few drops on the belly in a circular motion
inside of your wrist or elbow and wait a few for indigestion, gas and bloating or locally
minutes and see if there is sign of irritation for muscle and joint pain. It is important to
(redness, itching, burning) in which case you dilute all essential oils before applying them
should apply liberal amounts of a carrier to a sensitive area of the body (underarms,
oil and absorb both with a soft cloth or face, genital area). A dilution of 2% to 10%
paper towel. The oil will dilute and “pull” in a carrier oil can be selected according
the essential oil from your skin, calming to the type of treatment, essential oil and
any irritation. It is interesting to note that the surface to cover. Massage oil can be
essential oils can penetrate the skin quickly prepared with various carrier oils blended
and circulate throughout the body, going with 0.5% to 2% of your favorite essential
exactly where we need them. Furthermore, oils.

Internal Use
Essential oils can be used in cooking to flavor various dishes and deserts. In this case,
select essences that come from plants that we would normally eat such as citrus oils,
spices and herbs. It is important to dilute essential oils in either a sugar (such as maple
syrup or honey) or in a vegetable oil and to be mindful of the quantities we use as they
are generally much stronger than we think. If you would like to take essential oils internally
for therapeutic uses, it is strongly recommended that you consult an aromatherapist
or other qualified health care professional to establish a protocol that is right for you.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 159

First Aid Use
When using essential oils, it’s a good idea to keep
some vegetable oil and a cloth or some paper
towel nearby to use in case of accidents.

In the eyes: Immediately pour a generous quantity

of vegetable oil in the affected eye and gently dab
it off with a soft cloth. Repeat as necessary, until
the irritation subsides.

Do not rinse with water; It will simply spread the

essential oil around more, creating more irritation.

Contact with the skin: If a dermocaustic essential

oil is dropped on the skin, or a pure essential oil
is applied to a sensitive part of the body, apply a
generous quantity of vegetable oil and dab off with
a soft cloth. Repeat as necessary until the irritation

In the case of repeated applications of essential oils

on the same body part, an irritation can sometimes
result. In this case, applying a carrier oil to the skin
after the essential oil can lessen the irritation and/
or prevent it from occurring. You can also apply it
before the essential oil to slow the absorption.

Accidental ingestion of a pure essential oil: Take

1-10 teaspoons of a vegetable oil to help reduce
potential irritation of the digestive tract.

Accidental ingestion of large doses of essential

oils: Take several teaspoons of vegetable oil and
induce vomiting (if possible). Go to the hospital and
inform doctors of the incident. To avoid this type
of accident, keep essential oils properly labeled, in
tightly sealed bottles and out of reach of children.

Camphor (Cinnamomum Camphora), Canadian White Cedar (Hypericum
Perforatum), Balsam Fir (Abies Balsamea), Wintergreen (Gaultheria Procumbens)

Relieves pain from headaches, sore muscles, joints, sprains and strains! An
effective local anesthesia, reduces pain, inflammation and relaxes aching muscles,
stimulates circulation and reduces spasms in all body systems. Massage onto area
of concern straight or mix with a carrier oil. Test patch before use.

Plant Part: Wood, Needles, Leaves

Process: Steam Distilled
Usage: Topical

Wintergreen (Gaultheria Procumbens), Black Spruce (Picea Mariana), Balsam Fir (Abies Balsamea),
Helichrysum (Helichrysum Italicum), Peppermint (Mentha Piperita), Camphor (Cinnamomum Camphora)

Detoxes the muscles, eliminates lactic acid and speeds up recovery from exercise.
Provides relief from spasms and cramps and improves circulation, supporting
blood flow to tired muscles while soothing pain and reducing inflammation.
Massage onto area straight or use with a carrier oil. Test patch before use.

Plant Part: Leaves, Needles

Process: Steam Distilled
Usage: Topical

Clove (Eugenia Caryophyllata), Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus Radiata), Balsam Fir
(Abies Balsamea), Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia)

Protects against viruses and bacteria and purifies the environment! Prevents
and heals infections, improves respiratory conditions, boosts the immune
system and provides resistance to disease. Rub on neck, mix with structured
water and use as a mouthwash, diffuse and inhale. Test patch before use.

Plant Part: Buds, Leaves Needles, Flowers

Process: Steam Distilled
Usage: Topical, Internal & Diffuse

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 161

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus Radiata), Peppermint (Mentha Piperita),
Balsam Fir (Abies Balsamea)

Detoxes the lungs and improves respiratory health! Provides relief for coughs,
asthma and all respiratory conditions. Stimulates the immune system, prevents
infection and relieves pain. Rub on throat and chest, diffuse and inhale, put 1-2
drops on tongue, add to structured drinking water. Test patch before use.

Plant Part: Leaves, Needles

Process: Steam Distilled
Usage: Topical, Internal & Diffuse

Camphor (Cinnamomum Camphora), Canadian White Cedar (Thuja
Occidentalis), Balsam Fir (Abies Balsamea), Wintergreen (Gaultheria Procumbens)

Formulated for ear aches, tinnitus, vertigo and swimmer’s ear! Relieves pain,
relaxes aches, prevents infection and stimulates circulation of blood and
lymph. Can be used undiluted, massage around ear, apply around the base of
ear canal, do not put into ear canal. Topical use only. Test patch before use.

