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Part 1 time line

My Past time table
I start classes in the 7:00 o clock
I leave schoolat 1 o clock
On Monday, Ihad spanish,History and Matematic
Whe I was a teen I hadMatematic

My duties in the past

I had to take guitar class
I had o take homework every week
My habits
I use to practice parkur and Now I practice soccer
I use to practice he draw and now I practice video games

My experience
I was a good student
I liked the art class
I studies high school in Guadalupe Yancuitlalpan in 2015

My achievements
I have a played soccer in the comunity
I have won aspelling bee in the high school
My duties in the present
I have to my home work on time and form
I must take workshops every moth at the end of semester
My Current Time Table
I have like clases online
I have Like study guitar
I have like Study matematic
I have not more free time

I am an studious teacher because I prepare my topic However sometimes I

forget some point
I am a curious teacher because I like to know and investigate, however my
curiosity has no limits

I will be an amizing teacher whit doctorate
Iwiil be a teacher in the university and higschool

Aspect Example Done?

Describe your past timetable. I had Maths from 9:00 to
Describe your duties in the I had to do my homework in
past. the afternoon.
Describe your experiences as I was an average student.
a student.
Describe your habits with I used to dance but now I do
used to. yoga
Describe your achievements I have won a spelling bee.
Describe your current Now, I have Ethics from 7:00
timetable. to 9:00
Describe your duties now I have to take classes online
Describe yourself as a I am an organized teacher
teacher. because I keep record of my
students. However, I
sometimes forget to call the
Describe your predictions for I will be a creative teacher.
Part 2

 I am an studious teacher because I prepare my topic However

sometimes I forget some point

 I am a curious teacher because I like to know and investigate, however

my curiosity has no limits

Part 3


Stephany Delgadillo Carmona teacher

Diego Catzoli Contreras Reporter


Hello, welcome day today the teacher Stephany Delgadillo Carmona accompanies us
Hello, Tanks for the presentation
OK let`s star with the questions
¿how did you do for write your thesis?
I did many efforts but I learned
What do you like about your job?
learn with my students
Have you the job you like?
Yes of course
Will teachers be left behind by technology?
It is a constant change and it is part of the evolution
Teacher could give us some of your experiences for the graduated teachers
of course
Don't forget to take roll at the beginning of the session, there are some students who
enter later
Remember to review the homework before starting the subject since there are some
students who are coping and the last
Review the topic that will be given in class because of the nerves they usually forget
important points
now tell us about some of your achievements to motivate students

one was when I got my master's degree
and the second at the end of the month I will get my doctorate

congratulations teacher

1 ¿Can you tell me how yuo prepare to teach?

Well you should investigate the subject and prepare an activity because it`s important
to stimulate them to learn
2¿How do you get your students top ay attention in class?
Well you should be more creative and n`t only dictate but make them think and
question themselves through games
Where do you like to work the most?
I have always liked working with high school youth.
Do they learn with your way of working?
Yes,a they like
well thank you for the time
see you soon
Aspect Done?
Presentación del
1 pregunta y respuesta
en past simple Check list for speaking
1 pregunta y respuesta proyect: Interview with a
en present simple teacher
1 pregunta y respuesta
en present perfect
1 pregunta y una
respuesta con will
3 oraciones en pasado simple
describiendo su experiencia
2 oraciones en present perfect
hablando de sus logros
1 pregunta en pasado simple
1 pregunta en present perfect
2 veces should
2 veces because
1 pregunta con verbo to be
1 pregunta en presente simple

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