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Вопросы для подготовки к


Theoretical questions
1. What are the four non-finite forms of the verb in English
There are four non-finite forms of the verb in English: the infinitive (to write), the
gerund (writing), participle I (writing), participle II (written)
2. Which verb categories do non-finites possess? Which do they lack?
Non-finite verb forms do not show tense, person or number. Typically they are infinitive
forms with and without to (e.g. to go, go), -ing forms and -ed forms (e.g. going, gone):She
tiptoed round the house so as not to wake anyone.

3. Like other non-finite forms of the verb the infinitive/the gerund/the participle has a double
nature. What features (characteristics) does it have?
4. As to its morphology, the infinitive/the gerund/the participle has the verb categories of … .
5. What are syntactical functions of the infinitive/the gerund/the participle?
the infinitive and the gerund perform the main syntactic functions of the noun, which
are those of subject, object and predicative. Participle I, II functions as attribute and
adverbial modifier, participle II as attribute.
6. Fill in the table below to show the system of grammatical categories of the infinitive/the
gerund/the participle.
Будет приведена таблица наподобие следующей. (Эти таблицы есть у Кобриной.)

Perfect Voice Active Passive


Non- to go
to take





7. What voice does participle II express depending on whether the verb is transitive or intran-

8.  What kind of construction is the objective with the infinitive / with participle I / with
participle II construction // the subjective construction with the infinitive?
The predicative complexes
 What does it consist of? Nominal part and the predicative part
 What is the relationship between its components?
 What is its syntactical function?  What verbs is the subjective/objective infinitival/par-
ticipial construction used with?  How should it be translated into Russian?  Give an exam-
ple of such a construction. (См. Кобрина, стр. 401-420.)

9. Будет Bonus question (+5%), содержание которого я раскрыть не могу, но мы

подробно и неоднократно обсуждали эту тему на занятиях.

Practical tasks

1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

2. Read the sentence: ……………………………………………….

Tick off the correct meaning of the phrase …………………… from the sentence.
Multiple choice:
…………………………………..  …………………………. ……... 
…………………………………..  ……………………………….… 
…………………………………. 

3. Use the Gerund or the Infinitive or Participle I or Participle II of the verbs in


4. Point out all the verbals in the sentences and comment on them.
Do not forget to indicate, if relevant, 1) the form of the verbal, 2) its syntactic function, 3) its time reference,
4) its position in relation to the headword, 5) the predicative relationship between the components of a con-
struction, 6) that the infinitive is bare and why, 7) that the verb is transitive / intransitive.

5. Translate the sentences into English using appropriate non-finite forms.

6. Будет еще один Bonus task (+5%), содержание которого я опять-таки раскрыть
не могу, но мы неоднократно делали такие упражнения на занятиях.

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