Plant Part: Wood, Needles, Leaves

Process: Steam Distilled
Usage: Topical

Peppermint (Mentha Piperita), Spearmint (Mentha Spicata),
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Berum), Anise Seed (Pimpinella Anisum)

Formulated to treat gingivitis, cavities, teething, tonsillitis, canker sores, bad

breath and gum disease. Reduces inflammation, relieves pain and provides
a cooling effect on nerves, muscles, aches and spasms, Put 1 or 2 drops on
tongue, mix with structured water and use as mouthwash.

Plant Part: Leaves, Bark, Seeds

Process: Steam Distilled
Usage: Internal

Rosemary (Rosemarinus Officinalis), Geranium (Pelargonium Graveolens), Palmarosa (Cymbopogon
Martinii), Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia), Foraha (Tamanu) (Calophyllum Inophyllum)

Formulated to help grow stronger, longer, healthier hair! Strengthens and

stimulates hair follicles to promote hair growth, repair damage, restore shine
and hydration, prevent hair loss, graying and dandruff. After washing hair, put
5-10 drops on fingers and massage into scalp. Test patch before use.

Plant Part: Leaves, Seeds

Process: Steam Distilled
Usage: Topical

Lemon (Citrus Limonun), Lime (Citrus Aurantiifolia)

Strengthens the immune system, aids in weight loss, reduces stress and fatigue
while increasing alertness. Brightens complexion, rejuvenates skin and reduces
breakouts. Diffuse, add to structured drinking water, rub on bottoms of feet or
mix with Moringa Oil or Beyond Beauty to apply to skin. Test patch before use.

Plant Part: Peel

Process: Cold Pressed
Usage: Internal

Balsam Fir Resin (Abies Balsamea), White Pine Resin (Pinus Strobus), Black Spruce Needles
(Picea Mariana), Canadian Tsuga Needles (Tsuga Canadensis)

Formulated to help treat Candida and correct cellular mutation in the body. It
detoxifies the body, boosts immunity and prevents infection. It is known for its
anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Take internally in a capsule,
rub on bottoms of feet, adrenals and area of concern. Test patch before use.

Plant Part: Resin, Needles

Process: Steam Distilled
Usage: Topical, Internal

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 163

Camphor (Cinnamomum Camphora), Canadian White Cedar (Hypericum Perforatum),
Balsam Fir (Abies Balsamea), Wintergreen (Gaultheria Procumbens)

Formulated to help the elimination of varicose veins and to improve heart

conditions. Stimulates blood and lymph circulation, helps expel gases and
prevents gas from forming; gas can travel into the blood causing arteries to clog.
Massage onto area undiluted or mix with carrier oil. Test patch before use.

Plant Part: Leaves, Needles, Wood

Process: Steam Distilled
Usage: Topical

Moringa (Moringa Oleifera)

Moringa oil is extracted from Moringa oleifera seeds. It contains high

amounts of behenic acid and omega-9 fatty acid. Moringa oil is great for use
on the skin for all conditions, including psoriasis, eczema, burns and wrinkles.
It provides nutrition to the skin and relieves signs of aging, plus it has anti-
microbial properties and can be used to disinfect wounds.

Plant Part: Seeds

Process: Cold Pressed
Usage: Topical

Lemon (Citrus Limonun), Lime (Citrus Aurantiifolia)

Strengthens the immune system, aids in weight loss, reduces stress and fatigue
while increasing alertness. Brightens complexion, rejuvenates skin and reduces
breakouts. Diffuse, add to structured drinking water, rub on bottoms of feet or
mix with Moringa Oil or Beyond Beauty to apply to skin. Test patch before use.

Plant Part: Peel

Process: Cold Pressed
Usage: Internal

Boswellia Carterii, Boswellia Serrata

Boosts the immune system and is known to

protect against and help repair all types of
mutations. Take 1 drop under the tongue
every hour. Use topically by mixing with
Moringa Oil or Beyond Beauty to fight the
aging process and to help fade stretch
marks, scars and dark spot.

Plant Part: Resin

Process: Steam Distilled
Usage: Topical & Internal

Citrus Sinensus

Defends against oxidative stress and

cellular mutations. Add to structured
drinking water to increases detoxification
and eliminate waste from the body. Diffuse
and inhale to boost mood and calms
nerves. Mix with Moringa Oil or Beyond
Beauty to boost collagen and repair
damage. Test patch before use.

Plant Part: Peel

Process: Cold Pressed
Usage: Internal

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 165

Cinnamomum Cassia, Cinnamomum Berum

Amazing for weight loss, preventing sugar

cravings, balancing moods and fighting
fatigue! Known to balance blood sugar levels
and blood pressure and reduces plaque
buildup. It is also known to fight parasites,
viruses and free radicals! Add a few drops to
your structured drinking water!

Plant Part: Bark

Process: Steam Distilled
Usage: Internal

Mentha Piperita

Amazing natural painkiller and muscle

relaxant, relieves achy joints when applied
topically on the area. Put 1 to 2 drops on
tongue to reduce nausea and to reduce
bloating and indigestion. Diffuse and inhale
to relieve sinusitis, coughs, colds, allergies,
asthma and bronchitis, also improves
energy and focus.

Plant Part: Flowers/Leaves

Process: Cold Pressed
Usage: Topical, Internal & Diffuse

Lavandula Angustifolia

Helps your body to produce three of the

most powerful antioxidants (glutathione,
catalase, superoxide dismutase) your
body needs to fight free radicals; diffusing
lavender can protect cells from mutation
while strengthening the immune system.
Known to improve sleep, moods while
reducing stress and anxiety.

