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Expt_04_TCL Hello world NL Lab Roll No:121A3024

Experiment 04–Tcl Hello World

Roll No. 121A3024

Name Shivani Lalwani
Class SE – IT (E2)
Subject NL Lab

LO Mapped LO3: ITL401.3 (Demonstrate and measure different network

scenarios and their performance behavior.)
Expt_04_TCL Hello world NL Lab Roll No:121A3024

Aim :
Introduction to Tcl Hello Programming.

Open a text editor and write the codes there and save it with .tcl file extension
Example: hello.tcl

Program :
set ns [new Simulator]
$ns at 1 "puts \"hello world\""
$ns at 1.5 "exit"
$ns run

Open the terminal and execute the hello.tcl by $ ns hello.tcl

Thus we have written our first tcl script and executed it successfully in ns2.

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