Things To Be Taken Care of When Translat

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Things to be Taken Care of When Translating Financial Texts

Many companies have clients from outside a country. Along with that, many companies that
provide services like software solutions and the likes. Such companies often outsource their
work or parts of their work to people from oar countries. All such collaborations are
common today. With these overseas business relationships comes a need for translations.

The first requirement is obviously translating the information about a company and its
product. This is important because this is the initial stage of communication between a
company and a client. Then comes the later communication regarding queries and doubts.
Once the business starts, there comes the matter of financial documents. A deal requires
contracts, account statements, invoices, records and such things related to the finances. It is
important to translate them accurately since finance is arguably the most important aspect
of any business. Therefore following things should always be given importance when finans
översättning i Stockholm:

 Numbers: Obviously, it is the most important thing in any financial document. It

should be monitored and rechecked that every number is written accurately and at
appropriate places. Also, punctuations should be given more attention. For example,
decimal point in English is ‘.’ but, it is ‘,’ in German. Similarly, any such differences
should be taken into consideration while översättning tyska till svenska.
 Terminologies: Different terms in finance have different meaning in different
languages. For example, in English when a company owes some amount to someone
or someone owes an amount to a company, the word used is ‘debt. But in French,
there two different words for this. Therefore terminologies should be translated
keeping in mind the intended meaning.
 Context: Financial translation should not be word by word. For example, the post of
a ‘controller’ in one language may be the post of a ‘supervisor’ in other. This context
needs to be checked.
 New terms: Technical and newly introduced terms may not have exact translation. In
such cases they the closest word that explain the term should be chosen. It is
recommended to ask översättningsbyrå för finans to do the translations related to
any financial documents.
 Short-forms: Sometimes financial terms in a country are abbreviated. But, these
abbreviations do not necessarily be followed in other countries. Hence, it is
important to understand the full forms of such abbreviations, and translate them

It is safe to say that any error in translation of financial document may cause substantial
damage to the business and reputation. Hence it is better to hire översättningsbyrå för
finans or other subjects, like Novoterm. This company offers field specific translators.

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