Plant Part: Flower

Process: Steam Distilled
Usage: Topical, Internal & Diffuse

Cymbopogon Citratus

Great to diffuse for it’s calming and mild smell,

relieves anxiety, irritability and insomnia and
is a safe air freshener/natural deodorizer.
Mix with Moringa Oil or Beyond Beauty for
beautiful, glowing skin. Test patch before use.
Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding.

Plant Part: Leaves

Process: Steam Distilled
Usage: Topical & Diffuse

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 167

Origanum Compactum, Origanum Vulgaris

Amazing natural painkiller and muscle relaxant, relieves achy joints when
applied topically on the area. Put 1 to 2 drops on tongue to reduce
nausea and to reduce bloating and indigestion. Diffuse and inhale to
relieve sinusitis, coughs, colds, allergies, asthma and bronchitis, also
improves energy and focus.

Plant Part: Flowers/Leaves

Process: Cold Pressed
Usage: Topical, Internal & Diffuse

Melaleuca Alternifolia

A powerful antiseptic! Apply undiluted to

area of concern to treat acne, psoriasis,
eczema, bacterial staph infections and
fungal infections like athlete’s foot, toenail
fungus and ringworm. Soothes the scalp,
prevents and eliminates dandruff and even
lice, add 5-10 drops to shampoo.

Plant Part: Leaves

Process: Steam Distilled
Usage: Topical & Diffuse

Eucalyptus Radiata

Great to diffuse for its antibacterial and

antiseptic properties, purifies the air and
kills mold while providing a fresh scent.
Stimulates mental activity and clears
congestion when inhaled, rub on the
bottoms of feet to strengthen immune
system, use topically for skin conditions,
sore muscles and inflammation.

Plant Part: Leaves

Process: Steam Distilled
Usage: Topical, Internal & Diffuse

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 169

EXERCISE OVERVIEW See Do It Yourself Healing at for an
in-depth look
Exercise is an important part of the daily routine for the Perfect Day!
These exercises will lengthen, strengthen, detox, tone and restore the
body. Go to: ‘Do it Yourself Healing’ Guide at
to watch videos demonstrating how to do these incredible exercises.
Exercise increases productivity and creativity; take health and life to
the next level!

Belly Button Therapy

Belly Button Therapy is a quick, one-step, self-healing therapy that
mindfully stimulates the belly button for gut and brain health. Bel-
ly Button Therapy relieves pain and stiffness, stimulates good bac-
teria, raises core body temperature, boosts the immune system
and releases serotonin and dopamine. The belly button is an im-
portant reflexology point at the center of the body that stimulates
the intestines and brain at the same time. Experience immediate
stress and pain relief, plus get more energy, by doing this for only
5 minutes 2 times per day! Perform Belly Button Therapy before
doing therapies and exercises including Coffee Enemas, Clapping,
Pelvic Expander, Pelvic Activation Squats, Core Twisting, Crab
Stretch and Occipital Plate as well as after strenuous exercise and
after experiencing any stress, trauma or conflict.

Belly Button Herbal Therapy

Behind the belly button lies the main point By applying cannabis oil to the Belly Button,
to activate the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve, utilizing the Pechoti Delivery Method, cannabi-
historically cited as the pneumogastric nerve noids have the ability to reach every part of the
(stomach and lung), is the tenth cranial nerve. body via the vagus nerve that lies behind the
It interfaces with the parasympathetic control belly button. This is a benefit no other delivery
of the heart, lungs, and digestive tract. method can provide.

The word “vagus” means wandering in Latin. After completing 5-7 minutes of Belly Button
This is a very appropriate name, as the vagus Therapy, place 1-3 drops of Frankincense Es-
nerve is the longest cranial nerve; it runs from sential Oil (depending on size of belly button
the brainstem to the large intestine (colon). button) and then 1-3 drops of cannabis oil into
the belly button. Repeat this procedure 1-4
The end of an umbilical cord attaches to the times per day or every 4 hours if necessary.
Pechoti gland which remains after birth. Every
human has a Pechoti gland, connected to more Push the body’s main button to turn on the
than 72,000 nerves that run throughout the power of healing!
body to various organs and tissues.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 177

Clapping Core Twisting

Clapping is a technique for self-healing and Core Twisting wrings out the toxins from body
self-diagnosis that dates back thousands of tissues, joints and organs by using the same
years. This powerful technique activates T cells type of back and forth twisting action as a
and stem cells while increasing microcirculation washing machine; like wringing out a towel,
for tissue regeneration and immunity. Clapping Core Twisting wrings out toxins from tissues.
is a non-invasive natural way to build the im- Core Twisting is one of the most effective and
mune system and restore the joints, tissues, inexpensive pieces of exercise equipment one
muscles and organs. This technique, along with will ever own. Core Twisting helps to remove
Wolfe Non-Surgical Body Therapy and the Per- and prevent adhesions in the intestines and
fect Day, will reverse almost every joint, muscle abdominal organs.
and abnormal growth in the human body.
It is important to remember to begin Core
Before clapping, do Belly Button Therapy to Twisting with gentle baby steps. Start with 1-2
move the body into a parasympathetic heal- minutes a few times per day and work up to a
ing state. For ultimate therapeutic benefits, it 10-20 minute workout. 20 minutes per day of
is recommended to clap an area of the body Core Twisting will quickly restore and maintain
for 15-60 minutes; clap longer for serious con- agility and balance right through the golden
ditions. Note, often colour/bruising appears years. Core Twisting builds a strong foundation
when clapping. Clapping does not create bruis- which leads to better posture and increased
ing but brings existing diseased tissues and energy. Filled with vital energy to thrive, one
blood to the surface. If there is no bruising, will be able to do anything and everything they
there is no disease present. Focus on clapping want!
areas of pain along with the sides of the neck,
head, lymphatic areas (armpits and groins) and This amazing exercise is portable, easy and
joints of the body: hips, knees, feet, shoulders, convenient – it can be done in front of the TV,
elbows and wrists/hands. while on the phone and in the living room. Any-
one can do it, including children, the elderly and
Go to the Clapping 4 Health Guide in the Library people who are out of shape, by starting with
for further information. gentle baby steps. Detox is fun when taking
easy, gentle, loving baby steps daily to length-
Built from high quality durable rubber, the Doc en, strengthen, detox and tone to a healthier
of Detox Clapper is an effective and therapeutic day and a healthier life!
clapping tool for self-healing.

Pelvic Expander
Core Twisting wrings out the toxins from body The ENEMA COFFEE
Pelvic Expander Technique is a passive stretch
based on the natural movements of the body. It
is a simple way to improve health and promote Doc of Detox mold-free certified organic ultra
longevity by cleansing vital energy channels in light roast coffee beans have been selected for
the body, facilitating smooth energy and blood their cleanliness and purity. Sundried beans
flow. In turn, this increased flow improves vari- are the cleanest, non-carcinogenic, source of
ous acute and chronic conditions including hy- coffee. The ultra light roast, along with the
pertension, diabetes, gynecological and prostate beans grown at a high elevation, provides the
disorders, dislocations as well as pain caused highest amounts of caffeine and palmitic acid
by contraction, atrophy or degeneration of the to promote and optimize detoxification. Single
functions of muscles, ligaments and tendons. origin beans ensure strength and quality. Each
There is no fixed standard amount of time rec- bag contains 340g of ground coffee and has
ommended for each leg; the length of time will been sealed to preserve quality and freshness.
depend on an individual’s health and tolerance.
For those who are unhealthy, a 10-minute ses- Region: Marcala, La Paz, Honduras
sion can be a challenge. Practice this technique
with baby steps, when it comes to duration and Varieties: Caturra, Catuai, Typica
intensity. In general, a longer practice equates to
increased efficacy and greater health benefits. Elevation: 1500 - 1800 MASL Process: Washed, dried on raised beds

Certification: 100% Organic

Pelvic Expanders can be purchased from

Dean Sileo at 678-628-4438 in the US &
Welton Kleinsasser at 780-214-5651 in Canada.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 179

Everything one eats and drinks leaves the body; the only thing re-
mains is energy – light and frequency.

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The Avacen, BIOPTRON and Sentient Element are

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I am here to support you on this Advanced

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The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 191

THE AVACEN Suggested Uses:
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• Muscle spasms*
cutting edge technology developed by AVACEN
Medical. It incorporates heat therapy and
• Stiffness*
negative pressure to increase local circula- • Minor strains & sprains*
tion and infuse heat into the unique vascular • Muscle relaxation*
network located in the palm of the hand.
Raising the blood temperature at this “single *FDA-Cleared and CE Mark Approved OTC
point treatment” (the palm) increases blood Non-Invasive Medical Device
temperature throughout the body naturally
via the circulatory system. This can benefit the How it works:
entire body. Increasing the body’s blood temperature from
within the vascular network, rather than from
The AVACEN 100 uses the AVACEN Treatment outside through the use of a spa, sauna, or
Method (ATM) – a non-invasive pain manage- heating pad, is the key to the entire process.
ment technology platform for people at The palm of the hand is one of the best places
normal body temperature. This technology for applied heat therapy because of the
platform uses a microprocessor controlled unique network of blood vessels that exist
chamber to surround the hand with a slight very close to the skin.
negative pressure, while adding heat to the
palm. When the body naturally heats up, it pumps
more blood to the hands and feet to dissipate
This negative pressure expands the volume of the excess heat. That’s why sticking a foot out
blood in the palm’s unique vascular networks of the covers at night easily cools the body.
while heat is simultaneously transferred from The AVACEN reverses that process to improve
the computer managed palm pad into these the body’s microcirculation.
expanded vascular networks.
While this method seems simple, it was actu-
ally overlooked as a treatment solution. Except
for the intentional creation of hyperthermia to
treat cancer, the primary purpose for infusing
heat into the circulatory system was to move
people suffering from extreme cold and shock
to normal body temperature as safely as
possible. When the body recovered and the
objective was reached, the job was considered
complete and no further warming nor testing
was conducted.

The patented AVACEN Treatment Method

(ATM) infuses heat into the circulatory system
of people with a normal body tempera-
ture. As a result, the body works to dissi-
pate the unwanted infusion of heat by
pumping warmed blood through deep tissue.
This causes blood vessels and capillaries
throughout the body to expand in order to
dissipate this excess heat. This normal ther-
mal-exchange process is called radiation. This
results in significant benefits for arthritis and
muscular relaxation.

The Worlds Most Powerful Healing Light System!

Using BIOPTRON Polarized Light Therapy with

a Fullerene Lens for 2 minutes twice a day will
increase microcirculation by 47%!

A safe and effective medical treatment for every-

body, BIOPTRON was launched over 30 years ago
and is a Nobel Prize award-winning light therapy
technology. It has passed countless clinical trials for
its use and application in a wide range of medical
and cosmetic conditions and has effectively treated
a large variety of diseases. BIOPTRON continues to
be the leading Medical Light Therapy device used
by general practitioners, physiotherapists, sports BIOPTRON BENEFITS:
doctors, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, aesthe-
• Pain
ticians, and other licensed skin care and wellness
• Inflammation
• Arthritis
BIOPTRON Light improves cell metabolism and initi- • Wounds/Scars
ates numerous biological and cellular reactions, in a • Burns
process known as photo-biostimulation. BIOPTRON • Skin Infections
light waves are polarized and move on parallel • Herpes
planes to ensure optimal penetration of tissues, • Eczema
stimulation of the immune system and more effec- • Atopic Dermatitis
tive healing. 95% of BIOPTRON Light’s polarization is
• Acne & Psoriasis
generated by ‘Brewster’s mirror’; this multi-layered
• Acne Rosacea
optical system provides a consistent and steady
dose of light. • Skin Graft Healing
• Ulcers
All cells and body systems react to BIOPTRON • Venous Leg Ulcers (Stasis Ulcers)
Hyperlight, promoting and accelerating the healing • Decubitus (Pressure Ulcers)
process. BIOPTRON light is UV-free and has no • Gum Disease
known side effects. • Cold Sores (Herpes Simplex)
• Increase Cellular Metabolism
• Stimulate Regenerative and Reparative
• Improve Microcirculation and Cell Activ-
• Regulate the Production of Specific Pro-
teins such as Collagen and Elastin
• Increase Immune Function
• Boost Energy
• Increase Motivation
• Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder
• Boost Mood
• Anti-Aging

BIOPTRON has a positive and long-lasting

effect not only on the treated area but on
the whole body.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 193

BIOPTRON Hyperpolarized Light (HPL) utilizes
the ‘miracle molecule’ Fullerene C60 to revolu-
tionize healing light technology.

The discovery of C60 in 1996 was awarded the

Nobel Prize in chemistry and opened a new
field of study and research in symmetric nano-
materials. This new arena of nanotechnology
and nanomedicine stimulated scientists and
engineers to discover multiple applications
for C60 such as new cancer treatments, light-
weight batteries, and powerful rocket fuels.

The Fullerene C60 nanophotonic filter acts as a

generator transforming the existing BIOPTRON
Vertically Linearly Polarized Light (VLPL) into
Hyperpolarized Light that has circular left and
right polarization and Linearly Vertical and
Horizontal polarization (“sunflower photons
pattern”). This unprecedented, perfectly-or-
dered Hyperpolarized Light, called Quantum
Hyperlight, with its unique photon pattern,
arranged by the Fibonacci Law, is the ideal
energy-structure/symmetry that is fully
compatible with our biostructures. HPL trans-
fers the energetic state of ideal harmony of
C60 into the body inducing harmonization
and equilibrium in energetically disturbed
biological structures thus accelerating natural
healing and regenerative processes.

PEMF therapy or Pulse Electromagnetic Field PEMF therapy is FDA approved for bone regen-
(PEMF) therapy has been used since the 1960s. eration, pain, headaches, sports medicine,
Today there are over twenty thousand reviews post-surgery, physical therapy, brain cancer,
and studies demonstrating the benefits of Regenerative Medicine, and neurological disor-
PEMF therapy. PEMF therapy replicates and ders such as depression.
amplifies the earth’s natural magnetic field
and natural frequencies. Offering a variety of intensities, the SENTIENT
ELEMENT is one of the most powerful and
Focusing on the root cause and healing at affordable PEMF hardware devices on the
the cellular level, PEMF facilitates healing and market.
re-energizes cells by boosting ATP, uncoag-
ulating the blood, charging the body with Ordinary or typical house wiring has a 15
bio-photons, and opening cell walls to facilitate amp or 20-amp circuit for the 120-volt North
the removal of waste and intake of nutritional American electrical systems. The Element is
ions through cell membranes. designed with a 2500-watt one-ohm stable
amplifier. A 20-amp house circuit is 2400 watts
NASA discovered that life would not exist which makes the Element more powerful than
without the earth’s natural magnetic fields. the largest 120-volt circuit in a home.
Studies also determined astronauts need the
earth’s magnetic field and frequencies for Operational Frequencies range from 7Hz to
bone growth and immune system support. 10,000Hz. The Earth coil is designed to work
The International space station is fitted with extremely efficiently from 7Hz to 2,500Hz.
PEMF devices for this reason. Other coil designs are available to work in
higher frequency ranges.

Measured with over 300 continuous Gauss

(or 150,000 Gauss if measuring the one-milli-
second pulse like competitors) is a 50/50 duty
cycle like a healthy natural earth field provides.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 195


Protect the eyes, optimize brain function and

improve mood with Tesla Hyper Lightwear!
Designed with a special Fullerene lens to trans-
form harmful wavelengths of light into more
beneficial light, Hyper Lightwear corresponds
precisely to the eye sensitivity spectrum and is
suited for both indoor and outdoor wear.

Tesla Hyperlight Eyewear protects against

harmful rays from natural and artificial lighting,
sunlight and the light from electronic devices.
Tesla Hyperlight Eyewear has the ability to Benefits:
decrease excessive sunlight, thereby protecting
the eyes or increase the missing energy of desir- Enhance Concentration, Attention and Memory
able wavelengths (from artificial light sources), Faster and Better Decision-Making
transforming harmful wavelengths into desir- Optimal Performance During Periods of Intense
able ones. Mental Overload
Increase Productivity and Efficiency
Tesla Hyperlight Eyewear uniquely optimizes Provide a Sharper Image (Even in Poor Light
the levels of serotonin (“happiness hormone”), Conditions)
dopamine (“pleasure hormone”), melatonin Reduce Light Scattering Inside the Eye
(the hormone responsible for sleep regulation) Improve Visual Acuity
and cortisol (stress hormone), bringing them Increase Contrast Sensitivity, Colour Intensity
into a natural balance that is crucial for mental and Reduce Reflection
and physical health. Eliminate Fatigue and Discomfort in the Eyes
Prevent the Blinding Effects of Sudden Bright
Promote Psychological Balance and Strengthen
CHILDREN Reduce Stress and Improve Mood
Reduce Anxiety, Depression and Aggression
Regulate Sleep Disorders and Significantly
Reduce the Consequences of Jet Lag
Increase and Maintain Energy Throughout the
Anti-Aging Effect on the Skin Around the Eyes
Prevent New Wrinkles Forming Around the Eyes
See more – Think Faster – Feel Better – Perform
At Your Best!

SmartGuard is a groundbreaking and highly
effective tool to protect against cumulative
EMF/EMR-induced stress associated with using
personal electronic communication devices. It
neutralizes the harmful effects of EMF (electro-
magnetic frequencies) and EMR (electromag-
netic radiation).

EMFs from cell phones manifest as regular

bursts of microwave radiation. EMFs from
computer monitors are saw-tooth shapes.
EMFs from AC-powered devices are sinusoidal.
Cells respond negatively to these electronic
fields, becoming stressed and inflamed.

Works effectively on:

• Bluetooth
• Cell phones
• Computers
• Cordless phones
• TVs
• Routers
• All wireless devices

SmartGuard will NOT affect the signal

strength of a cell phone.

Substantiated by more than 10 years of

research and testing in leading labs and institu-
tions, SmartGuard will maximize call safety and
provide peace of mind.

How it Works: SmartGuard superimposes a low

frequency ‘noise field’ on EMR that effectively
renders the EMR harmless.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 207

DOCOFDETOX CRYSTALS vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes,
EMF/EMR PROTECTION colors of the visible light spectrum, and
oxygen, along with the energies of the
sun and moon and frequencies to protect
Of everything that enters the body, only frequen-
from EMFs and 5G, into pure crystal
cies remain. The quality of these frequencies create
from Germany. Additional frequen-
either health or disease.
cies embedded in the crystals decalcify
the pineal gland and support emotional
The human body is electrical; there is a measurable
balance. These combined elements charge
aura surrounding the physical body. If the aura is
cells and support cellular life.
healthy, disease causing frequencies will not enter
the body. However, the majority of the popula-
tion does not have a healthy auric field and there-
fore cannot defend against disease-carrying and
immune-lowering frequencies. EMF and 5G are
extremely detrimental to the health and strength of
auric fields and thereby negatively impact health on
all levels.

Doc of Detox Crystals are intended to strengthen

the energetic and physical bodies. The Crystals
are created by programming the frequencies of DEFENDER GUARDIAN

CHILD SIZED PENDANTS are available in The newest addition to the make-up of these
Pink, Royal Blue & Teal crystals is the frequency to transmute harsh or
traumatic memories. Memories of the past bind
many people and keep them stuck. This newly
harnessed energy allows people to move forward
in a positive manner – to enjoy life, sleep sounder,
and create a beautiful future.

Body Guard: Protects a diameter of 40 feet.

Protector: Protects a diameter of 400 feet.
Guardian: Protects 50 acres. Protects 200 acres
when 2 Guardians are combined.
Defender: Protects 50 acres. Protects 200 acres
when 2 Defenders are combined.
The Defender is designed for large buildings, schools,
factories, etc.

Crystal Light Therapy is the SolRx E-Series concentrated and transformed into crystal
UVB-Narrowband full body system with quartz vitamin D light, works with the crystalline
crystal panels. SolRx E-Series UVB-Narrowband aspects of the body, including DNA, and has
full body system is the world’s only modular the power to transform and heal RNA.
Vitamin D light and can be expanded from a
low-cost 2-bulb entry level product all the way The E-Series Systems operate on a 120-volt,
up to a highly efficient and powerful multi 15-amp, 3-prong grounded power supply
directional wrap-around cabinet. You can start outlet, which is common in nearly all homes in
with just one Master device, establish that North America. Systems are also available for
the treatment will be effective for you, and customers with 220 to 240-volt supply power;
then purchase Add-On devices anytime in the please contact Solarc for more information.
future. All devices are shipped fully assembled
and are US-FDA and Health Canada compliant. Each device has two bulbs. Two crystal panels
are required to cover one device.
Recent research has found that 50% of adults
and children are deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin
D is important for optimal bone, cardiovas-
Benefits of Crystal Light Therapy:
cular, neuromuscular, and immune health.
Accelerated Healing on All Levels
Vitamin D actually functions as a hormone Advances DNA
– not a vitamin. A deficiency in Vitamin D is Heals and Repairs RNA
common, especially in the elderly, infants,
Reduces the Risk of Cold and Flu
people with darker skin and people who live at
higher latitudes or who get little sun exposure. Boosts the Immune system
As obtaining sufficient vitamin D from natural Helps to Prevent Cancer, MS and Diabetes
food sources and sun exposure alone can be Supports the Brain and Nervous System
difficult, it is recommended to supplement
Fights Depression
with vitamin D to meet daily needs.
Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease
Studies show that proper amounts of calcium Reduces Inflammation
and vitamin D, along with a balanced diet Aids in Weight Loss
based on whole plant foods, may reduce the
Maintains Healthy Bones and Teeth
risk of osteoporosis. Vitamin D3 is one of the
three pillars of immunity, along with Infinite Improves Muscular, Cardiovascular and Lung
Iodine and C60. Function

When pure quartz crystal panels are placed In this article from 1924, Dr. Bovie explores
in front of the Vitamin D Light (SolRx), the the benefits of ultraviolet light through quartz
frequency increases accelerating healing glass.
on all levels; the regular vitamin D light,


2 Crystal 4 Crystal
Panels Panels
Needed Needed

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 197


“Soon All of Us May

Live in Glass Houses,
Enjoying Good Health
to Ripe Old Age,
Under Beneficent
Influence of Healing
Ultra-Violet Rays
Admitted by New
Fused Quartz Glass.”
In this article, Dr. W. T. Bovie, professor of
biophysics at Harvard Medical School, tells of
remarkable experiments just concluded with
the new fused quartz glass, produced for the
first time six months ago by Dr. Edward R. Berry,
of the General Electric Company.

The virtue of quartz glass is that it transmits the

full strength of the sun’s rays and intensifies the
healing ultraviolet rays. Working with the baby
chicks, Dr. Bovie found the tendency to rickets
and bowlegs was virtually eliminated by the new Dr. W. T. Bovie
process of light induction.

Doctors, with quartz instruments, will “shoot” light rays into the hidden recesses of the body
and drive out the disease “glooms”. There will be more windows, healthy giving windows, in
our homes and workshops.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 199

Your home, your office
building, and your workshop
of tomorrow will probably be
blazing castles of sunlight; the
new science of crystal pane
technology. Slate roofs and
stucco walls will give way to
heavy glass enclosures; we
shall live in conservatories like
exotic blooms. Pure sunlight
filtering in, without any loss of
the curative ultraviolet rays,
will heal, scientists say, all of
our infir mities and preserve us
with an age as great as that of
Methuselah. Will man’s castle
of the future be a jeweled
palace of light where the sun,
led by science, will glitter
through, and heal all of his ills?
When the businessman of 1954
goes to his skyscraper offices,
will he pour over his desk only
to have the filter rays of the
sun seep through the windows,
building up his body as the
demands of civilization tear it
down? Will the food, which he
eats, be radiated with health-
giving light?

Aladdin gave the world of fairyland his magic Quartz, nature’s own glass, amazingly purified
lamp, famed in song and story. It has taken and made workable, is the composition
since the year 1924 to tender mankind a of that magic pane of which scientists are
magic windowpane, the wonders of which now conservatively submitting evidence
have only just begun to be revealed and and may yet revise man’s whole problem of
which bids fair to hold as many undreamed– living. Edward R. Berry, assistant director of
of gifts as the mystic will–o’–the-wisp taper of the Thompson Research Laboratory of the
the genie. General Electric Company, produced quartz
in quantities after he labored over it for ten
The first clear–fused quartz window ever long baffling years. This was hailed on all
made will be used by the Johns Hopkins sides as an accomplishment worthy to be
Hospital at Baltimore in the children’s written down with the great feats of science.
sunroom, where the little patients will be Swift on the heels of the announcement
given the benefit of the ultraviolet rays, which that an inventor, faithfully struggling for
the quartz glass admits. decades, had at last been able to fuse quartz
so that it might be generally used, came the
information that the first experiment with the
new product had been completed, and had
been entirely successful.

The experiments, not on human beings

but on baby chickens, were carried out at
the University of Maine by its president,
Clarence C. Little, and Dr. W. T. Bovie, Prof.
of biophysics in the Harvard Medical School,
in cooperation with the General Electric
Company. The experiments by Dr. Bovie
proved that, as had been forecasted, a new
fused quartz, manufacturing it’s miraculous
kind of sunshine which has concentrated
ultraviolet rays, can cure and heal and vitalize
where sunshine passing through an ordinary
window pane or natural sunshine itself has

Does mankind’s house of quartz glass hold

the answer to the riddle of the endless
ills that have always beset it? A time when
rickets, bowlegs and convulsions among
children; when tuberculosis, chronic tonsillitis
and rheumatism among old people might
be unknown, has already been forecasted.
Quartz surgical instruments will shoot light
and heat into inaccessible regions of the
human body, combating disease.

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 201

Briefly, fused quartz is the most transparent wondrous genie of Aladdin’s lamp might have
substance yet known to man. In the rough, given, but for just normal little bodies restored
it is just natural quartz crystal found freely in to come into the kingdom of childhood. The
the earth’s crust, although for the most part it window will be mounted in the children’s ward,
is vastly impure. But when fused and cleared where the little ones may be treated for that
of these impurities, it becomes so transparent common and pitiful disease of childhood,
that light rays will pass through a solid rod of rickets.
it at a bit more than a yard in length, with only
8 percent loss. It is really with rickets and bowlegs the
first published experiments with the new
Ordinary glass loses 65 percent of the commercially produced quartz glass have had
property which makes quartz stand out above to heal. Nine out of ten mothers believe, and
all other substances in its ability to transmit have always believed, that bowlegged children
ultraviolet rays, the healing chemical rays were the result of allowing the baby to get on
of the sun, which, strange to say, will not his feet and walk too early in life. The chick
conform with their brethren beams and pass experiments just completed at the University of
through ordinary glass. Maine, however, have shown that it is nothing
more or less than the lack of ultraviolet light.
These irreconcilables, do however, pass Two hundred and thirty-three chicks were
without argument through quartz glass. But kept on the identical diets and under identical
not only that, the ultraviolet rays transmitted conditions of cleanliness for a certain length
by the quartz have some mysterious of time, but some were treated with ultraviolet
beneficial action on a living organism. rays, some were allowed to run directly in the
sun and others got the sunlight after they had
The particular service, which Dr. Berry filtered through ordinary window glass.
performed for the human family, was to
discover a way to produce fused quartz Those, which lived in the sunlight under the
in such quantities so it might be generally windowpane, attained only one-fifth the weight
used. Quartz has been produced before, it of the others and died unless conditions were
is true, but it was so expensive that it would changed. Those that received natural outdoor
sell at a rate of $2,000 a pound. A fragment sunlight, strong ultraviolet rays from Cooper
of the fused quartz could only be produced Hewitt lamps, through fused quartz glass
at a price of infinite and uncertain labor. It grew faster than normal. Every chicken that
was a small wonder, then, that this product, received the sunlight only through window
almost wholly imported from abroad, sold at glass developed rickets. Not one of those
such a forbidding price and was of such poor subjected to the ultraviolet rays got the disease.
quality that commercially, it was of little or no The reason, pointed out by Dr. Bovie, is that
importance. ordinary window glass cuts off the ultraviolet or
invisible short length rays of the sun which are
It was a small wonder too, that the hospitals, essential to the growth of living things.
which wanted to install fused quartz windows,
that give tuberculosis sufferers the benefit of When sunlight is reflected from raindrops or
the ultraviolet light rays of the sun, despaired when it is passed through a prism of glass, it
of ever acquiring such panels. is separated into seven colors, the colors of
the rainbow. These colors always appear in
It seems fitting to say here that such a this order: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow,
window has just been completed for a orange, red. This array of colors is called the
hospital. The first magic windowpane in spectrum of the sunlight, and since the colors
existence has just been finished for the Johns are visible, the more specific name “visible
Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. Children may spectrum” is often used.
gaze at it and wish, not for gifts which the

“We recognize these rays
of the sunlight as ‘colors’
because of the sensation
which they produce in our
eyes. However, the seven
colors do not include all of
the rays which come from
the sun, for it is possible to
demonstrate by suitable
instruments that below the
red in the spectrum there
is an invisible light we do
not see, but feel as heat.
These rays are referred to
by scientists as ““infra-red”
or heat rays.

Scientists also know that

the spectrum contains
another kind of invisible
light which lies above
violet. They do not produce
any immediate sensation
when they fall on either our
eyes or our skin, but when
we expose the surface
of our bodies to them for
a sufficient length of time
they produce a painful
reddening of the skin,
which we call sunburn.
It will be seen, therefore,
that sunburn is not caused
by the heat, but by the
invisible ultraviolet rays of
the sun. Our body protects
itself from the sunburn
producing rays by tanning.”
The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 203
“The results of these experiments indicate that the artificial light used gave
out more curative ultraviolet rays than are contained in ordinary sunlight.
The chicks receiving only a few minutes exposure each day to the rays of
the Mercury vapor showed a more rapid formation of the bone than did the
chicks which were exposed to many hours each day to the rays of the direct
sunlight out of doors. While the chicks who received their sunlight only
through glass developed leg weakness.”

It was the purpose of the experiment.

Dr. Bovie points out, it was possible to supply these necessary

ultraviolet rays by means of artificial light.

The whole enormous problem of rickets,
not in chicks but babies, might be solved if
windows could be made of fused quartz to emit Ultraviolet rays have beneficial effects on
ultraviolet rays in the houses. But this would plants as well as animal life. A scientist
be a vast proposition. The General Electric treated not only his patient directly with
Company is not ready to discuss the possibility ultraviolet rays but also the food which was
of making windows of this type on a widespread given to the patient with the phenomenal
commercial scale so Dr. Bovie feels this solution rays obtaining much benefit. Milk also, Dr.
to rickets must remain somewhat in the future. Bovie said the scientist had reported, had
When asked whether the stimulation of bone been radiated with ultraviolet light and given
growth by ultraviolet rays might not go too far to children with beneficial results. The sun
and instead of merely curing rickets produce shining through quartz will make broken
a bony overgrowth or other bad effects, he bones heal more quickly. Gleaming down
answered: “No bad effects have been detected through such windows, it would cut down
so far, but such a thing is possible and we are the rate of infant mortality in the crowded
carryinging on experiments now to discover districts of our great cities. Peering in on the
a great deal more about the limitations and invalid basking in this sort of house of glass,
characteristics of ultraviolet light as a curative it would do much to restore health.
agent and a promoter of growth. The study of
the growing organism is something new, most That immense golden orb, the sun, is said to
of the advancement having been made in the hold all the secrets of life. Has man’s magic
last two or three years.” The need of caution window pane, wizard thing born in the time
in the use of ultraviolet rays was stressed by of civilization, now yielded the opportunity
Dr. Bovie, though use of the ultraviolet rays to move us to the ultimate shining goal of
is far from new. Way back in the days of the physical perfection?
Ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks, men
were finding benefit in sun baths, though their
chemical nature was unknown.

Scientist Finsen, of Copenhagen, succeeded

in curing a skin form of tuberculosis and in
showing beneficial effects in the treatment of
smallpox. Winning the Nobel Prize in 1893,
he gave the entire proceeds to founding the
tuberculosis hospital and in disseminating
knowledge of the ultraviolet rays properties.
However, the advent of the production of
quartz here in America has thrown the matter
into a great new important phase.

If the coming of this new unfamiliar material

merely made it possible for the ordinary
family to have the essence of sunlight, artificial
or natural, all year round, rain or shine,
regardless of the season, its benefits to the
general health of persons would be almost

The Perfect Day Advanced Practitioner Guide | 205

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